Misc. Erotica how my wife became Hucow
My dear readers, we now zoom out from the life of Vijay and Radhika to some different characters . Enter Tanushree Pandey, 39 years of age. Oh no she is not a hucow but she has her share of hucow adventures in a different way. So lets find out.
Arpit: good morning dad, mom.
Tanu: good morning son.
Ravi: good morning son.
Ravi is married to tanushree . they have a boy and a girl. Arpit is 16 yrs old and neha is 14 years old.
Neha : good morning mom , dad
Tanu: good morning sweety.
Ravi: good morning princess.
Tanu is cooking breakfast for all. Ravi is sitting at the dining table reading the news. A popular ad in newspaper that is always there is of hucow milk brand. Arpit is looking at it.
Arpit: so mom, you are into this hucow business, can you explain to me about. The other day grandpa told me that, they used to get milk from some animal called a cow or buffalo.
Tanu: long story short. The cows and buffaloes or bovines as they use dto call them died off because of a deadly disease and now we have developed serums and hormones to make a few type of humans to do the job of giving milk. Thus we call them hucows or “human” cows.
Arpit: oh. Ok. They did not tell me that in college. But a few of our seniors got enrolled into a milk company when they turned 16. So, will they make me enroll too?
Tanu: look aprit , I admire your curiosity but your dad and me do not have the Hucow characteristics in our genes or our ancestors.
Neha: so you mean only fat people are hucows?
Ravi: no. rather thin, slim and fit people do not become hucows.
Tanu: thank you ravi. But both of you know that it is the genes that matter. And only after we examine them and test the people, we don’t know for sure.
Arpit: oh. So you are incharge of choosing who becomes a hucow or not.
Tanu: technically not all can become a hucow, yes I test the person and check if the serum and hormones are compatible or not . But even after that it is the choice of the person who wants to be one too.
Arpit: oh. I get it.
Tanu: oh. And they only make hucows when they are above 18yrs old. So don’t start a gossip rumour in college. I can get fired for it. And you know mommy loves her job.
Ravi: yes of course, mommy loves her job of finding future hucows and “BULLS”. ( ravi laughs)
Tanu: shut up ravi. Not in front of the kids.
Ravi: ok. Ok.
Neha: I heard from my friends that you tested Juhi didi and she is to be a hucow now.
Tanu: neha, please hangout with kids your age. You are hanging out with vidya again?
Neha: no mumma. I heard from sonali. She is juhi’s neighbor.
Tanu: ok. Yes I tested juhi and she will be a hucow when she turns 18 ok. So don’t get grossed out around her.
Neha: I am not grossed out. I am a teen, I know what happens to the girls who get enrolled. I saw Divya with a huge belly the other day when she came for her certificates at college. ( neha laughs)
Arpit: really. She got preggo?
Neha: uh huh. She had her belly swollen and she had a pink tag around her neck. She wore a gown of sorts. She could barely walk. I found it funny.
Tanu: you should be proud of divya. And be laughing at her
Ravi: your mumma is right.
Tanu: be respectfull of hucows. The have given themselves for welfare of everyone around them.
Neha: yes mom.
Arpit: yes mom.
Tanu was cooking some breakfast and now she serves them and starts to leave.
Arpit: hey mom, how many hucows did you find.
Tanu: 1200 and still counting.
Tanu gets a call from Ramsingh.
Tanu: yes ramsingh, tell me.
Ramsingh: madam, the new hucow was commissioned today. Good find madam. She will make an excellent addition to the stock.
Tanu: you mean to say “Radhika”
Ramsingh: yes madam. Radhika. Now she is called B56-DHC1
Tanu: good work ramsingh. Meet me in office.
Tanu hangs up the call.
Arpit: one more?
Tanu: yes. Now eat up you idli sambar and get ready for college.
Saying this tanu heads off to the bedroom.
She kisses ravi on his cheek.
Ravi: you leaving so early, what about your breakfast.
Tanu: I will get something outside.
Ravi: ok. You taking the car?
Tanu: no. the company van is coming by.
Ravi: ok.  
After 10 minutes , which is very less for a woman. Tanu walks out in jeans and a casual shirt. With a backpack on her shoulder.
Ravi: field trip huh.
Tanu: yeah. Today we got 5 hucows to affirm on our dossier.bye!!
Tanu leaves the house.
Arpit: I want cheese burger for lunch.
Ravi : really. What if your mom finds out.
Arpit: I will handle it.
Ravi: spoken like a true man. Here is your lunch money.( he hands-out 500rs.)
Neha: I wanna buy some nail glitter.
Ravi: wow. Young lady, you already have a lot of that in you room. Speakto your mom. Now here is your 500. That’s got to last the whole week, both of you. Now scram.
Ravi starts getting the dishes into the dishwasher.
Ravi: when you are done with your breakfast. Just put the plates in the dishwasher and turn it on.
All three of them leave the house. Neha is the last one.
Tanu gets into the van. She looks behin to see who is there.
Tanu: So. Tell me Abdul, what are we bringing to KMA institute.
Abdul: I got D53-DBC21. I need to collect B55-THC98.
Note to readers: The “c” before last numbers means cow. And respectively “b” as you guessed means bull.
Tanu: ok. You told her to come at the corner right.
Abdul: yes.
Abdul driving to the destination. After 25 minutes , they reach.
Tanu: there, thc98.
Abdul: yes, got it.
Tanu rolls down the window. And calls out.
Tanu: hey hucow. THC98. Get in.
She smiles at tanu.
B55-THC98: I did not know that you will be coming madam.
Tanu: well. After all, I enrolled you. And today I am your boss. So you will do as I say .
B55-THC98: yes madam.
Tanu: so you forgot your name to.
B55-THC98: well , I was sure I wouldn’t loose my name but what can you say, the number kind of grows on you, and I kind of got used to it after 1 year.
DBC21: hi, I am D53-DBC21, you can call me Priya.
THC98: I am kanika. But I kind of don’t use that name when working. Gets confusing for them.
DBC21: so boss woman, what is the objective.
Tanu: we are doing a enrolment in a college campus.
Kanika: what!!!. Which one.
Tanu: your alumni.
Kanika: great.
Priya: nice,i get to play with some eager bulls.
Tanu: about that. We want to enroll only heifers. And not juvenile bulls. So get ready for some squeezing.
Priya: yes boss woman.
Kanika: so I am wearing a pink tag and a green tag. What should I tell them.
Tanu: let me handle that.
Abdul: we reached the campus. get your a-game on.
Tanu: get ready cows.
All of them deboard the van and go to the gym.
There Mr.abhi nayar is waiting.
Tanu: hello abhi. Good morning.
Abhi: oh. Good morning Tanu. Traffic was killing wasn’t it.
Tanu: absolutely. You have our room ready.
Abhi: yeah. Come. With me. We hade to shift the hucow placement to the other side of the gym building. It is quite spacious there.
They reach the room
Tanu: nice abhi. So I have brought the testing kits . you can tell the candidates to come one by one.
Abhi: yes. Sure. If you need any thing else. Call me.
Tanu: sure. Abhi.
Kanika: I am getting nervous. This used to be the indoor games room., I played TT here.
Tanu: and looking at you now. You are going to get milked by the juniors.
Kanika: oh my god, I am having jitter.
Tanu pats on kanika’s ass.
Tanu: come on. THC98. You are not kanika anymore. You are my A1 grade hucow.
Abdul is putting up placards of Kanika and Priya. Their stats and everything.
abdul: I heard you were on the volleyball team here.
Kanika: yes. How did you know.
Abdul: my cousin was the one who told us about you.
Tanu: yes. Best find of last year. Now get undressed you two. Abdul. Setup the testing machine.
30 minutes later.
Abdul: so the placards are put up. The mini lab is setup. You should tell Mr.Nayar.
Tanu: yeah I will tell him to send in the candidates. And you get their details filled into our server.
There are 2 counter tables on which each hucow is standing on all fours. Kanika is nervous but not jittery as before. Priya is much more experienced and composed .
The first few candidates come in. about 4 to 5 girls above the age of 18 years arrive. One of them who initiates the talk is Ritu.
Abdul: hello. Ms…
Ritu: Ms.Ritu.
Abdul: you interested to enroll.
Ritu: yes the college recommend me to try the enrolment .
Abdul: please sit here.
Ritu sits down.
Abdul: give me the filled out form please.
Ritu hands over a from. And Abdul starts tying in the laptop.
Abdul: you can have a look at stuff and have a one to one chat with hucows there.
Ritu: ok.
Ritu cirles around kanika. She then circles around Priya. Both their naked hucow bodies on display. Their pendulous tits swaying her and there. Both of the get down form the tables and stand near their tables.
ritu looks at the kanika’s catalogue. She is reading through it. After reading her catalogue she asks kanika.
Ritu: so, you used to study in this institute. What happened.
Kanika: bad grades. Also, Rule 208 was applied on me.
Sonali: so you like this new life you have?
Kanika: yes. Absolutely.
Ritu: you like being bred and milked?
Kanika: absolutely. I have been bred only once. And now I produce 2.5 litres each session. So I am like one of the best hucows in the city.  
Tanu intervenes.
Tanu: and the job pays nice.
Ritu: (laughing). You are joking.
Tanu: Kanika. Tell her.
Kanika: about 50k a month. Travel perks. Mating/Breeding bonuses. milk yield bonus.
sonali: really??
Tanu: yes really. Are you interested?
Sonali : test me out.
Tanu: come here.
Tanu takes out a kit. And starts taking DNA samples from Ritu.
After 10 mins.
Tanu: there . after 20min we will know if you really are hucow material or not/.
Ritu: that is a lot of time time to kill.
Tanu: have some of the badaam-milk.
Abdul hands out a small paper cup of badam milk to her and other girls in  the room.
Ritu : thanks.
Sonali: thanks.
Ritu take a sip of the milk.
Ritu: mmmmmm. Wow. this is really good.
Sonali: so yummy.
Kanika: that’s what my A1 grade milk tastes like, with some badaam of course.
Ritu: nice. Thanks for the milk.
Tanu: exactly. Now you know why milk is so important.
Kanika and Priya hold their breasts in their hands implying the hard work.
Priya: we have to work these udders for that delicious milk.
Tanu: you all want to check out whether you can make that delicious white gold?
All the girls in chorus. Yes maam.
Tanu: step to that counter and fill out those forms please.
Just another day at the office for Tanushree Pandey.
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how my wife became Hucow - by koolmaan - 14-05-2023, 01:16 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by anmol2306 - 14-05-2023, 07:13 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by james@bond@007 - 14-05-2023, 07:38 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by Vaasuevs - 19-05-2023, 09:20 AM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by koolmaan - 19-05-2023, 03:45 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by sri7869 - 19-05-2023, 10:33 AM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by xossipy989 - 19-05-2023, 01:06 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by koolmaan - 19-05-2023, 03:42 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by Akshay Thakur - 19-05-2023, 02:02 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by koolmaan - 19-05-2023, 05:40 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by koolmaan - 19-05-2023, 07:35 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by sri7869 - 20-05-2023, 10:51 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by koolmaan - 21-05-2023, 11:46 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by koolmaan - 26-05-2023, 06:42 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by koolmaan - 27-05-2023, 11:53 AM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by ronylol - 27-05-2023, 06:11 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by koolmaan - 28-05-2023, 05:39 AM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by blackdesk - 30-05-2023, 12:21 AM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by anmol2306 - 07-06-2023, 04:48 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by KingisGreat - 08-06-2023, 02:15 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by koolmaan - 08-06-2023, 03:59 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by KingisGreat - 08-06-2023, 10:44 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by koolmaan - 09-06-2023, 01:55 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by hotanupam44 - 12-06-2023, 02:47 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by Kalyan143 - 09-06-2023, 11:31 AM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by KingisGreat - 13-06-2023, 04:24 AM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by koolmaan - 13-06-2023, 07:58 AM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by mangalmodi18 - 13-06-2023, 04:02 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by KingisGreat - 14-06-2023, 12:19 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by mangalmodi18 - 14-06-2023, 04:36 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by koolmaan - 14-06-2023, 07:05 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by KingisGreat - 15-06-2023, 01:55 AM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by mangalmodi18 - 15-06-2023, 11:54 AM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by SMOD-P - 15-06-2023, 04:32 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by KingisGreat - 15-06-2023, 11:12 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by mangalmodi18 - 17-06-2023, 10:48 AM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by Vaasuevs - 17-06-2023, 02:46 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by KingisGreat - 19-06-2023, 03:35 AM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by hotanupam44 - 19-06-2023, 10:40 AM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by koolmaan - 19-06-2023, 10:09 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by koolmaan - 03-07-2023, 08:29 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by hotanupam44 - 17-07-2023, 02:30 AM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by KingisGreat - 04-07-2023, 12:21 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by KingisGreat - 16-07-2023, 07:11 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by Alpha7492 - 05-06-2024, 11:07 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by koolmaan - 08-06-2024, 04:10 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by Alpha7492 - 11-06-2024, 06:51 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by gaytri_mom - 17-06-2024, 12:09 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by koolmaan - 24-10-2024, 03:49 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by thyroid - 28-10-2024, 02:12 AM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by koolmaan - 28-10-2024, 05:34 PM
RE: how my wife became Hucow - by Fing fing - 24-02-2025, 02:21 PM

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