Fantasy How Sruthi became a nudist
*** Back to present, video editing and naked school visit ***
I vigorously rubbing my pussy while recollecting the past events and my sofa is fully soaked with my juices. I came back to senses and thought it's enough rubbing for now and better start my video editing and then collect my clothes and bring them back to my normal life. I opened a website and searched for real time editing and one link made me interested the most and i clicked it. It didn't asked for any credit card but asked for all my details and address. I wondered why it's asking all the details but seen a note stating that to avoid any illegal activities that is required. So i thought it as formality, but i made a mistake in a hurry by giving all the right details. I thought nothing will happen as i will delete my account after the editing process completes. I attached my camera to the computer and pushed all the bits and pieces recorded. I even checked how the output will be by pushing some samples of the recording and the output was just amazing and realistic. Then i click start editing it was showing 4-5 hours to complete the full video. As i have no other work i thought to leave the editing duty to the website and let me do my cooking and eating before it turn dark, as i don't want to switch on any lights to hide my presence to my neighbors. I put some rice and some lentils together and make a khichdi. I felt that it was less salty during eating. Instead of putting more salt I dip my finger into vagina and licked it. Then i washed my dishes and checked the progress it is really processing slow, some 2% it was showing. Then i thought i cannot sit here idle instead i should do something. Then i searched about the queen of Vidisha history and i was shocked. The secret life of her amazed me and made me think why she as a queen do those things. The main aspect is she used to roam around the city naked at the midnight and check the progress of the city. She likes to be naked and bold. but she never shows any signs in the daylight, but even behind the curtains she was always naked. Only few people aware of her naughty secrets. Then i got curious how she looks and searched the web, and got shocked she looked more or less like me. Then i questioned myself does the queen incarnated like me or it's a mere coincidence. Is it the reason i keep on ditching my clothes from my teenage years and now doing an extreme act of donating (even it's an act). Then a naughty idea came into my mind, Let the website do it's work and let the queen Sruthi explore her own dynasty in the nude. Let's see how Vidisha looks with my naked eyes and naked body. My dynasty is of-course is my school. So i started doing makeup same way i used to get ready for school. I put a pony tail. Putting one simple rubber for tying and some talcum powder to my face and kajal to eyes. I hold some books and a handbag and started walking towards my backyard. I saw myself in mirror i looks exactly as i go to school, but only difference is i am nude and no barefoot. The i slowly closed the door not locked though and crossed all my clothing bags and reached the pet wall on my backyard. I thought for a second, do i really planning to go to the school in the nude? then my mind said. It's now or never, when you will go then? on your 90's then there won't be any thrill as you will be out of your sexual hormones. Just climb the wall and jump into the world of thrill and excitement. Then i look into the nearly empty road and waiting for power cut to happen. I know the time and it happened at the same time. Then i climbed the wall and jumped towards the road and slowly moved my nude body towards the road. I put some courage to cross the road and then hide behind the bush to avoid vehicle lights on my beautiful body. There is a short path to school which is kind of a small reserved forest. It's abit scary but it will avoid anyone to notice me. So i took the forest trial and i can feel the fresh air all over my body. My bouncing boobs and wet vagina reminds me how naked i am, I briskly walk over the path to reach my destination. finally i reached the sideways of my school and saw my school board, It make my legs weak. I am at my school like a new born baby. Before the break i am like a reputed well behaved teacher and today i am roaming like a careless nudist. It's a government school so there is no security. I slowly opened the gate and entered in. I imagine kids playing on the entrance and wishing me, i then started moving towards the staff room and the power is back now. There are some street lights outside the school illuminating, If some one stop and see they may get some suspicion. But at this time no one comes to this area. I entered the staff room and dropped my handbag onto the desk and books onto the table and spread my legs and started rubbing my pussy and imagining i am with all other staff members and started speaking.
Sruthi: - oof Shalini this heat is unbearable let me take this nighty off and relax.
Shalini: - Hey Sruthi what are you doing. You are naked and don't you remember you are in the staff room any one will come anytime.
Sruthi: - I will cover my body with nighty don't worry. But who will come in middle of a class. Just relax.
Shalini: - You are becoming bolder day by day you know. Who will attend school with just a nighty, I will never have that courage to take step.
Sruthi: - This is not any bold step Shalini. I am living in my comfort. See in this heavy heat who will constraint all the body in a tight saree attire. You are not feeling that pain, say frankly.
Shalini: - You are right, It's really irritating to be in this saree attire on this weather condition. But how you are managing in just nighty infront of everyone.
Sruthi: - I know every girl feel the same. We should get freedom from our clothes. I tie my nighty with a ribbon around my waist and it looks like a maxi. It's as simple as that. If you want freedom like me, You need to escape from your clothes.
Shalini: - But i don't have a nighty to do so. I am really shy you know right Sruthi from childhood i was raised in a strict orthodox family. It's really impossible to break those rules.
Sruthi: - Dear Shalini, It's your body. You have all rights to do what ever make you comfortable. I will help you from this bondage if you really want to be free.
Shalini: - But Sruthi i am really feeling shy. And speaking something
Sruthi:- Closed Shalini's mouth and said leave it to me. And moved hands towards Shalini's safety pin near pallu and release it. The soft chiffon saree pallu smoothly slide from her boobs into her lap where there are multiple folds of her saree pleats tugged into her naval area.
Shalini tries to pick up her pallu to cover her blouse covered breast, but i stopped. Let it be there and feel the air near your blouse opening by closing your eyes.
Shalini:- Abit Cool wind i felt as the sweat evaporates the feeling go away too. I think i need to set my pallu back.
Sruthi:- It's just a beginning, You will feel the freedom and thrill once we progress further, don't stop when i do something.
and i shifted my hands towards her blouse and caught hold of first hook and released it.
Shalini:- Sruthi i think this is too much, lets stop here please.
Sruthi:- Stop arguing and tell me what you feel. Just relax, see i am more vulnerable than you fully naked. So so don't worry. And i turned the table fan towards her boobs.
Shalini:- ahh yes i am getting good air. Is it called the freedom which you are talking about?
Sruthi:- As you are new to this, Let me explain there are stages and steps for freedom. Even you are wearing these clothes everyday you may not notice the freedom keys. If you are okay i will explain and introduce you to the ultimate freedom.
Shalini:- My shyness & orthodox nature saying to stop all these. But the cool air is asking me to go-ahead. I am confused which path to choose.
Sruthi:- If you trust me, leave all the heavy duty to make you cross all the levels and stages which may be hurdles to you due to shyness. I will present you the final freedom which you will taste and may continue it further by breaking all thought barriers. Even you may end up stood against the society to introduce your free body for all to see and enjoy.
Shalini:- Nude in public oh! my god i may not do it in this life. But i trust you. Please guide me to the freedom path.
Sruthi:- Few barriers i will help you to clear by yourselves and few i will do. Such that you will feel the sweetness of the process. But don't go back or stop in the middle.
Shalini:- I am interested now. Please proceed, i will not go back. It's a promise.
Sruthi:- Good girl, Unknowingly we have already crossed certain stages partially and you might already feel the joy. That is we removed your safety pin then dropped the pallu to the lap and removed one blouse hook.
Shalini:- These things i do daily when at home, but i never feel anything there, But why i am feeling something hot what could be the reason.
Sruthi:- Simple because you don't pay attention on these fun tasks when you are in a closed room and alone. When you are in public / risky place where anyone can see you at anytime each step going forward gives you thrill. See now how it feels and i removed the second blouse hook.
Shalini:- With drowsy eyes and abit moan from mouth said what are doing Sruthi. I am getting horny. I am spoiling my black panties with my juices.
Sruthi:- Good, It's time to get rid of that and your panties will be safe from getting dirty. I will help you with that but you have to remove your third button. Remember it's a mutual task.
Shalini with shaking hands released the 3rd hook and final hook has been cut away due to the tension and she slowly spread her legs then i put my hands inside her petticoat and slowly removed her panty out and made her vagina partially free.
Sruthi:- See how a naughty girl is revealing from you, I smiled. and smelled her secretions it's sweet in smell. She closed her eyes with anticipation. Then i interrupted her. Hello miss there is more to go, Shall we continue?
Shalini:- What is your plan to do next.
Sruthi:- You need to give permission by unpinning the safety pin near the naval
With closed eyes she unpinned her pin and i cupped her pussy with my palm through her saree pleats and slowly pulled them out. She is fully surrendered now. I asked her please handover your lock such that i will open the doors to the heaven.
Shalini:- Where does the lock in my clothes resides
Sruthi:- Your petticoat knot, then she hesitantly pulled it out in standing position. And i released the knot then the petticoat falls over from her smooth white thighs to the ground. And her trimmed hairy vagina is shining bright. I ran and put my tongue and started licking her vagina. And my juices ejaculate and came back to senses. I am dreaming and trying to undress my colleague and doing some lesbian acts. This nudity is bringing wild thought out of my mind. I have to stop this and go to my class as i already passed an hour here.
I slowly walked towards my class and i cannot believe i am walking naked on the corridor in my birthday suit. I finally reached my class and opened the door it makes a squeaky noise and i got scared for a moment. And closed the door once i entered inside. And checked all the windows are closed and switched on the tube lights and imagined all my students are watching me and started talking.
The class was noisy and suddenly became silent after my entry. I walked towards the blackboard where my chair and table are there and put my handbag and books and folded my arms and speaking.
Students why you all looking me like that.

Students:- Madam you are naked
Sruthi:- Oh! sorry i should have tell you before hand. Today is my birthday and i decided to be in my birthday suit whole day.
Students:- don't you feel shy to walk around like that. What people will think.
Sruthi:- Listen this is specially for girls i am pointing to, You have all the rights on your own body. This is the way you all born. Don't get constrained with the society norms. People will always speak something or the other. You have to break the barriers to come out of these clothes restrictions and enjoy the freedom. boy students let girls only speak today as it's a matter of freedom talks.
Girl Students:- But madam we feel shy to be naked, Every one will see every part of our body. It's really difficult. How you get the courage to do this.
Sruthi:- Do you wear anything while you bath, do you feel shy when you change your dress in closed doors. And how many of you spent lot of time when bathing and changing dress. It's because female bodies doesn't like to be constrained inside clothes. It's not difficult all it needs is practice and will power. And coming to me, i am also a very shy girl. But i have a determination to free my body. There was a saying "Rome is not built in a day", The same saying i applied in my life.
Girl Students:- What does it mean by "Rome is not built in a day". Can you please tell us how we can apply in our own life.
Sruthi:- I walked slowly and said do you know what is is called. Yes it's called baby steps. You know i am also from an orthodox family, If i can break the barriers you can too. If you are interested i will give step by step instructions.
Girl Students:- We are eager to know. But what others will react seeing our naked bodies. As girls we also have some body insecurities. How to deal with them also please explain.
Sruthi:- How many of you noticed if your skirt is abit open or you forget to put a button of your shirt. Every man eager to see a naked woman skin. And our bodies are more inline with the nature. You can see the mountains (boobs), pot holes (Naval, vagina and asshole even mouth), bushes (armpit hair and pussy hair) and water fall (pee). And lot of curves and bumps. So your body is a piece of art which you should be proud to show as a girl. And now let me frame the beginner instructions, which will help your naked body to move out of the shell into the general public with confidence. I will tell based on my journey when i am of your age.
Level-1:- This is the very beginning stage so don't try to do any bold steps. But only thing you have to do is unbolt the door but don't open when you take bath / when you are changing your dress. If somebody comes in then act like you forget to bolt it and cover yourself. Then once you are comfortable then open the door slightly day by day and one fine day you will be changing your dress / bathing with door open and you will cover if any one comes in some wait. After few days no more covering just act casual.
Level-2:- Here you will go abit more bolder. You will be changing clothes / bathing near the door opening fully naked. If any one comes also no need to worry. It's an introduction of your body to the world. It may feel unusual in the beginning but you will eventually like it.
Level-3:- In this level you will be abit far from your clothes. Which means your clothes will be in another room and you have to walk naked to get them either from your changing room or bathroom.
Level-4:- Immediate return from home you switch on the tv and in the living room itself you will take off all your clothes and enjoy the tv show for sometime, even every one is present at home just act casual. If they ask you say, let me relax please. And after sometime get into clothes.
Level-5:- This will be an introduction of your nakedness to the outer world but not everyone to see. Instead you leave all your clothes at home and roam outside in the dark. You will enjoy the thrill of being naked outside. You may get horny. In that case masturbate then and there and continue your walk. After few days the horniness will be neutral.
Level-6:- This time in the daylight but you will be covering your boobs with your hair and your vagina with your books. You will be putting ear phone on your ears and only looking towards ground and walk. You won't be hearing and dirty comments from people. But you will be free from your clothes. You will be wearing other articles like sandals though.
Level-7:- This is similar to Level-6 but you will be more natural. Which means no sandals, no ornaments and no artificial items. and make your naked walk onto the public
Level-8:- The stage i am now. No fear no ear phones and hair tied back as ponytail and no covering and look straight onto everyone and walk with confidence. Don't care what ever anyone say. This is the way you need to reach my stage. Start it from today. Else you may regret. May be within a month you will be naked outside like the day you born.
Girl Students:- Why you need to remove your ornaments, sandals and artificial items like pins and clips, did you removed them too? What are actually allowed please explain.
Sruthi:- It will make you more natural and more real. Only things allowed are tampons during your periods and thin rubber band to hold your ponytail. To have more baby like feeling remove all hair from your body including your vagina and armpits. Any one can come and check any artificial items on my body if you don't trust.
Girl Students:- We trust you madam, But why you kept your hair on your vagina? And do we need to be naked every day in public?
Sruthi:- It was unplanned in the last minute i removed all my clothes and started to school to inspire all of you and introduce you to the world of freedom and joy. Every day nude may not be possible for everyone but you can at least try to celebrate your birthday on your birthday suit.
ok! enough knowledge, Now who ever is ready to be part of the freedom from clothes movement as a token of acceptance remove the safety pins from your dupatta and throw your dupatta high in the air saying we want freedom. Then in my imagination everyone thrown their dupatta. But in reality i was shocked seeing one dupatta has been thrown from one of the window. I got scared and understood someone is following me. I quickly ran to the switch board and switch off the lights. And went near the window in the dark to see if some one is there and checked that dupatta is same as our school uniform. And 2 safety pins also there. I even smelled it is abit sweaty smell, just like some one just worn and removed it.
Does any of my girl student following me or the dupatta is there here from long time. But i have to rush back to my home. To avoid any danger of struck naked i started running and my boobs are slapping against each other. And crossed the small forest area and waited for road to be cleared. Once coast is clear i ran and jumped my wall and reached my back door and tries to open and it's locked and i got shocked. And i not even find my bags, Did i kept in the front of house, i quickly moved and not found any. My face became bloodless. I just did it for fun recording and now it became a reality. What i have to do now, I cannot even enter my house. I am absolutely naked in the freezing night, It may rain too this night. The only modesty left is my vaginal hair. What to do now? Who did all this. I am shocked and scared. Should i knock my neighbor's door as i may die in cold. Worst case i will become a sex slave to him. But if he is a psycho he may torture me. I shouldn't do that where should i shelter my body. It's already started drizzling. If at home i should sit near my gas stove. I have to think and act. Else i may get sick and have to go to hospital in the nude by gifting my vagina to the doctor as fees. Then again one hope shown up. My school. I have to go back to the class, And should return in the morning, Due to lack of watch i'm not sure which day and time it is. So i head towards school. As it's already started raining i started running i even didn't noticed the road. Fortunately no one was there and i ran across the small forest and reached my school. I am drenched nothing to wipe my body, I am shivering and entered my class and closed the door. In that shivering i questioned myself how the hell it happen, who locked my house doors, who has stolen my clothes, I have no idea. Now the dream became a nightmare reality. How i should face the public. How i can get food. Do i have to become a sex worker to survive, Lot of questions lingered and i started crying. But first thing first, I have to make my body warm to survive tonight first. I wiped my body against the black board. And still i was feeling cold. And these fear thoughts making me cry. Now i have to shift my attention, So i again fall into imagination. I am imagining it as an exam day, and i attended the class in the nude again. My body started abit warm with the thoughts again and i started living the scene. and ejaculated and came back to present and slept. But while sleeping i ask myself am i lesbian? and slept due to tiredness.
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How Sruthi became a nudist - by mysticsruthi - 28-01-2023, 05:42 PM
RE: How Sruthi became a nudist - by abcturbine - 28-01-2023, 06:45 PM
RE: How Sruthi became a nudist - by mtj423 - 29-01-2023, 06:07 AM
RE: How Sruthi became a nudist - by marcusbroody - 30-01-2023, 12:51 AM
RE: How Sruthi became a nudist - by Rajjdeep - 31-01-2023, 12:15 AM
RE: How Sruthi became a nudist - by Straight in - 13-02-2023, 07:19 AM
RE: How Sruthi became a nudist - by dragonslair - 05-03-2023, 06:52 AM
RE: How Sruthi became a nudist - by mysticsruthi - 30-03-2023, 03:15 AM
RE: How Sruthi became a nudist - by Rainman - 30-03-2023, 10:43 AM
RE: How Sruthi became a nudist - by Straight in - 28-05-2023, 05:46 PM
RE: How Sruthi became a nudist - by sri7869 - 28-05-2023, 06:33 PM
RE: How Sruthi became a nudist - by Awesomeabhit - 20-09-2023, 10:34 AM
RE: How Sruthi became a nudist - by Dargon76 - 01-01-2024, 02:59 PM
RE: How Sruthi became a nudist - by mysticsruthi - 12-03-2024, 12:37 PM
RE: How Sruthi became a nudist - by Dargon76 - 12-03-2024, 09:53 PM

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