Incest The Island by JammyJimmy (An Indian Adaptation)
At a little after twelve they were admitted to Club Boca, a large place focussed around dancing and drinking, with DJ's playing a mixture of mainstream dance and bollywood music, and Praveen immediately picked up on the cool chilled vibe of the place. Rohan and Bobby hit the bar while Praveen went looking for the girls. The guys had caught up with him again by the time he spotted them, so the three of them walked over to join them.

"Hey," Praveen smiled as he approached Nayan.
"Hi Praveen," she said, smiling back. "So you guys made it then? We thought you weren't gonna show."
Praveen smiled, knowing without a shadow of a doubt that Shobitha wasn't Nayan, but the similarity to her was frightening. Realising he hadn't answered her, he smiled. "Yeah, we got stuck in the line outside. Here now though."
"Glad to hear it," Nayan replied giving him a nudge with her elbow.
"Hey, wanna dance?"
Praveen followed her down to the dance floor and took the opportunity to check her out. He really dug the short black skirt and boots and the black and white cut-off top she wore really showed her off. Once they were on the dance floor, Praveen let himself go. He'd always enjoyed dancing, especially in clubs and when a lot of his friends went through that phase where they thought that dancing was 'gay', Praveen was able to dance with most of the hot chicks in his school. Now he was twenty he felt comfortable on the dance floor.
While they enjoyed the music, Praveen noticed the odd guy checking out Nayan from time to time. She really did look hot, he noted, and he liked how she kept looking at him. Despite his earlier orgasm at the strip club he could feel a tingle of excitement in the pit of his stomach.
After fifteen minutes or so out on the floor, where they were briefly joined by Bobby and Rashmika, they stopped for a drink. Praveen grabbed them a couple of stools looking down on the dancefloor and they sat down.
"So what you been up to tonight then?" Praveen asked.
"Oh, you know. This and that," she grinned. "Four girls out on the town."
"I can imagine," he laughed. "Lots of teasing and flirting?"
"Little bit," she replied, laughing. "Bit of drinking, bit of dancing too."
"Good stuff." He took a swig of his beer and after offering Nayan another drink, he popped down to the bar and got a round of drinks in for them all. When he got back Rohan was telling them all about the strip club they were at earlier.
Praveen groaned, as he hadn't intended telling any of the girls about Derriere's Gentleman's Club but he should have known that Rohan was incapable of any kind of tact or diplomacy. He popped the drinks down on the table and picked up his and Nayan's, handing her it.
"Sometimes he's a total asshole," He muttered.
"Now that's a bad case of stating-the-obvious you've got there, Praveen," Nayan said. He could see she wanted to ask a question of him.
"Did he tell you about the girl who looked like you?" Praveen asked, figuring he might as well cut to the chase.
She nodded. "He said you thought she was me?"
"Yeah, I thought that at first, so I asked another dancer but she said Shobitha couldn't swim, so it couldn't be her at the waterpark," Praveen explained as he saw Nayan snigger. "Excellent stripper name, huh?"
"Classy," Nayan nodded. "So Rohan said you got a dance with her?"
Praveen nodded, his expression serious. "I wanted to find out if it was you or not. I know it wasn't now, but I had to speak to her to find out. I didn't know if you were serious about meeting us here tonight and were actually a stripper, or if there was someone who looked like you and you were still gonna be here."
"Right," she said slowly. "So you got a lap dance with my doppelganger to find out if I'd be here or not?" He could see Nayan found the story pretty amusing.
"Pretty much," Praveen admitted. "Anyway, me and Bobby only went to the club because Rohan was gonna go and we'd promised him before we left home that we would."
"You didn't want to go see naked strippers?" she asked quickly.
"No... I mean, yes but..." Praveen stopped, realising she was messing with him. "Nice one," he laughed.
Nayan winked at him and sipped at her cocktail. "Hey, was it any good?"
"Was what any good?"
"The lapdance? Rohan said you wouldn't speak about it."
"You really want to know?" Praveen asked, looking at her curiously, wondering where she was going with this.
"Of course."
"Because I want to know if this stripper is good or not, especially if other people might think she's me. A girl has a reputation to uphold after all and quality matters."
Praveen laughed, pleased to see she hadn't decided he was a creep because he went to a strip club with his buddies. He did noticed that the more Rohan talked the more Sara and Samantha frowned at him. Meanwhile he could see Bobby and Rashmika getting cosy, with hands slipping around waists, gentle touches and nudges aplenty.
"They seem to be getting on well," he said quietly to Nayan.
"Yeah," she nodded. "They're cute together. I'm glad they're getting on."
"How are we doing?" Praveen asked on an impulse. He liked to take people by surprise from time to time.
Her cheeks flushed a little as she looked at him. "Not too bad so far. Definitely potential there."
"So you think I'm hot then?" he said, careful not to speak too loud.
"You're okay," she said archly. "What about me?"
"I think you're hot. You're cute and sexy and lots of fun," Praveen said, making it up as he went. "I think you're a really good person too, and you deserve to have some fun." He swivelled the stool so he was no longer facing the group, positioning himself facing the dancefloor. He was pleased to see Nayan doing the same, their shoulders now touching as they sipped at their drinks.
"I'm.... glad you think so," she said a moment later, her cheeks a little blushed.
"You know, we could just take off right now?" he suggested, but she smiled and shook her head.
"Not yet. It's our last night here, so I want to party some more." She gave him a very firm look. "Later though, you might get to come back to our place. We've got a villa."
"I'm sure we'd both enjoy that," he said carefully, smiling a little. On an impulse he leaned forward to kiss her, but she jerked her head back and brought a finger up to his lips.
"Please tell me you washed after your lapdance."
Her statement made Praveen chuckled. "Of course I did."
She narrowed her eyes. "You're sure?"
"Definitely," he nodded, and then was pleased when she leaned in and kissed him. Her lips were soft yet assertive and they kissed for a few seconds.
"Consider that a canape to start your appetite," she said, smiling.
"If that was a canape then my stomach is making growling sounds already," he laughed.
They hit the dancefloor after that, pausing occasionally for drinks, but always heading back to dance. As the evening wore on they touched more and more, starting with light brushes and progressing to some pretty firm grinding and caresses. While drinking Praveen and Nayan were either touching each others hands, or Nayan was leaning into Praveen's chest, at one point sitting on his knee. It was two hours of solid foreplay before the club closed.
The seven of them left the club, with Bobby and Rashmika firmly paired off like Praveen and Nayan, while Rohan tried unsuccessfully to get anywhere with either Sara or Samantha, but the most he got was when he tried one of his chat-up lines and they couldn't stop laughing for several minutes. Bobby suggested that he hop in a cab, but Rohan wouldn't have it, and if his buddies were going to a party, he was too.
The walk to the villa Nayan was staying at took about twenty minutes and by the time they got there, they were all feeling pretty buzzed with the alcohol. When they opened the front door Praveen was really impressed. It had several bedrooms, a large lounge area and a swimming pool and jacuzzi out the back.
Praveen just shook his head as Rohan made straight for the pool, bombing the mirror-flat surface from as great a height as he could manage, fully clothed.
"What a fucking moron," Nayan laughed.
"He's a good guy," Praveen laughed. "He just.... he's not that tactful and there's no filter between his brain and his mouth, but if you ever need someone to get your back, he's there."
"He sounds like he'd get you into more trouble than out of it though," she teased, holding his hand.
"He has his moments," Praveen said, smiling.
"Come on," Nayan said, dragging him into one of the rooms off the lounge. Praveen's heartbeat accelerated as he entered Nayan's bedroom. Typical of a nineteen year old girl there was clothes, shoes, magazines and makeup everywhere.
"Nice and tidy," he laughed.
"There's some floor somewhere," she shrugged. "And don't get your hopes up just yet, mister," she added quickly. "I figure if we're gonna have a swim, you can pick out a bikini for me to wear."
"You gonna model them for me?"
"No," she said, laughing. "But you can choose what I've to wear, and then later I might let you take it off me."
"I can cope with that job."
"Thought you might," she grinned. Nayan rummaged around on the floor, gathering up various different coloured bits of swimsuits and while she did that, Praveen looked around, spotting a rather fancy camera on one of the units.
"Nice camera."
"Yeah, it's not too bad," she smiled. "I'm really into photography, but I didn't want to bring my good camera with me. That's just a D80."
"I know it's a Nikon, but I don't know one model from another," Praveen smiled. "Looks expensive."
Nayan shrugged. "The body isn't that expensive. The lens is a bit more though. Twenty-eight to seventy, F two point eight."
Praveen chuckled. "I don't know what any of that means."
"It's not the standard lens that comes with the camera. It's more a... specialist portrait lens," she explained. "I make a little side income with my photography back in New York. Actors headshots, Corporate portraits, stuff like that. It finances my hobby."
"Very cool," Praveen murmured, genuinely impressed. "Is that what you do at Mumbai?"
She shook her head. "Nope. Study business. It's really boring though, so I might drop out and do the photography thing full-time."
"That's seriously cool."
Nayan shrugged. "It's not all it's cracked up to be. Lot of time spent in front of a computer editing. You have to really love it. Fortunately for me."
Praveen liked what he was seeing of this side of Nayan. This casually artistic and passionate person that had been inadvertently hidden from him under the persona of a nineteen year old clubbing student on a spring break weekend.
"So which one?"
Praveen looked at the three bikini in her hands, one black, one silver and the other blue and gold. He had no idea about styles, or cuts, but he thought the black one and said so.
"Why the black one?" she asked as she dropped the other two.
"I thought it would go nicely with your hair," Praveen said honestly.
"I like that answer," she smiled, moving forward. Her lips found his for a few intense seconds, until they broke.
"Right, out you get," she ordered, smiling.
He moved to the door. "Hey, I don't suppose you've got any shorts here that'll fit me, do you?"
Nayan raised an eyebrow. "You're commando?"
"Afraid so."
"Ask Samantha. I think she packed a pair of her brothers shorts by accident."
"See you in a minute," Praveen nodded. "Hey, you sure you don't need me to stay and supervise you getting changed?"
"All good things come to those who wait," she said, then lifted a hand, pointing out the door. "Wait being the operative word. Out."
Praveen closed the door, smiling.
Samantha turned out to have a pair of shorts he could use, although they weren't for swimming but they'd do, so he popped into the bathroom to get changed. In the ten minutes that he spent waiting for Nayan, the three girls had all gotten changed and were in the water, while Bobby had simply stripped to his briefs and plunged into the pool after them.
Eventually Nayan reappeared though, and Praveen walked over to the pool with her, liking the sight of her in the black bikini. A momentary memory popped into his head of Shobitha, the stripper, with her black underwear and the similarities were abundant between the two, yet the slight differences were more pronounced at the same time.
Praveen nearly blurted out, "Are you sure you don't have a sister," but he realised that reminding her he was thinking about a stripper and not her probably wouldn't go down too well. He opted for diving in the pool.
For an hour or so they mucked around in the pool, sending Rohan to make them drinks out of whatever liquor was left in the villa. Surprisingly Rohan was the first to pass out, on one of the sun loungers that surrounded the pool. At that point Bobby and Rashmika were definitely doing their own thing together in the jacuzzi, and Sara and Samantha had gone inside to get some items to give Rohan a 'makeover'.
"Let's leave them to it," Nayan whispered in Praveen's ear.
He nodded, immediately getting out the pool and helping Nayan out. She didn't let go of his hand, but pulled him after her into the house.
Praveen followed her into her bedroom, not pausing as she pulled him straight into the bathroom and handed him a towel. As he dried himself off in the dim light from the bedside lamp, he watched Nayan, rubbing a towel through her short bobbed hair. It was at that length that it looked awesome if it was neat or messy.
With both of them dry apart from the wet clothing, they paused, looking at each other, the air thick with tension. Praveen broke it.
"I will if you will," he smiled.
Nayan blushed a little but smiled back at him. "It wouldn't be smart to get into bed with wet clothes, would it?"
"Downright stupid," Praveen agreed, his hand sliding down over his stomach to the button of the cargo shorts he'd borrowed.
"Really stupid," Nayan nodded, reaching behind her to undo the strap of her bikini top. The two black cords dangled down at the sides of her stomach, the top only held in place by the string around her neck. Praveen could see the mischievous grin on her face, the slight flush on her cheeks and chest and he knew his own breath was coming quicker.
Throwing caution to the wind he shrugged his hips and pushed at the shorts, dropping them to the floor in one swift movement.
"Bear in mind the water was cold," he added, smirking.
Her eyes flickered back up to his face. "Poor baby. I'll make sure you're all warmed up."
At that Nayan reached back and pulled open the remaining knot on her bikini top, dropping it to the floor. Praveen took a deep breath as he saw her breasts, nice and firm, not too full, and the phrase 'more than a handful is a waste' popped into his head. Her nipples were tight and hard from the cold water, and he longed to suck them in his mouth.
"Like what you see?" Nayan asked, biting her lip as she awaited his response.
"Hotter than I could have imagined," Praveen said immediately. "Beautiful."
"Oh, aren't you the smooth one," she replied, pleased at his compliment.
"Well, Mister Honest, you better get dried before you get in this bed. One of us is wet enough already." Nayan blushed a little more as she finished the statement but her words had an immediate effect on Praveen, and he rapidly scrubbed his damp bits dry with towel as he walked around the double bed.
Nayan chuckled as she saw him do a bandy-legged hop-walk as he dried himself, getting a grin back from Praveen. Seeing how unabashed he was she quickly shed her bikini bottoms and dried herself with her towel before slipping into bed alongside him.
Praveen had his arm out and Nayan immediately slipped into it, snuggling into him.
"Are you cold?" She murmured a moment later.
"Me too. Cuddle into me," Nayan ordered, rolling onto her side and dragging him to spoon in behind her.
Praveen slipped his arm around her waist as his legs slid in, matching her position under the covers. Her butt felt cold in his lap, but it was a naked Nayan butt. It could have been made of ice and he wouldn't have moved away. He traced his fingers in a small circle around her belly button.
"That's nice," she murmured, worming her head in between Praveen and the pillow.
There was something incredibly intimate and comforting in the way their bodies were conforming into each other to Praveen. He realised that both of them were making unconscious minute adjustments, his upper leg sliding between hers, her calf resting behind his own with her foot looped under his. Her hand found his left arm and she pulled it in to her body, his hand sliding between her breasts as his right slid from her belly button to between her and the bed, wrapping her tight, her arms wrapping around his until they were as tight together as could be.
There was nothing erotic about it, he realised, just an incredible intimacy as their two bodies fit tightly together as if made for it.
"Oh my," Nayan purred in his ear. "I could stay like this all night."
"Um... me too," Praveen admitted. "And I'm not a cuddly type of guy."
"But this is so nice..."
"I know," he admitted. "It's.... "
"I know," she finished.
They lay there, wrapped up in each other under the blankets.
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