Adultery Indian Wife Plays With Construction Guys (Whore Dance)
Fatema : You did that? I mean..that time you were not so shameless like now. 
Purva : Yes that's true. But till now I also don't know from where I got that power…
But that was the first turning point of my life.. A start of a new life… 

Fatema remained silent but was looking at her eyes with questions in her eyes. 
And her eyes were saying to Purva, " I know there is more….I want to know. Please, Didi tell me….."
But she was silent. 
Purva : What? 
Fatema : What? 
Purva: Why are you looking at me like this? Hey That's all. From that day I stopped.  
Fatema : Hummm I understand.. 
Purva : You are creepy. 
Fatema : Yes a little. But you did right.
You should not let them come to your place. 
Purva : Yes. How long they were silent watchers I was also ok with my exhibitonism. But whenever they interacted…Not only interacted, they were asking me to allow them to my apartment. An alarm hit my mind. I got scared. 
I wrapped the towel and ran to my room. 
I put on a decent Salwar kameez and also put the scarf on my chest and shoulders over the Kameez. 
I came out. They were very disappointed to see me like that. 
They were silent for a while. But after half an hour they started talking with each other. They were talking loudly. Mentioning each other's name they were blaming each other. One said, who told you to say that? Now what will happen? 
He replied, what will I do? He told me to say that.. 
He told you and you did? Stupid…
Another said, if she told the security or the building caretaker then think what would happen? 
Another said, Arre leave it.. She is not like that. She will not tell anyone. Chill dude. 
Another said, But we lost her. We can't see the beauty again.. 
The previous man said, Arre Dudes, no worry. I know this kind of woman. She can't live without showing her off. She just got scared by your words. Wait for a few days and then you will see that she is doing this again. . 
A man asked,  can you say how long we have to wait? 
Our work will be done within a month.. Then? 
The man replied, I don't know bro.But we have to behave properly. She is a decent and rich woman after all. So behave yourself first. And hope for your luck. 
That's Our fault so we have to suffer for this.. 

I was listening to them from the kitchen. 
It was irritating to me..I went to my bedroom and threw my body on the bed. 
Their words Were buzzing Inside my brain. 
Especially the words that , " I know this kind of woman, She can't live without showing her off"  
I thought, really? I can't live? Yes I can. I'm not like that. It was my husband who insisted that I do that.. I'll prove that I'm a decent woman… 
And I got up and went to the living room. 
 I went near the window and slammed the window shut. 
I then went to the kitchen and closed the window and I closed the balcony door also. 
I sat on the couch and closed my eyes with my hands. My throat choked and I started crying… 
I was crying and crying.. And Thinking, I'm not a shameless woman. I'm a decent woman. It's Tarun's fault not mine. 
I punch the cushion and got up after a while. 
I switched on the TV and took my lunch on the plate.. I sat on the couch and started eating.. But after taking just 3-4 spoons of rice, I got up and threw the plate on the basin. 
The entire afternoon went very bad. I couldn't sleep or couldn't watch TV. 
In the evening I went out for some shopping. 
When I was getting out of the building gate or entering the apartment, I tried to figure out the laborers. But I couldn't find them.
At night, when Tarun came he found the closed windows and the closed  balcony door. 
He asked me why I closed the windows? 
I lied to him that I went out shopping so I had closed them and forgot to open them after I returned back. 
He opened the windows. 
Next Day After he left for the office, I quickly closed all the windows and the balcony door. 
When I was closing the Balcony door, I saw a few of them looking towards me. One of them held his ears and shouted, Sorry Bhabhi Ji….
But I slammed the door shut and went to the kitchen.
Fatema : What were your outfits?
Purva: I was wearing a full length housecoat and underneath that I was wearing a pair of bra and panties. 
The day was passing so boring. 
At Once I thought that I can't stay without showing off. My urge to expose my nudity to those cheap laborers became so strong. 
But I was  convincing myself that I'm a decent housewife. I should not do that.)
My two different personalities were confronting each other. 
Sometimes I was thinking that they are not so harmful and they will leave this apartment Within a few weeks. So, why not play with them a little. But just after then my persistence of being a decent woman was resisting me to do that. 
Three days passed. Sometimes my exhibitionist personality Almost won the battle but then The decent Purva pulled me back at the last moment. 
Then Saturday came. Now I had to keep the windows open. And if I were to wear any traditional clothes then Tarun could suspect something. So I chose a sleeveless nightie to wear which was coming just beneath my knees. 
I could feel that they were staring at me. But I was not looking directly towards them but It was obvious that they were watching me and the mirror was showing me the same result. 
The starving eyes which couldn't see me for the last 5 or 4 days were eating me with their eyes. 
I was giggling in my mind. 
But the alarm was also buzzing inside my brain but the butterflies were also flying Inside my stomach. I would have died in anticipation. 
It was around 12 or 12.30. When Tarun Started fondling my body, I was resisting him frequently. 
Finally Tarun asked, What dear? What's wrong? 
I replied, Nothing Tarun but can we close the windows? 
Tarun asked : why?  Why are you behaving like this? 
I replied, No, Tarun, I think it's wrong. We should stop it Now. 
Tarun laughed and said, Huttt Pagli. What's wrong with it? No one is getting any harm or losing anything from it. They are watching what they couldn't believe to see in their life and they are quite enjoying it. And we are getting our extra spices in our sex life. And our fantasy is fulfilling. 
I replied, Not our fantasy. It was your fantasy, your choice. 
Tarun looked at me and politely said, yes you are right. It was my fantasy. But don't deny that you also enjoyed it a lot. And they have already seen you. So what bothers you so much and all of a sudden? 
I got up from the bed and said, Nothing. It 's just that I don't in the perfect mood today. 
Tarun smiled and said, ok dear take rest and repair your mood. Tomorrow we will show them a grand view again…

I took the towel and went to the bathroom.
I was desperately wanting to show my naked body to them again. 
But my persistence stopped me from doing that. 
But my Thinking had changed. 
4 days ago I was trying to convince myself that it was Tarun's fault. He had Started these all. And I'm not guilty. 
But the  fact was that he didn't tell me to be naked in front of them while he was not there. 
It was me. I wanted to show myself to them. And as Tarun said, What's wrong with it?
There was no loss. Only profit on both sides. 
But again I shook my head and threw the dirty thoughts out of my head. 
I took my shower and got myself dry. And came out of the bathroom wrapping the towel on my naked body only. 
Tarun looked at me and Almost jumped on me. 
He charmingly Asked, Does your mood change? 
I looked at him with disgust and pushed him back and replied, Oh shut up Tarun. You dirty pervert. 
And I went inside the bedroom. 
I changed into a comfortable cotton nightie. It has a deep long V shape neck. Two triangle shaped cups over my breasts and thin straps over my shoulders and I had to tie knots on those straps over my shoulders. And thus I could adjust the length of my visible cleavage. 
I knot it in such a way that my nightie lowered down from my chest. A decent amount of flesh was visible. My upper boobs and side boobs were visible and the cleavage was showing ulto the point from where my rib bones were parting. 
The nightie was coming up to my mid thighs and it had a 6 inches slit on both outer sides of my thighs. 
The gaps under my arms were also very wide. It was coming down the side of my abdomen. And showing a lot of naked flesh of my under arms and side boobs.
I used to wear that nightie only at night. 
I didn't wear any panties or bra under it and came out of the room. 
My towel was on my hand. I was wiping my wet hair with that towel. 
Tarun was playing the snake game on his brand new Nokia 3310 mobile phone. He was so excited and lost in his game. 
I Intentionally coughed loudly and asked, " Khana laga de? " ( Wanna take lunch Now?)
He looked up. 
I was jerking my hand to wipe my wet hair with the towel. 
My bra-less boobs were freely dancing under my loose nightie. 
My nipples were poking through the soft and thin cotton fabric. 
Water dripped on my shoulders and my chest from my wet hair. 
Tarun looked at me and his mouth opened. He tried to get up but I pushed him down again. 
I asked again, Lunch? 
He fumbled,, Ahh Aah 10 minutes later. 
I said ok then… 
I slowly Went towards the Balcony. 
I hesitated for a moment and then stepped out..
But to my disappointment I found no familiar face there. 
Instead I found two new men working Inside the 7th floor room, just opposite to our apartment. 
And they were working on the other side of the wall. Their backs were at me. 
They were cutting the wall with some electrical tools. 
I looked up and found no one on the 8th floor. 
Where is everyone? And who are these two new men? I asked myself. 
Then I looked down and found my desired men working on the ground, outside the building. 
They were busy with plastering the outside wall of the ground floor. 
I stepped on the iron railing a little and leaned down to see them. 
I was trying to attract them and to my luck one of them who was carrying a big packet of cement on his head had put the packet down and stretched his back and arched to his back and looked up. He saw me 
And I smiled back. 
He Instantly tapped on another laborer's shoulder and signaled him to look up. 
Probably they were Seeing my Almost naked shoulders as the straps were so thin. 
I smiled again and got down from the railing. I looked inside and found Tarun was still playing the mobile game. 
I started jerking my hair with the towel and looked to the front. 
And I found one of those new men was standing in front of me holding a bunch of electrical wire. Just 7-8 feet away from me. 
His became like a statue. He was not moving and his jaws were widened. 
I looked at his eyes and smiled and said, Hiii….. 
Fatema : Said, Hi? 
Purva : Yes. That was my first talk to one of them. 
He just fumbled and said, Ha ha hai and quickly turned back and went to the opposite side wall.He handed over the wires to his partner and said something to him in a low voice and that man also turned back and looked at me. I smiled and continued to jerk the towel on my hair. 
I again looked down and found no one on the ground. 
I realized they were coming up. 
I looked at Those electricians who were not looking at me then due to no reason or shyness I don't know. 
I knew they were coming. 
So I got Inside and went to the bathroom and took the bucket in which I put my wet nightie.I came out again to the Balcony and saw them. They were inside the room and were breathing heavily. They were talking to the electricians. 
The electricians then looked back at me.
Three of the older workers stepped forward a little towards the window and one of them who was speaking that day held his ears and whispered sorry madam.
I smiled and bent down. My boobs Almost came out of my nightie cover. And I looked down and I could see my feet through the gap between my boobs and the fabric. 
I knew they could see what I was Seeing. 
I took the wet nightie and started twisting it to drip out the extra water from it and then hung it on the railing of the Balcony. 
One of my straps slipped down from my shoulder and one of my nipples became exposed to them. But I didn't give attention to that. I just stepped up a little on the railing and leaned down to the outside without any proper reason. The only reason was to flash my boobs to them.
Then I stepped down and turned aside and looked Inside the room. My husband was still busy with his phone. 
My left leg was towards Those workers. And scratched on my thigh between the gap of the slit and pulled the slit a little up and scratched my waist line and then bent down and took the bucket and turned towards the room. I just stopped at the doorstep and turned back. 
I smiled and waved my hand to them and entered the room.
I did it behind my husband for the first time.
That day passed casually without sex as I told Tarun before that I'm in no mood so I couldn't insist on him anymore. 
But my time passed with anticipation. 
Next day morning I couldn't control myself and woke up earlier. 
Until then I hadn't masturbated ever. 
So I couldn't help myself to subsidize my anticipation by doing that. 
What I did was I hugged Tarun and started rubbing my leg on his leg and rubbing my chin on my sleeping husband's cheek.and kissing his nose. 
Soon he woke up and we had our first romantic morning sex.
He insisted that I not wear any clothes. But I playfully slapped him and took the same nightie from the previous day. 
I got busy at work. 
He went out for a couple of hours. And Was doing my household stuff. The maid also came and was surprised to see me in such a revealing nightie. 
But she didn't tell me anything. 
She finished her job and went away. 
I could see the laborers coming up and going down the 7th floor. 
And after Sometimes a decent man came and he scolded a few laborers and they all went down except the two electricians. 
Anyway, at afternoon they got their desired show.Tarun again fucked me in the presence of those laborers, pretending to unknown of their presence. 
After having our sex done, we laid there for a couple of minutes and then I got up and went to the kitchen naked. 
That was also my first time to walk around Naked in the house in front of Tarun and in the presence of those laborers. 
Tarun got really excited but after returning from the kitchen I wore the nightie back.
Next day Tarun Went out for his office. 
I was alone in the house. And I was a little scared as I teased Those laborers on previous days. 
So I decided to wear a full length nightgown and I wore my panties and bra underneath that. 
I was cooking and sweating in the kitchen. The maid had gone. 
I knew the laborers were getting impatient. 
And I was again fully covered.
I was smiling in my mind and Thinking that The Naughty Purva Finally won and I was planning something Naughty for Those poor guys. 
Suddenly I heard the doorbell. 
I went and opened the door. 
I was shocked.
I saw the watchman with two laborers. One of them was a little older. I saw him many times. He was around 50 or 52. And the other one was young. Around 20-22.
The watchman said, "Madam, they are the workers."They are working at the newly constructed tower. And they need to use your Balcony to do some outside work . If you have no problem then….
I was confused, what should I do.I was very scared too. They Finally Reached my house.
But I was also very excited and anticipating them to come in. 
I finally said, umm how long it will take?
The older man introduced him as Dara and told me that it will take an hour or a little longer. 
I said may come in. 
The watchman took permission to leave and went away. 
And that two lads entered my room. 
I was dying in fear and anticipation. 
My breathing Was increasing and my throat Was getting dry. 
Dara Asked, Madam, where is the Balcony? 
I showed him. 
He and the young man went to the Balcony and inspected the opposite wing wall and the gap between two towers.
And then He shouted a name, Abid… It's perfect. We can do this from here. 
I was standing behind them. I saw the man who first commented on me appeared at the opposite wing's window and put his thumbs up.  He was Abid, a man on his 40’s.
They came in and Dara Asked, can I have some water? 
I brought two glasses of water and gave them. They finished their glasses and headed to the door .
I Suddenly Asked, will you have some tea? 
Dara turned around and said, Madam, not a bad Idea. If you don't have any problem. 
I smiled and said, sit on the couch and feel free. I'm bringing the tea. 
Dara asked, Madam, where is the toilet? 
I showed him the toilet and went to the kitchen. 
I was boiling the water when I Suddenly realized that Dara had entered the kitchen. 
I Was shocked but he was also afraid. 
I looked at him with fear in my eyes but he stepped back and said, sorry madam, actually I came here to tell you sorry from all of us. Please don't tell anyone that we….
I looked at him and said, don't worry Dara Ji , I'll not tell anyone. But you promise me that you also will not tell anyone about my acts.. 
Dara smiled and assured me that he or anyone will tell anything to anybody. And they will also not do anything harmful to me.
I smiled and asked, who is this new man? 
He said, their job is Almost done. A little finishing touch and new workers will come to do further work. This man is also a new worker. 
I smiled and said, Ok, you go to the living room. I'm coming with your tea.
Dara said, ji madam. 
I turned back to the gas. But I noticed that he didn't move from his place. 
I looked back at him but didn't ask anything. 
I just smiled and started pouring the tea leaf on the pot. 
Hesitantly he stepped forward. He was also in fear. 
I was feeling a chill on my knees and my clit was twitching. 
He lifted his hand but lowered it quickly. 
I couldn't move. My hands were shaking. 
I took the sugar but couldn't pour that on the pot. 
I was just telling myself in my mind, Dara ji, do whatever you want to do right now, before my mind changed.
Dara came closer and soon, Madam…. 
But he got silent again. 
I couldn't say anything. But anticipating his next move. 
He then spoke again, Madam , we all love to see you like that. are so beautiful.
This time I fumbled, what ? 
Dara also fumbled,  like Na .. Naked madam. 
Your body is so beautiful.. 
I blushed and lowered my head. 
He came closer and pulled the belt of my housecoat. 
The coat aparted from the front. 
I couldn't say anything or protest him. 
He got a little courage and pulled down the gown from my shoulders. 
The gown fell on the floor. .
I was standing only in my bra and panties. 
He just spoke in hindi:  Waahhh. Kya Mast badam hai.. 
He slid some fingers through my back and stopped at my waist line. 
I shivered and my left shoulder got up and my neck bent and my ear rubbed with my shoulder and I hissed. 
He then slid his other hand through my naked belly standing from behind.
My knees got chilled and I bent forward.
Then he started rubbing my bums over my panties. 
I was pouring the sugar on the pot with shaky hands and my right leg lifted to the back and the fingers touched his leg. 
I quickly lowered my leg.
He then unhook the strap of my bra from behind. I couldn't resist. 
The bra sprang to the front but the cups remained on my boobs. That time my boobs were not so big but they were decent in size and always stood straight and a little bent to the up.
My nipples were erected already. 
He tried to slide the shoulder straps down but that time I resisted and stopped him.
He lifted his hand and his hand went down to my waist. 
He fondled my ass a little and then tried to insert his hand Inside my panties. But I resist again. 
He slid down the waistband of the panty at one side. I couldn't resist. 
But when he tried to do that to the other side, I slapped his hand and he removed his hand Instantly. 
⅓ of my left ass cheek was exposed by that. But I didn't lift the panties up again. 
I said, Dara ji, go and sit in the living room. 
He obeyed me and nodded his head and left the kitchen. 
I poured the tea in three cups and then looked at me. 
Should I go like this? 
No no. This is inappropriate. But this is what they are wanting from me. 
And they had already seen me naked. So What's new in it? 
And I think a few of them were also watching me and Dara through the kitchen window. 
So I put the cups on a tray and put some biscuits on the tray and headed towards the living room. 
My boobs were bouncing behind the unhook bra cups and my left hip was exposed and the panty was slipping down slowly. 
I looked down and saw the most embarrassing thing. Worse than my outfits. 
There was a prominent wet patch on my bright yellow panty over the crotch area. 
I felt my knees weak again. But somehow I maintained my balance and went to the room.
The new man was shocked. He couldn't say anything. He was just staring at me with disbelief. 
I smiled and stood in front of him. 
I put the tray on the tea table and bent down. 
My entire boobs were out in the open and dangling in front of their eyes. Only the nipples were hidden behind the cups and I bent down and the cups fell apart from my boobs.
I took the cup and gave it to him. 
He lowered his face and now he was looking at my wet patched spot while taking the cup. 
I offered the tea to Dara also and then sat on the couch opposite to them. 
The cups again attached with my melons and covered my boobs properly. 
But my panty was slid down further and the top part of my left side groin was visible. And a little bit of pubes Were showing.
I was feeling shy and scared but the excitement was much stronger than anything. 
I asked, Dara ji, what do you want to do ? 
Dara was shocked and fumbled, madam we will not harm you believe me. 
I blushed and said, I'm asking about your job. What will you do in my Balcony?
He said, We want to spray some damp proof chemicals on the wall. And then we will make bamboo structures and will plaster the wall later. 
I said ok. You can use my Balcony. 
He thanked me and said they will come the next day. 
I asked the other man's name and talked a little and then I got up and bent. Took the cups and went to the kitchen. Once again I flashed my dangling boobs to them except my nipples. 
And when I was returning to the kitchen my panty was slipping down and they could see half of my upper ass cheeks and the crack between them. 
I stopped and pulled the panty up a little but not entirely. 
And went inside the kitchen. 
I came back and they said bye to me and went out. 
I remained like that and continued doing my household things. 
I could see the eyes glaring on me from the B wing. 
Then the time came. I went to the bathroom and came out naked and wet. I Held the wet panties and bra in my hand and this time I didn't go to the window. 
I went to the Balcony. But Suddenly I stopped. I just peaked my head to see the other windows and Balcony. But a few were visible from our Balcony and no one was there in any of them. 
I stepped out and hung my under wears and then Started wiping my naked  body
Standing at the balcony. 
All the laborers stopped their work and came near the window. There were Almost 10 men. 
They were sweating and most of them were dark and muscular wearing only a half pant or folded lungi. 
Only a few new men were wearing T-shirts and trousers. 
One of them whistled but Dara scolded him and told them to stay silent and just watch. 
That was the first time I was Naked outside my room and showing my nudity to a group of men in my full concern. 
And then I turned back and wiped my back and ass and inserted the towel into my ass crack and wiped the water. I wiped my armpits and rubbed my public bushes and then I entered the room. 
One man shouted, Please stay like this Until we finish our work. 
I looked back and smiled and went in.
They finished their work Around 5 or 5.30 and then one shouted, we are going….
I headed towards the window and stood there putting my hands over my head. They all cheered bye bye madam. 
I smiled and gave them a flying kiss and rushed to the bed. 
All day I was leaking sticky fluids from my pussy. My clit was twitching. 
I couldn't control anymore. I laid on the bed and scratched my slit. But the itching increased. I scratched again and again and then Started rubbing the slit furiously.  But my vagina was also itching. So I inserted two fingers and started pounding my vagina with those fingers. 
And I started masturbating for the first time. 
Anyway, Next Day when Tarun left I searched for appropriate clothing for the day. And I found a very old panty and an inner top. They were faded and had a few holes in them and lost their elasticity. 
The laborers were watching me and feeling impatient looking at me roaming in a housecoat. 
But as Tarun left , I changed into those skimpy loose and old panties and the inner tank top. 
I knew they were happy and So was I. 
The panty was sleeping down frequently and I was pulling it up. 
Oh that was so fun, Fatema. 
Fatema : Then? 
Purva : Then Around 11 the doorbell rang. I sprinted to the door, forgetting the fact that there might be other people too. 
I hurriedly opened the door and saw the watchman standing with Dara and the young new man and another man named Abid.
As I rushed there, my loose panty lowered down from my waist. And some of my pubic bushes were visible.
The watchman was shocked to see me in that inappropriate clothing and became speechless.
Dara quickly said, madam, We had discussed the work yesterday. So can we start the work now?
I quickly said, Oh yes. Come in. 
The watchman was about to say something but I spoke first and said, Thank you bhaiya.
He scratched his head and turned back and went inside the lift.
They came in and started working on the balcony. And I was doing my own work and sometimes just sitting on the couch to see them work.
Fatema : In that loose panty and tank top?
Purva : Yeah, obviously, hehe. And the panty was not betraying me at all. It was continuously slipping down and I could flash my pubes or my ass crack .

Fatema : Then?
Purva : After half an hour they called two men and told them to bring some equipment to our room.
Fatema : That means more men.
Purva : Yes. 
And I had thought that two men would come but when the doorbell rang and I rushed again. 
I saw 3 men on the door and the watchman too was standing on the doorstep.
Fatema : And your panty?
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RE: Indian Wife Plays With Construction Guys (Whore Dance) - by Tunkai - 07-07-2023, 05:47 PM

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