Adultery Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999

She slept peacefully in my arms for close to two hours. When I woke up, I looked at the time on the clock. It read 4:50 PM . I looked at the pretty girl sleeping by my side. She looked heavenly lying nude on the carpet facing me, with her head on my shoulder, her hair partly covering her beautiful face.

She had put one arm over my chest and her leg was dbangd across my midriff. Her creamy soft thigh lay casually near my belly, bent at the knee and the leg reached up to my thigh. She was breathing softly and her boobs were touching the side of my bare chest.

I wanted to wake her up slowly so I moved my hand and brushed aside the hair from her soft angelic face. She had an expression of extreme contentment on her face……and I felt that I could see a faint smile…….probably having a beautiful dream. I traced my fingers slowly over her arm ….to her belly … her hips ….and to her thighs….feeling the exquisite softness of her skin which felt new every time I touched it.

She stirred in her sleep. Gently I lifted her leg from me and placed it on the carpet. I then put my hand between her legs and my fingers traced the outline of her pussy. She moved a bit now apparently coming out of her slumber. I felt around her pussy for some time and then traced her slit with my fingers applying just a little pressure.

She moved and flicked open her eyes slowly. For a few moments she seemed to be in daze but then as if coming out of the trance, she looked around then at me and smiled. I smiled back and gave her a small kiss on her lips.

“Awake princess?” I asked softly

She nodded.

“It was the most peaceful sleep I ever had darling” she said.

Reluctantly I removed my hand from her pussy and touched her cheeks as if brushing aside the hair strands. She caught hold of my hand and brought it near her lips and kissed it gently.

“Thanks a lot Aryan……..”she said “….for showing me the paradise on this earth. I think something inside me has changed forever……I will always be yours for this…even after I leave.”

“Hey it’s not over yet…” I said smiling “we still have sometime before Yash comes back so, don’t you dare talk of leaving yet”

She smiled back and came in my arms and gave me a lovely deep kiss on my lips.

When we parted I asked

“What would you like now baby?”

“I don’t know” she said “you decide”.

“OK ! let’s go out and enjoy” I said

“but where?” she asked…her eyes growing big.

“O! c’mon trust me sweetheart , I won’t disappoint you” I said teasing

“Of that ,I am certain” she said lowering her eyes.

“So, get up lazybones… can sleep all you want once you are with Yash but till then…… more sleeping” I said and got up.

She gave me her hand and I helped her get from the ground. She looked around for some thing and then seeing her robe lying on the floor…picked it up and started putting it on.

“But what will I wear darling?”she asked.

“ I will bring some thing for you from your apartment” I said “ give me the keys”

“ I don’t know where I kept them last night…… was so, dark” she said searching for them “ here… they are on the side table”.

“Ok tell me where do you keep your clothes?” I said smiling

“They are in the almirah… in our bed room” she said blushing. Then regaining her composure “ just bring………..”

But before she could finish I put finger on my lips indicating her to be quiet.

“You are going out with me , so I will choose what you will wear.” I said disarmingly.

“B…..but Aryan….” She began

“ shhhhhhhh… trust me” I winked and putting on my boxers and T-shirt I was gone……

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RE: Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-06-2019, 07:17 AM

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