Adultery Unwanted Houseguest....Continued (the Mouse that Roared) by breville1-COMPLETED

I left for my office. It was not yet 8am. Very few cars were in the car park. As I walked in through the main entrance, the security guard stepped up to me, blocking my way.
Good morning, Sir. Please come with me he said authoritatively.
Good morning, bhai. What is the problem?I replied walking behind him.
He led me into the small dark security office and said, There is a lady to see you, sir. He turned around and left.
The lady was sitting in the corner with her head covered by a dupatta. I recognized her as she turned around.
Gowrie!! I exclaimed.
She fell to the floor sobbing, knelt down and touched her forehead to my feet.
Manu.ji sir I know you have a big heart. You you have a kind heart. Please drop the charges. I beg you. I will do anything you want. Just tell me. Please
I picked her up and held her in my arms as she continued to sob uncontrollably. The shoe was on the other foot now. We sat down and I held her hands to comfort her. Poor girl, she was just a pawn in Kavi and Prems game.
If Prem has a criminal record, his life will be ruined. Our lives will be ruined. No one will give him a decent job. No one will look at us again.
Hes not really a bad man. What he did to you was because Kavi asked him to help her. We were all good friends at college.
So good that you all slept together? I asked sarcastically.
She took her hands away and looked down. It looked like she was making a decision.
Finally, she took a deep breath and looked back at me.
Yes she said.
How come he didnt marry Kavi? Why is he with you now? I asked
Manu, Prem was with a lot of girls but he spent the most time with Kavi. We all knew she was his girlfriend but Prem would still go out with other girls, including me. Gradually, he became interested in me also. Because Kavi didnt want to lose Prem, she accepted me. But she was also jealous. So she began going out with other guys too. When Prem tried to stop her, she left us for a while and Prem fought hard to convince her to come back. She only came back with the condition that she would be free to do as she wanted, just like Prem. Eventually her parents found out about what she was doing with so many boys, including Prem. She had left her phone lying around and her father picked it up. All the intimate messages with her boyfriends were there. She never deleted her conversations because she would be playing with several guys at the same. There was a big showdown with her parents. Her father was going to throw her out for being with a '. boy and sleeping around. Since there was no way they would allow her to marry Prem, she agreed to an arranged marriage. After many proposals, she met you and felt she could get on with you. I stayed with Prem and we finally got engaged three months ago.
But that was after Prem came to stay with us I pointed out.
Yes, because I was not comfortable with Prem staying with Kavi, even though she was already married. To appease me he brought me over for weekends. And I didnt mind the threesomes as we had done that before and I felt better being there than being alone. Anyway, I knew it was temporary but based on their past history, I didnt want to take any chances . So Prem proposed that we get engaged. He loved me and didnt want me to be upset.
You brought this upon yourselves I said slowly. You abused my generosity and hospitality.
Manu, Im pregnant! Please have mercy on me. She was gripping my hands tightly. I looked at her in shock.
If it wasnt for his temporary posting here, I would force him to stay with me all the time since Im now pregnant. The weekends he spends with me are too short for me. Thats why Im here for this whole week.
That would explain the weekends he was spending with her. But was that the reason Kavi was being nice to me during that weekend? A little jealousy building up? Or did she genuinely like being with me, maybe she did love me? I could swear that she loved me then. It had been such a wonderful weekend. Its hard to pretend to be happy through the whole weekend and despite everything, I knew my Kavis moods. And that orgasm, it was out of this world. Could she have faked it? With that level of intensity? The whole neighborhood must have heard her come.
It still didnt explain Mangal, John, Vasant and Raju.
“I see, I said softly. I got your messages, of course. My lawyer is taking care of all this. The charges will be dropped by this afternoon but only if he stays away from Kavi and me.
Gowrie leapt up with a cry and grabbed me in a big hug.
God has answered my prayers! Manu, you are so big hearted even though they. no, we did all those things to you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you, thank you, thank you! She began kissing my forehead and cheeks.
I promise Ill repay your kindness. Anything, anything, well forever be in your debt. Then she fell to the ground and rested her head on my feet, sobbing endlessly.
I pulled her up and gave her a hug.
There is something you can do for me, I said as I caressed her head.
I want you to look after Kavi for a couple of weeks. Be her companion. Talk to her, take her out for walks, get her back to normal. Unfortunately, I will be away on business. Can you do that for me?
She looked at me incredulously, Manu, that is nothing. Of course I'd love to look after her, poor soul. I'd be happy to do more.
Thats OK, I replied. Here are the numbers of my lawyer, Chaman Lal and the therapist, Dr Vanita Raja. I'll give them your number. Dr Vanita is seeing Kavi this morning and will authorize her release. Make sure you understand everything the doctor asks you to do for Kavi. A little latertoday, Chaman Lal will call you to the security officer Station. You and Prem will have to sign documents before he can be released.
I'd better go now. You take care, I said as I prepared to leave. Gowrie, looked at me for a moment and said, Manu, I love you. I can never thank you enough.; And she gently kissed my lips.
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RE: Unwanted Houseguest....Continued (the Mouse that Roared) by breville1 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 27-12-2018, 06:24 PM

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