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Adultery Affairs to Remember - Part 1
“ऐसे ही होता हैं। दो महीने उसके पीछे पड़ा तो मयूरी को बचे अच्छे लगने लगे। यही बदलाव मैं ने अपनी दीदी में भी देखी। वो तो तैयार ही नहीं हो रही थी। देखते देखते 6 महीने निकल गए। फिर हमने जैसे ही वो ट्रेन से उतरी, उसी हाल में होटल ले गए। उसके बदन से पसीने की बदबू आ राही थी इसलिये वो भी बोली शायद ऐसे ही ठीक हैं। होटल में वो 3 घंटे तक रही; 2 बार उस पर वो चढ़ा और जब वो बहार निकली तो इतनी थक गई थी मगर चेहरे पर मुस्कान थी। ‘अब तो मैं आधा दर्जन बच्चों की भी मां बन जाऊ शायद,’ उसने कहा। और अब वो रुकने का नाम ही नहीं ले रही। हाल ही में बताया के मेरे जीजा जी को सब पता हैं और उने ये सब मंजूर हैं।” “That’s how things happen. In a matter of two months, Mayuri developed the desire to have children. I had seen the same change in my sister. She wasn’t even ready; six months passed as she deliberate over it. And then we dragged her from the train station to the hotel. She was not smelly and not fresh and perhaps that made her comfortable. She spent 3 hours in the hotel and he mounted her twice. When she came out, she was dog tired but there was a smile on her face. ‘Perhaps, now I could even give birth to half-a-dozen babies,’ she said. And now she is not even thinking of stopping it. We recently came to know that her husband is aware of it and fully supportive of her affair.”

“जीजा जी को सब पता हैं?” “Your brother-in-law knows everything?”

“और नहीं तो क्या?” she made a face. “ऐसे ही वो उसके बच्चे की मां बन जाएगी? मुझे तो ये भी पता हैं के वो उससे चुदवा कर फिर तुंरत अपने पति से चुदवती हैं।” “Of course. Just like that she would conceive from Kishore bhai? I know she fucks her husband soon after she returns from her rendezvous with Kishore bhai.”

“मतलब?” “Means?”

“उस दिन, 3 घंटे चुदने के बाद वो फिर से अपने पति के सात सोयी। उसी हाल में। मेरे दीदी के बदन से किशोर भाई के पसीने की बदबू और उसके वीर्य की बदबू आ राही थी,” she said. “That day after getting fucked for 3 hours, she slept with her husband, without freshening up. We could smell Kishore bhai’s odor on her and even detect the smell of his semen on her.”

“देख मुझे पता हैं के तू भी चाहता हैं के वो मयूरी पे छडे,” she added. “Look I understand that you too want him to mount Mayuri.”

“तुम्हें ऐसा क्यों लगता हैं?” I countered. “Why do you think so?”

“पता चल जाता हैं। कौन चढ़नेवाला हैं और कौन सूंघने या चाटने वाला हैं। देख मेरे जीजा जी भी अभी ज्यादा तर उसकी चूत चाटते हैं; खास कर जब वह किशोर भाई से चुदवा कर लौटती हैं,” “I can figure it out. Who is into mounting and who is into sniffing and licking. Even my brother-in-law is mostly into licking her pussy nowadays; especially when she returns after getting well fucked by Kishore bhai.”

“अभी किशोर भाई यहां होता तो अभी तक एक बार चढ़ के मुझे में अपना वीर्य छोड़ा भी होता। मयूरी तुझे दस मौके दे तो तू उस पर शायद एक बार चढ़ता पर उसे एक मौका मिले तो वो उस पर दस बार चढ़ता।” “If Kishore bhai had been here then by now he would have mounted me once and deposited his semen in my womb. If Mayuri gives you ten opportunities, you might mount her once but if he gets only one opportunity, he will mount her ten times.”

Mamta had turned my world topsy-turvy. Never, even in my wildest imagination, I thought her elder sister would be attracted to him. Few had seen her face since she would always cover her face with her gunghat (veil), but since I was sort of like a member of her family, I saw her many times up close. She was just like Mamta, a couple of inches shorter, with a petite frame and slender figure and amazingly perky breasts that if I had not seen them up close, I would not have seen them at all.

“तू समाज रहा हैं ना?” she said, trying to console me. “You are getting it, right?”

“मुझे पता हैं तू क्या सोच रहा हैं,” she continued. “मयूरी वैसी लड़की नहीं हैं। वो इतनी खूबसूरत हैं तो फिर उसके जैसे मर्द के साथ शारीरिक सबंध क्यों रखे गी? वो कभी 4-5 बच्चे नहीं चाहेंगी। वगैरा वगैरा।” “I know what you may be wondering. Mayuri is not that sort of girl. She is so beautiful, why would she keep a sexual relationship with such a man? She won’t ever want 4-5 children, etc.”

“हाल ही की बात हैं,” she elaborated. “आप लोग आम बालकनी को सुरक्षा दरवाजा लगा रहे हैं ना।”

We had put together an iron balcony taking in the balcony’s part that was common to Kishore bhai and our rooms. It provided more security and definitely more privacy. I am sure some folks would have raised eyebrows, but it was something that we had contemplated for a while, even before Mayuri came along.

“ललिता ने मज़ाक में बोल दिया, ‘ये तो बहुत ही अच्छा हैं। आप लोग एक दूसरे के घर में स्वतंत्र रूप से आ जा सकते हैं। शादी के बाद तो ये बहुत जरूरी होगा।’ और वो अपने अंदाज में हस पढ़ी। मयूरी को बुरा लगा, फिर मैने उससे अकेले में बात की।” “Lalita jokingly said, ‘This is very good. You folks can freely go to each other’s flats. After marriage this would be essential.’ She laughed as usual. Mayuri didn’t like it. I spoke to her later on alone.”

“क्या कहाँ उसने?” “What did she say?”

“शॉर्टकट में बात करती हूं। वो जानती हैं के किशोर भाई ठरकी हैं और उसकी नियत ठीक नहीं। वो ये भी  जानती हैं कि ऐसे मर्द के इतने करीब रहेगी तो कुछ ना कुछ अनर्थ होना ही हैं। और सबसे महत्वपूर्ण बात, उसके मन में इस समस्या का निवारण क्या हैं?” “Let me tell you in shortcut. She knows that Kishore bhai is a well known womanizer. She knows that if she stays very close to such a man, something or other would happen. And the most important thing; what do you think is her solution for this?”

“क्या?” “What?”

“तुमसे शादी,” she quipped. “Marriage with you.”

“वो कैसे?” “how?”

“उसने बताया नहीं, पर मैं समाज गई। वो जानती हैं के जब भी वो पहल करेगा, वो ना उस को रोक पाए गी और ना खुद को। मुझे लगता हैं कि उसने शादी की जिक्र इसी लिए की हैं। मेरे ख्याल से किशोर भाई भी संयम रख रहे हैं। वरना अब तक मयूरी के गर्भ में उसका बच्चा होता।” “She didn’t say, but I understood. She knows that whenever he makes his move, she won’t be able to stop and neither could stop herself. That’s why she brought up the topic of marriage with you. Kishore bhai is definitely showing restraint. Otherwise she would have already conceived from him by now.”

She saw I was getting irritated by the conversation and added, “देख तू अपने अहंकार को नियन्त्रित कर वरना ऐसा ना हो के मयूरी किशोर भाई से ही शादी कर ले।” “Listen, you better keep your ego in check. Otherwise, Mayuri may just marry Kishore bhai.”

“तुमने इन सभी के बारे में मयूरी से बात की?” “Did you speak to Mayuri about all this?”

“क्या सब?” “About what?”

“यही के वो चाल की बहुत सी औरतों के सात सोया हैं और कही को प्रेग्नेंट भी किया हैं।” “That he has slept with many women of our Chawl and even impregnated many of them.”
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Affairs to Remember - Part 1 - by vyasya - 20-05-2023, 10:57 AM
RE: Affairs to Remember - Part 1 - by vyasya - 20-05-2023, 10:58 AM
RE: Affairs to Remember - Part 1 - by vyasya - 20-05-2023, 11:01 AM
RE: Affairs to Remember - Part 1 - by vyasya - 20-05-2023, 11:03 AM
RE: Affairs to Remember - Part 1 - by vyasya - 20-05-2023, 11:03 AM
RE: Affairs to Remember - Part 1 - by vyasya - 20-05-2023, 11:04 AM
RE: Affairs to Remember - Part 1 - by vyasya - 20-05-2023, 11:05 AM
RE: Affairs to Remember - Part 1 - by vyasya - 20-05-2023, 11:07 AM
RE: Affairs to Remember - Part 1 - by vyasya - 20-05-2023, 11:08 AM
RE: Affairs to Remember - Part 1 - by vyasya - 20-05-2023, 11:09 AM
RE: Affairs to Remember - Part 1 - by vyasya - 20-05-2023, 11:09 AM
RE: Affairs to Remember - Part 1 - by vyasya - 20-05-2023, 11:10 AM
RE: Affairs to Remember - Part 1 - by vyasya - 20-05-2023, 11:11 AM
RE: Affairs to Remember - Part 1 - by vyasya - 20-05-2023, 11:12 AM
RE: Affairs to Remember - Part 1 - by vyasya - 20-05-2023, 11:13 AM
RE: Affairs to Remember - Part 1 - by vyasya - 20-05-2023, 11:16 AM

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