Misc. Erotica My step by step transformation
“Well Neha. I handle only high profile clients. They have high expectations. So I demand lot from them. They pay 1-2 lakhs per night depending on the demand for a particular person based on their age, beauty, size, shape etc. ”

“Amit…How much would I fetch?”

“I can easily say 2 lakhs per night”

“Really?” I was surprised.

“Definitely my dear”

“How any deals can you get me each month?”

“Two minimum and Seven maximum”

I got little disappointed. 

“Neha. I told you the price for each night. If they ask for more than one night. They usually negotiate. For 3 nights, they might say 4-5 lakhs, for 4 nights, they may say 6-7 lakhs etc.”

My face lightened up again. 

“What is the catch here Amit? Looks like you are hiding something”

“Well, Since, I arrange the deals. I get 30% cut in each transaction”

“Wow Amit… That’s a big cut”

“Neha my dear…….Without me there is no deal”

“Well, Can’t I sleep with Raj again and get more money?”

“Well my dear, How many times will you do that and how much will you earn? I have access to many clients”

“Amit….apart from access to clients and setting the deal, you are doing nothing. Why should you get 30% cut?”

“Well my dear Neha. I am not just setting the deal”

“Well? Then?”

“Every rich client has one concern – Their privacy. I protect everyone’s privacy. I protect yours and I protect theirs. Since these people have public faces sometimes, privacy is a sensitive issue for them. Someone may record you through video cameras when they sleep with you and upload them on Internet. My clients don’t belong to that category. If something gets out, they will have more trouble than you. So, your privacy is 100% protected.”


“Second thing which concerns everyone are STDs. When you hook up with someone, you should be very careful about their sexual health. My clients are 100% clean because they belong to high class. Even the woman they sleep with are constantly tested so that nobody will have any issues. I openly discuss this to them often”

“And…?” I said in a tired voice.

“Third problem is taste. I know very little about you but tomorrow when we meet again, I will interview you to know you better. I also know my clients very well. I will never send you to a client if there are any conflicting traits between you two. I will not send them your profile. This prevents conflict”

“Fourth is, many woman exit this business when they want to settle down. When you want to exit, you want to be safe and everything to be kept secret right? I already told you about privacy. What about exit plan? How can you lead a normal life again? I will get you experience certificates, recommendation letters, job offers etc. from my clients so that you can continue with your career smoothly without any issues”

“Well, Still…….30% is too much Amit”

“Well Neha. Money you earn every month here = what you generally earn over a whole year in your job including bonuses. I already explained you about my cut. I do take up to 45% cut from some of the woman I know. I demand cut based on your profile. You are young, beautiful, naïve, sexy and you have beautiful curves on your body. You have amazing skin and amazing hair as well. So I am asking you lowest cut of 30%”

“Neha. Also, My clients trust me because I am straight forward and transparent. I don’t lie behind their back. I ask what I want. If I tell you I want 10% cut and If I take remaining 20% behind your back by negotiating another deal with client, Is that acceptable to you?”

“No.” I said immediately.

“Well Neha. We will start tomorrow. It will take 3-4 days for you to get you ready” 


“Neha. You are new here. You are also naïve. There is so much I have to do from my side to help you”

“Like what?”

“First of all, you need to change your dressing style. You should start wearing expensive clothes. My clients have different tastes. You should have all kinds of dresses in different colors with you. You need to spend one whole day for shopping”

I said “And….”

“Second, you need to start using a fake name. If you want your privacy to be protected. You need to identify yourself with another name”

“Third, you need to shift from your present place. People may suspect you. You need to find a new place to live”

“Fourth, I need lots of photos from you in different dresses. You need to spend one whole day for photoshoot. These photos will not be shared with anyone except my clients. We do not maintain any digital copies. We only maintain hard copies to protect your privacy. I may need you to wear different styles of sarees, jeans and shirt, bikini, underwear, short dresses etc. in different sexy poses to catch the attention of my clients”

“Fifth, I need to teach you how to talk to these clients so that you don’t face embarrassing situations. I should also teach you how to behave so that they will like you and may book you multiple times.”

“Sixth, you need to get knowledge of various sex related fantasies. Because of Internet Porn, people know many things these days but I should make sure you know about these. If you want to earn more money, You should be open to different fantasies.”

“Like what Amit?” 

“It could be threesome or BDSM or Gangbang or Double Penetration etc.”

“Amit…Are you serious? These things happen in real life often?”

“Neha….. They do. I mean in arrangement like this. Not much in real life. However, Ever since high speed Internet became popular, People started knowing about different kinds of stuff than ever before. They are very common now compared to say….10 years back” 

“Amit….I don’t have money for the dresses and photoshoot”

“Well I charge for that my dear”

“How much Amit?”

“Usually, they cost around 3-4 lakhs but I charge only 2 lakhs since I know people who do this stuff”

“What’s a lot Amit”

“Well my dear, if you have those pics or dresses, then it’s free. Apparently you don’t. You want to catch the attention of clients or not? You want more deals or not?”

“Amit…I do”

“Well, then you have to pay the price”

“Amit….How can I pay you when I have money?”

“Well, I will take 60% cut in your deals until I get these 2 lakhs back”

“Amit….That’s outrageous”

“Well relax my dear. Its only 2 lakhs. You will easily earn lakhs each month. Don’t worry about it. This is only one time thing. If you don’t want to pay, then fine, you don’t get any deals”

“You left me no choice Amit”

“Sorry Dear. I have to pay to the photographer and for the dresses. They are not free to me”

“Amit… What’s in this deal for Aswin my Manager?”

“Oh I forgot. He charged me 50k for just arranging the meeting with you and He is also demanding another 50k”

“Amit…that’s cheating. You are saying different reasons and taking bigger cuts”

“My Dear, Right now you are earning peanuts. You will earn less during the first month as these are one time charges”

Amit came near me and said “My Dear, you are my precious. You look so sexy and beautiful. Don’t get angry. You came all the way here not to reject this. You also know that you will enjoy this journey in addition to the money you earn. Think about the life after you start”

“Amit…You are making me to agree with everything. It looks as if you leave me no choice”

“Neha Dear, How much did you earn for sleeping with Raj?”

“Nothing. That job is worthless anyway since the company is down”


I thought about it and got convinced. Amit has something special in the way he talks. 

Amit said “Well, dear do you want any discount on those 3 lakhs?”

“Well yes Amit. I want 100% discount”

He sat beside me and turned my head towards him and held my boobs in his hands and said “If you want that discount. I want you Neha! I can’t resist you. These are so soft like you. Your eyes look magnificent. Your lips look so juicy. I want to spend the night with you. You are my price”

“Amit all of this drama to sleep with me?” I smiled. I don't know why I am smiling. 

“Of course dear. How can any man lose this opportunity? You look so hot. You are so sexy”

I am allowing this to happen. I don’t know what happened to me in the last few hours. I am feeling horny and there is no resistance inside me at all.

He came close. Brought his lips near mine. He started kissing me on lips and I am doing nothing.

To be continued…………
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My step by step transformation - by pastispresent - 16-03-2019, 08:54 AM
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RE: My step by step transformation - by pastispresent - 02-06-2019, 02:41 PM

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