Adultery WHO WATCHES THE WATCHMEN CH. 06 (ShadowRising321 version)
(Wife sinks deeper, crosses newer boundaries)

I sat staring at my phone waiting for it to ring. It was almost time. Almost 4 PM in Bombay.

It had been over forty eight hours since I had last seen Menaka on my computer screen, For a variety of reasons that I will soon go into, I hadn't been able to keep monitoring her progress over the computer and the couple of times we had spoken had been very short conversations. I was dying to hear her voice again.

Finally the phone rang.

"Hey, finally!" I replied.

"Hello Prakash. How are you?" she sounded a little tired. I wondered if she had just been fucked by one of her lovers again. But it was unlikely given that our son was probably there with her.

"I am doing fine. Just a little tired with all the crazy work." I replied. "How have you been?"

"I'm okay." she laconically said and was silent.

"Well...any developments on the Dara front?"

"Actually we had a big fight again, I haven't seen him after that day" Menaka replied plainly.

"God Menaka, you guys fight like teenagers" I tried to hide my snide remark under a smile

"No Prakash. Dara is getting way to cocky, It was right to put him in his place" I could see her face turning serious.

"What happened?" I enquired her

"He tried to sneak up again multiple times, saying I was being coy. How I should let Banke touch and feel her a little because Vimla allows him to do the same. Dara also said he likes to share Vimla with Banke so she should also do the same" Menaka concluded

"What did you do when he tried to sneak in"? I understood the gravity of the situation

"I told her sternly that he should be grateful about whatever happened between us so far, he could share Vimla with Banke but I am not Vimla. And....." Menaka went silent and I could see the confused expression on her face.

"And...?" I asked her

"And I also told him it's over between you and me. He should leave me alone" Menaka completed her sentence

"WHAT? Menaka are you serious?" I was taken aback with what I was hearing.

"Yes Prakash. I think we should stop our adventure, or better find someone who is equal to our status. You remember that Dinesh guy?" She quipped

"Menaka I think you are overreacting babe" I tried to reason with her. I wanted her to tell me the truth.

"Overreacting? Really?" Menaka stared daggers at me through the screen

"Prakash let me be honest with you, I enjoyed the sex with Dara as much as I enjoy sex with you. We had a fun night and both of us got what we were looking for. I think we should stop our adventure before things go out of control. It might spoil our reputation forever, plus we live in a posh gated society. People might start wondering what is going on here" Menaka finished her monologue

I just kept staring at her pretty face and big milky boobs as she continued reasoning with me on why we should end our Dara chapter. I figured she wanted to protect my male ego and didn't want to compare me with Dara, but also at the same time was interested in ending this chapter. I could very well understand her reasons of being caught and be a subject of shame forever. 

"Menaka, you had my blessing to start this chapter with Dara which I thought would be a source of fun and physical bliss for you. Who am I to reason with you? If you want to end it, please go ahead and do it" I concluded with my reasons

"Thank you Prakash, you are the best" She had a beaming smile on her face.

"I gotta go babe, Will call you at night" I bid farewell to my sexy wife and disconnected the call

My head was spinning with everything that happened just now, My wife started this affair with our watchman with my blessings. It didn't take long for our watchman to bed my pretty wife and give her the best sex of her life and just like that, she decided to end the affair with him. Also, my wife was hiding facts from me that Banke walked in on them having early morning sex which was the reason for her outburst.

I kept wondering why my wife had selected Dara as her partner in the first place, as clearly she had a offer from Dinesh who was equal to us in status and also socially. Having an affair with him would have been much easier for her and also for Dinesh as his wife is traveling most of the time. Affair with Dara always had the risk of getting caught by someone in the society or the news leaking to someone. I gradually disconnected my headphones and shut down my laptop thinking what started as a fantasy just vanished in an instant. 

Our ship was sailing from Manila to Paris, so I had no network coverage for almost a week. As I called my wife after a week, I was greeted with the most beautiful face of my wife and my cute son. 

"Papa, how are you?" Ayan screamed with joy as he saw me on screen.

"I'm good beta, how are you" As usual, Ayan started with the details of how his day went, how he misses me and when I was coming home. My almost jumped on my seat when he mentioned how Dara uncle helped him fix his cycle a few days back. 

Menaka just looked at me with a sheepish expression on her face and gestured me that she will tell me everything later.

After almost half n hour of Ayan's blabbering, he went to his bedroom to change.

"Dara helped him? He came home?" I enquired

"Prakash, let me tell you from the beginning" Menaka closed the door of our bedroom and started speaking in a low voice

"Last time when we talked, I told you I was going to end the affair with Dara" 

"You didn't?" I immediately shot back, feeling a little betrayed

"I did, please don't interrupt. So after our last call, I ran into him next day as I was dropping Ayan to his bus stop. Dara and Banke were waiting at the gate as usual, Dara had a smirk on his face. Expecting me to call him upstairs with me, I casually walked up to him and upon sensing no one was around so early in the morning, told him never to look at me like that ever again. It's over between you and me and we did a mistake with involving with someone who was not on our level socially and economically." Menaka concluded with confidence beaming from her face

"How did he react?" I asked her with intrigue

"As usual, trying to reason with me why I was being so coy? That he had a great time with me and how he was looking forward to spending more nights with me" 

In my mind, even I wanted him to spend many more nights with my wife as much as he wanted it. Sure Menaka can end her affair with Dara and start a new affair with someone who is equal to our standard in the society, but it was just much more than that. A old man like Dara coming from a low income daily wages bracket getting involved a sexy busty housewife, Just to uproot the deep rooted classiest mindset and prejudice we hold against people like Dara, it had a taboo element which gave a kick to me like nothing else could. 

Menaka and I continued discussion on the same for some time, with me assuring her to follow her heart and do what she feels like is the right thing to do. 
Menaka again telling me that she was glad I was supporting her in her journey and she was lucky to have a husband like me. 

"Okay baby, I gotta go. I guess I won't be able to call you for a few more days. Keep me updated on email incase you decide to change your mind" I said it and noticed a strange expression on Menaka's face

"I'm not going to change my mind prakash, it's over. Bye babe. Love you" Menaka said and clicked on the disconnect button

The video failed to disconnect from her end and I could still see her pretty face on the screen, guess there was a lag from her end. I waved goodbye and a flying kiss to my wife which didn't get the desired reaction from her, I guess she thought the call was disconnected but in fact it wasn't. What I saw next felt like a arrow piercing through my chest. As my wife removed her headphones and bent forward to keep them at the headphones stand near the table, I saw he bare back was covered with hickeys and bite marks which looked fresh. I quickly made a mental note and counted the hickeys to be 4 big red bites which were displaying through her almost backless blouse. 

My mind had a flashback of how she was covering her back with her pallu when Ayan was on the call with me and how her expression changed when I said inform me just incase you change your mind. I had never felt such level of betrayal from my wife, who was by nature not a manipulative person. I could sense my wife was hiding much more things from me and I to figure out a way to find out what's going on with her and our watchman Dara.
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