Adultery WiFi WIFEY

I go back inside my house. I am still torn between whether to carry on this flirty game with my Stalker or come clean to Arun and tell him everything.
My mind is racing . I take a deep breath. I know I must tell him, but I can't find the words. I feel like I'm standing still, but the world is spinning around me. My heart is in a vice grip, and my palms are clammy with sweat.

I reach our bedroom, where Arun is busy surfing the internet. I still can't conjure enough courage to speak, neither can I shove away my dilemma and give in to my Stalker's wishes.
"Hey, what's up? Something wrong?" Arun asks me momentarily, shifting his attention towards me and returning to what he was doing.

"No.. No nothing wrong." I reply as Arun stares at me again.

My body language betrays me. My arms are crossed in a defensive posture, and I can't seem to make eye contact. My feet are tapping anxiously against the floor, and I nervously adjust my locks of hair. I feel like I'm conveying regret without saying a word.

" I know you are afraid of the maniac .I understand Trisha and I am here for you. You are safe with me." My husband tries to embolden me.

I loathe the word 'safe'. That alone makes me want to engage with my Stalker. Then again, Arun has acted like a protective husband regarding this stalker issue from the very beginning. It is hard for me to betray him.
But what would I say? 
My thoughts are running through my head like the wind across a cornfield. He's never been one to deal with confrontation well. I can't stop myself from replaying the conversation again and again. Imagined reactions and possible scenarios. I don't know what he will do, how he will respond when I tell him about the sheer curtains, or how I hid the blindfold.

My emotions are overwhelming and conflicting. On the one hand, I feel guilty; on the other hand, I still strongly feel the urge to have fun with my Stalker. I feel embarrassed and unsure if I can fully explain myself. I'm worried about how I can explain this to Arun. He will not understand, or worse, my confession could destroy our marriage.

"I know Arun." I smile faintly," I am worried about another thing. Today electric bill came and the amount is larger than I expected."

Arun laughs heartily," Oh I know. I already paid it online. This year summer was cruel. Don't worry about the bills."

"Alright .I have chores to do." I lie and leave our bedroom.

I came downstairs and took out the blindfold from under the cushion.

I take a sharp breath and take off my housecoat.

Everything is safe here; everything is taken care of. No excitement or thrill in my life. I intend to get some...

It rained a few hours ago. Most people are staying indoors in our gated community right now.

I walked down the street wearing my sleeveless kneel-length chemise.

I am strolling along the streets, and the lavender nightie flows gracefully with each step I take. The shimmery fabric catches the light, brightening my mood, lighter and more carefree with each step. I feel the fabric brush against my knees, the breeze tugging at the fabric, tickling my exposed skin below the hem of my dress. The comfortable polyester material felt luxurious against my skin, and the elastic fabric hugged me snugly yet gave me plenty of room to move.
 I felt a little bit exposed, but I was determined to be comfortable in my own skin. I could feel a few judgy as well as admiring eyes on me; I ignored both and kept my chin up.
I had to do a double take when I caught my reflection in the window of a house. I do look pretty.

Eventually, I reached the construction site. This side of our community is completely abandoned.
Beside the under-construction house is a sedan car standing in the dark, as my Stalker described.
I see nobody around. My heart is pounding as I reach the car, and as instructed, I get seated beside the driver's seat.
Another letter.
I read it quickly #Search the glove compartment. You will find a handcuff. Cuff yourself and put on the blindfold.#
Clearly, just like me, He does not trust me fully either. 

I open the compartment and take the cuffs out. Kinky. I feel the heat between my legs, staring at the shiny cuffs.I take a leap of faith and cuff my left hand to the car roof handle.Next, I put on the blindfold with my other hand.

[Image: 369620802_screenshot_2023-07-29_093027-transformed.png]

Peach dark. After a few seconds, I hear someone entering the car.
My anonymous Stalker. My throat goes dry.Both do not speak for a while.

I could not take the tension and stuttered,"Who..are you?"

I hear a chuckle from the backseat," Do you really want to know that? That may take away the thrill you are enjoying."

I can't put a familiar face from our community to that voice. My Stalker is wearing a mask; his tone is slightly muffled.

"I am not enjoying anything.I am terrified of you.please stop stalking me as you promised." I hiss.

"You are terrified? Then why did you use the cuff on yourself, silly?" his voice is laced with sarcasm," Also, stop responding to my alleged acts of harassment if you want me to stop stalking you." My Stalker teases.

I can sense he is having fun with this.

" I am not responding to anything." I whine.

"Really?" his voice comes closer from behind. 

My body stiffens. I breathe shallowly as I sit there with a blindfold securely blindfolding my face, wearing only a nightie which barely hides my curves. I am terrified and excited at the same time, unsure of what to do.

"Don't be afraid." His voice is husky.

My anticipation only builds when sudden, strong hands wrap around my waist. A deep, seductive voice whispers in my ears, “This is just between us.”

I gasp hard.

"You said you aren't responding. Tell me, how did it feel to walk the street wearing this chemise?..." He teases me and removes his hand from my waist. 

With my closed eyes, I feel the silk blindfold tied precariously in place. I have no idea what this evening holds for me, but I let out a shuddering breath as I feel a gentle yet persistent touch on my neck. I straightened my shoulders, feeling over-eager in my nightie. I don't know who this man is, but I am increasingly being aware that he is a man who isn't my husband.

I mumble," I felt nothing.."

he ignores my answer and whispers," All those eyes ogling you...admiring you...envying you in this chemise ...that attention alone must have made you wet."

I blush hard. My body trembles against his fingers. At his touch, a wave of guilt and arousal surges through me - guilt for being here and for feeling such a forbidden excitement and arousal at the thought of something different. His hands slowly crawl under my arms, stopping just below my breast for a few seconds as though teasing me with the pleasure to come.

I hesitated, knowing I should resist and refusing to give into this unknown intimacy, but eventually, I let out a breath and acquiesced with the heat of anticipation coursing through me. 

"I felt nothing. You have no idea what I felt." I murmur, shivering.

My nipples harden with expectation as his finger traces my underboob.

"Then I intend to learn." He speaks softly.

My breasts come alive with anticipation as he starts to tease them with a gentle touch. His fingertips caringly meander and trace tenderly around my curves over my nightie & bra, softly tracing the nooks and crannies of my skin like a rollercoaster of emotions. His touch is like a warm fire burning on a cold night, tingling and tantalizing my tender flesh, sending waves of desire throughout my body.

The air is ripe with tension, and I can feel every nerve in my body dancing with anticipation. I can feel the overwhelming presence of this man behind me, and I know that something out of the ordinary is about to happen. It happens. In a swift motion, he unclasps my bra and removes it from my body.

"Pretty little hindrance."He chuckles.

 His fingers linger on my breasts under my nightie and begin to move in circles, slowly kneading and stroking as they make their way around the fullness of my curves. His touch is firm and feels almost electrifying. I can feel my body responding to his caresses with an overwhelming wave of pleasure and arousal.

At the same time, guilt starts to flood over me. This man isn't my husband, yet I can't deny that the sensations he's eliciting from my body are incredible. I'm wrestling with my emotions, feeling ashamed and ashamedly aroused, trying my best to suppress a moan of pleasure as he continues to massage my tits. I can't suppress my hushed gasp, however, as his hands begin to move over my nipples, making them stand erect under the fabric of my nightie.

The feeling of pleasure is growing exponentially, and I'm arching my back instinctively, trying to revel in the moment. But just as quickly as the pleasure had come, the guilt creeps back in. I can't help but think of how wrong this is - and the state I'm in, with a man who's not my husband, in a nightie, completely exposed ,cuffed and blindfolded. But despite these undeniable feelings of guilt, the pleasure he is eliciting from my body is too strong for me to deny.

His hands moved in circles around the mounds of my breasts, gently squeezing them. He alternated between firmer and more gentle touches, and I felt pure bliss as I squirmed in my seat.

The man’s hands finally start to crumble my defence, his skilful palms caressing me ever so tenderly yet surely. His fingertips barely brushed the tips of my nipples, sending a spark of electricity between us. My desire grew, and I let out a moan of pleasure.

'Ahhhh..." I restlessly moan again.

"I guess I am learning." He let out a raspy low chuckle.

 He kneads and moulds the curves of my breasts, each massage stroke more tender and intimate than the last. His fingers trace the contours of my breasts, teasing and caressing until I'm a quivering mass of want and desire.

Suddenly my phone rings. It is on the arm rest.

"Arun is calling you." My Stalker sounds amused, "Did you tell him where you going when you left the house?" He is barely touching me now, but his fingertips on my nipples made little electric sparks shoot through my body.

"No...uuffff..." I shudder.

“I bet your husband would be jealous if he knew you were here,” he purrs in a mocking tone.

I blush, embarrassed and aroused at the same time. I can't deny that the things he is saying are true. I'm helpless and near the point of surrender.

"Time to tell your hubby dearest that you are alright." He doesn't wait for my response, and before I can say anything, he puts the phone on speaker.
"Where are you Trisha." Arun's voice fills the car.

"I am talking a walk." I lie, and I can hear the panic in my voice.

Meanwhile, my Stalker's fingers glide up my sides and slowly  he pulls down the strings of the nightie off my body exposing my swelled up breasts completely. Suddenly, his hands were on my breasts, gently kneading them with expert precision. His touch sent a wave of pleasure across my body, and I let out a soft moan in response.

That does not discourage my Stalker. It just emboldens him.

"Ok meet me at the Park. I need some air too." Arun informs.

My breasts felt full, alive and full of desire as he works his magic. I feel their softness, roundness and weight, my nipples growing increasingly sensitive as he caressed every part of them. They seemed swollen with pleasure, heavy and full of sweet anticipation. The sensations were so powerful and unexpected that I could barely stay silent.

"Ohhkkk..ohhhkk." I huffed and heard my husband cutting the call.

My shame must have been obvious on my face, as my Stalker seems to have no qualms about mocking my marriage. He laughed mockingly and sneered, pointing that out," We safely assume that You are a happily married wife from the conversation I just heard.".His words filled me with a deep sense of anger - how dare he undermine my commitment?

I gasp as he lightly flicks his fingertips across my nipples, my back arching in eagerness, and I'm overcome with the intensity of his touch. His massaging becomes quicker and firmer, and I feel an unstoppable desire rushing through me. Every nerve-ending is on fire as pleasure blossoms in my core, and I can't hold back any longer.

I ask him while moaning," Ahhh....why are you doing this?....offfff..."

"Cause I want to free you just like I have freed your tits right now." He growls and tugs hard on my nipples, and I feel my entire body go rigid in response to the pain. He keeps tugging and twisting it, sending shooting sensations through my body with each movement. Both pleasure and pain mingled together, making a sweet, agonizing sensation.

"What if I don't ...ahhhhh... want to be....ufffff..... free?" I moan, crunching my face and rubbing my thighs together in carnal desire.

"Why don't we make a deal huh? I will give a taste of that free and wild life you miss so much for few days and then you decide whether you want to live that thrilling life or live a boring married life in this suburb.?"

I didn't respond to his proposal, and His fingers moved in perfect circles, massaging my breasts with an exquisite touch. His grip became tighter, kneading and incessantly squeezing my breasts together. 

I shudder, crying out as I succumb to the intense pleasure washing over me, "Oh myyy Godddd!!!!"

"I will take that as a YES." He laughs.

His hands move up and down my rib cage in a tantalizing way, as if he is trying to memorize my body. I moan helplessly in pleasure, my lips parting slightly as the sensations overwhelms me.

The pressure increased as his fingers moved in tandem, squeezing my breasts from behind. His fingertips seemed to move with perfect precision, sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through my body. His hands seemed all-knowing as if they instinctively knew exactly how much pressure to apply and when.

Finally, my strength wanes, my moans are reduced to whimpers, and I feel his hands relax a little. He leans her closer to me and, to my deathly fear, whispers, 'You liked it, didn't you?'.

"I have to go." I am panting hard. I can guess my dewy skin is radiant and glowing in heat.

He still caresses my breasts gently, making me twist and mewl.

"Alright." He concurs.

"Give me my bra back." I blush.

"If you give me you panty." He toys with me.

" No way." I firmly protest.

"I have heard that before from you." He teases me, and his hands clasp my breasts from behind. With each squeeze, he brings a low moan of pleasure out of me. His fingers roll over each small mound, squeezing just the right amount. His thumb moves, finding the sensitive place at the tip and creating an intense desire within me.

My verbal reaction was one of immense pleasure, long drawn-out moans escaping my lips with each caress. My body was practically singing under his touch, my back arching and pushing towards the sensations.

The man has a firm grip, his fingers pressing and kneading my orbs before him until I can no longer contain my intense pleasure.

The man increases his grip, squeezing more firmly as I moan louder. His hands move faster, exploring every inch of my chest until he creates a feeling of such intensity that I can no longer control. I had never felt pleasure like this before with Arun, and it was causing me to let go completely.

 I scream, unable to take the pleasure any more, "Ok, ok..ahhhhh...You can have my panty."

With one final squeeze, the man releases me from his grip, and I slump against the seat in exhaustion. I have no idea what happened, but it was one of the most intensely pleasurable experiences I  have had in many years.

With my free hand, I pull my panty down, lifting my ass.

He gently picks it from my hand. As our fingers touch, I tremble. We both can feel how soaked my panty has become.

"mmmm," He makes a satisfied sound, "Your pussy wept a lot ."

and throws the bra and the cuff's keys on my lap.

"Count to 20, and then take off your blindfold. Then uncuff yourself. The key is on your lap. Say Hi to your husband." He laughs, and just like that, he disappears after rocking my world.
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WiFi WIFEY - by NightOwl - 25-07-2023, 09:05 AM
RE: WIFI WIFEY - by NightOwl - 25-07-2023, 09:09 AM
RE: WIFI WIFEY - by Givemeextra - 25-07-2023, 09:16 AM
RE: WIFI WIFEY - by Swt_ononna - 25-07-2023, 09:19 AM
RE: WIFI WIFEY - by Mampi - 25-07-2023, 10:22 AM
RE: WIFI WIFEY - by NightOwl - 25-07-2023, 12:35 PM
RE: WIFI WIFEY - by Givemeextra - 25-07-2023, 01:26 PM
RE: WIFI WIFEY - by Swt_ononna - 25-07-2023, 02:15 PM
RE: WIFI WIFEY - by NightOwl - 25-07-2023, 02:51 PM
RE: WIFI WIFEY - by Givemeextra - 25-07-2023, 04:18 PM
RE: WIFI WIFEY - by Swt_ononna - 25-07-2023, 04:48 PM
RE: WIFI WIFEY - by NightOwl - 25-07-2023, 05:34 PM
RE: WIFI WIFEY - by Swt_ononna - 25-07-2023, 05:56 PM
RE: WIFI WIFEY - by navytyt - 25-07-2023, 06:59 PM
RE: WIFI WIFEY - by NightOwl - 25-07-2023, 08:07 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by Arul Pragasam - 25-07-2023, 08:53 PM
RE: WIFI WIFEY - by Rahulf2p - 25-07-2023, 10:01 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by Swt_ononna - 25-07-2023, 10:35 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by NightOwl - 25-07-2023, 10:36 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by Swt_ononna - 25-07-2023, 11:39 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by satankama - 26-07-2023, 02:11 AM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by NightOwl - 26-07-2023, 11:06 AM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by Rahulf2p - 26-07-2023, 03:15 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by Swt_ononna - 26-07-2023, 04:02 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by abcturbine - 26-07-2023, 04:08 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by Gopal Ratnam - 26-07-2023, 08:14 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by Vishal Ramana - 26-07-2023, 09:08 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by savana1983 - 27-07-2023, 12:17 AM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by Jibon Ahmed - 27-07-2023, 06:35 AM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by NightOwl - 27-07-2023, 08:54 AM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by xavierrxx - 27-07-2023, 09:09 AM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by adangamaru - 27-07-2023, 09:35 AM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by NightOwl - 27-07-2023, 01:08 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by adangamaru - 27-07-2023, 02:00 PM
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RE: WiFi WIFEY - by Swt_ononna - 27-07-2023, 07:23 PM
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RE: WiFi WIFEY - by LustyLeo - 27-07-2023, 08:50 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by NightOwl - 27-07-2023, 10:03 PM
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RE: WiFi WIFEY - by abcturbine - 27-07-2023, 11:43 PM
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RE: WiFi WIFEY - by shrujay123 - 28-07-2023, 08:30 AM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by NightOwl - 28-07-2023, 03:26 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by shrujay123 - 28-07-2023, 07:06 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by shrujay123 - 28-07-2023, 07:07 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by UOOZEE123452845 - 28-07-2023, 08:05 PM
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RE: WiFi WIFEY - by NovelNavel - 29-07-2023, 11:08 AM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by UOOZEE123452845 - 29-07-2023, 12:41 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by NightOwl - 29-07-2023, 01:35 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by Givemeextra - 29-07-2023, 02:21 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by Gandhi krishna - 29-07-2023, 02:42 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by Jibon Ahmed - 29-07-2023, 03:17 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by NightOwl - 29-07-2023, 09:19 PM
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RE: WiFi WIFEY - by NightOwl - 30-07-2023, 06:37 PM
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RE: WiFi WIFEY - by Mahi sharma - 31-07-2023, 04:42 AM
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RE: WiFi WIFEY - by NightOwl - 05-08-2023, 05:03 PM
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RE: WiFi WIFEY - by NightOwl - 05-08-2023, 09:24 PM
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RE: WiFi WIFEY - by NightOwl - 06-08-2023, 10:27 AM
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RE: WiFi WIFEY - by raokamran - 07-08-2023, 03:07 AM
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RE: WiFi WIFEY - by shake chilli - 08-08-2023, 03:15 AM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by Bigil - 08-08-2023, 06:39 AM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by NightOwl - 08-08-2023, 09:26 AM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by UOOZEE123452845 - 08-08-2023, 12:17 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by abcturbine - 08-08-2023, 05:57 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by Bigil - 08-08-2023, 08:33 PM
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RE: WiFi WIFEY - by shake chilli - 10-08-2023, 03:35 AM
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RE: WiFi WIFEY - by shake chilli - 14-08-2023, 02:58 AM
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RE: WiFi WIFEY - by shrujay123 - 17-08-2023, 07:14 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by xboard1986 - 18-08-2023, 01:59 AM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by veeravaibhav - 19-08-2023, 09:34 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by Ramakrishnan - 26-08-2023, 10:52 AM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by zulfique - 16-09-2023, 10:17 AM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by abcturbine - 16-09-2023, 04:37 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by Gilmalover - 16-09-2023, 08:04 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by Blackdick11 - 16-09-2023, 08:17 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by Nesamanikumar - 17-09-2023, 10:11 AM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by Ramakrishnan - 20-09-2023, 11:04 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by abcturbine - 27-09-2023, 03:56 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by Tanvirapu - 07-10-2023, 10:08 AM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by abcturbine - 09-10-2023, 05:31 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by xboard1986 - 15-10-2023, 03:43 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by behka - 18-10-2023, 09:05 AM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by shake chilli - 19-10-2023, 01:25 AM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by NovelNavel - 23-10-2023, 10:36 AM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by abcturbine - 23-10-2023, 02:46 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by Yesudoss - 28-10-2023, 11:02 AM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by Dinesh Raveendran - 18-11-2023, 12:14 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by Projectmp - 21-11-2023, 01:23 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by abcturbine - 21-11-2023, 03:19 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by abcturbine - 22-11-2023, 02:28 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by Thangaraasu - 02-12-2023, 06:17 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by Namard pati - 04-12-2023, 11:40 AM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by chellaporukki - 13-12-2023, 09:00 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by aada69 - 19-12-2023, 06:25 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by abcturbine - 20-12-2023, 01:33 PM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by Rangushki - 29-12-2023, 07:37 AM
RE: WiFi WIFEY - by Prashukala - 06-02-2024, 11:49 AM

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