Adultery Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999
Part-11 C contd

“Ok! Go freshen up and I will lay down the dress in the bedroom.” I said.

She went out smiling, swaying her hips as if teasing me. I went to the drawing room took her dress and then entering my bed room waited for her.

After a few minutes, Pooja came out of the bathroom humming to her. She had apparently washed her face and looked fresh and gorgeous. She looked at me sitting on the bed and asked

“So, what has my naughty neighbor brought for me to wear?”

I took out the dress from behind my back and showed it to her. She looked surprised. “This!.....but Aryan this is a party dress. I can’t wear it casually in public. It is much too short.”

“I know my darling you will look gorgeous in this.” I said. “Besides we are going to some classy places, so you will not feel out of place.”

Reluctantly she took the dress from me and held it in front of her, went towards the full length mirror in my room and seemed to be looking at herself as if deciding whether to go with it…….but she had no choice.

“Ok! Just for you, I will wear it for the first time today. Give me my other things and I will change” she said giving me a sweet smile

“What other things?” I asked feigning ignorance.

“Aryan…! You know very well what other things” she said apparently giving me a stern look.

“Oh I see!” I took out the lipstick from my pocket and put my hand forward for her to see. “I forgot that girls do not go out without a makeup. Here take it, this is the best I could do.”

“I am not talking of makeup, my dear” she said frustrated.

“Then?” I said probing…..enjoying her embarrassment..

“I’m talking about my……….my undergarments.” She said lowering her eyes

“O surely! But you don’t expect a gentle man to go through a ladies drawer, searching for her undergarments. Honey…I was embarrassed…so……” I said enjoying myself fully now.

“Aahaha..! How sweet and convenient” she said mocking “I know what you have in mind my dear, but a lady cannot go out of the house without an……an under wear.” She said now turning red.

“Darling! It’s already getting late and after you wear the dress I m sure nobody will know that you have nothing underneath” I said giving her a naughty smile.

“No way! I’m not going out without my UG’s” she said adamantly

“C’mon jaan, don’t be a spoilsport. OK! I will do one thing; I will buy you something from the mall.” I said soothing

She was now feeling very uncomfortable. “At least let me wear my pa….panties” she pleaded…looking slightly distressed.
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RE: Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-06-2019, 07:19 AM

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