Adultery Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999

I took the juice and rushed back to Pooja. She was sitting nervously at the edge of the sofa , waiting for me.

“Here have some juice” I said casually, trying to restrain myself. My mind was churning and I really wanted to pop some questions to Pooja, but did not want to scare her, or rush her.

I wanted to be patient with her and wanted to cushion the shock for her.

“Thanks Aryan, I really needed it” she smiled , as she sipped the juice slowly.

I looked at this vulnerable beauty and began thinking of a way to put some uncomfortable questions to her.

“Pooja I want to ask you something,…… would you answer truthfully?”. I asked her in a tone that conveyed my seriousness.

She gazed at me with those lovely big eyes and looked clueless.

“What is it that you want to ask me, Aryan. You know that I will never lie to you”. She said.

“Look Pooja, please don’t misunderstand me, but the question, …..rather the questions are very personal and might not look appropriate coming from me.

But I want you to trust me completely on this. I love you immensely and I do not want you to ask me anything till I 've convinced myself. Then I will tell you myself….what its all about…I promise”

She looked at me again as if trying to gauge my motive, but I could see and feel that she loved me more than anything else and trusted me immensely.

She nodded her head as if to ask me to go on, but looked very apprehensive.

“Look princess I will ask you something that is very private…..very personal…and sensitive…’s difficult even for me to ask you about it but as I said…please trust me. Whatever I’m doing is for both of us.”

She nodded “I trust you Aryan….I trust you more than I trust myself. Go on ask me anything you want to ask”

I looked directly in her eyes and said “ Pooja …..I want to know….. about your sex life with Yash”.

As soon as I spoke these words…I felt a pang of deep shame and embarrassment. I did not want it to sound as it sounded…..I did not want to look a prude…and an interfering bugger… but I had to clear my doubts… suspicion.

She looked shocked at first and I could see a fleeting sense of hurt in her eyes. But then she composed herself…as if trying to come to terms with my question…trying to search some motive…but she did not question me back. She just lowered her eyes and said

“What is it that you want to ask Aryan”.

I gently took her hand and covered it with both my hands. I then lifted her chin….and looked straight in her eyes and whispered. “Don’t misunderstand me princess….I know what you are thinking…but believe me its not like that……I love you to the core….and I will make you mine no matter what….but I have a motive which I will tell you afterwards… me”

She nodded slowly….and I gently brought my lips to hers and kissed her full on the lips.

This calmed her a little…..and she seemed to relax….but was worried none the less.

I slowly withdrew away and again looked in her eyes. Then I asked “ Pooja, please tell me how was Yash in bed with you. Was he normal……I mean……err….did you two have a normal sex life…….I do not want the details but a general idea”.

She looked at me very surprised….rather slightly shocked….and I thought that she was still hurt at my query….but her expressions suggested something else…as if she was speechless by my question. She lowered her eyes and said.

“ Look Aryan, I do not know why you are asking me all this…...but ….I will tell you…..I don’t know……how to say…..but…me and Yash …did not have a normal sex life….”

I nodded … “Go on…. please”

I mean….I don’t know how to express myself……but from the very first day….I could feel…..that ..its not normal…….something was amiss…..the feeling….the intimacy…..the emotions……nothing was as I had expected it to be.

Although he was always caring and concerned…..and seemed to love me…but he would always avoid those …….intimate moments….and whenever ……we had…… was always as if he was somewhere else….not with me…..I tried to talk…to him about it…but he would always……give an excuse…….I was always blaming myself……I thought that I was lacking somewhere and… could not….ignite that ……passion in him……” and with that I could feel her voice go heavy…as if trying to swallow a lump… her throat…..the music was getting louder in background…but I held on to her words…like a magnet to iron

I held my hand out and put a finger on her lips….. “ Shhhh… no more…nothing more to explain….I understand…..and…….don’t worry princess…its none of your fault….none at all.” I whispered.

Then I took her face in both my hands and looked at her lovingly. I wanted to hug her tightly…to hold her in my arms……to hide her from the world…..but I just continued looking at that angelic face of hers.

I had guessed that much……that explained a lot of things…….like why Pooja was attracted to me……why she fell in love with me…….the passion in our love making…..the hidden hunger to be loved …and loved completely…….

Now my suspicion was taking some shape of reality….and I wanted to be absolutely sure before I went further……Now was the time to find out what was Yash up to……..
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RE: Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-06-2019, 07:26 PM

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