My Mom and Mr. Vikram Continuous Secret Fuck
In the morning when I woke up, the first thing that popped into my mind was if my mom would actually resolve to visit Sir Vikram after the rigorous flirtation call she received from him.

All these mental thoughts running through my head made me hornier and hornier. It came as one of the most interesting parts of my life ever knowing that my mom was getting involved in some secret and illicit conversation with another man without the knowledge of my hardworking dad.

That morning, nothing happened because Vikram informed my mom to visit him in the evening and I didn't understand why. My dad in the morning as usual went to work earlier enough. 

As for me, I kept asking myself if my mom will decide to go to Vikram's hotel. The whole day, Vikram called my mother over the phone close to 100 times but my mom kept hanging up the phone with an angry face. It seemed that she was fed up and not ready for Vikram's questions and flirtations.

You might be asking why my mom saved Vikram's phone number in her phone. Firstly, my dad trusts Vikram and he knows that Vikram will not seduce or do anything which will cause a quarrel.

And secondly, my dad trusts my mom 100% and he believes that my mom will never ever fall for another man since she is engaged lifetime with him. But I had some eerie feeling that maybe my dad trusted my mom and Vikram too much.

I always told myself that my dad should not trust anyone especially since he has a beautiful wife. But my dad made a very big mistake to trust his long-time mate Vikram and that thing made me hornier. I mean, how can Vikram not like my mom? 

Now in the evening, something happened that I didn't expect. My mom shocked me when she asked me to accompany her to go see Sir Vikram. I expected my mom to refuse going to see Vikram. The reason why my mom asked me to accompany her was because she couldn't stand being alone with Vikram.

Me - Why Mom? Why did Sir Vikram call us? Is it something important? ( I asked Mom even though I already knew the answer)

Mom - Yes, he just wanted us to come take gifts.

Me - Gifts!! Oohh yes, I hope I get a toy car and chocolate

Mom - You are out of your mind, this chocolate thing will brainwash you, now hurry up and get dressed, I will be changing in the room, don't be late. I will wait for you here in the sitting room.

Me - Alright mom

I decided to wear something casual and I similarly expected mom to wear casual but when I saw her in the sitting room after she changed her clothes, I was surprised again. 

My mom wore like a person going to a celebration or something. She wore a long dress that was striking with leopard-printed shades. Let me tell you, she only wears that dress when she goes on special occasions.

For example, the last time I saw her in that dress was when she and Dad went out on a late-night date. That day was special for her because she spent quality time with my dad.

But today, she wore this dress not to meet with my dad, but to meet with Vikram. The question is, "Did she deliberately wear it or it was just accidental"? I didn't have the answer but I was sure my mom didn't like Vikram at all.

I was also double sure because the whole day Vikram called her phone but she refrained from picking it up and instead chose to hang up. Back to the dress, it was tightly clinged to her body. Her boobs were inside her bra which could be seen slightly when you stood in front of her.

The next part was her big curvy ass. That leopard dress made her backside very visible to the point that you could actually calculate easily and see her buttock cleavage. Bear in mind that this is a normal dressing code my mom adheres to; it is not something that she does especially for another man outside of marriage.

[Image: pard.gif]

But again, dressing like that while planning to visit a sexually perverted man like Vikram was the subliminal wrong decision my mom made. Let me tell you, my mom doesn't really wear conservative clothes. She normally wears revealing clothes but she does not wear them to make other men see her boobs or big ass.

Rather, she wears it just to look good. We took a taxi to Vikramis Hotel and as soon as we arrived, we were greeted by the entrance officer and he asked if we were the Guptas. I think the entrance officer even remembered us from last night and I think he remembered us just because of my mom.

My mom nodded in affirmation and the entrance officer guided us to a specific room which was on the top floor of the hotel. I noticed even the entrance officer threw some glances at my mom's plumpy fat booty walking.

We used the lift and it took us to a room named "Vikram" which was extremely luxurious, and decorated with ancient ornaments and artifacts. Even the luxurious feature of the room impressed my mom.

In about a second, Mr. Vikram opened the room even before we knocked. It seemed that he was watching me and Mom from the CCTV cameras installed all over his five-star hotel. 

As soon as he saw my mom, he gazed at her eyes and soon after, his eyes dropped down and directed towards her magnificent breasts. Mom realized this and she changed her mood to a slightly disliked mood.

Vikram - Welcome in Jayaji and Rajeev, you two came at the right time.

Me and Mom - Thank you, Vikram.

He stood at the door ushering us in and as soon as we entered, he gazed at her big buttocks which were struggling to stay fit inside her leopard dress. She knew that Vikram would be staring at her fat ass so she did all she could to make sure that she could not walk in such a way that would make her ass jiggle.

Vikram's room was one priceless room, it was decorated with gold and silver everywhere. Everything in his room was expensive. 

[Image: zzz-1.jpg]

Mom - I thought you said we were going to meet at your office.

Vikram - Ooh yes Jaya, but my office right would be a hectic place, I designated another person to hold it for me while I receive you two. But this room is where I resort to after a long day of work. What do you think Jaya, how is it?

Mom - It is good. ( My mom said in such a way that she was disinterested in answering the question)

Me - Yes sir, it's fantastic.

Vikram - Now you two have a seat, what shall I bring you, Jaya?

Mom - Thanks Vikram but unfortunately, we will not be here for long. ( My mom was clearly disinterested because she knew Vikram will flirt with her)

Vikram - C'mon Jaya, you just came now, you haven't even sat down. Relax, don't be in a rush. Make yourself at home

Me - Yes Mom! Vikram is right, let's relax a little ( As I said that, my mom gave me a stern look while Vikram smiled at mom)

Then my mom sat down finally, and as she did so, I saw her thighs expand. Then again Vikram asked Mom what he shall get her

Mom - Water will be fine, thank you

Vikram - And you son? In fact, don't even answer, I know your choice. (He was talking about chocolate which I love)

He went and came back with a glass of water for Mom and a chocolate for me. Vikram then sat on the sofa just opposite where me and mom sat. He continued gazing at my mom like he was hypnotized. He did not even realize I was existing or not. The only person existing before his eyes was mom only.

Vikram turned on the Tv and he put on a cartoon show for me to watch. I knew his plans. He also gave me and my mom a few gifts and he told us not to open them until we reached home. Both I and mom accepted. Mom wanted to leave every time but Vikram told her to just relax.

After a few minutes, Vikram told me to excuse them for 10 minutes. This was the perfect time I was waiting for. As soon as he said that, my mom knew his intentions but she could not speak to tell me to stay.

I then excused them and headed off to the next room but I did not close it because I wanted to see the two of them. Vikram was still seating opposite of mom.

Vikram - Jaya my love! First of all, this leopard dress you have on really looks hot on you

Mom - Sir let's not start from where we left off yesterday

Vikram - My lovely darling, that is where we should start. Dear, why didn't you pick up my calls today?

Mom - I was not in the mood to talk, I was busy sir.

Vikram - I don't think you were busy, you were just afraid of my charming voice, weren't you?

Mom - (Changing the topic) Vikram sir, thank you for the gifts but I need to go now.

At this point, Vikram stood up from where he sat and headed towards where my mom was sitting and he directly sat next to her. They sat side by side such that there was no space in between them. This closeness of Vikram made my mom highly uncomfortable. She started sweating.

Vikram - (He smelled her hair) The fragrance of your hair is so fabulous

Mom - ........... (My mom started sweating as usual when she is nervous)

Vikram - (Staring at her wide thighs) You look like a queen. Yesternight you promised not to come, why did you come my love?

Mom - Vikram sir please, stop this, move away please, I only came here because I respect you.

Vikram - (Continuing to smell at the back of her hair while sitting down with her) No, i think you are hiding something, tell me the full truth Jaya, why did you come?

Mom - Sir, I already told you (From Mom's face, she was getting gradually angry at the incessant sniff of her hair by Vikram)

Vikram - (Placing his left hand on her thighs) There is nothing to hide Jaya, your brainless husband is not here, free up your mind, and tell me everything.

Soon as she felt Vikram's hand on her thighs, she got irritated and stood up quickly from where she was sitting in such a way to show that she was angry. She just stood up and looked forward.

Mom - Sir, enough, this is getting way too far.

Since Vikram was still sitting and mom standing, mom's big booty was in front of Vikram's face and this was the closest moment ever that his face was so close to my mom's fat ass.

My mom didn't even move at all, she didn't realize that her big ass was right at Vikram's face. Vikram then slowly sniffed her big ass over that fantastic leopard dress. He sniffed it so silently that my mom didn't notice. He then stood up also as he continued staring at her ass. He was now standing behind her. All this time I was amazed that my mom didn't move at all.

Vikram - (While slapping her booty) Look at this fat ass, Jaya just let me sniff this big ass of yours from deep

Mom - Ouch! Sir enough of this leave me alone, you are crossing your limits. (She quickly turned to face him and she was clearly angry)

Vikram - Jaya stop pretending, I know you want me to satisfy you.

Mom - I am not in that mood Vikram, I am a respectable married woman, how dare you touch me

Vikram - My love stop acting wildly, you have pretended a lot and I can now see clearly in your eyes that you truly want me.

Mom - .................

Vikram - (Getting close to her face to face ) Jaya, I can feel the emotions running through your mind and your body. Your desire for me is so strong and more rigid than your husband's. You are really adorable Jaya. 

This comment made my mom relax because it was a sexy comment.

Mom - (Coming back to her senses) No, Vikram, sir, I need to go, call my son for me, I need to leave now.

My mom didn't even move an inch as Vikram was not standing right in front of her face.

Vikram - I am not sure that you want to leave, I can see it in your eyes (Both of their eyes met)

Then without a hint, Vikram grabbed her face cheeks with both of his hands and kissed my mom. This scene made me absolutely wild; it caught my mom off-guard. She didn't expect Vikram would kiss her so fast.

[Image: vivke-kissing.gif]

Vikram inserted his tongue deep into my mom's mouth and started rolling it up and down in and around. It took around 5 seconds for my mom to stop resisting. She used her hands to push away Vikram but he was adamant to kiss her. The more Mom resisted, the more Vikram kissed her. 

Then he removed both of his hands away from her face cheeks and this time he grabbed both her plump booty cheeks. He pressed them so hard and squeezed it. In my mind, I thought Vikram was the luckiest man on this earth. He is grabbing and squeezing the sexiest big ass in India.

[Image: vek.gif]

And he is lucky because he is pressing the big ass of another man's wife. It is well known that another man's wife is the sweetest thing in this world. Kissing another man's wife is the most perfect feeling ever and that feeling is being felt right now by Vikram. Vikram was enjoying the moment whereas my mom was trying to find a way to separate herself from him. Then after 3 minutes of casual kissing. My mom managed to separate herself forcefully away from Vikram.

As she separated herself from Vikram, she spat out some saliva from her mouth. I think she was just disgusted that another man just kissed her. She also wiped her lips and I could see her lipstick was slightly wiped off due to the wild kissing she just got from Vikram.

Mom - Leave me alone, you are an animal. I am leaving. Rajeev!! Come out! Let's go!

Vikram - Jaya, this is just the beginning. I know you want me and we will share the bed the day after tomorrow when your brainless husband leaves the country.

Mom - In your own dreams, don't call me again. Rajeev come, my son! Let's go!

I showed up pretending not knowing what was happening.

Me - We are living already Mom? 

Mom - Yes son! Say goodbye to sir

Me - Goodbye sir, but why so early Mom?

Vikram - Don't worry son, your mom has house chores to complete. Don't worry, I will visit you and your mom the day after tomorrow ok son?

Me - Alright sir

Then mom held my hand and she walked really fast and I could sense she did so because she was angry knowing that she shared her tongue with another man through kissing. The tongue of my mom which only kissed my dad was added with a flavor of Vikram. We reached home at night and we found Dad at home. My mom was so angry about what happened a few hours ago but she pretended to be happy as we neared our home. We knocked on the door and Dad opened it for us.

Dad - There are my lovely angels, where have you two been to? Jaya my love, I called you several times but your phone was off. 

Mom - We were at The Vikramis Hotel. Sir Vikram called me and Rajeev to pick up gifts for the three of us.

Dad - Ooh that's nice, no wonder you are carrying a lot of luggage. Here, let me help you with all this luggage.

That night, my dad slept early while mom remained in the sitting room just pondering on what happened with her and  Vikram. She knew that her respectable character to my dad was slowly and surely fading away.

At the back of her mind, she knew that another man was in her life. She was in deep thought. Also, her phone was ringing all the time and I knew it was Vikram calling her but mom didn't pick it up at all.

On the other hand, my dad slept early not knowing that today, his all-time trusted mate Vikram kissed his wife. Dad didn't know that the flavor of my mom's tongue which he used to enjoy was now already being tasted by another man who is Vikram.

To be continued........ Don't forget the next part. I will tell you what my mom did that night. Really surprised me.
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