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Adultery পিপিং টম অ্যানি
(15-09-2023, 12:30 PM)দত্তাত্রেয় বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় Wrote:
I can understand the tussle between two men over a love interest, it is indeed also true that unfaithfulness is a menace to the human civilization since ancient time. Many advocates it while many denies it. Not just in patriarchal society but in matriarchal society as well. 
But my question is, whether the wife should bad mouthed her husband in front of her lover? Does her bed partner is more important than her life partner? Not just in case of wife but it's also applied to the unfaithful husband as well. Yes in this age of information, we have seen news on wife kills her husband for her lover or vice versa but I personally never be able to enjoy it, I think it's somewhat cruel and remorseful. However since you are saying this stories are made with life based incidents I assumed it's not a mere fantasy but a truth in disguise, in that case it is seriously confront us with a more serious question, are we the apex creature of this world, is, seriously better than insects? What morale does we have or more importantly does the word Love or affection has any meaning to us? It's my earnest request to dear professor, to show me her stand on ethics and love throughout her next updates on this saga. May be it will allow me to understand life in a more meaningful way and I might be able to accept thigs as how they are. Think me as one of your tutee and enlighten me.

Warm Greetings!

এক ''দাড়ি-বুড়ো'' এই চিরন্তন-জিজ্ঞাসার উপর সন্ধানী-আলো ফেলেছেন অনেক আগেই  - ''রোগের মতন বাঁধিব তোমারে দারুণ আলিঙ্গনে / মোর যাতনায় হইবি অধীর , আমারি অনলে দহিবে শরীর / অবিরাম শুধু আমি ছাড়া আর কিছু না রহিবে মনে....''  -  এর পরে আর কিছু বলতে চাওয়া-যাওয়াকে একটি শব্দেই চিহ্নিত করা যায় - 'অর্বাচীনতা' !! - সালাম পন্ডিতপ্রবর জনাবজী ।
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RE: পিপিং টম অ্যানি - by kumarss - 24-12-2019, 08:10 PM
RE: পিপিং টম অ্যানি - by sairaali111 - 15-09-2023, 05:56 PM

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