Adultery Unwanted Houseguest....Continued (the Mouse that Roared) by breville1-COMPLETED
Life's Unfair

“Precisely. And we need to confer with Dr Vanita before we can finalize your strategy” he continued.
“Look Chaman. The plan was to force Kavi to get rid of Prem” I said forcefully.
“I know that but things are not the same” Chaman replied smoothly. “In fact we have to let the two guys at the gym go too. Let me put some points to you”.
“Prem will get a lawyer sooner or later, Gowrie will deal with that I’m sure. In order to defend him, he’ll expose your whole nightmare emphasizing how you let all this happen. When it goes before the court, it’ll become public. Same for those two guys. Under cross examination, they’ll say that Kavi was a willing party, that she led them on. They’ll say that it was all consensual, they meant no harm until you butted in”.
“What will happen to your prestige, your family’s prestige, your professional and social reputation? Where will you be able to show your face? Will anyone want to hire you after that? Same for Kavi”.
I was in a mental turmoil. He was right, of course.
“Those guys, they beat Kavi. They hurt her. If we drop the charges, Prem will gloat at me and he’ll come after me. And Kavi’ll take his side” I pleaded”.
“We don’t know that yet. That is why we need Dr Vanita’s help. She’ll be able to tell us more about Kavi’s mental state. In bang trauma, depending on the incident, the victims can return to normal by themselves in a short period of time. Then the question will be what she wants to do afterwards”.
“Why don’t we go to Dr Vanita’s office?”
Dr Vanita offered her sympathies to Manu when they arrived.
“Very sad, very sad” she said. “We should look at recovery now. I did see her last night at the hospital and she is in quite a state. She is convinced that it was all her fault and is devastated at the what Manu had to endure because of her. She kept saying she didn’t know why she was behaving this way. I assumed that she was referring to her dress and promiscuity. I’m seeing her later this morning to release her and I’ll find out more. These are classic bang victim symptoms, I’m afraid. We call it characterological self-blame.”
“I know that what happened yesterday is only part of the whole picture but we’ve already discussed the other issues last week” she said looking at Manu.
“What we also need to be aware of is the social stigma associated with bang. That can be worse than self-blame. In our culture, women are divorced, isolated, disowned by their families. Often we criticize them for being in the wrong place at the wrong time or for their provocative dress or behavior”.
“According to what you said last time, Kavi has been dressing provocatively and taking drugs. When her friends and others in her circle hear about that, what do you think they’ll say? How do you think Kavi will feel? All this can lead to feelings of suicide. But I don’t think Kavi is at that point, yet. We can minimize all this by taking some steps now. Immediately, she needs support from her family and friends to get over self-blame and mentally recover”.
I shook my head and looked at Dr, Vanita, “My nightmare just won’t end”, I said sadly.
Chaman Lal added, “Now can you understand why you can’t just leave, why we have to drop the charges? We want as few people as possible to know what happened to her. We want to keep questions to a minimum. From what Dr Vanita was saying, Kavi needs support right now, not recriminations. And if you’re not around, guess who she’ll look to for help?”
“No way”, I said slowly. “But I have another problem. I will probably have to go to Dubai for a few days next week. We are chasing a major client over there”.
“Mmmm……a change of scenery would be very beneficial. Why don’t you see if you can take her with you?” Asked Dr Vanita.
I didn’t answer. My head was spinning….. I needed some time to collect my thoughts. There was already so much going on with the Dubai project. Looking after Kavi? Taking Kavi to Dubai with me? Would she come with me? Was she kidding?
“But what am I going to do if Prem comes back for revenge?” I asked.
“We need to get to Prem before he gets a lawyer”, said Chama Lal. “We need him to sign a contract to stay away from you and Kavi in exchange for dropping charges. He should be able to agree to that. But we have to hurry. If he gets a lawyer, there could be all sorts of complications. Let me draw up something and I’ll call you around 11 am.
“Wait a minute” I exclaimed. “Can we do the same with Gowrie? How about Kavi? Since they both are with him maybe we can get some concessions from them as well. You know, tie up the loose ends.”
“Let’s think about that” replied Chaman.
“You have nothing against Gowrie, except as an accessory. She knew, she saw but nothing else. As for Kavi, she is your wife. You can take your chances and file for divorce based on her adultery with Prem, Mangal and the two guys at the gym. But since you’ve spent five months under the same roof knowing what was going on without taking action, your chances are very slim. Anyway, filing for divorce means everyone gets to hear all the gory details. Better to deal with Prem first. Then we can look at Gowrie and Kavi in a different sense. Kavi is the most complicated. You need to talk to her”.
“I’ve left the flat. I don’t intend to speak to her for a while” I replied stiffly.
“Well who is going to look after her then? Gowrie or will you let Prem go to her again?” Dr Vanita said sarcastically.
“Let them deal with it! They created the problems!” I snarled, thumping the table. I knew it was futile, I knew Dr Vanita would insist that I looked after Kavi.
Exasperated, Dr Vanita spoke in a stern voice “You need to minimize leakage of this story. She needs help and you’re the only family she has”.
“Let’s not forget that this originated from your inability to satisfy Kavi sexually. Nearly 50% of married women are sexually dissatisfied. Most of the time they don’t deal with it. They don’t seek professional advice. Just like you and Kavi. Without a solution, women get depressed or have affairs. Marriages with limited sex generally lead to breakups”.
“Your current problems are because Kavi took matters into her own hands. You obviously couldn’t or didn’t want to do anything. She is trying to make you recognize your problems and accept her adultery as a solution which I know you don’t want. But you are still together. You still have a chance to work on your problems. I strongly suggest you reconsider your position”.
I hung my head, my anger making me unable to think clearly.
“Here’s something we could consider, with the doctor’s blessing, of course” Chaman Lal broke in.
“Let Gowrie take care of Kavi for a while”.
“Are you crazy? She is Prem’s fiancé!” I replied.
“Yes but she’s like a neutral party in all this. We can tell her that that will be a condition of dropping charges against Prem. Say for a couple of weeks. Your concern, as I see it, is that you want Prem removed”.
I looked at Chaman and then at Dr Vanita.
“OK. That sounds like a better plan”, I replied with a sigh. “It’ll give me time to take care of the Dubai deal. Let things settle down. Give her time to recover and decide what she wants to do”.
“No, Manu” Dr Vanita said. “You both need to talk and decide together. I repeat, you need to spend time with her.”
I looked at Dr Vanita and said, “I desperately want to be with Kavi but with such a complex situation, that she created without asking me, I’ve decided that I want to let her decide what she wants to do. Be it back with me or divorce me and go with whoever she wants. I don’t want to be kept as a home provider while she continues her sexual adventures. I don’t want to be belittled. It’s too painful. I love her”.
Chaman butted in, “We don’t have much time now. Let me get on with my part and Dr Vanita can go to the Hospital.”
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RE: Unwanted Houseguest....Continued (the Mouse that Roared) by breville1 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 27-12-2018, 06:10 PM

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