Adultery Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999
I meanwhile went about the kitchen, cutting vegetables, putting water on the cooking range and making Pasta. We talked, laughed and cracked few jokes until conversation shifted to Yash’s return.

She was looking at the floor, her feet hanging in the air, making nervous movements. She did not realize that the bath robe had fallen open at her thigh and her creamy little thigh was again exposed for my pleasure.

“How will I face Yash after all this?” She asked softly still looking at the floor.

I quickly went to her side, lifted her chin gently and looked in her big innocent eyes.

“Don’t ever be guilty, especially when your heart was into it. Enjoy it like a beautiful dream till it lasts and then forget completely about it. We may have done something in the heat of moment, but don’t ever feel violated.

Trust me it was such a pure thing and such a beautiful setting that even the God himself could not have written the script any better.” With that I kissed her on her lips and hugged her tightly. She seemed to forget her worries and hugged me back.

“I shall never forget these moments spent with you Aryan. You surely know how to treat a lady” she said.

We were brought out of this spell by the sound of water boiling. We both laughed and I quickly went about trying to save the Pasta from burning.

I lay down the table while she busied herself with binging wine glasses.

“That’s like a good girl. Now do some thing better and go to the bar and bring a wine of your choice.” I said.

“B….but I don’t know anything about the wines” she pleaded.

“Anything you choose will be fine by me.” I replied assuring her.

I saw her walking tentatively towards the bar, her ass swaying seductively from side to side. She reached the bar and opened it. She seemed astonished at the variety of liquor in that bar,.. all imported.

She spent some time looking at the wine cabinet and picked up the Gevrey Chambertin 2000, the famous French red gbang wine. It was one of my favorites.

“You have an excellent taste sweetheart” I complimented.

“I don’t know one from the other, but I found the bottle attractive” she said smiling innocently.

I opened the bottle with wine opener and poured it in both the glasses. I raised the toast and said “To this lovely dream, with my beautiful and sexy neighbor. Cheers!”

She blushed, smiled and raised her glass “To the most exquisite lover of my life” She said “cheers”

We both had a sip and then I started serving the pasta in one plate. I had kept only one plate on the table.

“Where’s your plate?” she asked surprised.

“Can’t I eat from yours?” I asked as if hurt.

“Of course you can darling” she said trying to appease me.

“Then let me treat you” I said.

“OK! Luv , treat me.” She said laughing.

“Come and sit on my lap” I said sitting on the chair.

“What? Are you serious?” she asked surprised.

“I’ve never been more serious” I said making a poker face.

I then extended my hand, she took it, lowered her eyes and I gently pulled her closer till she was standing in front of me, the knot of her robe teasingly close to my face.

But I resisted the temptation, gently turned her and pulled her on my lap. She was blushing deeply. I took a fork and picked up some pasta and brought it near her lips. She opened her mouth and took it in.

I then picked her wine glass and asked her to take a sip. She seemed angelic, sitting on my lap, sipping the wine eating gracefully out of my hand …….so innocent……so sexy.

“Hey! I am hungry too” I said, after she had finished more than half of the plate.

“Oh! Soooooo..Sorry darling” She said lovingly. She picked up the fork and brought the pasta near my mouth. I took a bite and we both laughed. She looked at me with adoring eyes and I could see love and passion in them.

Slowly she brought her lips close to mine and kissed me, gently at first and then more passionately.

“Oh! I love you Aryan….. I love you so much.” she whispered. This was the first time in more than 16 hrs when she had taken the first step.

We continued to kiss more deeply and my cock responded by getting hard again. I could feel the heat radiating from her crotch through the robe.

This time around I waited and did not do much as I wanted to see how far she would go, without my taking any proactive role…….
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RE: Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 08-06-2019, 07:10 AM

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