Adultery Unwanted Houseguest....Continued (the Mouse that Roared) by breville1-COMPLETED
Mangal's Therapy

Neither of us slept well. We had both tossed and turned all night. I got up around 6 am and carefully crept out to the kitchen to prepare the coffee/tea and breakfast. As I was putting the food on the table, Kavi arrived. It was hard for me to make conversation. She too seemed to be preoccupied. We made small talk as she finished her tea.
Are you going to the gym today, Prems not here? I asked.
Yes, was her short answer and she turned to go to Prems room.
I tidied the kitchen while she dressed. When she came out, I looked at her aghast. She was wearing the skimpiest of pink sports bras, her back literally naked. Her breasts were bulging out for all to see. Her shimmery pink lycra yoga leggings were like a second skin, molded on to her, well below her navel, showing off her flat stomach. There was nothing left to the imagination. The material was so thin I could see the outline of her nipples and her pussy lips, the camel toe effect.
Kavi! I exclaimed in a strangled voice.That is so indecent for a married woman!
Youre just so old fashioned! You dont know what women are wearing these days. Dont you have eyes? Why dont you go to a gym and see for yourself. She replied angrily.
My eyes dont lie! Kavi, your new fashion is indecent. What do you think other people will see? Even teenage boys like Arun, the guards, the maintenance people ogle you, lust after you. All the men at the cinema were lusting after you. I shot back.
Youre sick! She screamed and went out, banging the door shut.
I sat there, fuming. No decent woman would wear such clothing. It was so slutty.
I hurried to the balcony and looked down, waiting for her to appear. I saw the guard come out wishing her good morning and giving her a good once over with his eyes. She just waved to him as she went by.
Half an hour later I was on my way to meet Mangal. I picked him up and took him to my office. We sat down in one of the smaller conference rooms.
Manu, he began. I want to apologize again for last night. I had no idea she was your wife. Im prepared to do anything I can to make up.
You werent to know I replied. I explained to the situation to him, pointing out why I thought that it was a plot by Kavi, why I thought it was my sexual inadequacy.
Please dont be embarrassed but to be honest, the real reason I want to talk to you is about last nights sex, how you are so good at it with such a small cock. You see mine is also about the same size.
Mangal, laughed, Im not a sex therapist but its very simple really. You need to maintain an erection and not come before she does. However, you do need to know how to keep her aroused. For this foreplay is important. You know, kissing, licking, touching, rubbing her nipples, rubbing her clit while youre fucking. Youve got to have her at the right position in order to effectively rub her clit. Last night we didnt do much foreplay because I think Bhabhi was already excited. She really called me on a pretext. She was already looking forward to having sex. And then she smoked the ganja. Ganja has the effect of making you more sensitive, more aware, making sex more enjoyable. So it was easy from there.
Sorry, Im not into drugs, I said.
Thats OK. Absolutely fine. Of course, you need to have stamina and staying power. For stamina, you dont have to have a body like me. You just need to be strong, work out in the gym. You can be slim and strong
So thats why Kavi was in the gym daily. She needed the strength to match Prem.
How about improving staying power? I asked.
There are various ways. You can try a delay spray, or for the longer term, while masturbating, restrain yourself as you approach climax for as many times as you can, strengthen your pelvic muscles. If you do your love making in the evening, as most people do, then masturbate sometime during the day, say any time up to midday. Then it will take longer for you to come in the evening. Lots of other ways. You can discuss that with a sex therapist. There is nothing strange about this. Its quite easy.
I think I have a problem of coming too quickly and not satisfying her. It has grown to be an enormous problem. I feel so inadequate, I responded.
Yes, a mental block will create all kinds of problems. With my average sized cock, I have no trouble satisfying women. Average sized cock is about 5 to 6 inches, average pussy is about 4.5 inches deep but they can stretch of course. Mine is about 4.5 to 5 inches. Go and check it out online.
I felt a surge of confidence. It seemed so simple. Why hadnt I researched or asked before? Everything was online. Even teenagers could figure it out. Was it the constant thought that other men were better than me? I should have seen a doctor when she had said why see a doctor for the obvious. Her looking at other men further undermined me. Dammit!! I realized that my weakness was to a large extent driven by my deep love for her and the constant worry that I was not satisfying her. Her subtle and not so subtle belittlement didnt help either. Of course, now I understood her frustration. She went from a confident, studly boyfriend to me. And what else didnt I know about her? Here I was listening to an ordinary guy, a sexually successful guy, giving his personal advice. It was all in my mind. Mangal was right.
How can I get rid of Prem? How can I convince her? I asked.
Well, you have to improve your performance and you need evidence. But I dont know if it is too late. Shell never be yours if you force her. Install video cameras everywhere. You need hard evidence. That can be used against her, to force her to do something. These are very small wireless HD cameras. Hard to find them once installed. All the video is stored securely in the cloud, in your private server and you can access it from anywhere. There is a place called The Spy Shop that sells and installs them. Lets go there now.
The Spy Shop was able to send out a technician within the hour. I needed to make sure that Kavi wasnt home. So I called Kavi.
Kavi, where are you? I asked.
Oh, in the local mall. I cant find much here. I'll have to go to the bigger mall she replied.
There is a special showing of Taj Express today at 4pm. Are you going to be free?I had no idea what she had planned for her day. She hardly says much these days, mostly going out with Prem. But since he wasnt there, I could take a chance and invite her out. May be even sex later. What a sad state I was in! Plotting and planning to take my own wife out!!
Thats great! I love those dancers. My friend Sunita saw them. She says the men are so strong and athletic. They have to throw the women up in the air and catch them. Yes, I thought drily. I understood her real fascination for Taj Express.
OK. I'll pick you up at the mall entrance in a couple of hours.
Lets hurry, I said to the technician. And we raced home. He was able to install and configure the system in a little over half an hour. I decided to have cameras in every room, including the bathrooms. Some rooms had three or four cameras to cover all angles. He then showed me how to access the server via WiFi or cellular to view the videos on my phone or laptop. I took him back to the store in record time.
Sometimes, Kavi said and did things that made me believe that she loved me. But recently, she was cold and distant, putting up all kinds of reasons not to come back to our room, to me. I was not sure about her love. The Mangal incident told me that she had taken things a step further from Prem, the boyfriend. This blatant sex just confirmed how daring she was, how confident she was, how manipulative. I remembered how she twisted everything I said, even the obvious, like we have to look after our guest, I cant move out just like that, my boyfriend has greater attachment to me. Total bullshit! My desperation to have her back obviously clouded my mind. Since my doubts about her love for me kept growing following the recent events, I felt it was only a question of time before she left me.
I had to take some precautions. I paid a visit to my bank. I opened new accounts in my name only and changed the direct deposit advice to the new accounts. Only a few thousand rupees remained in the old accounts, enough to cover rent and food for a couple of months, to the end of the seven months of Prem. But she had said he might extend his stay. Anyway, I was not going to take a chance. I then emailed my lawyer and a sex therapist for appointments on Monday. I also joined a gym near my office.<
I returned home, clicked on a porn website and had a quick shag. Then I started researching various natural treatments for sexual performance. Might as well make an effort whether or not Kavi stayed with me. There were other fish in the ocean. Life would go on. Most websites recommended a healthy diet, plenty of water, good daily exercise and good sleep. I did find that Pycnogenol (French Alpine Bark extract), D-Aspartic acid, L-Arginine combination improved erectile function, sperm production and improved fertility. I went out, picked them up at a local pharmacy and hid them in my car trunk. I would take them to my office to prevent Kavi or Prem finding out.
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RE: Unwanted Houseguest....Continued (the Mouse that Roared) by breville1 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 27-12-2018, 04:39 PM

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