Misc. Erotica My step by step transformation
I slowly woke up and opened my eyes. Its 9PM. I searched for my phone. I remembered and put my phone aside. Raj seems already awake. We had cereal and milk as breakfast today. It’s just normal day. Raj didn’t seem to be in mood. He looks like he is upset about something. I went to the sofa and sat beside Raj and asked him what’s wrong. 

He said they have issues with the big investment their company is going to get. I got little upset. I asked him why. He said there are some issues with terms and conditions. I was confused and I asked him about the news which came few days back. He said that they agreed to invest the money but didn’t release it. Now they added few changes to the terms. I asked what will he do now. He said his father called him and asked him to come. I asked him if the deal gets cancelled. Raj said it wouldn’t go to that extend. I asked him why he is worried. He said the news just upset him. I asked him if he is really upset about the news. He said big deals like this will take time. So he is worried until the deal get finished. 

I asked him when he is leaving. He said tonight. I felt little sad that this whole thing is coming to an end. I asked him to be happy until he leaves tonight. He said something else is bothering him. I asked him what. He said his ex-gf Naina already got into relationship with the guy she cheated and posting pics on fb. I consoled him.

He said “How can she do this to me?”

I said “Raj, you should feel happy. You guys broke up. You should feel happy that she got caught before things turned ugly. You are also getting a big investment. Your business will also grow big. You need to distract yourself and enjoy for few days. You will soon forget about her existence”

“Neha, you don’t know what it feels like. I believed her blindly. She broke the trust. She is one of the few persons I trusted”

“Raj, I understand how you feel and what you are going through but why should you suffer for something she did? You didn’t cheat anyone. She did. You are a good guy Raj. You should actually feel happy that you got out of relationship”

“Neha. I want to be alone now”

“Raj, you should do the exact opposite. You should spend time with someone or distract yourself”

“Well Neha! That’s so easy for you to say. How did you feel when you lost your job? Did you spend time with someone or you spent some days alone crying about it?”

I remained silent. I couldn’t speak anything. 

“Well, your silence is the answer”

“Well, Raj! I did spend few days like that but I got out of it eventually. Have you seen me sad in the last three days we spent together?”

“Well, that’s because you got your job back. You agreed to sleep with me only after you got your job back. Would you have enjoyed life had you not got the job back?”

I remained silent. It’s very hypocritical for me to say things to him. When I look back. I reacted exactly what Raj is doing now. 

“I am sorry Raj. You are right”

“Neha! I just need some space now. Don’t take it in wrong way. It’s easy to say things to ease me up but every person requires little time to get over things. Have you seen me get upset in the last three days?”

“You are right Raj. I am sorry for hurting your feelings. I just tried to cheer you up”

“Well, thank you Neha. I appreciate that”

I sat beside him. There was silence for several minutes. He asked me to leave politly. He asked me not to take it in wrong way. I understood the situation. I went upstairs to pack my stuff. I packed my stuff. Since, we are outside the city. There were no cabs available.

Raj said his driver will be there in 20 minutes. I waited for the driver. The heard the car horn. He said car arrived and I can leave. He waved me Bye. I also waved bye to him. I asked him to call me if he requires help from my side and left the place. 
Driver asked me where. I told him to drop me off near the Hotel where he came yesterday. The put my earphones and started playing music. I started browsing fb. I felt sad that this has to end like this.

I reached the hotel. From there, I booked a cab to my apartment. On my way home, I remembered and brought emergency contraceptive pill and took it. By the time I reached there, It was 2PM. My room mates welcomed me. They asked me why I am sad. I said nothing. Priya asked me how my business trip went. I just said everything is fine.

They said they received few mails on my name. They handed over bunch of envelopes to me. The mails are from the company. I opened the first envelope. It was my appointment letter as Asst. Manager. I have to hand over the second copy to the manager for accepting my new role. I signed both letters for acknowledgement and kept them safely inside my file. I opened another envelope. It was from the company stating that they cleared all my salary dues and they also updated my provident fund to latest date. I opened the third envelope. It was relieving letter from the company. This letter said I am no longer associated with the company. Along with it, there is a recommendation letter from my manager wishing me luck. I smiled. 

There was another envelope. It’s from my bank. It is my monthly account statement of my salary account. I opened the cover. Almost all my salary was exhausted due to my bills and EMIs. I had some money left to give treat to my flat mates for getting my promotion and remaining money is for minimum balance. I filed the statement in my file. I was no longer worried about it because I will get better salary now. 

I ate lunch. My room mates said they are going to a movie. They said they didn’t book any tickets as they didn’t know I would be here today. I said its ok. I asked them about the movie they were going. I tried to book ticket for me online. Luckily, it’s a little older movie. They booked seats such that a seat was left in the corner which was still empty. As it was lonely seat, nobody booked it. I asked them when they booked for the movie. They said today morning. I booked the seat and told them I am also coming. They felt happy.

I have 3 flat mates. Together we are four people. We work in different companies. Priya has a boyfriend. Lavanya is very conservative. Sruti is about to get married in the next 6 months to her fiance. She is marring her college lover. During the initial days, Priya and I used to spend time together as we knew each other from college days. Once priya got boyfriend, she no longer had time to spend with us. So, lavanya and I started spending time together as we are both single. We four all together rarely go out these days.

That night, We all spent the evening watching movie together. It was fun. After the movie, I gave them a treat for getting my promotion. We went to barbeque and had great time there.

I slept very early that day. I woke up and its 5AM. I went to the gym. Everyone kept asking me where I was last week. I returned to apartment at 5:30. I meditated for few minutes. I organized my room. I prepared breakfast for all of us. Its 7:00AM. I put a facepack to my face and relaxed for a bit. I then went to shower. After shower, I joined for breakfast with my flat mates. 

After that, I opened the newspaper. I started reading headlines. I opened business column. I was little shocked to read the news about the company. Apparently, the investment deal was cancelled as the company hid some confidential information to the investors. They dug up this information. Investors asked for change of terms and conditions after this information come to light. Finally, the deal couldn’t go forward as there was disagreement. The deal got cancelled. I also read that a legal fight may also go on between the investor and the company.

I wasn’t really expecting this to happen. I started thinking about this whole situation. I opened facebook. I searched for Raj profile. It finally found it. I searched for Naina in his friends list. I know Naina’s face. I opened her profile. First post I saw was 2 weeks back. She posted a photo of her and Raj. After that, there were no posts. Yesterday, Raj said Naina posted some pics on fb with the guy she cheated. I found no such pictures. Raj clearly lied to me. 

I now started to understand why he behaved like that. He got the news that investors found out the hidden information and he knew that the deal would not go forward. Without this investment, company has to struggle. It may even face a shutdown.

Meanwhile, I got a text message from my Manager 

“Neha, when would you like to meet me? I already sent you text before about the meeting”

I replied “now”.

He replied “Come to Hotel Stay Inn in 2 hours”

To be continued………………..
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My step by step transformation - by pastispresent - 16-03-2019, 08:54 AM
RE: My step by step transformation - by ronylol - 23-03-2019, 09:48 PM
RE: My step by step transformation - by pastispresent - 02-06-2019, 02:40 PM

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