Adultery Chapter One - The Erotic Party with my wife
Thanks for the encouragement guys. Here's the concluding part of the club but don't go anywhere next adventure at French nude village "Cape De Agde" coming up next. The Cape adventure is much more erotic I promise! so keep reading and commenting...

Strange Family

While that 18 year old girl was still licking my pussy, btw, she had extended licking to my thighs and lower belly just below my belly button, Surya leaned over me and said, “Paddu, my darling, I love you for being such a sport today babe” “you have been fabulous today, without you being so nice I wouldn’t have been able to fuck that French hotee Sophia” I just smiled then I realised I couldn’t hear any of them Steve, John or Sophia so I immediately opened my eyes and asked him “Where did they go?” To which he said “They got a call from home something happened which needed their attention so they had to leave in a rush” “They apologised and specially asked me to say goodbye to you and also they said they really enjoyed our company and wanted to gift us something” I again raised my eye brows in a “What gift?” Gesture. “They have a holiday home in some island and they asked us to spend sometime in there, normally they airbnb it but they offered it free to us” “Seems that island is really special and they insisted we must go”. I heard all that Surya said but was too tired to decide either ways hence I postponed the decision by saying “We will see, now lift me up I need to pee badly and also order some nice drink for me, I am thirsty as well”. While saying that I politely tapped on the young girl licking my pussy. “Its fine dear thank you so much, you are a gem” and gave her a smile while getting up as Surya helped me to rise up. I tried to find my cloths all I could find is my top and the skirt, there was no sign of my panty anywhere. I just pulled over my top without bothering to hook it I slid my skirt up after stepping into it. I was feeling weak at my knees but somehow managed to wear my cloths and started to walk towards the bathroom, I was still sore in my pussy due to the heavy fucking I got from Steve and John so was walking a bit slower to avoid more friction in my groins. Thinking of Steve, Sophia and John, I felt good about their nice gesture to offer us their holiday home, felt a bit special. If the island is so special we should visit it. I decided to convey my decision to Surya but that was for later I had to pee so badly so went into the bathroom as soon as I saw one free. Again these bathrooms were gender neutral all Men and women used the same loos and there were no doors yet again on the bathrooms. It was strange watching men pee in front of us while we were peeing in the cubicles. Inspite of all that had happened so far in that club I was still feeling shy lifting my skirt up and peeing in front of all these men and women in doorless bathroom. Given my situation I had no choice so I slowly lifted my skirt knowing very well that people behind me were able to see my naked bum, turned around to give them glimpse of my well shaven and fucked pussy and sat on the WC and started to Pee. It took me full 2-3 mins to finish peeing, all the love juices along with my fresh pee came out gushing from my pussy like a fountain. Finally I finished peeing in that open bathroom and came out quickly. All this while I totally forgot that I had not hooked by bra and along with my naked pussy I had also given a show of my boobs dangling inside my open blouse off course some parts of my boobs were still covered by the hanging blouse at the front.

By the time I came back to our beloved sofas, Surya had kept my drink ready and was chatting with few people. I noticed Surya was talking to a middle aged couple and that 18 year old girl. By this time people had started to leave the club and the sofas we had occupied earlier were still vacant. As soon as I reached Surya introduced me to those people. He said “Paddu, here meet Mr Pierre and his wife Mrs Nichole and their daughter “Michelle”. I said “Hi’ I am Padma” “Surya’s wife” and gave them a closer look. Pierre was average built middle aged man could be somewhere around 50-55, his wife must be around 45ish and that Michelle was definitely not more than 18-19. She was the same girl who was licking me all over to clean me up after my satisfying fuck session with Steve and John. I recognised her and gave her a thank you smile again. What was surprising to me was that Pierre was only wearing an underwear and nothing else, Nichole was in decent but transparent bra and panty but Michelle was stark naked, nothing on her at all. Everyone were chatting with us casually as if nothing was wrong. I was also shocked to know that these middle aged couple had come with their teen aged daughter to this place. It was all very bizarre for me to digest so I just took my seat on the sofa while sipping my drink. Nichole sat next to me saying “so your husband tells me that you are from India?”. I said “yes, we came here to visit Paris”and gave us a smile. “So first time here?” She asked again. “I cleared my throat and said “huh! Yes, first time indeed” she probably was searching for the next question for me that’s when Surya said to Mr Pierre “why don’t you take a seat? Let me grab a chair for you” and without waiting for his response he went ahead and pulled him another single seater sofa and gestured him to sit while he himself took the same old lucky seat where he had fucked Sophia mercilessly.  

Now Pierre sat opposite to me and Nichole while Surya was on our right side. I was seated on the side that was closer to Surya and Nichole was on my left on that tiny Sofa. Just then we all realised we forgot Michelle was there as well and none of us offered her a seat. Surya got up to offer his seat to Michelle by saying “Oh sorry Michelle totally forgot about you, come sit here, I will find another chair for me” but Michelle laughed and said “no need I have my chair right here you see” and pointed at her dad to which Pierre laughed and said “common my darling, I know you love this chair more than anything” to which both Nichole and Michelle laughed and what I saw next was beyond shock for me. Michelle went straight to her dad and sat on his lap, naked! Her naked thighs were touching her father’s thighs she was resting her head on Pierre naked chest so I was sure her full bare back was touching him in the front. Her naked bums were crushing old mans dick. He casually put his hands on her lap while chatting with us “She loves to sit on me you see” to which myself and Surya forced a smile on our faces but still stunned at what we were watching.

To change to topic or to make it more normal, Surya said “BTW Padma I was telling about Cape De Agde to Pierre and he said we must go, its the best place to visit in France” I said “what agde?” “Oh sorry the island where Steve has that holiday home? Its called Cap De Agde” I said “oh that one” “yes lets go”. Then Pierre interrupted “yes, yes Surya and Paaadmaa, You guys must go, its the only nude village in the world” I said “sorry did you say nude?” Surya interrupted and said “No no that’s not what he meant was the best beaches are there” “Beautiful village isn’t it Pierre?”. Pierre looked a bit confused but perhaps didn’t want to get in-between Husband wife tussle so just kept quiet and smiled.

I gestured Surya and said “Surya we must be leaving now, its already late and if we have to go tomorrow we have to pack our bags and checkout early tomorrow?” “He said yes yes that’s right Paddu lets get going” and stood up by addressing to Pierre and family “It was nice meeting you Mr Pierre, Nichole and Michelle, hope to see you again”. “Same here Surya and Padma” and all of them got up to say goodbye to us. We exchanged hugs and pecks and started to leave. I noticed Surya squeeze that young girl’s bums while giving her goodbye hug and Pierre was  feeling my boobs on his chest while hugging me. Michelle was her usual bubbly self and came and gave me a mouth to mouth kiss to say goodbye. I just laughed and left. While coming up the stairs Surya noticed my open blouse, while helping me put the hook back he said nice people he?” “I saw what you did to that poor teenage girl, you perverted fella” to which he said “Common Padma, can’t believe you are jealous of that after all we have done here tonight”. I just laughed and took the stairs and got out of that club. On our way out the same perverted bouncer gave us a smile and greeted us with “good night maam, good night sir!”

On the way back to the hotel myself and Surya were discussing about Pierre and family, he did confess that he was also shocked to see Michelle sitting on her dad naked like that. We both agreed they were a strange family
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RE: Chapter One - The Erotic Party with my wife - by Rajsvs - 19-08-2023, 03:03 PM

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