My Mom and Mr. Vikram Continuous Secret Fuck
Now about Vikram's character, he is full of sexual endeavors. This means that he is a horny man. He has no partner maybe due to the workload of managing his five-star hotel. And since he stays alone, his horniness has increased for so long.

But the thing about Vikram is that he never flirts with many women flippantly because he doesn't have the time due to the workload and the everyday management of his luxurious hotel. But I am sure that if he lays his eyes on a woman that he wants, he will surely get her but as for now, he didn't find any woman who amazes or wows him.

But the feature which makes him a real man is the ability to flirt with a woman to the point of infatuating them. I know all of this because of how he talks and the level of charm he possesses.

One day, Vikram held an anniversary to celebrate 10 years of achievement in his capacity as the manager of his five-star hotel. He reached out to my dad and invited him to attend the event. Vikram called my dad first before anyone else because Dad was his best mate. 

It was on a Tuesday when Vikram rang my dad and informed him that the event will take place at The Vikramis Hotel on Saturday. Unfortunately, my dad told Vikram that he couldn't make it on Saturday because of the tight schedule.

As dad was talking over the phone with Vikram, I and mom were in the house. We were hearing the conversation because Dad set the phone to the loudspeaker.

Vikram - Ooh too bad you cannot attend, how about you three come in the evening then?

Dad - I wish I could but I will be immersed in some work, I actually feel bad too for letting you down.

Vikram - No no, don't worry Pranav, it's ok I totally understand you have to work to feed your lovely family.

Dad - Thank you for your understanding sir ( My dad calls Vikram Sir because Vikram is wealthy  and out of respect and he helped Dad financially for so many years )

Vikram - Ok how about Rajeev and Jayaji, can they attend? I have already set up a VIP guest for them.

At this point, when Vikram asked for my mom to come, I saw her face lit up with a surprise. She could not believe that Vikram was inviting her to the anniversary for the first time. Then my dad made the worst mistake ever in his life; he accepted me and my mom to attend the event.

Dad - Oooh yes yes, my wife Jaya and my son can come.

Vikram - Oh that would be great then, I don't want any close colleagues or friends to miss this event of mine. It means so much to me.

Dad - I understand sir. And by the way congratulations for 10 years of success. 

Vikram - Thank you Pranav. Let me set the VIP guests for your son Rajeev and Jayaji. I will hang up now, let me make arrangements for other people.

Dad - Alright sir, thank you, and take care. ( Hanged up )

As soon as he hung up, my dad looked at my mom who was still in shock that Vikram was inviting her in the absence of dad.

Dad - (Looking at Mom) Well, darling, I guess you two have to attend the event. It would be enjoyable. Instead of all of us missing his event, it would be better if you and Rajeev attend it.

Mom - Well... I am not sure about it my love.

Before we continue, let me tell you another thing about my mom. She normally avoids events or places which are full of men. The reason is that she does her best to refrain from interacting with other men.

Since she knows she is extraordinarily beautiful, she understands that men will flirt with her. Therefore, she avoids those kinds of instances that will precipitate flirtations because she already has a husband who is my father.

You can describe her as shy because her beauty is excess and since she will attract any man who will come in close contact with her. I was also sure that even Vikram will fall for my mom at first sight.

That is why my mom was not sure if she could attend the event. She knew if she attended it, she would get a lot of attention from men, which she doesn't like. And since she has a curvy feature, she knew she would find a hard time walking her normal way because men would either be staring at her firm breasts or her thick and fatty ass.

Dad - Darling, you and Rajeev have to attend it so that Vikram will be pleased with least two members of our family attended.

Me - Yes Mom, Dad is right.

Mom - Well alright but on Saturday at what time will you be back darling?

Dad - I will be back at 9 pm at night, but I will just come home to rest. I think Vikram's event will end by then.

Mom - Well I am not going to stay long at that event, you know some events are boring.

Dad - Hhahahah! I understand my love but Vikram's event will be exquisite. He is a wealthy man and he never disappoints. 

Mom - Ok my love.

Me - Yeeeeiiiiii

My dad didn't know what grave mistake he made by planning for my mom to attend that event held by Vikram, the horny and rich man. I don't blame Dad because he always thought that Vikram will not attempt to seduce or flirt with my mom.

But he was wrong. He was soon going to be betrayed by Vikram - the person he trusted all along - and Vikram will surely break the trust and seduce my mom.

I was wondering how that Saturday will pan out. I queried myself if the charming Vikram will ever infatuate my mom with his charisma and potent body. Will my mom fall for Vikram or not?

The Saturday, we were all waiting for finally arrived. For me, I was excited to the core because of two things; first I would eat all types of chocolate at Vikram's event and two, I was eager to know if Vikram would seduce my mom.

That morning, Dad as usual headed off to work very early in the morning at around 7 pm. I was very proud of my dad because of his sheer determination to work hard and provide for our family. But he didn't know that as he was working hard, another man he trusts (Vikram) was working hard to seduce and fuck my mom.

But I felt sorry for him because he permitted mom to attend Vikram's event. He allowed my adorable and attractive mom in the hands of Vikram who is sexually starving.

Dad - Alright, my love I will head off to work, I am already late. Make sure you enjoy the event and say hi to Vikram. And for you, my lovely son, make sure to avoid eating other people's chocolate ok?

Me - Hahahah, I pinky promise you Dad.

Mom - Bye my love!

Dad - Bye to my love ( They then kissed )

After Dad went, I headed off to my room to play video games. The event was starting at 5 pm in the evening therefore me and mom had ample time to prepare. As it neared 4 pm, I decided to take a shower.

I hurried up to my bedroom to find the best clothes for this event. I decided to clad in a black suit with a white shirt and tuxedo. I looked like a businessman.

Mom on the other hand was in her room preparing herself. In a couple of minutes, I finished preparing myself and I headed downwards toward the sitting room. Mom was still in her bedroom preparing herself.

Me - Mom! I am ready, please hurry up.

Mom - Stop shouting, I will be there in a sec.

I heard that women really take a lot of time in the wardrobe and the make-up table before heading off to a special event. After waiting for nearly 30 mins, my mom came out and I was really stunned.

Firstly, she wore a creamy white dress. Secondly, I never saw her wearing that kind of dress ever. Although she covered her boobs, they were still popping out and trying to escape the dress.

Secondly, it was not tight on her body but you could see her figure throughout her body. And let me not forget her magnificent bubbly ass which was always going to be poking out. Her superb booty was clear enough to the point that you could see her panty line.

[Image: 1-1.gif]

In my mind, I told myself that by mom wearing that seductive dress, she was setting herself up to be seduced by Vikram. I knew that if Vikram saw her wearing that dress plus her natural beauty, then he will go mad.

I wanted to tell Mom to change her clothes and wear another more conservative one but we were already late so we had to go. 

Mom - How do I look, my son?

Me - You look amazing mom, who bought that dress for you? I never saw it.

Mom - Your dad bought it for me, why?

Me - It fits you nicely Mom

Mom - Thank you dear, let's hurry up we are getting late for the event.

We entered the taxi and we drove off towards the destination of The Vikramis Hotel. During the taxi cab driver, I noticed my mom was nervous and filled with anxiety. I didn't ask her because I knew she was nervous about the fact that men were going to stare at her during the event.

And also she was nervous that she was going to meet Vikram face to face in the absence of my Dad. I think she was also not sure if Vikram will flirt with her.

As we reached the event, there were so many people already. Some were dancing to slow Indian music while others were dining. My mom held my hand as we headed towards the entrance of the hotel. Let me tell you, I felt like I was walking with a celebrity because all the women and men were staring at my mom.

Those who were talking to each other stopped talking as soon as they saw my mom. Others who were eating halted their eating just to stare at my mom. As my mom walked, men were staring at her big shaky ass which was waving from left to right.

Of all the women at the event, my mom had the best most firm big ass than the rest. Even married men couldn't resist looking at my mom's beautiful soft fatty ass. My mom was really nervous as the nightmare of people staring at her finally came to pass.

[Image: 1-2.gif]

But her nightmare went even further when abruptly, Vikram stopped us both to greet us just around the inside of the hallway. That was when Viram's and Mom's eyes met together.

Mom was stunned to see Vikram and also Vikram was stunned to see my mom brightening up the event with just her beauty. At first, without speaking, my mom just smiled at him but she tried to avoid long eye contact with him.

Vikram - Ooh Jayaji, how are you this evening?

Mom - I am fine sir Vikram, what about you?

Vikram - Let me tell you, I am 150% fine now. The additional 50% is because of you. ( This is the first ever compliment Vikram gave to Mom)

Mom - Hehehe, thank you, here is my soon Rajeev ( My mom trying to change the topic because she sensed an imminent flirtation from  Vikram)

Vikram - Ooh how are you, Rajeev?

Me - I am fine sir

Vikram - Cmon' why are you two calling me sir? Just call me Vikram, forget about the sir

Then both of me and mom laughed.  

Vikram - (Turning to Mom again ) Jayaji, you made the right choice to wear this dress today, it looks fabulous on you.

Mom - ( My mom trying to avoid smiling ) Thank you for the compliment, I appreciate it, Vikram.

Vikram - For sure, no wonder I recognized you easier enough. ( As he said so, he looked at her boobs which were about to burst through her dress)

Mom - (Changing the topic again) There are so many people here and the music is loud.

Vikram - Hehehe, I know you don't like loud music, follow me, let me show you the VIP section.

As you noticed, my mom keeps changing the topic every time Vikram tries to compliment her.  This is because my mom thinks that the compliment will turn into flirtation which she doesn't like. 

Then, as we reached the VIP section, Vikram stood aside and ushered us in. 

Vikram - Here it is, I will request you two to enter first before I do so. 

Then as mom entered and started walking, Vikram gazed at her fat buttocks which were just about to tear the back of her dress because of it's abundance of flesh.

The way he gazed at her plump booty assured me that Vikram will seduce and flirt with my mom. I was certain that in his mind, he settled on my mom as his perfect choice of flirtation and fuck. 

He didn't even care to acknowledge that my mom is the wife of his best mate ( my dad ). The VIP section didn't have a lot of people; there were about 23 people most of who were couples. The VIP section was 
also quieter than the main hallway.

Vikram guided us to a table with three chairs which were named "Rajeev" "Jayaji" and "Vikram". I was puzzled for a moment. I also noticed mom was puzzled because of the third seat which was named Vikram.

This meant that Vikram was going to seat with me and my mom. From the look on Mom's face, she was not entirely pleased with it.

Vikram - My son ( He usually calls me in that name) and Jayaji, welcome, here are your seats. As you can see, my name is also taped on the third seat so I will be joining you two after the main event alright.

Mom - Al...alright sir

Me - Thank you sir!

Vikram - Once again, just call me Vikram, throw the sir into the dustbin.

Me and mom both laughed. Then after the main event finished, it was already 8 pm in the evening. Most of the people already left but at the VIP section where me and mom were, there were quite a number of couples just chatting and minding their own business.

Us three, me, Mom, and Vikram were sitting and talking. Also, my mom wanted to leave early but Vikram was just extending and talking with mom for long. We three chatted for a while then he told me to take some chocolate from an open package at the furthest corner of the room. 

I knew this was a hint; he wanted to stay chat alone with my mom and maybe try to seduce her. My mom didn't like the idea to remain alone with Vikram. Then as soon as I took the chocolate from the corner of the room, I decided not to return, and I hid behind another room to watch them talking.

To be continued...............need your comments.
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