Adultery Unwanted Houseguest....Continued (the Mouse that Roared) by breville1-COMPLETED
Saturday Morning at the Gym

In the morning, Kavi had already left for the gym. As I sat there, I felt sorry for last night. What were my options? She had been smoking ganja. She had brought along a guy for sex. I had squashed that but should I have sent her out? My conscience bugged me. She was my wife, I loved her. I decided to go and see her at the gym, talk over coffee, go for a walk. I called her number but there was no response. Obviously her ringer was off in the gym. So I sent a text asking her to wait for me rather than coming home. I hurriedly showered, only 15 minutes before her one hour session ended.

Fitness Freak was situated off the main road, set back about 300 yards from the road. The car park was deserted as I drove in. I parked the car and hurried towards the gym reception at the right side of the building. There was no one in sight as I looked around the reception area. There was some kind of turnstile arrangement through which members could swipe their card to gain access. I pressed the buzzer on the desk and waited. I waited for a few minutes, ringing the buzzer every so often but no one came. I supposed that so early on a Saturday morning, someone had just opened the front door and left it to the members to use their cards to get in.
So I climbed over the turnstile and headed towards the main entrance to the gym. I then noticed the coffee shop on the left side. Its entrance was a little hidden by some tall plants. The side walls were of glass but there was some kind of engravings that made it difficult to see through. I thought I saw a pinkish blob but I wasnt sure whether it was a person.
As I reached the gym doors they opened and two guys walked out.
I said Good morning to them in passing, just noting that they were in sleeveless gym shirts and one of them had a pony tail. I wandered into the gym looking around for Kavi. The place seemed empty. Too early on a Saturday. I thought that perhaps she might have been the pink blob in the coffee shop. After all she did have that obscene pink gym outfit.
As I got closer to the coffee shop I was able to get a clear view inside. What I saw made me stop in my tracks and I quickly moved to the side behind the plants by the entrance. Kavi was sitting at a table, facing the entrance, in her signature tight pink outfit. The two guys were sitting on either side and they all had coffee cups in front of them. She seemed to be familiar with them. I began to feel queasy. I noticed that she had her phone on the table. She must have checked her messages and seen my message by now. But what was she doing with these two guys if she knew I was coming. At that early hour, they had to be the only ones in the gym. So I guessed they knew each other. I felt hesitant at having to meet these gym going friends of hers. I knew it was my inferiority complex working away. Normally, with Prem around, she would return home but on her own, I supposed that she didnt have to return home. She could do whatever she wanted. I decided to wait and watch.
I couldnt quite hear what they were talking about but they were laughing about something and the guys would turn to look at her breasts. Could they be talking about her outfit and her nipples sticking out? My blood boiled. Kavi kept glancing up towards the entrance. No doubt expecting me to turn up. As I watched, the guy with the pony tail took out a cigarette and started smoking. Kavi turned to him and spoke to him, pointing at the cigarette. I took a closer look at the two guys. The pony tailed guy was older with slightly graying hair. The other was younger, about 30 I guessed. In their cut off gym shirts neither of them looked athletic or muscular for a change. The pony tailed guy handed cigarettes to Kavi and the younger guy. When did Kavi start smoking, I thought. But I remembered that she had recently started smoking ganja, that she was the one that wanted to try something different like ganja. As Prem had said, I didnt know what she was capable of.
As I watched them smoke, I realized that it was ganja, not cigarettes. Cigarettes were white not brownish. What was wrong with Kavi? This ganja habit could be dangerous. Was she already hooked on it? Their conversation was now broken by fits of giggling by Kavi. The guys seemed to be less affected but were smiling. They started to get up so I quickly went into the nearby gents toilet, keeping the door slightly ajar. I was dreading what was going to happen next. From my short experience with Kavi and ganja, I knew it would lead to sex. I had foiled her efforts last night with John, but with two guys? How could she? I felt so disgusted and shook with rage. I decided to start video recording. They came out, a slight shuffle to their walk, and went outside. They went to the left side of the building and disappeared from sight. I followed and saw them going to the back of the building and disappearing through a door. When I got there, I looked through the window carefully and got a shock.
Kavi was kissing the pony tail guy while the younger guy was massaging her ass and rubbing his hands over her bare back. I thought, what an utter slut as my anger turned white hot. It looked like a storeroom, strewn with various exercise equipment. I kept the video running.
I heard the pony tail guy speak, Raju, get those yoga mats over there and put them near that equipment rack
How many do you want Vasant? asked Raju.
Oh, bring a few, the floor is cold. Can you also bring those skipping ropes? He had pulled up Kavis skimpy top and I could hear her moaning as he fondled her breasts.
I was wondering what they were going to do with the skipping ropes.
Raju spread out the yoga mats and Vasant helped her lie down. Raju knelt down take off her tight pink pants. Vasant, meanwhile, had grabbed her right hand and was starting to tie it to the equipment rack.
Hey! What are you doing? Let go of my hand! shouted Kavi struggling to free her hand. Vasant pinned her left arm with his foot while he tried to finish tying her left hand. Kavi was now screaming in pain, trying to pull her left arm out from under Vasants foot.
If Kavi had planned on some sex for breakfast, this was going wrong, it was going badly wrong, very badly wrong. I had to do something.
With two gym going guys, I doubted my chances against them. My only hope was to get help and then distract them. I ran back to the reception but it was still empty.
Anyone here? I shouted. I jumped over the turnstile and ran into the exercise area. There was still no one else there. I realized that the minutes were ticking by. So I ran back outside and dialed the security officer emergency number. My pulse was racing as I waited for the operator. Finally, I got through and told them that my wife was being bangd by two men at the back of the Fitness Freak gym.
I returned to the rear storeroom. I heard Kavis shouts. When I opened the door the scene was horrific. Vasant was hitting her face trying to subdue her. Kavi had one hand tied to the equipment rack and was struggling to get loose, kicking Raju as he tried to remove her pants. I opened the door with a rush, shouting to distract them. I jumped on Vasant, flooring him but Raju leapt up and grabbed my shoulders, pulling me away. He twisted my hand behind my back and forced me away.
Manu, Manu, Manu, Manu screamed Kavi.
Vasant got up, walked towards me and punched my face. I was senseless for a moment.
I watched as Vasant grabbed Kavis legs and tried to pull off her pants. But they wouldnt come off easily. They were skin tight and with Kavi struggling, try as he might Vasant couldn't get them off., Vasant finally managed to pull the pants down to her knees and he ripped away her expensive flimsy thong, bought by Prem, no doubt. With all the struggling going on it was difficult for Vasant to do much. He vainly tried to insert his fingers in her pussy as Kavi hit out with her free hand. So Vasant decided to tie her other hand as well. Again, Kavi struggled hard, making it difficult for Vasant to tie her hand. Then he pulled his pants down, spat on his hand and started to stroke his cock to a full erection. It was an average sized cock, a little bigger than mine. Probably 5 to 6 inches. He knelt down and pinned Kavis legs while he tried to insert himself.
Through the corner of my eye I saw Rajus focus was on Vasants cock still trying to penetrate Kavi. With an enormous push I shoved Raju to the ground and leapt on Vasant, putting my arm around his neck and pulling upwards, choking him.
Leave her, you bastard I shouted.
Through terror stricken teary eyes, Kavi looked at me and kept shouting Manu, Manu, Manu
I realized she was trying to warn me. I twisted around looking for Raju just as he kicked my head. I dropped on top of Vasant in a daze. Raju struggled to drag me off and then held me down with one foot on my forehead and the other lifted, ready to kick me.
Vasant got up slowly, went forward and slapped Kavi hard.
Shut up, bitch! he said. She stopped shouting, clearly dazed.
Leave her alone, I shouted.
Vasant got up and walked over towards me and punched my stomach. I shouted in pain.
Look at her. The slut, parading herself every day, everything hanging out. Dressed worse than a prostitute. She asked for this. Can you believe it? She asked us to fuck her. Together. We'll show her a good time. Bitch!
And who the fuck are you? Why dont you mind your own business?
If I could keep them talking, maybe the security officer would show up. So I said, Im her husband
What are you going to do, hubster?And he laughed. Ive always imagined fucking a wife in front of her husband. Watch now
Wait! I shouted desperately. The security officer are on their way
security officer?he snorted. Well be gone before they get here Vasant replied with a derisive laugh.
They tied me up with more skipping ropes. I watched with horror as Vasant kept trying to penetrate Kavi. She was doing her best to keep her legs closed and made it difficult for him. But Vasant put his knee in between her legs and applied his weight on her, making her open her legs finally. Raju had taken his cock out and was trying to stuff it into her mouth.
I began shouting as loud as I could, Help! bang! Help!
Shut up! Shut up! shouted Vasant. He stood up, his cock flailing about walked towards me. He kicked my head and I saw a flash. He followed with a second one and I blacked out.
When I came to, a security officermen was pouring water over my face. I looked for Kavi. She was sobbing and babbling hysterically. She was covered by a blanket and was hugging a security officerwoman. There was no sign of Vasant and Raju. Perhaps they had fled. I had no idea how long I had been out. The security officerman tried to raise me but I let out a huge groan. Kavi turned to look at me. We just stared at each other for moments, casualties of a battle that we had started ourselves.
As we were taken to the waiting ambulances, I could see a few inquisitive gym goers gathered around the entrance. I motioned Kavi to cover her face and covered mine too. At the hospital Emergency Room, we were placed in adjacent cubicles. As they started their procedures on me, I asked about Kavis condition. I was told that she had been bangd, had some bodily injuries and was severely traumatized. She was under sedation. The security officer had caught the two guys in the act.
My worst nightmare!! I lay there crying? I blamed myself. If I had done more, earlier, to sort out myself, this would never have happened. I was the cause of her sexual dissatisfaction. Desperation had forced her to go back to her old promiscuous ways. There were no words to describe my utter misery and pain, the pain I felt for putting my dear wife through all this. If only I had dealt with my issues earlier. If only we hadnt just assumed that nothing could have been done.
Because of my head injuries, the doctor asked for a CAT scan. I was sedated and was to be kept in the hospital overnight for observation. I woke up late in the afternoon and enquired about Kavi. She was still under sedation. My CAT scan didn't reveal anything serious. Two visitors were waiting to see us. I knew it was Prem and Gowrie. I asked the nurse not to let them in, to say that we were still sedated and to return in the morning.
When I was released the next morning, I went round to see Kavi. She was awake but had a vacant look on her face. Probably the medication. I held her hand and rubbed it. She looked towards me.
Kavi?I said gently.
Manu she replied.
I love you, I said. Im so sorry. I tried to stop them... I sat there holding her hand, looking at her as we both cried. She gripped my hand tightly, tears rolling down her battered face.
I know you've always loved me, Manu. I love you too. Im sorry, Manu, Im so sorry. I never, ever thought it would turn out like this. I dont know what is happening to me
You never thought it would turn out like this? How could she think that, I thought bitterly. Dressing like a slut, it was inevitable that someone was going to make a grab for what she was flouting.
The nurse walked in and asked me to leave so that she could sedate Kavi.
What treatment will she undergo? I asked the nurse.
We've taken care of the physical injuries and she'll be alright in a couple of weeks or so. No sex for a few weeks. However, for the trauma, we will have our consultant see her, Dr. Vanita Raja. She will probably suffer from what we call Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD. Sometimes, it might be minimal but we'll let the doctor look into it.
I heaved a sigh of relief at hearing it was going to be Dr. Vanita. I stopped to send her a text message asking her to call me as soon as she could regarding Kavi.
Outside, in the waiting area were Prem and Gowrie, huddled together. Prem was trying to console her. Gowrie rushed forward and hugged me. She looked distraught.
Im so sorry, Manu. Im so sorry, she said and broke down..
Yeah. So sorry, Manu Added Prem stiffly. He had an angry look about him.
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RE: Unwanted Houseguest....Continued (the Mouse that Roared) by breville1 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 27-12-2018, 05:39 PM

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