Misc. Erotica My step by step transformation
I reached the place. It’s a beautiful hotel. I directly went to the room and pressed the bell. Someone unlocked the door and opened it. 

“Neha, Wow! You look beautiful. Please come inside”

I went inside. He asked me to sit on the bed. I became nervous. He laughed and said this is just a normal meeting. I sat on the bed. He sat beside me. 

“Well Neha. Aswin was not lying when he said you look stunning. You look so beautiful. I have no words to describe how beautiful you are”

“Sir, stop praising me and come to the point”

“Well, Neha, you seem to be in a hurry. Don’t be so desperate. First have some cofee”

He handed over me the cup. I refused to drink. 

“Well, Neha, I didn’t add anything to it. It’s just coffee. I will not hurt you”

I maintained silence. He took my cup and poured some coffee into his cup and drank some coffee in front of me. 

“See? I drank the coffee. Anything happened to me?”

He handed me the cup. I took a sip.

“Neha. You have to trust me. Without trust, we cannot continue any of this”

“Sorry Sir. I doubted you”

“You can call me Amit my Dear”

“Ok Amit my Dear”

"Neha, you are funny too"

"Ok Amit come to the point"

“Well, Neha tell me about yourself first. What kind of a life are you leading right now?”

“I am leading a normal life”

“Ok. How about a much better life?”

“You mean life with more money or more happiness?”

“Well Neha. I am talking about money. Happiness really depends on you as an individual”

“Go on…Amit”

“You have beautiful curves and you look so sexy and beautiful. Lot of men want to have this.”

“Amit, I am not a prostitute. I am a decent woman”

“Oh really? What about Raj?”

“Amit? How do you know about it. Did Aswin tell you?”

“Well….well……Did you sleep with Raj? Come on Neha. Let’s talk facts here. You are denying the past”

“Yes Sir. I did sleep with him for getting my job back”

“Remove job and replace it with money. What difference does it make?”

“Well, Amit. I lost my job and I got back my job”

“My dear, you didn’t get the job by merit. You got it by sleeping with someone”

“Amit. It was one time thing. I just did it once and I forgot about it now”

“Well Neha. The fact is you did sleep with someone for something. That something could be job or money or a favour”

I could not speak anything. 

“Well Neha Dear. Did you enjoy the experience?”

“Yes I did but…..”

“Well Neha. I know it’s one time thing but you enjoyed it right?”

“Well Amit. I am not a whore”

“Did I call you anything like that? Cool down Neha”

I lost my patience and said “What are you implying Amit?”

“You could earn lot of money while enjoying your life”

“Amit. I am not that kind of a woman”

“Why are you refusing to accept the truth Neha? I didn’t call you by any bad word. Why are you defending yourself so hard? Is it because its wrong?”

“Yes Amit”

“Then why are you here? Why didn’t you say no to my meeting when you met Aswin? Deep inside you want to do this because you have desires within you”

“Amit. It’s not like that”

“Neha. We are humans. We have our flaws. Nothing wrong if you enjoy it.”


“Neha. I can see guilt in your eyes. Why are you feeling guilty about it? You enjoyed it”

“Well Amit. He is single. I feel ok. What about sleeping with someone who is in relationship?”

“Well Neha. Tell me one person who wants to sleep with you while in relationship?”

“It could be anyone Amit”

“Well think about it Neha. Why would they want to sleep with you? Is it because they have feelings for you or is it for pleasure?”

“Well Amit its for pleasure”

“Do you have any feelings for Raj now?”


“Does he have any feelings for you?”


“Amit. What about their girlfriends or wives etc? Am I not wrong?”

“Well. Neha. You refuse to sleep with someone. They will find another woman to sleep with. You can’t prevent it from happening”

“Well I feel guilty”

“You should feel guilty if you maintain relationship with two people at once. When you sleep with someone, you are just sharing the pleasure but not relationship. Why feel guilty?”


“You masturbate thinking about some beautiful strangers whom you don’t know. Why are you not feeling guilty?”

“Amit. Its different”

“Really? If you are not guilty of masturbating about some stranger for pleasure, you shouldn’t be guilty of doing this either”

I couldn’t speak anything.

“Neha. You are too naïve about this whole thing”

"Neha. You have such a lovely skin and hair. You have such a beautiful shape." 

He stood in front of me. Bent a little. He brought his hands and put them on my cheeks and said “Neha, you are missing out lot of fun”.

I removed his hands.

“Amit. What I am missing?”

“Well Neha. People don’t always sleep for same reasons”

“Go on….”

“Neha. People have fantasies. They can’t make these fantasies in real life. So, they make arrangement with someone to fulfill these fantasies”

“Go on….”

“Would you have threesome with someone you know ?”


“It’s hard. You can ask your bf and who will be the third person? It should be someone anonymous. You can’t ask your neighbor or plumber like they do in porn.”

I laughed. “I get what you are saying”

“It’s just for fun and pleasure. You can meet almost anyone with any kind of fantasy and make it real. Think of me like an app which can make your sex life much better and who can make your dreams a reality”

“Amit. I agree with you but I need time to think about it”

“Neha. You are a science student right?”


“Are you a rational person?”

“Well…. yes”

“Do you read articles about sex on Internet?”


“Neha. Many woman have weird fantasies just like men do.”

“Go on….”

“Does it mean these woman should be treated as morally wrong?”


“It’s just a fantasy. It’s not real. That’s why they call them fantasies. You should separate sex life with normal life.”

“Amit….I get what you are saying. Can I ask you one question?" 

"Neha Dear, Ask me anything"

"How much will I get paid for this?”

“Neha. Finally! You started asking me real questions.”

To be continued…………
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My step by step transformation - by pastispresent - 16-03-2019, 08:54 AM
RE: My step by step transformation - by ronylol - 23-03-2019, 09:48 PM
RE: My step by step transformation - by pastispresent - 02-06-2019, 02:41 PM

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