Adultery Chapter One - The Erotic Party with my wife
Thanks for the encouragement guys. Here's the next update, please do let me know if you liked it

Nude bath in open

This went on for 25 more minutes and we all got tired so Michelle and Nicole suggested we better be going back now. We all agreed and held each other to support while we walk back. This time it wasn’t just holding hands rather we held each other’s waist instead. Michelle was at the centre with Surya on the right and Pierre on the left. Pierre was holding me on his left and Surya was holding Nicole. It just seemed like Nicole was Surya’s wife and I was Pierre’s wife. Anyone watching us would think so as Pierre was holding me so close that my entire right side of the body was stuck to him including my right exposed boob. Same with Nicole, Surya ensured her entire right side including her right boob is stuck to him.

As we started to walk towards the shore I realised more and more of my body was getting exposed. My heart skipped a beat when I realised that, I would soon be walking nude on this very beach. So far I was able to hold on to my bra and panty but now I am fully naked. My bra was torn by Pierre and panty removed by Michelle and it’s gone deep inside the ocean. Right now I was protected by water but as we walk out of the ocean to the shore I will be naked. That thought brought up a shiver in me. There wasn’t any choice now I had to face it. As we started to walk back the water level started to decrease and my exposure level started to increase. At one point most of my boobs except for the nipples was above the water and fully exposed. Few steps more and my nipples came out of water, I just closed my eyes when that happened, I couldn’t take the embarrassment. We walked further and my whole boobs came out of water fully open for anyone to see. I couldn’t even cross my arms to hide as Pierre was holding my left hand and Michelle was holding my right one. I never ever felt so exposed in my entire life as I was feeling then. Few more steps and my navel came out and few more my pubic space. I just wanted to stop everyone and just sit inside the water there to hide my naked body. But that wasn’t an option, how long could I sit like that? My bra and panty were gone, they are not going to come back even if I sit here the whole night. The only option I had was to quickly go back to the bungalow and wear my clothes back so I just closed my eyes and continued to walk. It didn’t take long to get my pussy exposed and then thighs and then knees after that nothing mattered. As soon as we were out of water I literally ran towards the chairs we were sitting, I also somehow managed to get away from Michelle’s firm grip on my hand. I had only taken few steps when Michelle called me loudly and said, wait, we need to wash off this salty water before we go back otherwise it will damage the skin. Pierre pulled me towards him to stop me. I just paused there as if contemplating. What would be better? Shall I run to the room like this naked or just hear to this teenage girl? After all I didn’t want to damage my skin, would I? I paused for few seconds and looked back to Michelle and asked, “let’s just wash ourselves out at the bungalow?” To which she said, the water will evaporate by the time you reach your bungalow and the salt will settle down on your skin and damage it “. I got convinced with that and agreed. “Ok where do we wash ourselves?” Michelle pointed me to the open wash area on the right side. I was now really shocked, does this girl really wants me to take a shower here in the open, where everyone can see us? I couldn’t decide but Pierre just dragged me to this open shower area. We reached that absurd place but couldn’t go in as a French couple were already cleaning themselves I mean bathing in open. We stood there for them to finish as we didn’t have any choice. I saw this French couple, must’ve been in their early twenties were taking their sweet time to wash each other off the salt water. They were rubbing each other’s bodies with their hands as if they had the imaginary soap in it.  They also “washed” their private parts with the imaginary soap while we all were watching them from within inches. Finally in another 5 minutes they finished their washing and stepped out. I just jumped in without waiting for anyone as I wanted to get it over with and run to the bungalow to hide my nudity from others. Just then Surya suggested we should pair up and wash so it’s faster and we don’t block others. At first it seemed like a good idea, I thought Surya would come in along with me and I will be able to hide myself behind him but to my surprise he gestured Pierre to get in. I was again shocked what the fuck? why does he want this stranger to wash me in this open bathroom? Why can’t he come in? Pierre jumped in and started to rub my body all over with his bare hands. He brushed my face, neck, boobs, navel, pussy, thighs, bum and my entire back with his palms, he also made me rub all over him including his dick and balls. We both came out of this fucking open shower and Surya immediately jumped in with Michelle and Nicole. Now I understood why he made me shower with this old man Pierre, he wanted to feel the naked bodies of his wife and daughter hence he gave away his beautiful consecutive Indian house wife to this old French man.

Surya took decent time to feel every inch of Michelle’s young and firm body and Nicole’s decently shaped body in the name of cleaning, the mother and daughter also took their sweet time to wash off my husband with their tender hands and fingers roaming all over his body including his dick and balls. Nicole even went a step ahead she even inserted her fingers into Surya’s ass crack and cleaned out his ass hole in the process. All this while Pierre was side hugging me with his one hand wrapped around my waist and half of my body including my right boob crushed into him on one side. Finally in another 5 mins this embarrassing shower came to an end and we all started to walk back to the the chairs we were seated before.

Staying with this nude family

I was finally able to cover myself. As soon as we reached the chairs I took my petticoat and wore it in such a way it was covering me fully from my chest to my knees. Surya was furious with me covering my body but didn’t say anything. Instead Pierre turned towards us and said “well Surya and Paadmaa, we really had a great time with you guys, we better get started to the mainland now it will be night by the time we reach Paris.” Surya was visibly disappointed with that, he turned towards Pierre and asked “why don’t you stay here, it would be fun to hang out for next couple of days we are here” Pierre said “we would love to but we are not able to get any hotel this week so we must go” to which Surya suggested, even without consulting me “ why don’t you stay with us? We have a spare bed you can take if that’s ok with you?” I was really stunned with that suggestion from Surya. How could we all sleep in same room? Also where will Michelle sleep we only have 2 double beds? All these thoughts were going on in my head when Pierre said “Surya, that’s so nice of you but we don’t want to trouble you guys, you enjoy this beautiful island, we will leave “ “don’t worry we are locals here we will come back again next season “. “Yes I agree you can come back anytime you want but we won’t be there when you come next time so I request you to stay with us and let’s enjoy each other’s company”. That was Surya begging Pierre to stay. I was still perplexed to how could we all share the same room? Though there were 2 double beds in the bungalow there was no partition between the beds, it was literally a single bedroom with 2 beds.

Pierre discussed with his family in French. Michelle and Nicole both were visibly giving their consent without hesitation. Pierre like me didn’t have a choice to accept Surya’s offer. “Ok Surya, we will stay, but I would like to apologise upfront to you and your wife for the inconvenience we may cause you both.”

“Yes off course, how could you barge in to stay with a married couple in a studio type bungalow?” Then I realised they really don’t know how is our place so no point blaming them. But Surya continued to insist and finally Pierre obliged. “Ok fine Surya, we agree to stay tonight but we will leave tomorrow evening for sure.” To which Surya gladly accepted. We then started to wind up and take all our belongings and within no time we all were walking back to our bungalow.

All we had to do was to cross over the road and we reached our bungalow. Surya took the key from the lockbox and opened the door, we all 5 naked souls except me who was naked inside but had worn the petticoat to hide my naked body. Surya showed them around while I was thinking of how am I going to change into my night dress, I surely can’t be walking around like this only on my petticoat in front of our guests. “Come guys I will show you the best part of the house “ and grabbed Michelle’s hand and guided her to the lift. “Paddu, you want to join us?” Surya asked but I immediately declined as a brilliant idea just stuck me. I can change when these guys are at the terrace that way I can avoid 4 pairs of eyes watching me change. I felt proud of myself with that thought. The lift is a bit smaller for 4 people to fit in but Surya somehow squeezed everyone in, I could see their naked bodies stuck to each other as the lift door closed. Ufff I took a sigh of relief as soon as they left. Untied my petticoat and looked around for our bags. Surya had kept them inside the wardrobe I found the bags but had no idea where were the keys. I looked everywhere for the keys and after almost 10 mins of searching I finally found them in Surya’s shorts. All along I was running naked around the house while keeping an eye on the lift to check if they had come back from terrace. I finally opened the bag and took out my panty, bra and a full length night gown. I immediately put on my bra and just when I was wearing my panty the lift started to come down. I somehow tried to pull up the panty but in no time lift came down and the doors opened. Michelle let out a big laugh when she saw me in that state, indeed I was really looking funny with one of my leg in the panty and other one in the air and stuck on the half way up panty. My pussy was bare for all of them to see. Everyone joined Michelle and started laughing at my state. My face became red with embarrassment and I just pulled up the panty somehow managing to push my other leg in. By this time Michelle had come to me and grabbed my night gown and started to inspect it. “Wow what is this? Looks like a gown? Are you going somewhere Paadmaa?” She asked, in the meanwhile I had put one of my palm on my bra covered boobs and the other one on my panty covered pussy to hide them from being visible to them. I said “no that’s my night gown.” Then Surya interjected and said “come on paddu you can’t be serious? Here we all are standing naked and you want to wear night gown? That’s not fair, Michelle throw that night gown to me” Michelle did exactly that and Surya took it and pushed it back into the bag. I was still standing in the same position as I was really shocked at Surya’s statements. So he wants me to walk around the house only in bra and panty in front of these strangers? I never did that even when we both were alone at home. I protested “I can’t do that Surya, I am too shy for that” he didn’t listen to me and started to explain me in Telugu our mother tongue. Our guests were looking at us perplexed and Nicole interrupted our argument and said “it’s ok Surya Paadmaa is feeling shy in front of us, I feel bad that your fun is spoilt because of us, Pierre, Michelle let’s go back, let them enjoy their privacy.” I could see she was mad at our arguments, I immediately stopped them and said “sorry Nicole that’s not what I meant I am in general a very shy person, but it’s ok I will do as Surya suggested, please don’t leave, I am sorry.” Saying that I took my hands off my chest and pussy to fold in front of me in a sorry pose. Michelle just jumped up and said “hurray so we are finally staying here, I am taking that corner bed. With that the atmosphere in the room became normal and we all laughed. 
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