Adultery Chapter One - The Erotic Party with my wife
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The Dinner and the Indian waiter

Anyways, since I did not have any choice, I just kept walking next to my hubby, almost hugging him on the side so as to save my nakedness from being visible to any passer by. We finally got down from Eiffel Tower and both of us were feeling a bit hungry so thought of going to an Indian restaurant to have our dinner. Surya found one that was near by so we decided to take a walk to the restaurant. While walking I realised how tiny and loose my skirt was. The mild air flow was making it rise up exposing my inner thighs further to what they were exposed in that tiny skirt. On top of it my scarf was gone now, thanks to Surya’s wish! The air was freely brushing my exposed boobs. I was really feeling I was in my bra and panty as the air below was freely flowing to my panty area under my skirt and air above was brushing my boobs without any hinderance. I was really struggling to keep my skirt down with my both hands so in the process couldn’t hide my bosom from getting exposed. It was like I had to choose between my pussy(in my transparent panty off course) getting exposed or my boobs free for all. I chose the later I let my boobs be visible but tried to cover up my pussy as much as I could. After 10 minutes of that embarrassing walk we finally reached the restaurant. I took a sign of relief as soon as I saw the place, I thought my struggle was over but I didn’t know that it had jut begun banana

An average Indian boy greeted us at the entrance. My instincts kicked in instantly by seeing an India male, I tried to hide my boobs, but Surya held one of my hand so I was left with only one hand. I did my best to bring my other hand to my chest and show it as if it happened naturally during the conversation but I am sure I was not able to even save my 1/4th of the cleavage from exposure. That Indian boy must have enjoyed the sight of conservative Indian house wife showing off her assets in public like this. I am sure he would have masturbated in the night thinking of me. I felt more shame with that thought and my face became red with shyness. I did my best not to show my awkwardness and walked behind my husband to our allocated table. Now Surya made me sit on the chair that was right opposite the main door and he came and sat right next to me. Usually we sit opposite to each other, so most of the time I am hidden from the passer by’s. Now that today I needed most of that protection Surya chose to deny me of that. He came and sat next to me. I couldn’t even raise my head in shame as I knew everyone sitting on the tables in front of us could see my exposed boobs. I did have my one hand on across my chest to desperately hide my cleavage but my tiny hands could at max cover 25% of it rest was left open for everyone to see. “Ma’am, menu!” I jerked with a voice so close to me, it was the same Indian waiter standing right next to me and handing over the menu book. I raised my head to look at him and I could see he was looking deep into my cleavage and exposed boobs from top. He was having a splendid view of my upper boobs and cleavage added with my exposed shoulders except for the tiny portion covered by my blouse straps. I was literally feeling like I was sitting their naked and this young boy was devouring my body with his eyes. My face became red with shame and I lowered my eyes and head again. “Ma’am what would you like to order, please check out specials in the menu” he repeated. I was thinking why is he pushing it on me? Why can’t he give the stupid menu to my husband who was just sitting next to me? But I got the answer myself, “yes off course he wants to see the exposed boobs of this Indian conservative housewife and hence instead of giving menu book to my husband he came to me”. My Husband was just smiling and not even attempting to take the book nor he let go of my other hand which he was holding purposefully so I am forced to remove my other hand from the boobs. Both these men were playing with my dignity and I was sitting there between them in full vulnerable state. I had no choice but to remove my hand that was covering 25% of my exposure and take the menu from his hands.

I once again tried to free my right hand held by Surya so I can continue to keep my left hand on my exposed boobs while I take the menu with my right one. But I was no match to his firm grip. I realised I had no choice, this Waiter is not going to give up and I would make a scene if I don’t take the menu. So slowly and shakily I removed my left hand from my boobs and took the menu from his hand and quickly placed it on the table and took my left had back to where it was covering my boobs. His eyes lit for a second when he saw my fully exposed boobs, just for few seconds but his eyes were dug there so he didn’t miss a second of the expose. With a broad cunning smile he said “I will be back to take your order ma’am, please go through our specials on last page” saying that he left. I nudged Surya with my elbow to leave my right hand which was held with his left hand firmly over my exposed thigh underneath the table. He just smiled and said “Paddu, I will let you order food today, check the menu”. I just looked at him angrily as he very well knew that to look at the menu I will have to take my left hand from my boobs to flip the menu pages as he had pinned down my right hand. That will leave me fully exposed to people sitting in front of us and anyone walking into the restaurant. BTW Surya chose a table that was the first one from the door which means every single person walking in from that door will look at us first before going it. In my exposed state no wonder they will get the best view of my cleavage, shoulders and more than 50% of my upper boobs. Thank God my legs were inside the table or else I would have looked like a those naked statues at the entrance of the Indian temples. Welcoming everyone with my open boobs and pussy!!!!

I wanted to protest to Surya but there was no point hence once again, shakily, I took my left hand off my boobs and flipped the pages of the menu quickly and picked a few dishes randomly. I was in a rush to cover myself asap so to minimise my exposure. Within those few mins several people walked pass us, I din’t dare to see but I am sure they would have definitely noticed my exposed state. My face was getting redder and redder by the minute with shame. I closed the menu and tried to remember what I wanted to order. The waiter returned with a broad smile “What would you like to order ma’am?” Again he was on my side trying this luck again to see my cleavage and boobs. I just said “Chicken curry and rice”, I just wanted this to end soon but this guy had some other plans. “Which Chicken curry ma’am? And what kind of a rice you are after?” He asked! I was furious with his question. “Any chicken curry” I retorted but he wanted to spend more time looking at my breasts so he said “sorry ma’am, we have 15 different types of chicken curries, which one would you like? Could you please show me on the menu?”. I cursed him in my head, he very well knew that if I have to show him which curry then I will have to take my left hand off my boobs again and flip the menu to show him which specific curry I need. That would mean he will have extended time to see my exposed boobs and almost naked shoulder, I just told him “number 45 curry and plain rice”. To which he was disappointed but still tried his luck he leaned forward and flipped the menu on the table to go to the page where curry number 45 was and said “this one ma’am? Its chilli chicken, very spicy? Are you sure you want this one?”. Without looking at him or the menu I said “Yes, just get us that and make it fast!” and I closed my eyes to save my further embarrassment.

He went, but I was still in that exposed state. I saw few people walk in from the door and and the men in that gang were looking straight at my exposed cleavage and boobs. I couldn’t take this torture more so I freed my right hand somehow from Surya’s firm grip and took hold of the menu with both of my hands. While pretending to read the menu I held it with both of my hands in front of my chest. This helped me save my dignity! But not for long. “Your food ma’am!” Again the same voice. This guy came back with the food. In a way I was thankful that he Brought the food so this torture will end sooner but at the same time I was worried that I will have to once again expose myself as I will have to hand over menu to him which was saving me from the exposure to strangers walking into the restaurant. I let him place the food on the table while holding menu to my chest just to save my dignity for few more mins if not for more. He took his time to place each item on the table along with plates and cutlery. I knew his eyes were dug on to my boobs, cleavage and exposed shoulder in that tiny blouse all along. He placed the food on the table saying “Bon Appetite! Ma’am Sir!” And took the menu from my hand and left us, hesitatingly though.

Now my dilemma was whether to eat with both the hands or one hand? If I have to eat with both hands then I will have to expose myself once again to every passer by at the restaurant but how is it possible to eat with one hand? I was thinking! It wasn’t possible with one hand so once again I didn’t have a choice, I had to eat with both my hands, I concluded. With shaky hands once again I removed my left hand from by boobs letting them exposed and started to eat. “Is everything ok maam?” I once again jerked with that voice. Again it was the same waiter standing right adjacent to me and his head right above mine so as to peak into my blouse. I looked up straight into his eyes and said “yes!”. And immediately lowered by head again in shame. Just then a bit of gravy from my spoon fell on my right boob, I was hoping that this guy has not seen it no I was wrong. “Oh sorry ma’am, I see you have spilled some food on your..” He just left that statement incomplete and took the napkin and started to wipe it. Yes he literally started to wipe the curry drops from my right boob with napkin saying “Let me help you clean it ma’am as both of your hands are busy”. He took his sweat time to clean the boob, he even went over and beyond to touch my entire exposed portion of right boob and my cleavage in the pretext of cleaning. I was shivering while he was brushing his fingers on my boobs and my husband was rubbing my exposed thighs underneath the table with his left hand. I just lowered my eyes and head and said “its ok..Thanks!” I couldn’t believe myself, I was thanking him for feeling my boobs in public? He gave a final shock to me! He took the napkin saying “let me tuck this one in so even if you spill your dress would be saved” and without waiting for my response he started to tuck the napkin on my blouse at the top. Yes he literally put his fingers about an inch inside my blouse from the top and moved it around the top rim of my blouse to tuck the napkin in. While doing so his fingers brushed my boobs skin and even my nipples. I literally jumped from my seat when his fingers touched my nipple, he and Surya both noticed it but did not say anything. With that he got bold and ran his fingers couple of times more to feel my nipples and then slowly but reluctantly removed his hands from my blouse. I was totally in shock, he was taking all this liberty to feel my boobs not only on the outside but also inside my blouse and my husband was sitting there and peacefully eating his rice and chicken curry. I did jump on seat when his hands touched my nipples still my husband was unmoved. Just to end this soon I said “thanks, I will manage from here” and with that and a satisfactory look on his face he left with a grin.

He did come 2-3 times again just to check on me and enjoy my nakedness and every time I could only respond to him saying everything is fine but could not stop him from looking into my cleavage and more than half exposed boobs. On top of it the food was really spicy and I was sweating like anything. My thin blouse was getting transparent due to wetness of my sweat. This was further exposing my boobs. I am sure in the wet blouse he would probably have seen my nipples as well. My husband Surya was peacefully eating his meal not bothered at all that his beautiful traditional Indian wife was getting exposed to these strangers and they were really exploiting her in this vulnerable state.

I finally finished my embarrassing dinner and fortunately Surya didn’t take it longer either. As soon as we were done, I literally dragged Surya out so we get out of that restaurant as soon as possible. That bloody Indian waiter came back like million times to ask us if we need anything, I am sure he came just to have a feast at my exposed boobs as I could clearly see his vision was buried in my cleavage. I couldn’t even hide it as my hands were busy with food. Anyways as we walked out of the restaurant Surya put his hands around my waist while walking and said in my ear “Be ready for the next surprise of the day”. I looked at him with scary and a question mark look? “The club we are going to is a bit different kind”. I said “What different kind?” “You will see, I won’t tell you everything but just remember no matter what happens there, you are not going to object”. Now I was really scared. “Where are you taking me Surya? Please don’t do anything stupid that we will regret in our lives” I was getting a bit philosophical perhaps to psychologically blackmail him. He is smarter than me. He immediately took his nuclear weapon out “Remember the promise?” “don’t let me down here, I am sure you will enjoy, in fact we both will love this night” “just go with the flow” “I am right next to you and I assure you nothing will happen to you that you won’t like”

I was fully scared by now. I even forgot about my state of nakedness and got lost in the thoughts of where is he taking me, will they ask me to strip down and be naked as soon as we enter the club? Or is he going to fuck me in the dark corner of the club while being watched by people? Where everyone can see us? I was shit scared with all these thoughts and didn’t even realise when we reached the entrance of the club. 

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