Adultery Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999

I waited impatiently for Pooja to turn up. I wanted desperately to talk to her….to comfort her….to show her that she should not feel ashamed of what happened…because I believed that whatever happened was destined to happen….nobody can change that…and I believed that it was pure love than mere passion.

The door bell rang and I was immediately brought out of my thoughts. The strange excitement again enveloped me. Though I had left her alone only for a few moments….it felt ages since I saw her…or talked to her.

Her vulnerability was drawing me more and more towards her. What had started as pure lust……was now transforming into deep love for her.

I went to the door and opened it slowly. There standing in front of me was the most beautiful face I had come to know so well in the last two days. She stood there.. fidgeting

And as soon as she saw me…she lowered her eyes.

I smiled and stood aside….letting her enter inside. I slowly closed the door behind her. She looked at me with those deep innocent eyes….

“Ar..yan…..what has …..” she started but before she could complete the sentence …I do not know what took over me …..I couldn’t control myself and I took her in my arms and sealed her lips with my own… all the nervous energy and all the restrained passion broke loose as I crushed her body to mine .
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RE: Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 10-06-2019, 07:21 PM

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