Adultery Chapter One - The Erotic Party with my wife
Sorry for the delay guys, here's the next part enjoy and please don't forget to leave your comments

Known Visitors - The Strange Family

We both were lost in our own little wonderland that’s when we heard someone tapped on Surya’s shoulders and said “Hey Surya how are you?” We both looked back to see who it was. What a surprise it was Pierre with a broad smile on his face. We both were shocked to see him, Surya got up to shake hands with him saying “ what a pleasant surprise, how come you are here?” “You didn’t say you were coming?” “I know, it wasn’t planned until yesterday but when we heard of your plan yesterday at the club we felt like visiting this beautiful place as well so we just came along for a day, we will go back in the night” “that’s great, we could have come together, anyways why do you want to go back tonight?” Surya asked to which Pierre replied, all the places are booked here its a peak season now so no place to stay you see?” “Oh I see, you came alone?” Surya asked again. Pierre said “No Nichole and Michelle are here as well, there they are” he showed us where they were sitting. They were sitting little farther from us towards the road, Michelle and Nichole were sleeping on the beach chairs under the large beach umbrellas. They waved at us, we waved back. “Come join us” Pierre said. I looked at Surya to gesture him to decline but he didn’t even look at me and said “why not!, Paddu lets go” I looked at him with a shock, “How could I come like this?” Was the meaning of my look. He just ignored my question and just held my arm and tried to help me get up. I didn’t want to embarrass him so slowly got up being very well aware that my exposed body in just the bra and panty will be fully visible to Pierre who was standing just inches from us. I couldn’t have hidden my assets using my hands like how I did before as that would have been very rude so as soon as I got up I just went behind Surya so as to hide my nudity from Pierre who btw was was standing fully naked in front of us. We gathered our stuff and walked over to the place where Nichole and Michelle were relaxing on the beach chairs. While we were walking lot of people were looking straight at my exposed skin, some were admiring the beautiful shinny brown skin of a young Indian housewife. I just walked faster to end this embarrassment soon and almost ran towards Michelle and Nichole.

Michelle came straight to me and hugged me tight by giving me kiss on my lips. This had become a routine now. I felt what’s wrong with this girl she keeps kissing every time. She also hugged Surya this time, I noticed Surya’s dick jumped with excitement when she crushed her teenage boobs on his chest and gave him a kiss on his cheek, though he was disappointed that she didn’t kiss him on the lips but he was happy she was hugging him tight crushing her whole body on him. Needless to say she was nude as well like Surya so I could see this young 18 year olds full nude back in that bright sunlight while she was tightly hugging my hubby and placing her boobs on his chest, her flat tummy on his muscular tummy and her pussy on his balls. Surya’s dick was crushed by her belly even her thighs were touching Surya’s thighs. This was way more than a friendly hug. Her smooth white skin was looking really sexy on Surya’s brown skin. Her bum was firm, well shaped and of right size as any young girl would have. I was getting a bit jealous now but decided to let go. Nichole came to me she also gave hug but a friendly one and a peck on my cheek. “You look beautiful Paadmaa” “but why are you wearing that bra and panty, just take it off” “shall I help you?” I just stepped away from her fearing she might unhook my bra and said “No no I am fine” “Sorry I feel shy being like this in open” I said looking down. “Aah I understand, I was like you when I came here first, It took me at least few hours to strip down” “No worries take your time”. “Thanks!” I said and looked at Surya, he was still hugging Michelle and feeling every inch of her young body. I just tapped him on the shoulder as it was getting a bit embarrassing. He got to his sense and left Michelle, she reluctantly broke the hug  and moved away from Surya. Nichole again gave Surya friendly hug and a peck and said “glad we found you guys, we were not sure as this is a big place and you see its very difficult to recognise people when everyone is nude you see?” We all laughed at her joke, even I laughed at the nude joke. When Surya saw me laughing at a joke mentioning nudity he was happy that I was getting used to this nudity. And he was right, I was happy we met someone known and specially Michelle, she really soothed my burning pussy last night by licking all over my pussy area. I was really grateful to her. I was also not trying to hide my nudity in front  of Pierre, Nichole and Michelle one because they were all nude secondly they all seemed so familiar though we had only met them last night, it just felt like we have met some family friends.

“Come take a seat” Pierre said and that’s when we realised there were only 3 chairs and we were 5 people in all. Pierre understood our dilemma and said “its ok, I will share the chair with my daughter, you both take my chair saying that he went and occupied Michelle’s chair and Michelle went and sat next to her dad. While Pierre was lying on the chair Michelle sat on the side facing our chair. Her nude bum was touching her dads mid-rift area. They all seemed cool about all this. I was shocked to know that a teenage daughter is sitting nude touching her father who was laying nude. Wow this is a strange family I thought. Now Surya dragged me to the empty chair and we both somehow lied on that. Half of my semi nude body was on his nude body. It was getting little uncomfortable for me so I got up to sit like Michelle instead of lying back. Surya said “hold on lets lye down on the side then we both will fit it” that was a good idea I agreed and we both lied down on our sides. I was on the side facing Michelle and Pierre and surya was behind me, hugging me tightly from behind. His open dick was poking my bums and one of his hand came around and grabbed my right boob. I just pushed his hand away and hit him with my elbow. Michelle laughed loudly at that and said “Brilliant, I am tired of sitting like this, Dad get on your side I want to lye down as well. I was shocked again with what she said. Is she going to sleep nude besides her nude dad, while he is hugging her and his open dick poking at her nude bums? Unbelievable!, Surya just sneaked his head out to look at that scene and I was looking at her with a shocking look. She didn’t care did exactly that, lied down on the side just like me while Pierre hugged her from behind and placed his hand on on of her boob. Not only that he also kissed her neck saying “My darling!” I was spell bound and Surya’s did was harder than a rock now and almost burried in my panty covered bum. He tried to sneak it in from the side of the panty but I pushed him away so he just enjoyed rubbing his hard dick on my bum and hugging me tightly. He again brought is hands in the front to fondle my breasts, this time I didn’t object. Looking at the scene in front of me where a matured father was fondling his young daughter’s boobs right in front of the strangers like us by hugging her from behind. I am sure his dick would be rubbing Michelle’s bums and she could undoubtedly feel it behind her. Nichole was watching all this and just laughing as if it was some kind of a joke. I couldn’t believe my eyes and was still in a state of shock. Surya was taking this situation to his advantage, he sneaked his hand inside my bra and was now fondling my right boob. He moved to my left boob leaving my right boob. Due to his fondling my bra on the right boob got little misplaced whereby exposing it from the bottom as well as at the top. Most of my right boob was now exposed except for the nipple area. He gave the same treatment to my left boob where by exposing that as well like right one. Michelle, Pierre and Nicole all could see my more than half exposed boobs now. I was fully aroused now, Pierre continued to fondle Michelle’s breasts he was moving from right to left to right freely as they were open and not tied into bra like mine. This went on for sometime and perhaps Nicole thought the whole atmosphere was getting little heated up so she got up and asked “who wants to go for a swim” I came to my sense with that. Surya’s hand was still inside my bra which I pulled out immediately. I said “I want to” and got up immediately, I was kind of worried that Surya might just fuck me there in front of all these people if I don’t break away from him now. He was really getting horny, I was as well getting horny looking at Michelle and Pierre in that state so had to break all this soon so I agreed for the swim immediately. Nicole said “Great, lets go, surya, Michelle, Pierre you don’t want to come?” Everyone said yes and got up. Just when we were about to walk towards water Nicole asked me “Are you seriously going to swim with your bra and panty on?” “Won’t they get wet?” I said “yes they will but I am too shy to remove them, I am fine lets go” she just raised her eyebrows in a “Whatever??” Gesture and started to walk towards the water. I adjusted my bra brought it back to its decent position and started to walk behind her followed by Pierre, then Michelle and then Surya. I knew why Surya waited for Michelle to go first, he wanted to enjoy Michelle’s swinging bums while she walks hence he let her go ahead of him. I thought even Pierre would be getting a sexy view of my swinging bums but mine were still covered in panty so I was better off. I felt a little proud of that, that I was still able to hold off to my bra and panty so was not feeling shy now walking in those and letting Pierre enjoy the view of my swinging bums.
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