Adultery Unwanted Houseguest....Continued (the Mouse that Roared) by breville1-COMPLETED
The Sound of Silence

Next morning, I followed my normal routine and pounded away in the hotel gym. I kept wondering whether I should continue my silence. During breakfast I came to a decision. I would not respond. Silence, no response to a text message or call meant that the person was unavailable or did not want to respond. Since she knew that I used my phone for business purposes, it would be obvious to her that I didnt want to respond. And she would figure out why.
The big bosses would be arriving soon and all day I was checking materials, on calls with the Mumbai software team, finalizing details. The clients program manager was all over us, wanting details and requesting demo scenarios. Modern medical systems for hospitals had become extremely complex and each client wanted something different. The customization aspect was always the bear. This time the client wanted connectivity with aircraft. The communication links were the most challenging as broad band for aircraft was not widely available. The software guys had assured me that they had devised a solution. A live demo had to be arranged with one of the airlines and IT firewalls were proving to be a nightmare.
During the day, I received more messages.
Hi Manu, can you call me as soon as you can?
OK, guess youre busy. Went to take out some money. Salary for this month not there. Only enough left for rent. Can I use some? No money in savings account. What happened?
Took some money out.
Wrong reasons, I thought. I was seriously tempted to reply Ask your boyfriend, Prem
Late that evening, I got woken up by her call. It was almost midnight, 1.30am in Mumbai. I let it go to voice mail.
Manu, why arent you replying? Please answer the phone. Call me.
I was mentally hardened now and simply went back to sleep. The day had been long and tiring.
She called again at 6 am in the morning.
Manu, all the important papers are gone from the drawer. Whats going on? What are you doing? When will you return?...... Mani, call me back, please.
I could hear a hint of alarm in her voice. She must have realized by now what I was up to.
Exactly an hour later, I received a text message.
Understand why youre doing this.I deserve it. When you get back well finalize things.
I stared at the message. Had she just turned the situation around? Nothing about talking, discussion, compromise, nothing. Shed understood that I was leaving her? I guess that was an obvious conclusion to draw since Id taken the papers and moved the money. But shed simply accepted it? Shit! This was back firing on me again! Now,had to decide?
So far shed operated confidently and comfortably knowing that I wasnt going to go anywhere and that Prem would keep me under control. Clearly, the bang incident had changed things. She must have heard about Prems situation too. She obviously had no more aces to play and had accepted her fate. She had tried to keep me while also freeing her sexual frustrations and had lost. Any options she had didnt include me.
As I concentrated on pulling weights in the gym, I felt a bit more relaxed. No more belittling, no more sexy panties and nighties, no more Prem, Mangal and the rest of them. But I had lost my dearest, my love, my life. Yet, I knew that she would always remain in my heart. I remembered how I had felt when I first met her. Anyway, the silence had done its work. She knew where she stood. I needed to get back to work. The big chiefs were arriving later that morning.
There were no further messages from Kavi but Dr. Vanita did text me asking to see me when I got back. Probably to close out the bang trauma case, no doubt.
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RE: Unwanted Houseguest....Continued (the Mouse that Roared) by breville1 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 27-12-2018, 06:56 PM

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