09-03-2023, 04:14 AM
There is also another thing that I noticed while re reading the updates a while back I requested the writer to include elements of control by pitting the watchman with the husband over Soni and I guess We have reached an interesting point in the story where the husband wants to protect Soni by controlling her sexcapades with unknown individuals and Soni being a wanton slut not being satisfied with that has already called up the watchman ( now her pimp ) so it will be interesting to see how the story pans out with the watchman being the man responsible for Soni's condition after the chawl festival and how he handles this situation with her husband whether he exercises his control over her by making Soni go against her husband and taking her with him to be given away to whomsoever he wishes for the night or he caves in to her husband's demands of making Soni have sex in a protected environment hope we get an update soon brother .