My Mom and Mr. Vikram Continuous Secret Fuck

That night I continued watching my mom secretly from my bedroom as she sat on the sofa alone watching tv. My dad was still asleep and as usual, my mom didn't get nighttime sex with dad because dad always slept earlier.

This left my mom hungry for sex and to put matters worse, Dad was going to travel abroad by tomorrow. Dad was scheduled to travel and would be abroad for 4 months. As Mom sat alone in the sitting room, I saw her possibly thinking about two things; first, she was thinking about the kiss she received from Vikram.

Secondly, she was pondering how in the world would she endure not having sex for 4 months after my dad's travels. She recognized that she was in a dilemma. It was now 12 am in the night and mom was still sitting there staring at the Indian romance series which was running on the TV.

The fact that she was watching an Indian romance film proved to me that she really missed having sex. But what could she do when Dad was already tired and fast asleep?

After a few minutes, she woke up from the sofa, turned off the television and she headed off to the bathroom. As she stood up, her satin dress got stuck in between her massive asscheeks and this made prominent the full shape of her booty. It was sublime, to say the least. I didn't fathom how dad slept early when a big ass like that was present in the house.

She walked towards the bathroom and I thought to myself maybe she was going to take a bath then head towards the bedroom to sleep. Mom usually takes 10 minutes bathing but that night, it was well past 10 mins and it was crossing 20 mins. 

I asked myself what could she be doing inside the bathroom which is taking her so long to come out. I decided to come out of my bedroom walking slowly towards the bathroom to see what was going on inside the bathroom.

Coming close to it, I heard splashes of shower water. I made further slow and steady steps to get closer to the bathroom. As I got nearer and nearer, I started hearing some type of sound emanating from Mom's mouth.

However, I couldn't clearly discern exactly the tone of the sound but I was sure I heard some type of sound which was at a softer frequency. I decided to get nearer again and this time I rested my head against the bathroom door and that is when I heard the erotic softer and romantic moans of my mom.

Mom - Aaaahhh ssshh ooooohh uuuuuuhhhhhhh ah ah ah uuuuuuhhhhh!

My heart beat as fast as a jet and I wondered what was making my mom moan in that manner. I never heard my mom moaning when she was in bathroom bathing but that night, it seemed odd for me to hear her soft and slightly loud moans.

Then another moan escaped her mouth like, aaaaahhh ooooooh ooooh uuuuhhh. I stood there at the adjacent to the bathroom door but I couldn't see what was happening inside. The only way I could see what was happening inside was to stand on something like a chair so that I could get that extra elevation for visual clarity.

I took a chair that was placed just next to the bathroom. I made sure I didn't make any unnecessary noise with the chair. I climbed on the chair and the first thing I saw was my mom standing with a cucumber in her hand driving in in and out of her pussy.

The size of the cucumber was probably the reason for her softer and louder moans. She was using her right hand to push the cucumber in and out of her pussy while she massaged her boobs with her left hand.

[Image: mas-1.gif]

Her fully chubby body was one in a million. She had a shape like a coca cola bottle. She was closing her eyes in ecstasy as she pumped the cucumber inside her wet and tight pussy. She was in dire need of sex and the person who could do it was my dad but he was in deep sleep.

Then as she continued moaning, I heard the most unexpected thing ever. She started moaning while calling out Sir Vikram's name. This actually shocked me to my bones. I couldn't believe what I was hearing in my ears.

Mom - Aaahhh Vikram yes yes yes aaahhhh uuuuh Vikram dear yes like that ooooohhhh!

My mom was masturbating using a cucumber and she was gasping out Vikram's name out loudly. Even as I am writing this true story, I cannot understand why she all of a sudden called out Vikram's name as she masturbated.

[Image: mass-2.gif]

Or did the earlier kiss she received from Vikram prompt her to remember him? Or was it just that the only person who is sexually attracted to her is nonother than Vikram? I don't know the answer but still, I didn't believe what I was hearing.

In normal circumstances, I would have expected Mom to moan my dad's name. But that night, Mom shouted out loud the name of another man (Vikram) while she pumped her pussy with the cucumber.

My innocent dad who was in deep sleep didn't recognize that his wife was in the bathroom, with a cucumber inside her pussy, and she is exclaiming the name of his best and most trusted mate - Sir Vikram. How hornier could this get?

Mom - Aaah Vikram, yes do it.... aahh Vikram oooooooooh yesss yesss Vikram ooooooohhhhh

The more mom moaned the more shocked I got. My friends, bear in mind that this is the first ever time my mom is moaning and calling out another man's name. It was so unusual for a conservative person like my mom would even dream of sexually thinking about another man. Her long black hair covered her face partly as the shower poured water on her body.

I read somewhere that the only time a married woman masturbates and uses another man's name during her masturbation, then it means that she was mesmerized by that new person whom she met. Then I noticed that my mom increased the pace of her the cucumber going in and out of her pussy. She moaned, "Aahhh ahhh ahh Vikram Vikraaammmmmmm"

After several minutes of masturbating, I noticed that she had already cummed. The satisfaction expressed through her face was a masterclass and unparallelled. She just cummed from masturbation while shouting Vikram's name. I totally understood why Vikram was in her head. Maybe Vikram was the man who showered her with abundant charm and loves more than my dad.

And secondly, she was in full thought of Vikram because my dad didn't really give her full sex. But again, when she finished masturbating, I noticed that she was both happy and angry with herself.

I think she was not happy with herself because she found herself yelling and moaning using another man's name other than her legal husband's. I think she came back to her senses but when she was horny, she didn't really care if she was yelling out Vikram's name.

I was sure that if my dad had sex with my mom that night, then my mom wouldn't have masturbated or called out Vikram's name. But since my dad was asleep, it forced my mom to relieve her sexual thirst by remembering the person who expressed his love for her, and that man was only Vikram and not my dad.

She then wrapped a towel around her body and I knew she was about to come out. I decided to descend down the chair and place it back where I found it. Then I ran slowly back to my bedroom. I heard my parent's room open and close and I knew Mom joined my dad to sleep. While inside my bedroom, my head was full of thoughts and disbelief of what I just heard from Mom's mouth.

My dick became hard as I thought to myself that tomorrow since my dad will be traveling, maybe Vikram will finally lay my mom on the bed tomorrow. The thought of my respectable mom who loved my dad was going to share her naked body with another man tomorrow really made my dick hard.

But I was not sure, however, I knew that Vikram's charm permeated my mom's brain and it was controlling her sexual desires with him. Even if my mom masturbated while thinking about Vikram, I knew that Vikram will have to do a difficult job to have my mom fully naked. This is because my mom is not an easy person to seduce since she loves my dad and would want to keep her marriage sacred.

The next day, my mom was the first person to wake up. She was in the kitchen cooking. Dad later woke up and prepared himself with his two suitcases ready to travel. My dad was happy to travel but again, he didn't realize that he was leaving his wife to be possibly devoured by his best mate Vikram. But I had to be patient to see if it was going to happen or not.

When it was time for Dad to leave, my mom didn't really want Dad to go. I think because of two things, first, she was going to miss sex with him and second, she knew that if Dad left, then Vikram will disturb her or possibly fall for his charm and eventually fuck her. My mom cannot fathom sleeping with Vikram.

Mom - My love, how many months are you going to be away for?

Dad - Only for 4 months ( While hugging my mom)

Mom - Why is it that you are traveling at this time of the month?

Dad - I just had to my queen, it is urgent, but we will communicate on video while I am abroad, I will make you laugh as I used to do, now show me that smile

Mom - (Mom smiling) 

Dad - There you go, what a smile you have my queen!

Me - Dad don't forget to bring me chocolate

Dad - As always my son. I will bring you two packets which will last for two months.

Dad then took a taxi and drove off. The whole of that day, my mom was in full thought. Now that my dad traveled, she knew that any time, Vikram would come to our house to meet Mom. And I knew that my mom would not attempt to prevent Vikram from coming to our house because Vikram has helped my dad for so long. Mom's phone was ringing all the time and it was Vikram calling her all and all over again but she didn't pick it up. 

My mom was also cursing herself for moaning yesternight while masturbating and shouting Vikram's name. She didn't really want to moan with his name on her lips but she just found herself doing it. I heard that 60% of married women find themselves moaning while using another man's name other than their husband's.

Then at the evening, my mom finally decided to pick up the call from Vikram. She just had to pick it up because she didn't want Vikram to think that she is not a grateful woman. Moreover, she didn't want to disrespect the man who helped her husband financially.

Vikram - Hello my darling, how are you doing?

Mom - I am fine

Vikram - What happened to your phone my queen?

Mom - I am sorry I was just doing house chores. Sir Vikram, please stop referring me using those romantic words

Vikram - Don't bother Jaya, those words describe you perfectly, just allow me to use them when I refer to you. Your husband called me and informed me that he left the country

Mom - Yes (I noticed today that my mom was talking in a low tone and not harsh tone like she used to do)

Vikram - Alright dear, I will pass by your home tonight around 9 pm.

Mom - At 9pm......b...but...ok 

Vikram - I can't wait to see your beautiful face Jaya. See you then.

Mom didn't even reply and she hung up the phone with an angry expression on her face.

Find out in the next part about what happened that night......................
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