Adultery Unwanted Houseguest....Continued (the Mouse that Roared) by breville1-COMPLETED
The Mouse that Roared

At home, Gowrie made some lunch and we ate in silence. Over tea, Prem said that theyd heard about the incident on TV. Kavis picture had been shown, probably her gym application picture, but no name was mentioned. They had rushed to the hospital but were not allowed to visit.
What happened, Manu? How did you get there? You dont go to the gym with Kavi normally. If you hadnt been there, it could have been worse.
I remained silent for a moment.
“We had a disagreement last night. When I woke up, Kavi had already left for the gym. I felt sorry and wanted to talk to her. I decided to go to the gym and talk over coffee, patch things up and go for a walk. So I called her but she didnt pick up. I sent her a text. When I got to the gym, I found these guys abusing her. I fought with them but they overpowered me and kicked me unconscious
Gowrie sympathized with me but Prem was looking angry.
Later, we retired for a nap.
I woke up to hear the door opening. It was Prem. He was clearly agitated. I got up to go to the bathroom. He stopped me and held me by my arm.
It was your fault wasnt it? You little bitch! he hissed into my face.
She wouldnt have gone to the gym without me. You pissed her off, didnt you? She was angry, wasnt she? She left so she could avoid you. You bastard!
That was true I thought. Even the previous Saturday, after the Mangal incident, she had been angry.
Then he slapped me hard and then continued slapping me. He was taking his frustrations out on me. I knew that if he had been there none of this would have happened. If he had been at the gym, those guys wouldnt have bothered her. If they had, then he would have taken care of those guys. I knew that he knew too.
I was now numb. After yesterdays head kicking and todays slapping, I was in a daze as tears rolled down my cheeks. I was aware that my nose was bleeding. He was breathing hard. I could see he was really angry and I felt afraid.
You went to the gym to check up on her, didn't you? You were creeping around, weren't you? As another round of slapping began. I fell to the floor.
And you couldnt stop them, could you? You piece of shit!! And he kicked me in the stomach. I screamed in agony.
Gowrie came rushing in.
Whats going on, she shouted.
Leave the loser said Prem and he began pushing her out.
Hes hurt. He needs help; Gowrie cried.
No. Leave him. He’s just a loser.
I lay there for several minutes until the pain started to subside. A great anger enveloped me. My rage was so intense that I lost all rationality. I was going to get even with him, with them. I had to end my nightmare.
I picked myself up slowly and went to the cupboard. I opened the small draw we kept our valuables in and took out all the papers and my passport. I walked into the sitting room. I could hear raised voices from Prem’s room. Clearly, Gowrie wasn’t happy with Prem. I picked up my car keys and left.
I drove back to the hospital to have myself examined again. After they cleared me I went to see Kavi. They let me in as I was her husband. She was asleep. I sat there and just looked at her. My tears flowed freely, memories drowned out all other thoughts.
I remembered our first meeting, how we liked each other immediately. Our honeymoon, her sexual frustrations, our life in the U.S., stupid fights over what to cook for dinner, visits with her parents and mine, the simple pleasures like eating ice cream as we promenaded along Marine Drive, the kiss before we left for Taj Express, how we enjoyed the show and the glorious night that followed.
I looked at the time. I had been sitting there for over half an hour. I wiped away my tears and walked up to the bed. I leaned across and held her and caressed her face. Could I ever give her up? I had suffered so much for her. I had made her suffer so much too. I kissed her eyes and forehead and lingered on her lips. Never! From the first time I saw her. I'll always be yours, Kavi I whispered. Forgive me. I left.
I drove over to the security officer station and filed a charge against Prem, showing them the video evidence from my server. They sent some security officermen to arrest him. But I knew that he would be out on bail soon and would come after me. I would be ready for him. I left and drove towards my office, stopping at the mall to pick up some toiletries and bought some clothes for work. I checked in to a hotel near my office.
Gowrie called me several time but I didnt pick up. Prem had been arrested and was being held at the security officer station. She was begging me to withdraw the charges. I sent a text to my lawyer for an urgent appointment on Monday.
I went out to find a restaurant for dinner.
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RE: Unwanted Houseguest....Continued (the Mouse that Roared) by breville1 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 27-12-2018, 05:50 PM

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