Adultery Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999
“Aryan I need something else to wear. I can’t remain in this robe forever” she said, sitting by my side on the sofa.

“I also don’t want you in this robe.” I said smiling “It’s shielding all your beauty from me. Why don’t you take it off?”

“Aaa ha ha ha! Very smart. I will not be fooled this time” she said teasing me “I need my clothes. By the way where are the ones that I wore last night?”

“What were you wearing last night, honey? It was so dark that I didn’t see anything” I said teasing her back.

“I was wearing a nighty and……….” She stopped midway, blushing a little.

“And………?” I asked innocently.

“You very well know what I was wearing.” She said turning red. “You are the one who took them off.”

“But darling, it was so dark that I couldn’t see any thing” I said making a poker face… now enjoying myself thoroughly at the expense of this sexy girl. “Besides I was more concerned about you than your clothes.”

“But where are they?” she asked…now lowering her eyes.

“Please describe them to me, so that I know what I’m looking for” I said enjoying the game more and more.

“Don’t be silly Aryan, it was just a plain nighty and ……..” again she stopped.

“And what? Baby just describe” I chuckled with a twinkle in my eyes. I liked the way she was getting uncomfortable.

“Here is a girl whom I have made love to about five times since last night and she is still shy about describing her intimate clothing to me” I thought. I wanted to break this resistance too.

“Ok! See I was wearing a yellow coloured nighty and…….a pair of lemon coloured….. pp….panties …..” she said at last……turning crimson.

I was getting hard again just listening to her. But I wanted to test her further…

“Was there anything peculiar or were they ordinary?” I asked

“Aryan! Please stop teasing me. Just tell me where are my clothes?” she almost pleaded

“Please answer me princess. It will help me in finding your clothes quickly” I said smiling.

“The nighty was………in fine cotton and the p...panties were also of cotton with…….” She lowered her eyes.

“With a “Snoopy” printed on the front….” I said laughing.

“You naughty scoundrel, so you know how they look like” she said throwing a cushion at me. “Where are they, I want them back”

“Look sweetheart, they were all wet and dirty, so I put them with other dirty clothes for washing. I will give them back to you, after washing.” I lied.

“When?” she asked suddenly alarmed.

“As soon as they dry up.” I said.

“But then Yash will be back and……. He……..” she seemed distressed.

“Did Yash gift them to you?” I asked

She nodded.
“Both?” I asked, getting more and more exited.

“No! Only the nighty” she said with her head lowered.

“And the panties……?” I whispered

“I bought them myself.” She said slowly still looking at the floor.

“You have an exquisite taste darling.” I said lifting her chin. “So, it is decided that you keep the nighty and I will keep the panties”

“What!” she almost shouted. “B…ut ………but why?

“I need something as souvenir for the moments spent with you” I whispered, bringing my lips on her and giving her a long sensuous kiss. She closed her eyes and all her protests were dissolved in that one moment….

After another long and wet kiss I separated from her but remained very close to her, tracing my fingers on her delicate face and in her hair. She still looked dazed.

“But what will I wear darling? I can’t go to my flat in this robe…... what if somebody sees me?” she asked, looking scared and very vulnerable.

“Don’t worry honey.” I said in my most soothing voice. “When the time comes for you to go, I will go to your flat and bring something for you to wear. Just tell me where do you keep your clothes?”

She blushed again……….

I kissed her again and this time my fingers managed to loosen the belt of her robe.
“You do not need it ……..while you are with me” I whispered.

It parted slowly and my princess was again exposed completely for my pleasure……………
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RE: Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-06-2019, 07:12 AM

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