Adultery Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999

She gave me a stern look but with smiling eyes ,shook her index finger, indicating to me not to try anything naughty in that place.

I kept smiling looking in those deep beautiful eyes and sipped my drink, enjoying the taste,……the fragrance……the ambience……..and the dilemma of a beautiful lady sitting in front of me.

The waiter meanwhile brought the food and laid the table. As he was laying the table, I was busy making preparation for a nice plan. Slowly I slipped my right foot out of my shoes. Pooja was busy admiring the food and I slowly took off the socks as well.

The table was covered with long and exotic table cloth with elegant Chinese patterns. It fell on both the sides and was long enough to make my movements almost invisible.

As the waiter left, Pooja smacked her lips in anticipation. She served two pieces of prawn in my plate and one in hers. Then she poured some sauce in both the plates and asked me to start. I took the piece and tasted it.

“Delicious!” I said munching the delicacy.

She too took the piece and tasted it. It truly was very well cooked, and she gave me a wink as she admired the dish. As we were enjoying the food , my foot under the table was working on the mind of its own.

Slowly I extended my leg under the table and slowly touched her tender calf with my bare foot.. Pooja almost jumped out of her seat.

“Ouch! ….what was that?” she said trying to get a look under the table.

“Relax darling” I said “It’s only my foot. It was itching so, I thought that I might rub
it against something”

“But why my leg honey?” She said glaring at me “The table has legs too.”

“Don’t be cruel darling. My foot is not used to hard things, besides I have to keep my promise”

“What promise?” she asked showing surprise.

“Remember…….. ‘New Pinch’?” I said smiling looking deep in her eyes.

“Aryan…….pleeease don’t be ridiculous” she whispered. “ Its much too crowded here for such things”

“ Look Jaan” I said “ I believe that the fun of romance comes from doing the improbable thing..... in an unimaginable place...... at an unthinkable moment. So, darling sit back,…enjoy the food……and enjoy the feelings.”

“But dear, there are so many people around; you just can’t feel me up here” she said desperately and crossed her legs.

“Darling!” I said laughing, “Crossing the legs won’t help, as I will find a way to reach my destination.”

With that I put another piece of prawn in my mouth and smiled at her with my eyes. She too started her food but with a bit of apprehension. I ordered another round of drinks and slowly she relaxed and again started chirping freely.

My foot in the meanwhile was moving up and down on her silky smooth legs. She sat crossed legged under the table and gave me a smug look as if daring me to go ahead.

I simply went on caressing her leg with my foot and smiled looking at that pretty diva sitting in front of me, while continuously moving upwards. I reached her knee and beyond that I could not go without forcing her legs apart.

She gave me a sweet smile and raised her eyebrow as if asking whether I give up. I kept on smiling confidently and unexpectedly……for a moment I looked at the wall behind her, then suddenly my facial expression changed from a pleasant smiling one to that of alarm.

She was looking at me with that supreme confidence look, but as my expressions changed, she looked surprised.

“What happened?” she asked concerned.

“Don’t move Pooja,……. just stay still……….there is a spider over your right shoulder” I said slowly.

She immediately gave a tiny squeal “ where,……. Aryan ……..please…..remove it, ……quickly …..pleeease” she cried almost jumping from her seat and in the process inadvertently uncrossed her legs and opened her thighs a little as if to turn away from that crawly creature.

That was all I needed and I moved my foot all the way between her thighs and my toes gently touched the soft new cotton panties …….. dead over her pussy.

“New Pinch Princess” I said tickling her soft pussy with my toes over her panties and burst out laughing.

Her expressions changed from that of extreme fright to … shock……to that of pleasant surprise. Then she too burst out laughing, slapping me gently on my hand.

“You incorrigible liar, …..that was not fair”. She said

“Everything’s fair in love and war dear” I said grinning. “I had to keep my promise”

“Ok! Honey, you’ve had your fun, now remove your foot……..somebody might come” she said.

“Only if you promise never to refuse me touching you there ever” I said naughtily.

“I won’t promise anything… naughty boy……no…. never.” She said adamantly.

“Then my foot remains there” I said giving another press on her lovely pussy.

She saw that the waiter was approaching towards our table and panicked.

“Ok baba……I promise… pleeease remove your foot” she whispered intensely.

“That’s like a good girl” I said smiling and slowly removed my foot from her pussy but kept it on her knees and lower thighs.

She blushed fiercely and started toying her food in her plate as the waiter reached us.

“Anything else sir?” he asked smiling.

“No thanks!” I said

“Will you have anything Mam?” He asked turning towards Pooja.

“Uh….No …..Thanks please!” she said still looking at her plate, still blushing from the experience and sweating a little.

“Please bring our check” I said enjoying myself thoroughly.

The waiter bowed and left us.

“Why did’nt you remove your foot?” she asked sternly as if embarrassed. “He might have seen it”

“Nobody saw anything angel……..just finish up. It’s time to go.

We finished our food quickly……paid the bill and left a decent tip and exited the restaurant…….
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RE: Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-06-2019, 07:25 AM

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