BNWO : Jasmine Discovery by silkstockingslover
First, I needed to go to the washroom, so I went into one near my office, and once again I walked in on Shay getting her pussy licked... and this time by my own daughter! "Kimberly, what are you doing?" I cried out in astonishment.
"She's eating my pussy, Ms. Walker," Shay said, "I would have thought that was obvious," actually placing her hand on the back of my daughter's head so she wouldn't back away.
"Well, stop doing it right now," I ordered.
"Not until she finishes what she started," Shay said. "I'm not getting left all revved up like the last time you interrupted me."
"Shay, that's enough," I demanded.
"I think you're wrong, it isn't enough. Do you want to stop eating me, slut?" Shay asked, letting go of my daughter's head.
"No, Shay," my daughter responded, "I really don't," utterly shocking me. I noticed that except for a very sheer pair of stockings, she was naked from the waist down.
"Kimberly!" I wailed.
"Look at your mother, and tell her to her face what you are," Shay ordered.
Kimberly turned her head and looked up at me with guilt in her eyes, but her forthright words didn't match the look in her face. "Mom, I'm a submissive slut for black pussy and dick."
"What?" I gasped.
"You heard her," Shay said, snapping her fingers.
"Sorry, Mom, but I need to obey my black Mistress," my daughter said, before she turned her head back around and resumed licking Shay.
This situation felt like I'd stumbled into one of my own stories, and although I'd written ones where I'd found my daughter in situations like this one, now that I was facing it in reality, I was in shock.
Glancing at my phone and seeing that I had only a few minutes before my meeting with Darnell and his parents, I was trapped into saying, "I'll need to deal with this later."
"BNWO," Shay said with a grin.
"What?" I asked. "What does that even mean?"
"BNWO," she repeated smugly. "I'm sure you'll learn exactly what it means very soon."
"I'm not done with you," I warned.
"True. And I'm just getting started with you, Ms. Walker," she smiled knowingly.
In my stories, hearing words like those would make my pussy wet, and I'd surrender... probably immediately... and I'd join my daughter in submissive servitude. But in real life, it really pissed me off.
However, I didn't say anything else, I just turned and stalked out, just as Shay moaned, taking one more shot at me, "Eat my asshole too, Ms. Walker's slut daughter."
Fuming, I stormed into the office to talk to Principal Hamilton.
"I need to see Mrs. Hamilton," I said to her secretary Janice.
"I'm sorry, but that's impossible. She's in a meeting," Janice put me off.
"I don't care! This can't wait," I said, barging walking right into her office, only to be astonished again. Principal Hamilton was on her knees, and she was getting fucked by two black guys... one of them another of my students, named Jamal.
Jamal, who was obviously fucking her asshole, smiled up at me and asked, "Are you here to assist Principal Hamilton in serving us, Ms. Walker?"
"What on earth is going on at this school?" I gasped, completely stunned... encountering such a scene in a porn clip or a story I was writing was one thing, but walking into it in real life was unbelievable. And in a school, no less!
"What the hell are you doing storming into my office?" the Principal demanded, glaring at me furiously, while both her pussy and ass were filled.
"I just found my daughter in a bathroom being forced to eat Shay's pussy," I snapped back. The guys didn't stop fucking her while we argued, nor did she ask them to.
"And how does something that petty justify your storming into my office like this?" she asked... while neither man stopped fucking her.
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RE: BNWO : Jasmine Discovery by silkstockingslover - by hirarandi - 01-07-2023, 05:25 PM

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