Adultery Unwanted Houseguest....Continued (the Mouse that Roared) by breville1-COMPLETED
Confidence Goes before a fall

Wheres your baggage? asked my father in law.
Baggage? I repeated. Heck!
Where are your bags?
Oh, in the car. In my hurry to see Kavi I left them in the car. Kavi, why don't you come with me and give me a hand.
Well, how are you feeling now? I asked as we walked down the stairs. I know the doctor was seeing you for a while.
All the bruising is much better she replied.
What about the trauma? I asked.
First few days I was terrified and very depressed and you were not there but with the tranquilizers, Dr Vanita, mum and dad, I began to feel much better until I realized why you werent replying to my messages.
I ignored the last part.
Not that its any business of mine but I hope you make better decisions about who you make friends with in future.
We were silent for a while.
Then she said, Manu, its a long and complicated story. I do want to explain it all to you before we go our separate ways. I owe you that at least. We need some time alone;.
But I want to clear up the bang situation first. That bang attack just terrified me. The irony is that I was saved by you from my own misdeeds. Im deeply ashamed and sincerely sorry. I know that you can never forgive me.
That morning I was angry with you because you didnt let me sleep with you the night before. I went to the gym to work it out of my system.
Soon after I started my work out, Vasant and Raja arrived. Prem and I had seen them there on and off. The work out was good for me and I felt much better. When I finished I looked at my phone and saw your message. I knew by looking at the message time that you would be arriving within a few minutes and didn’t bother replying. I went to the coffee shop to wait for you.
Then Vasant and Raja came and joined me. We were just chatting, killing time and soon they started commenting about my figure and how all the work outs had made me look sexy. It was the typical stuff you hear when people talk about working out. I kept checking my phone for the time as I knew you were going to be there any minute. I wanted to talk to you;.
I dont know why but Vasant took out what I thought was a cigarette but it turned out to be ganja. I told them that I had just started to experiment with it. Well one thing led to another and I was smoking it too.
I actually saw you hiding behind the plants by the entrance. I felt angry that you were spying on me. Why couldnt you have just come in? Anyway, the ganja was having an effect on all of us and the guys were talking about how lucky my husband was as he could enjoy my toned body and they t. The conversation had become deliberately laced with innuendo. I knew that you enjoyed yourself watching me having sex with Prem and Mangal, that there was a cuckold in you. To spite you, I told them they could enjoy my body.
When we went to the store room, I knew you were going to follow us. The ganja made everything so sensuous. I was enjoying them groping me and I lay down to start the session but Vasant started tying my hand. I didnt want that. I had never been tied before. With two of them there, I suddenly felt very frightened and shouted for him to stop. You know what happened after that.
If its any comfort to you, Vasant didnt penetrate me and Raja never managed to get his cock in my mouth. I struggled with all my strength and made it very difficult for them. Vasant kept on hitting me but the security officer showed up before he could succeed. I think it was soon after you were knocked out. If you hadnt called the security officer, if you hadnt intervened.
Oh my God! I said. You did that to spite me? Your plan back fired and I saved you!! I was incredulous.
What kind of woman does that to spite her husband? I had come to talk to you, to apologize if I had upset you. Holy smokes!!
She didnt reply.
Actually it might be better if we continued this discussion after talking to doctor. I have a 3pm appointment with Dr Vanita. Are you free this afternoon? I dont know what your plans are.
Of course, Im free this afternoon! What else would I be doing?she said angrily.
I had no idea, I replied defensively.
I could feel the tension rising in her and changed the subject.
What story did you tell your parents I asked Kavi as we walked towards the car.We were shopping in the mall On Saturday morning. Since the car was parked on the north side of the mall, you asked me to wait by the south side while you went to pick up the car. While I was waiting two guys started chatting with me. I was just being polite as they were asking about which shops offered the best value and other shopping questions.
Then one guy grabbed my handbag and tried to pull it off my shoulder and the other one was pulling the shopping bags. The handbag guy then started hitting my face and body which made me drop the shopping bags but I didnt let go of my handbag. Then you came and started fighting with them. A few minutes later the mall security guards showed up and those guys ran off. They were never found.
We were taken to hospital for check ups. I was kept for a couple of days because I was traumatized and had follow up visits from the doctor. You had to leave for work. So I called them to come over.
Great. Now that weve got ourselves synchronized, how much longer will they stay with us?I asked.
They were going to go back as soon as you got back. They have many things to take care of in Delhi. So, maybe tomorrow or Sunday.
It would mean a small change to my plans. I would have to delay my move to the studio apartment.
I would have to watch and listen. Maybe delay my move even more.
How was your trip? she asked. You never replied to anything I sent you and you didn’t me call either.
Oh, it was extremely busy. I was not going to respond to the comment about the calls.
First I had to work with all the clients people night and day to prepare for the big chiefs meeting. Then I was at the beck and call of our CEO. Every night we were working late and then wed go out for dinner.
So did the client sign up? She continued.
Im not sure. Its at the CEO level. The client just bought some private hospitals in the U.K. and they re probably going to want the same system over there. It might be a condition of the contract I replied.
Will you have to go there as well?
I paused.
ProbablyI said.
Im glad your trip went well. You must have enjoyed it. You have a certain air of confidence around you now! she said with a big smile. That made her look so radiant and beautiful. I wished that none of this had ever happened.
Its nice to know that ones hard work will pay off, I suppose, I replied with a grin.
In my heart I still hoped that somehow we could get through all this and stay together. But how to be sure that anything she said was sincere? How could I trust her?
I thought that the Taj Express weekend was a new beginning. The fact that she had found a way of preventing Prem and Gowrie from staying seemed to build on that.
We had reached the car. I gave Kavi the smaller carry on and I took the suitcase.
As we wrestled the cases up the stairs, I remarked We could do with Prem right now!
That reminds me. So what happened between you and Prem? Kavi asked. How did he end up in jail? Gowrie said she found you on the floor and Prem was kicking you.
In between huffing and puffing I said, He reckoned that I had made you angry for some reason. You went to the gym to avoid me. You wouldnt normally have gone to the gym without him. So he blamed me for the attack and was angry with my inability to protect you. He beat me severely, worse than at any other time. When I fell down he began to kick me. Gowrie came in and took him away when she heard my cries.
Oh my God! How horrible that must have been. Kavi cried out. And right after what those guys in the gym did to you! Im truly sorry you had to endure that. He deserved it. He was always quick to use his strength against you even though I asked him many times not to.
That was a revelation to me. Prem had beaten me so many times when Kavi hadnt been around and sometimes also when she was there, like when I tried to speak to Gowrie. Where was the sympathy for her boyfriend, whom she had held high on a pedestal while I was kicked around? Strange.
We had stopped on the third floor landing so that we could finish our discussion.
I lay there for some time, recoveringand thinking. Thats when I decided to leave my prison, let go of my love. I was prepared to suffer anything for my love for you.all those months of torment but that beating was the last straw. It told me how much he cared for you and what he thought of me, my inability to look after you. I understood why you brought him back into your life.
Kavi held my hand in a death grip. There were tears in her eyes as she looked at me. She realized that that was my turning point.when she had lost me. Her pain was obvious.
It wasnt like that, Manu. I didnt bring him back because I loved him. I loved you.
Really? I ignored that. Kavi, I wasnt going to bear the never ending humiliation and pain of it anymore. I decided to give up waiting for you to show me whether you loved me enough to stop all those things. I didnt want any more of your mind games. No more belittling, panties, nighties, shaving, cuckolding me with Prem and the others.Kavi, I am truly, truly sorry. I still love you very deeply, I will always love you but I couldnt carry on with such a one sided relationship any longer.
She removed her hand as if my words told her that she didnt have a right to hold me any longer.
I picked myself up, took the important papers, laptop and went to the hospital to be checked up again. Then I went to the security officer station and filed a charge against him. He was arrested a short time later.
Despite my injuries, I had a deep sense of satisfaction in knowing that he would no longer bully me nor could he be with you. You cannot imagine the satisfaction I got in knowing that he could no longer say that while you might be my wife, he owned your pussy. Yes, he used to brag about that all the time and you did everything to reinforce that despite my pleadings. You enjoyed all the benefits of a wife but gave back so little. I was overjoyed that I had finally got rid of him.
I then moved into a hotel near my office for a couple of days before I had to go to Dubai.
My plan was not to see you or have contact with you until I got back. I wanted you to figure out what you really wanted to do with yourself going forward, without any pressure from me. Thats why I decided to move out. I was going to move into a studio apartment later today but that will have to wait. I didnt expect your parents to be here. I wanted to give you space to decide for yourself. I wanted you to tell me in your own time.
As for me, my position has been clear from day one. No point bleating about it anymore.
About the money, I moved it away the week before the bang incident because I was never sure whether you loved me or whether youd leave me for Prem. You were always playing games. I wanted to be prepared.
Kavi had turned away, fighting her tears. I gave her a little hug and brought out my handkerchief.
Compose yourself. Theyre waiting for us. Come on.
She reached out, held my hand and said shakily, I did a lot of thinking while in hospital. Gowrie was pregnant and I knew Prem would leave. I started dabbling with people I didnt really know. What I was doing was getting too dangerous. I wanted to go back to our old life. On Monday morning when Gowrie told me about Prem, your trip and that she would be looking after me, I no longer wanted them around. So I called mum and dad.<br />

Wow! Im glad you wanted to change. But it had come too late for me, I thought bitterly. I hadnt had the benefit of talking to her about that. I had already started my absence and silence maneuver.
Concentrating on dragging the bags up the stairs relieved us from further discussion and anguish.
Upon entering the apartment, we went straight to our bedroom. I took off my jacket and flung it on the bed and went into the bathroom to freshen up for lunch. Kavi went to prepare the lunch with her mother.
After lunch, Kavis parents went for their afternoon nap. We went to our room to unpack my suitcases. I picked up the big suitcase to place it on the bed and Kavi reached over to move my jacket out of the way. As she pulled it out of the way, there was a light tinkling sound as something fell on the tiled floor. Kavi bent down to pick it up while I unzipped the suitcase. But she stayed motionless, bent down looking at the object.
Kavi, what is it? I asked walking over to her.
She slowly got up and looked at me. Tears were running down her face. She opened her hand to show me what she had found.
It was a womans gold earring. The type that had several linked pieces. It was Sunitas.
The blood drained from my face and my mouth felt dry. I stared at her and swallowed. I felt myself shivering.
C..c..confidence?she asked, slowly shaking her head, body racked by sobs.
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RE: Unwanted Houseguest....Continued (the Mouse that Roared) by breville1 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 27-12-2018, 07:34 PM

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