Incest கிரஹப் பிரவேஷம்
(10-03-2023, 12:15 PM)reshmi Wrote: hi monor,

I even read your story on sister

surprise to see that most of the scenes are my roleplay partner play similar scenes.
the way you admire girls is similar to my chat partner.
the way you describe.. they you admire them in saree, salwar kameez...the way you surprisingly similar.

you got good writing skill.

Thank you friend. While writing my story I plung in to the charector and feel like the charector. It is difficult to write the feelings of various individual in various situation. Story writing of a writer in this forum is not a group work. This is individual imagination, individual work, individual editing and individual posting to fullfill readers desire.

Thank you for your opinion and comments on this story.

Thank you for your appreciation. I expect more from you.
Your's lovingly,
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RE: கிரஹப் பிரவேஷம் - by monor - 11-03-2023, 05:33 PM

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