The next day morning Ankita, still in her nightdress, had just finished tidying up her apartment when her phone buzzed.

She picked it up, curious, and her eyebrows raised at the sight of the caller ID. "Madan," she whispered, surprised. Eagerly, she swiped the screen, accepting the call.

Her heart was beating hard. 

"Good morning, Ankita. I hope I'm not disturbing you," Madan's deep voice echoed from the other end, polished with the smooth, cultured accent that hinted at a lifetime of high-society education.

"Good morning, Madan," Ankita responded with a cautious smile. "No, you're not disturbing me at all. Tell me Madan!"

"I was hoping we could have a more detailed discussion about the deal between your company and Vikram Electronics. Could you come by my place this evening? I can text you the address." The question was phrased politely, but his tone suggested it was more of a polite command.

Ankita blinked at the request. After a slight pause, she replied, "Of course, I can do that. I'll see you today evening!"

Later that evening.... 

After a refreshing shower, Ankita wrapped herself in a plush, white towel, the soft cotton fabric clinging to her damp skin. She wanted to choose something very classy and not too revealing. At the same time not too conservative. This is an important meeting. The meeting she was waiting for and preparing for for months. 

She finally settled on a charcoal-grey pencil skirt that clung to her curves without hindering her movements. She paired it with a sleeveless top that highlighted her assets nicely. She had stylish ear rings. Ear rings that made her feel good about herself. The whole attire was professional and stylish, a perfect fit for the meeting.

She then double checked the expensive diamond necklace she bought and made sure to put it in her purse. It was too expensive and it would be stupid to carry it out in the open on her body. The idea was to put it on right before meeting Madan. It was a beautiful necklace and it went deep into her massive cleavage resting gently between her twin peaks.

[Image: Beautiful-Busty-Indian-Girls-Showing-Big...6.jpg.webp]

Situated on a cliff overlooking the Arabian Sea, Madan's luxurious villa was a beautiful sight. Mumbai's skyline glittered at a distance, the city's hustle and bustle a mere murmur compared to the tranquil waves hitting against the rocks below.

As she walked up the driveway, Ankita was captivated by the exterior of the villa. It was a harmony of modern and traditional architectural design. The walls were a pristine white, contrasted by dark wooden beams and large glass windows that hinted at the luxury within. The villa was surrounded by beautifully manicured gardens, the sweet scent of blooming jasmine filling the air.

As she rang the doorbell, she smoothed down her top and tugged at her skirt, her heart pounding in her chest. Madan himself opened the door, dressed in a casual shirt and trousers, his face creased in a welcoming smile.

"Ankita, I'm glad you could make it," Madan greeted her, opening the door wider to let her in. "Please, make yourself comfortable."

Madan welcomed Ankita into his home, leading her through a grand hallway adorned with marble flooring and tasteful modernist art. Their steps echoed in the high-ceilinged space, the soft glow from a magnificent chandelier above casting a warm, welcoming light.

In the dining room, an exquisite table was laid out with all the items for dinner. The room was elegantly decorated, its dark wooden floor contrasting with the room's light, cream-colored walls. A massive floor-to-ceiling window offered an unobstructed view of the city skyline, the twinkling lights reflecting in the glass top of the dining table.

As they settled in their seats, a wafting aroma of aromatic spices teased Ankita's senses. The dinner was to be started with a local favorite, chicken tikka masala, which was to be followed by an assortment of Naan and a flavorful biryani.

"Before we start, I want you to try this!", saying this Madan pushed the cut strawberry towards her. "The white sauce will make it taste so much better!".  

[Image: strawberry-cream-photo-u1?auto=format&]

Saying that Madan gently licked the white sauce with his tongue in a slow motion and spread it all over the strawberry. Then he gently took a bite while maintaining eye contact with Ankita and then smiled at her. 

Ankita was surprised and her face showed it.  

"Why were you so surprised? Did it make you think of something else?", he laughed. 

"No, I never thought anyone would put the sauce on a strawberry!", Ankita replied with a forced smile.

"You can put whatever you want on it. You just need to be gentle and make sure you don't spoil the delicate strawberry.", saying this he casually winked at her as he tongued the strawberry again.

As they ate, Madan struck up a conversation. "So, Ankita, how do you find Mumbai's weather compared to Bangalore?" he asked, his gaze steady on her as he took a sip of his wine.

Ankita paused for a moment before replying, "Well, it's more humid here. Bangalore has more of a pleasant climate throughout the year, but I do love the sea breeze in Mumbai."

Madan chuckled at that. "That's true. I find the sea has a certain calming effect, don't you think?" He gestured towards the window and the vast expanse of water visible beyond.

Their conversation flowed effortlessly as they chatted about their favorite foods. Madan professed a deep love for traditional Indian cuisine while Ankita expressed her fondness for experimenting with various international dishes. They discovered shared interests in music and travel, their exchange interrupted by bouts of laughter, anecdotes, and a sense of camaraderie.

Following dinner, Madan guided her through a hallway lined with impressive artwork. Under soft, ambient lighting, each painting was a testament to his refined taste. He shared stories of the artists, his fascination with each piece palpable in his enthusiastic narrations.

"The trick is to understand what the painting is trying to convey, the emotion the artist wants to bring out," Madan said, looking at a vibrant abstract painting. "Art, much like our business, requires understanding the meaning behind it."

Throughout the tour, the depth of Madan's knowledge and his passion for art left Ankita surprised. Their conversation ebbed and flowed as they went deeper into art and its meaning, their surroundings becoming a canvas for their shared interests.

Madan stopped. He pointed to one particular painting.

"This is my most expensive and favorite painting.", there is so much depth and meaning to this one. 

Ankita grew visibly uncomfortable and did not say anything.

[Image: jana-brike-watercolor-vulva.jpg]

Madan walked closer to Ankita. 
"I really loved your demo the other day. It was really good!", Madan paused before continuing. 

"I think the deal needs to be finalized! It will be good for Vikram Electronics. And.. it will be good for you as well!", he stopped for a minute. 

Ankita's heart started beating really fast. 

"But, I think you can be much more. So much more! And Vikram Electronics can help you guys quite a bit!"

"Thank you so much! For your kind words!", Ankita exclaimed with elation. Her face broke into a big smile. 

"I think it is a great idea for Vikram Electronics to buy out your company and then use your startup's technology to improve Vikram Electronics."

"Nothing will change really from your end. Your team will still have their jobs. We won't interfere in your day to day operations but we will install a new management team and I think you should be the CEO of your company!"

Ankita's couldn't believe it! She was shocked! 

"Ankita, you have all the qualities of an amazing CEO. You are smart, energetic, talented and can communicate really well! You are a star Ankita! A star!"

"All you need is some guidance now and then but I am confident you will be able to kill it! You will become famous and be on the cover of all the business magazines!"

"What do you think?", Madan gazed at her waiting for a response.

Ankita was shaking with nervous excitement. Her sleeveless top could barely contain her massive assets as she put both of her hands together and said, "thank you sooo much!", to Madan.  

Madan smiled back. 

"I think you are too nervous. Lets have some red wine. It will help you relax a bit!"

"Sure!", Ankita replied. She made a mental note not to drink the wine too much and say something stupid that will spoil everything. 

As they reached Madan's collection of wines in his cellar he picked one with 20% alcohol content and then poured it into Ankita's glass. 

They both started sipping the wine and became much more relaxed. The wine kicked in and made the atmosphere super chill. 

"You have an amazing place! The view is really amazing!", saying this she walked towards the window and started appreciating the beautiful coastline and the sea. 

Madan stood behind her, his towering presence an undeniable force in the room. The warmth of his gaze seeped into her backside as she was still observing the view, providing both comfort and anxiety. 

"Nice ear-rings!", Madan said gently while touching Ankita's ear rings.

Ankita was taken aback but still stood there not saying anything. 

"Beautiful necklace!", Madan whispered in her ear and then started pulling the necklace up to examine it further. 

He rested his hand on her cleavage while he palmed the diamond with his thumb.   

Ankita could feel the rising tension between his pants on her backside. He was that close behind her. She stood frozen on the spot and expressed no emotion.  

"Before we finalize anything I want to make sure you understand that there are a few key qualities that a CEO has."

"One. A CEO is not always in control. There are things that happen that are outside of your control and you should be okay with things not always going your way!"

"Two. You have to do things that you don't want to do because you are looking at things with a long term view and not just avoiding short term pain!"

"Three. You should always maintain a sense of calm and cool and smile on the outside even though on the inside you are feeling something else."

Ankita turned around facing Madan. "I will do whatever it takes to prove myself and will do my absolute best to take both the companies to great heights!"

"I know you will Ankita! I know you will! I have complete faith in you! You are the rising star!", Madan declared with absolute confidence. 

Madan then paused... and then cleared his throat, breaking the momentary silence. "Ankita," he began, his tone shifting to something more serious. "I have a request, a favor to ask."
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RE: BUSINESS TRIP WITH MY COLLEAGUE ANKITA - by sominoru - 18-05-2023, 10:31 AM

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