Adultery Chapter One - The Erotic Party with my wife
I know, I know you all will be eagerly waiting for the next part so here it is. Hope you like it. Please do keep sending your comments

The Club

As soon as we entered there were dark spiralling steps to walk downstairs. I was once again scared, all of this looked very fishy to me. I tried my luck one more time and said “Surya, all of this looks very scary to me, lets just go back please” “instead of this I will do anything else you ask me to, please lets go” “Common Paddu, we didn’t come all the way to this place for nothing? Don’t be scared its alright, French people are very polite and well mannered, no one’s going to do anything to you here” “oh is that so? What was that bouncer doing? Was that how well mannered French are?” I said in a sarcastic tone. “Oh that guy, I already told you he was doing his duty, in fact its for our own safety right? We don’t want druggies coming into the club and molesting girls?” “Oh ok so its ok to be molested at the door is it?” I retorted. “Common Sweety, don’t see it that way, hear they don’t discriminate by gender, I am sure if there was a girl bouncer she would have searched me exactly the way the male bouncer did” “its just their job, he wasn’t molesting you or anything” “Just forget all that see how beautiful this club is”.

Thats when I realised we were already downstairs and inside the actual club. Surya was right I was pleasantly surprised at the lavishness of the club. There was a dance floor on one side, bar on the other and lots and lots of sofa’s and chairs all around. The music was smooth, not too loud. The entire club was lit with light blue colour, it was looking really sexy. The bar was lit with bright blue colour and few bar tenders were busy making drinks. It was a bit crowded, perhaps because it was a weekend. We made our way in and tried to find a place to sit. We found one seater that was empty so we walked over there. I had to go to the toilet so I asked Surya to take that seat and I went to the loo. When I came back the seat next to Surya was free, it was a double seater sofa and a girl was sitting on the other side. Surya gestured me to sit there next to that girl and he himself continued to sit on the single seater. Surya had already ordered our drinks, seems you can do that by scanning the QR code at the table. You can even pay right at the table, it saves a lot of hassle to run to the bar every now and then. Surya told me that the drinks would be brought by the waitresses and he showed me one of such waitress. While taking my seat I saw a young girl walking with a tray and as soon as I saw her my eye balls popped out of my eyes. What shocked me was that, this girl was not wearing a micro mini skirt which war barely covering her panty, if she was wearing one but bigger shock was that she was only wearing that nothing else. I mean nothing on the top, she was topless!!!. She had nothing else on her young boobs which were firm and giggling proudly when she walked. When I noticed around similar to that waitress there were number of young topless waitresses roaming around half nude with their boobs out to be seen by anyone and everyone. They were not at all trying to hide or shy away, in fact they were all just behaving as it was just a normal bar and she was fully dressed waitress. Just then a similar half nude waitress came to our table and left our drinks on the table and wished us something in French and left. I looked at Surya with my mouth open and he just smiled and gestured me to look around. Now I was even more shocked.

Everyone in the club were more or less naked. Some were wearing just bra and panty, most of the boys were top less and only wearing shorts. Some of them, may be the shy ones like me were wearing vest’s like shirts that wasn’t hiding anything much, again like my blouse which wasn’t hiding anything at all. All their masculinity was fully open for anyone to see. The girls were mostly in transparent bra and panty, some I thought were topless as well. I wasn’t sure if they were waitress’s or customers. Didn’t bother to decide either ways. I leaned over to Surya to ask what kind of a place is this? “Swinger’s club” he said. That dropped a bomb in my head now. What? I am in a swingers club? In France? I had heard of these clubs while researching about France in my youth days. I knew what happens here. Its like the party we had back home but with strangers. That thought itself brought shivers to my body. I just took the drink that half naked waitress had put on our table a minute ago and gulped the whole drink in one go, in that shock. When my nerves relaxed a bit, I said, “What are you doing Surya? This is a foreign land, we don’t know anyone, what if someone tries to bang me here? Its not in our culture, please lets go”

He said “What are you talking about Padma? What culture? Where father bangs daughter? Husband beats wife? Or son kills parents?” “What culture you are talking about? Whatever these guys do they do it in open without fear and with consent” “There’s no harm in enjoying life, Love is different than sex. I strongly believe you can have sex with many people inspire of being in love or married to one. All that matters is you truely love your partner”. “As long as we love each other it does not matter who all we have sex with” “You have seen this right? In the party we had in India, we both fucked other people, did our love diminished due to that? In fact we started loving each other more?” “Don’t you agree?” “Lets try this out, you never know you might enjoy it better than what we had at the party?” “So hear me out, again as per what you promised, you will not say no to anything that happens here” “OK?”

Ok again that ultimatum! I cursed myself, why did I promise him. He is making me do things that I never imagined I will do. Having sex with known friends is different, and yes I admit (shyly) I did enjoy but having sex with someone you don’t even know is totally out of my league. But what to do? My innocent promise to my husband got me into this situation. Part of me wanted to argue with Surya and somehow convince him to take me out of here but the other part said, there is no point. I know Surya very well, once he has made up his mind he will not leave it. The same thing happened for the Party, he was consistently pushing me to come for the party for more than a year. Finally I did not have a choice but to agree. Same thing here, if I push him to go now, he will make sure to bring me back here again at some point by hook or crook. Now that I was here unknowingly let me try for some more time. Coming back next time knowingly will be impossible for me.

So instead of arguing with him, I tried to look around and then I noticed this girl next to me on the same sofa. I thought in this environment its safe to start the conversation with a girl instead. I said “hi” to the girl next to me. “Hai” she said in her French accent. “I am Padma” I extended my hand to her, “Sofia! Mercy!!” She took my hand and kissed it. I thought that’s their tradition. “Nice dress” she said looking at me that’s when I realised what was she wearing, actually not much!. She had a strapless bra on that too transparent and so thin that it barely covered her nipples in the front. It was like the ribbon I used to tie my hair back in school. That’s what she had wrapped around her bossom. I am sure it had only one hook at the back as the strap was so thin that it had no space for the second hook like our traditional bras. Now coming to the bottom, I was not even sure she was wearing one. I could just see her whole white flesh from top to bottom except for that ribbon like bra and a triangular cloth in front of her pussy nothing else. She just seemed naked and someone had thrown that patch at her pussy. I was obviously wrong, which I realised when she got up later. But for now, “Thanks” is what I could say. First time since we left hotel today, I felt comfortable in my dress as compared to her my dress was much more conservative, perhaps I was most dressed person in the entire club. That slightly brought my confidence back and I took another drink from the table and started to sip on it by continuing our conversation.

“You local?” Couldn’t think of anything else to say. She said “Si, me French!”, “you?” I said “India” to that she immediately jumped at her seat in excitement and “Wow, India!! Lovely place, culture, food” “I love India and Indians”. “My boyfriend loves Indians more”. I looked at her as if I was asking “Is he here?” I regretted that look immediately after that. “Si. There he is, wait I call him” and she went running to him as if she wanted to show the treasure she found. Indeed she had found rare treasure, a homely conservative Indian housewife in a French swingers club. That is indeed a rare treasure. I thought to myself, besides I felt a bit safe with a girl around me perhaps its to do with her nakedness. She was more naked than me so anyone coming our way for sex will catch her before me so that gave me a sense of security. I did laugh at myself after that thought though. Talking about nakedness, when she went to call her boyfriend, I noticed what she was wearing at the bottom. Before that, at the top as I had predicted she did not have any hooks at the back. It was kind of elastic bra or something without any hooks. I wondered how they wear it? Anyways, at the bottom I noticed that there a thread like thing going around her waist and through her ass cheeks that held the front triangular patch in front of her pussy. I really wondered what that’s called? It can’t be panty as it had nothing at the back to hide her bums, which is next basic function of a panty apart from hiding the pussy. Its just strings tied to a triangular patch of clothing held in front of her pussy. Her shoulders and back were fully naked except for the thin hookless bra strap and the thread around her waist. The other thread piece was only visible where it was tied to the string around her waist rest of it was buried inside her ass cheeks, not visible to the naked eye.

I involuntarily looked at Surya, he was oogling at her like anything, his one had had gone to his dick at it was slowly massaging it and with other hand he was drinking his drink and her nakedness with his eyes. I thought men will be men, here I am sitting right next to him and I am his legally owned wife and he could fuck me anytime he wants but he was still oogling at a young girl almost naked from behind walking over to her boyfriend. Then my eyes went to Sofia. She went and tapped on one of handsome guys shoulder, he was naked on the top. I had gotten used to toplessness by now. When he turned around towards me, I noticed his masculine body. He really looked like some Hollywood hero with very well toned body with more than 6 feet height. At the bottom he was wearing a short, decent one which started at his lower waist and ended just above his knees. They both spoke for sometime and started to walk towards us. My heart started to beat now. I was thinking talking to this girl would be safe as she is alone but didn’t realise she was with a guy and he is walking towards me. I looked at Surya but his eyes were fixed at Sofia’s frontal nudity. Sofia’s so called strapless bra only covered her nipples so rest of her boobs were freely giggling while she walked. He wheatish complexion in that blue club lights was looking really sexy. At the bottom she only had the triangular semi transparent patch in front of her pussy. Rest of her body like shoulders, upper and lower boobs, cleavage, mid rift, navel, waist, inner thighs and fully toned legs all were exposed. Her dress was just a nominal one it wasn’t hiding anything even her nipples were visible from so far in that dim light. Virtually naked but her body language was so confident as if she was walking in a business formals.

Anyway both of them came to us so myself and Surya got up in courtesy to shake hands, he did shake hands with Surya while Sofia hugged me from front. It was not a friendly hug, it was lovers hug, tight and body touching at all parts. I felt her soft boobs on mine and in fact the naked portion of my boob skin touched her boob skin, her navel, entire tummy area touched my naked tummy and navel area, the hug just sent shivers through my body. She even brushed her lips on mine before moving to my cheek for a peck. After squeezing me tightly one more time she left me and moved to Surya. I was wondering what will she do to Surya, she did the same without any hesitation. She just gave him a full frontal hug by wrapping her hands around his neck and brought her lips closer to his. I was thinking she is about to kiss him now but she didn’t she nearly missed his lips and pecked on his cheek instead. Now Mr. Boyfriend came closer to me, so in precaution, I extended my hand to him. He smiled and took my hands in his and said, “Steve, its nice meeting you”, I said “hi, same here, I am Padma and this is my husband Surya” I immediately introduced them or I felt it was more of like a reminder to him so as to say that my husband is next to me beware. He smiled and said hi and sat on the sofa at the seat where Sophia was sitting just while ago. I tried to walk over to Surya to take his seat but he was busy hugging Sofia, they had not come out of embrace yet and there was no sign they would break it anytime soon so as I didn’t have a choice I went back to sit where I was sitting earlier, next to Steve. Surya hesitantly left the embrace with Sofia and tried to sit but then realised it was single seater so asked Sofia, “Shall I get you a chair?” To which she said “no need, you sit and I will show you my seat” and pushed Surya to the single seater sofa. Surya almost fell on that and she immediately jumped on him and sat across on his lap. Its more appropriate to say she was actually sleeping on his lap. Her legs were over the armrest of the single seater sofa towards me and bum was right on Surya’s dick and her back was resting on the other armrest. It was looking as if Surya was carrying her with both of his arms, the only exception being he was supporting her with his dick instead. Sophia was laughing as if it was joke but I was really annoyed by that. An almost naked girl sitting on my husband’s lap in front of me, really annoyed me.

Steve probably understood my situation and in a consoling manner he placed his hand on my thigh and said “She is crazy, don’t worry, he will be fine”. I calmed down a bit but that’s when I realised that I was wearing a tiny skirt and my thighs were naked as well. I was able to feel the roughness of his palm on my naked left thigh. The sofa wasn’t very big either so his naked right arm was also brushing slightly on my naked left arm, this surely brought another shiver to my body so to calm myself I took another drink from the table and gulped it. Steve squeezed his hand on my thigh and said “Its ok, calm down” he thought I was still mad at his girlfriend but I was in fact mad at him for putting his hand on my naked thigh without my permission. I just smiled at him, I couldn’t have complained or asked him to remove his hand from my thigh. He was only touching my thigh but my husband was having his almost naked GF in his lap what could I complain about? I left it. “So you are from India is it?” He asked, to divert my attention, “Yes” that’s all I could say. “First time here?” What he meant was Paris but what I told him was “yes never been to a swingers club, we did have sex party with Surya’s friends in India though” I just blurted out perhaps it was the drinks having an effect on me. I immediately realised my mistake and bit my lip. Not only I had admitted I know where I am but also told him I fucked around with Surya’s friend’s. “Wow Sex party, that happens in India as well is it? I never knew”. I didn’t want to extend that topic so just smiled in agreement and kept silent. His hand on my thigh was still there and this time after hearing I have been to sex party he started to move his hand in small circles. Now I was sure he was pretending it to be casual but he had purposefully put his hand on my thigh to feel the softness of my skin. Again I couldn’t complain as my hubby was touching his GF all over her body, I just had his hand on me. That just seemed justifiable, given the situation.

Steve started to notice me from head to toe. His eyes were literally scanning my body, I could feel his stare on my forehead then it slightly went down to stay cautiously on my pointed nose and fiddled a bit around my nose ring. Surya loves my nose ring, he says that brings out a huge sex appeal in me. Now his stare came further down to my lips, it stayed there to admire my curvy lips lashed with dark red lipstick. He travelled further down after briefly noticing my smooth cheeks, his stare quickly slid down my smooth and sexy neck and landed on the cleavage between the half exposed globes. He stayed there for sometime to admire the firmness of my boobs and the sexy blouse that was not really covering much of my boobs. Perhaps he might not have seen so much of exposed boobs, of any Indian girl before. His eyes went further admiring my flat tummy and navel and short skirt which had ridden up showing off all of my thighs. My skirt rim just ended few inches below my panty. He continued to stare at my bare thighs and that’s when I tried to shuffle a bit so as to give him a hint to remove his hands off me.

But instead, he thought I had given him consent to keep his hand on my naked thigh with that gesture, he became bolder, he was now roaming his hands all over my thigh from my knee till the edge of my skirt which had risen into my inner thighs in that siting position. He was fully enjoying my thighs and his naked arm was brushing my naked arm once in a while. He at times accidentally? Brushed my side boob as well while leaning forward to leave his drink on the table and then again after few mins to take it back. All of this was sending shock waves through my body. The drink I was having may have started its effect already, I was feeling a bit high and bold but at the same time my inner Indian house wife conservativeness was constantly making me shy. 

“You are really sexy Padma, its very difficult to resist from..” He just stopped his sentence in between. I said “Resist from what?” Again something I regretted right after saying and he immediately said “From kissing your sexy lips, they are driving me crazy”. I just lowered my eyes shyly and said “I am sorry, I am not used to this, my husband forced me to come here tonight, I was not even aware he is taking me to this Sex club” “No no, its not a sex club its a Swingers club, and about kiss don’t worry we have all night for that” “Oh yes sorry Swingers club right!” I said “Sorry again”. He just tried to divert my attention and nudged me on my shoulder with his arm gesturing me to look at Surya and Sophia. My eyes went wider by looking at that scene. Sophia was giving Surya a lap dance, her bum rubbing Surya’s groin, her naked thighs on Surya’s thighs and her arms around Suray’s. Surya had buried his face at her neck and his hands were squeezing her boobs covered by that thin ribbon. He was moulding them like a dow and kissing or shall I say licking her neck. Sophia saw me looking at her like in that position and instead of feeling nervous or guilty she smiled at me and sexily turned her head towards Surya, with one hand lifted his head from her neck and brought it to her lips. Now they started to kiss. He immediately put her tongue out and started play with Surya’s tongue in his mouth. She looked at me through corner of her eye and flicked her eye brows, perhaps to challenge me by saying “See girl, I am sucking your hubby in front of you, what are you gonna do about it?”

That gesture of her’s made me both jealous as well as horny, the pussy valve opened up with juices flowing inside my panty. My panty wasn’t very thick so I was worried I might be making the sofa wet, but my pussy was not worried at all and was unashamedly started to flow the juices. All this was making Steve horny as well. His hand was now literally rubbing my thighs all over my both the legs, he was in fact pushing my skirt up as well while doing that. I just put my hands on his to stop him from going inside my skirt, I was worried he might find out I am wet down there. To do that I leaned a bit and he mistakenly thought I was leaning to kiss him so he leaned forward and placed his lips on mine. All this happened so suddenly I just pushed him away before he could start a proper kiss. He took that my surprise but said “I am so sorry, I thought you were ready for the kiss” I said “no no don’t be, I am sorry, I shouldn’t have pushed you like that, its just that my I am shy and have never done like this in public” to which he laughed and said “its ok, look around Paadmaa, no one is bother to look at us, everyone is busy in their own world”

That’s when I looked around the club, my mind was totally blown away by looking at the scenes around us. There were lots of sexual activity going around us, people were kissing licking and even fucking in couples and groups. Some were having lap dances like Surya and Sophia, some were getting blow jobs from their partners while standing and girl kneeling down in front of them. Some were doing 69 right there on the floor and some were fucking doggy style, some were dancing nude in each other’s arms. Most of the club was naked now. I was getting more and more aroused looking at those scenes and my pussy was leaking like an open tap. My nipples firmed up as well poking the thin material of my blouse. It was evident for anyone looking at me that I was not wearing bra.

Steve perhaps thought this was his chance and then again came closer to me, this time he took his right hand from my thigh and placed it behind my neck to make sure I don’t push him away. He leaned forward and finally placed his lips on mine. He did not have any moustache unlike Surya so my entire lips were touching his entire lips, it was a strange sensation. He stayed like that for few more seconds to sense my reaction. When he saw I was not resisting this time he went on to insert his wet Tongue into my mouth. I slowly opened my mouth to give him access. Inside me I was dying to kiss him since the time I saw his masculine figure but my conservatives held me till now but seeing all that was going around me and specially Surya with his girlfriend Sophia in that position I couldn’t hold myself back so gave in finally. Slowly but steadily we started kissing each other. I even put my arms around him, his one hand was behind my neck and don’t know where the other one was? I was wondering why is he not putting it back on my thigh? As if he heard that, his hand returned to my thigh and started traveling upwards and upwards and upwards.. he slowly reached inside my skirt stayed there for few seconds and finally reached my pussy over my panty. I am sure he would have felt my wetness there as my panty was fully drenched with my juices. I could feel his fingers on my pussy lips, it was feeling as if I was naked there as the thin fabric of my panty had become even more thinner due to the pussy juices, just when he tried to insert his finger into my pussy from the sides of the panty someone tapped him on the shoulder. We both got irritated with that disturbance, with visible annoyance on his face he broke the kiss to see who it was. One of his hand was still on my neck and the other inside my skirt and over my panty covered pussy lips when we turned over to see who it was. His anger turned into smile quickly and left me to to greet this person.
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RE: Chapter One - The Erotic Party with my wife - by Rajsvs - 24-07-2023, 04:21 PM

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