BNWO : Jasmine Discovery by silkstockingslover
Yeah, it wouldn't take much forcing; your daughter loves eating black pussy," Jamal said, as he kept fucking the Principal.

"Have you fucked her yet, son?" the man on the bottom asked... my eyes going wide, since the Principal was apparently being double penetrated by a father and his son.
"Yeah Kimberly loves BBC," Jamal replied, "Henry and I spit-roasted her just last night."
"You're not serious?" I said, but I sensed he was.
"Don't you have a meeting with an important family right away?" she asked. I trust you know that the Jacksons are major benefactors to this school."
"Yes, I do, but...."
"Then go and meet with them, they're also major donors to the program," she said. "You and I will have a chat later about your barging into my office uninvited, is that clear?"
"Yes, Principal Hamilton," I said, now deflated and completely bewildered by what was happening. "But donors to the program? What program?"
"To the BNWO program, of course. Don't you know anything? Now go," she ordered.
I turned and left, as Jamal asked, "So is Ms. Up Tight Hottie still off limits?"
"Nope. She just made herself fair game," Principal Hamilton said, as I closed the door behind me.
"Sorry, Janice," I said, as I walked out of the office and realized my pussy was soaking wet while I processed the words, 'She just made herself fair game.'
"Have a good day, Jasmine," she responded warmly, just like she always did.
"You too," I said, as I headed out of her office and wondered if she knew what was happening inside the Principal's private sanctum... there was no way she couldn't.
Checking the time on my phone, I realized I was running late. I hurried towards my classroom, which was at the opposite end of the school, and took a shortcut through the library, where the surrealness of the day just kept increasing, as another Japanese student, Oka, walked past me, wearing an 'Enjoy Cum' t-shirt, and a massive load of it was plastered all over her face.
She smiled at me, but I just kept walking... my anger and confusion all mixed up together.
I entered my classroom to see that Mr. and Mrs. Jackson and Darnell were already seated and waiting for me.
I composed myself the best I could as I greeted, "Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson. It's a pleasure to meet you." I shook Mr. Jackson's hand, and then went to shake the mother's hand, but she just waved me off.
I was surprised, but I sat down at behind my desk and said, "Thanks for meeting with me. I'm sure you know Darnell has amazing grades; he's a highly intelligent young man, and he's a pleasure to have in my classroom."
"I'll bet he's a real pleasure," the Mom agreed in a manner that confused me. Did she mean that the way it had sounded? Certainly not!
"Yes, he's a real pleasure to have in my classroom," I repeated, hoping I was saying something vanilla, "but I have one growing concern."
"A big one I bet?" The Mom said again, her confusing words not correlating at all with the point I wanted to make.
"Yes, it's becoming a big problem," I agreed, trying to get us back on track.
"And what do you plan to do about this bigproblem?" she asked, and since she kept stressing the word big, I began to wonder if she was hinting at what it sounded like she was implying. Certainly not!
"Excuse me?" I asked.
"Just tell us about our son," she sighed dramatically. She was very pretty, but she had a resting bitch face that conveyed she wasn't someone to be fucked with. I realised I'd have to play this potential minefield of a conversation very carefully.
"Yes please, let's get to why we're here," the Dad said, appearing annoyed by the need to be here in the first place.
"I assume you both read my email about him exposing himself in my class," I began.
"Which was an obvious understatement... no son of mine would take out his dick and not do anything with it. So why do you think he was jerking off in your classroom?" she asked.
"Excuse me?" I asked.
"He's a young man, so he has needs," the Mom stated.
"I'm sure he does, but that doesn't make a classroom an appropriate place to satisfy them," I said, shocked by how quickly this conversation was unravelling.
"And so he took his dick out one time, it was big and hard, and you saw him stroking it," the Mom continued. "I understand you have a daughter attending this school, Ms. Walker, so I'm sure you've seen a dick before, and no doubt even a hard one with cum squirting out of it."
Frazzled by what was happening, I focused on the conversation I'd originally planned on leading. "Look, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, I'd rather not be the one telling you this, but this is your son's third strike."
"Third strike?" The mother asked, not acknowledging the importance of anything I was saying. "He's masturbated in your classroom three times?"
"No, ma'am," I said, "the other two times were, um, different situations."
"And what were those?" the well-dressed father asked. He was wearing a very expensive looking suit.
"And why were we not informed?" The mother asked archly. Suddenly it felt like I was on trial.
"Well, I tried to keep those incidents discreet," I said.
"Tell me what the fuck my son allegedly did," she said, her tone on allegedly making it clear she wasn't giving much importance to anything I was saying.
"Mom," Darnell said, speaking up for the first time, and looking very embarrassed.
"I'll do the talking, son," the mother said. "So what horrible things are you accusing my straight A student of doing?"
I glanced to him, and he gave me a look of 'I'm so sorry,' and I said, "Well, I caught him in a storage closet getting a blow job, and then I caught him a few days later in the gym getting a hand job."
"Good job, son," the father said. "I knew you'd come out of your shell while you were here!"
"Um, sir, having any sort of sex in a public place isn't something to celebrate," I objected, astonished by the father's response.
"First, bitch," the Mom said, leaping to her feet and glaring at me.
"Excuse me?" I asked. I was stunned she'd just called me a bitch.
"First, bitch," she repeated, "If my son is getting his dick drained by a few white sluts, that's just fine with me."
"But Mrs. Jackson...." I started to speak.
"Shut up, bitch," she snapped. "Second, if these were serious enough transgressions that you thought he should get in trouble, you should have contacted us immediately. Not after some third strike buuuuuullshit!"
"Yes, ma'am, you're right," I admitted, completely overwhelmed. "I should have informed you immediately."
"After you caught some slut sucking his big black dick," she summarised.
"Um, yes," I said, then realized I may have agreed that he had a big black dick. "I mean..."
"Oh I know what you mean," she gave a smirk, her arms crossed, "you obviously saw the huge dick my son is packing."
"Ma'am, please let's keep ourselves focussed on why we're all here," I stressed.
"That's exactly what I'm doing," she said. "For example, do you realise that you're the one to blame for him jerking off in your classroom?"
"I am?" I asked Incredulously.
"Yes. Since you didn't give him any trouble for using white sluts for his cum buckets," she continued, "he quite naturally assumed that you wanted his dick too."
"Seems logical," the father muttered.
"Ma'am, this is going completely off the rails," I said, even as my pussy betrayed me... this situation getting even wilder than the stories I wrote. If I was making this up, I'd include a comment about how over the top the plot was getting.
"Did she stare at your dick, son?"
"Um, I don't know," he said sheepishly.
"You do know, son, don't lie to me," the Mom said.
"I think she did," he admitted.
"I did not," I said, although I'm not sure my denial came across as strongly as I would have liked.
"Bi-ya-itch," she said, in the way that only a black woman could disparage someone. "Don't pretend you're not a BBC lover."
"Excuse me?" I asked. I'd never been with a BBC for real, I'd only written about lots of them in my stories, so technically I didn't fit in that category.
"Did you know I was part of your hiring process?" the mother asked.
"No, I did not."
"And that I researched you very thoroughly before recommending you as the perfect candidate for a teacher in this school?"
"Then I'm flattered you approved of me," I said politely but suspiciously, wondering what kind of trap she was leading me into.
"I approved of you because I knew you're a nasty white slut, and you'll eventually do anything for BBC and black pussy," she accused, as she joined me behind my desk and raised her dress, revealing she wasn't wearing any panties, but she was wearing thigh high stockings, "I'll bet this is what you like seeing."
"Mrs. Jackson, I...." I began saying, as I stared at her pussy, and then I was suddenly face planted against it, when she pulled my head roughly into it.
"There you go, eat my chocolate pussy," Mrs. Jackson said, with my face plastered against her pussy.
"Mom, what are you doing?" her son gasped.
"It's okay, son," the father reassured him, "your Momma knows exactly what she's doing."
The Mom then pushed my face away. "No? You don'tlike eating black pussy? Then are all your stories just a pack of lies?"
"W-w-what?" I stammered, feeling a little of her wetness on my lips. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"First, you dirty, slutty queen of erotica, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Second, I know who you truly are. Third, that's why we hired you. To be a fuck toy for the BNWO," she said.
"You're the third person who's used that acronym today," I said, "or more accurately, it's an initialism," trying to understand why she thought I'd be willing to be anyone's fuck toy. "What do the letters BNWO stand for?"
"Black New World Order, you dumb bitch," she said. "Just like you write about in some of your stories, like what you describe happening at The Pit."
My eyes went wide... unfortunately thus revealing my guilt. The Pit was a fictitious black bar I'd created, where white women could go to be used by all the black dick they could ever want. I tried to look stoic as I said, "I have no idea what you're talking about."
"No?" she smiled wickedly, her pussy still on display less than a foot away from my nose... which I was unable to stop myself from checking out over and over.
"No," I said.
"No, of course you don't, silk... stockings... lover," she teasingly revealed knowing my secret erotica writing identity. She then said, "So I know... and you now know that I know... that at least in your heart of hearts, you'll do almost anything for a delicious black pussy or a big, mouth-watering black dick."
"Mrs. Jackson," I began, attempting desperately to control this quickly unraveling situation, even as I caught myself staring at her pussy again. "I don't know who you think I am, but...."
"Get up," she ordered, roughly pulling me from my chair and to my feet.
"What are you doing?" I asked, as she pushed me back against the chalkboard.
She stared at me just like I'd always imagined a dominant black woman staring at me in my stories... a chill going up my spine.
She reached a hand under my dress and felt my very wet pussy. "I knew this slut would be soaking wet," she laughed. "And look, boys... this fucking pretentious wannabe whore isn't even wearing any drawers. I bet she was hoping to get some nigger dick today."
"Oooooh," I unwillingly moaned as her fingers rubbed me.
"Shit," the Dad said, standing up as I moaned upon hearing that taboo word.
"Please sir, control your wife," I begged.
"Control? I'll show you control! Come over her here, baby," the wife said, as she roughly shoved me down to the floor in front of my desk, while Mr. Jackson stepped out of his pants.
"Jesus Christ, what's wrong with you people?" I whined.
"You people? You people?" she taunted, slapping my ass hard three times.
"Mom, what the fuck are you doing?" Darnell asked, demonstrating that profanity was acceptable in his family.
"I'm teaching this uppity white bitch that she is owned by the BWNO now, and her primary purpose in life is to service black men and women," she explained.
"Darnell, please stop your mother," I pleaded, as I glanced over and saw his father had another huge dick, very much like his son's. It was already hard, and he was bringing it towards me... with intent!
"I took the entire day off work for this shit, so I may as well get my share," the father said, now standing directly in front of me.
"Don't you dare," I threatened pathetically from my precarious state. "I'm your son's teacher, so don't you fucking daaaaaaaaaaaare," I repeated, as he grabbed my head with both hands.
"Shut the bitch's mouth up, Denzel baby," Mrs. Jackson urged, "plug it right up!" and then I felt him tugging my mouth towards his monster of a dick.
Maybe it was the man's dominant behaviour... or maybe it was his huge dick... maybe it was even my naturally submissive nature... but I didn't resist at allas his dick slid into my mouth, and he shoved it all the way into my throat mouth and held me there.
"Look at her taking all of your black dick," Mrs. Jackson laughed. "She's just another white slut for the BNWO."
"Oh yeah, she'll be a great addition to our stable here," Denzel said, as he began face fucking me... while I just held onto my heels and allowed it to happen.
"Dad, you're face fucking my math teacher," Darnell objected, clearly as shocked by recent developments as I was.
"Yeah. And her white lips were made to be wrapped around our black dicks, son."
"And her mouth needs to be completely full right now, so she doesn't fucking talk back," Mrs. Jackson added.
"You see, son," the father said, as his big, fat black dick slid in and out of my mouth. I was completely intimidated by now, so I just allowed it to happen. "With just a bit of encouragement, any white bitch will become a three-hole fuck toy for any black dick. You just have to step up and take it."
"And I hear you've already begun taking advantage of that, son," the Mom added. "Good boy!"
"I, um, not really/ All the girls here keep asking to suck my dick," Darnell said. "So all I do is let them do it."
"That's a decent start, but all of them will do much more than that for you, son," Mrs. Jackson said.
"You haven't fucked any of the sexy ripe white sluts here yet, son?" the father asked, sounding surprised.
"No, Dad. I've just let them suck me and give me hand jobs," he admitted.
"Shit, son, blow jobs are great," the father said, but you've really got to start taking advantage of the unlimited mouths, pussies and assholes these white women will eagerly give up for a big black dick. Isn't that right, Ms. Walker?"
He pulled his dick out of me and I looked him in the eye defiantly, trying to conceal my lust, "Fuck you."
Ignoring my tone, he shrugged, "Okay, if that's what you want."
"What? No, that's not what I want," I objected, while he lifted me up in the air and flipped me over like I was a feather.
"Oh, but we Literotica fans know that's definitelywhat you want, silk... stockings... lover," Mrs. Jackson said. "Consider this school your very own The Pit."
"But that's just fictional," I objected, as I suddenly found myself upside down with my hands on the floor, while he spread my legs and slid his huge mother fucking dick into my pussy.
"Ooooooooh," I moaned, overwhelmed with pleasure, since all those years of fantasizing about black dick, watching porn about black dick, and writing about black dick, had me completely messed ... ands so did his big black dick inside me.
"Look at that! The bitch loves it," the Mom said to her son.
"Such a tight white pussy," he said, as he fucked me in a position I don't think I'd ever even written about in more than 600 erotic stories.
"She's probably never had an actual big dick in that white box until now," the mother said. "Just hundreds of imaginary ones."
"Holy shit, Dad, you're fucking my teacher," my student said, "you're fucking my teacher!"
"Yeah, son, and you can too, if you man up," Mr. Jackson said.
I heard his words, and I moaned, "Nooooooo."
"Yeah, that sounds really convincing, slut," Mrs. Jackson laughed, as she sat on my desk, her legs crossed, and clearly enjoying my humiliation.
"Oh Jesus, I can't believe this is happening," I moaned, unable to do anything but allow Denzel to fuck me while his wife and their son... my student... watched it happening. It was utterly humiliating which, just like in my stories, paradoxically enhanced the pleasure coursing through my body.
"Imagine that my husband is Daddy, and I'm Babygirl," the Mom said, referring to my lengthy Best of Both Worlds interracial series, a fantasy about ourselves I'd collaborated in writing with a real life black couple, where we pretended I sucked and got fucked by a lot of BBC and ate a lot of black dick and pussy, including theirs. "Except that unlike Breezy, that sweet submissive slut, I'm a dominant bitch who seizes exactly what she wants."
"This has gone on way too far," I moaned, trying to pretend I didn't love having this huge black dick in my pussy.
"Oh, you poor dumb slut," she laughed. "We're just getting started turning you into a proper bimbo fuck puppet for the BNWO."
"We're going to make every fucking fantasy you have come true," Denzel added, as he pounded me hard.
"Oh, God," I said, his dick bigger than anything I'd ever had in my pussy. No matter how much or how often I'd written about the glory of big dick, no words could possibly have done justice to the real thing.
"There you go, the slut wants it harder," the Mom pointed out.
"Oh, fuck yes, harder," I moaned, lust consuming me while I about faced and surrendered completely to this dominant black couple... all my rationality shutting down as I allowed myself to be dominated and humiliated without any further objections... at least none for now.
"And she owes you, Darnell," the mother said, "for teasing you so cruelly. Get over there and let your teacher finally suck you off! I bet she's been fantasizing about doing that ever since she saw some other whore sucking your big dick."
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