12-07-2023, 09:03 PM
(12-07-2023, 08:50 PM)tinydickginger Wrote: Dany:Yeah. I mean look at both of you. Look how big Jon is compared to you.
(Dany was starting to get into humiliating Dan. Dan was getting more upset.)
(Dany started stroking Jon's arm)
Dany: Look how big his arm is Dan. And look at your little twigs.
(This riled up Dan more. He looked very upset now. )
Dan: Jesus, Dany. You don't have to fondle him.
( while we all were sitting my legs were covering almost the entire dining table and both of u can see it from the transparent glass above )
(as dany made that statement comparing how big i am to you ) u are living in a fictional world dan white guys are made for computer jobs not something that require physical strength i mean my manager is a white guy
( as dany started stroking my left arm and complimenting my bicep and arm i was enjoying the softness of ur palm and it kind of gave me gossebumps all around )
( as dan said not to fondle me) whats ur issue buddy ? u jealous or something ? its her choice if she wanna fondle me or no whats ur issue ( laughed a bit )