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দুধেল Golpo(All are collected from net)
Paul escorted me to a waiting area. I thought about the CCTV footage, and something didn't seem right. I looked at Paul as I followed him, and realized that he was in none of the shots, even though I had seen him all over the place. I slowly realized that he had avoided the cameras. He knew the angles, and had purposely avoided them.

Paul walked me to an open area that had a bench and a tv on a table. It looked like an employee lounge. He yanked my hands behind my back.

"What the fuck are you doing? Why the fuck are you cuffing me?"

"Listen, Kid, your mom is in some shit right now! You saw the tape, looks like she's lying."

"She's not. I saw you following us. It was you! YOU PLACED THE STUPID THING IN THE CART!"

Paul easily overpowered me, and zip-tied my hands behind my back. "You can't prove that. Can you?"

"Fuck you." It was true, he had prior knowledge of the location of each camera and skillfully dodged each one. We were screwed.

He then zip-tied the makeshift cuffs to a bench outside his office, "It doesn't look good for her at the moment. I just want to make sure you don't make things worse for her." He punched me in the gut and knocked the air right out of me. While I was out of it, he zip-tied my feet to the legs of my seat.

"You can't do this!"

"Shut it, Kid, or I'll call the cops on your mom. It's her word versus mine, and I always win."

Paul turned on a tv that was oddly sitting on a table in front of me. "This should keep you busy," He said with a grin.

"What the..." The image that came on was that of... Mom. She was sitting in Paul's office. As I tried to figure out what the fuck was going on, Paul entered the room. It was a live feed! What the fuck was he planning?

Paul was on-screen talking. He radioed someone, "Tell Tim to bring me some coffee." He then went on to read over Mom's receipt again. This time he, luckily, didn't make a show of it. Mom looked to be growing inpatient.

A few seconds later, I saw an employee walk into the area I was in, with a cup of coffee. I recognized him; he went to my college, his name's Robbie. He's a senior like me, but older since he got held back a couple of times. I don't usually talk to him, as he's a bit of a 'weirdo' and doesn't have many friends. He doesn't speak much, he's very shy. Whenever he does speak, it's some weird shit. He spends most of his time at college with his equally shy friends, talking about weird Japanese cartoons, drawing strange magic ponies, and playing with Yugi-oh cards.

People constantly joke about him being the "weird kid" at our college. Robbie has a scar-filled face with severe untreated acne. His hair is a moppy, greasy mess. He's a scrawny kid, not very strong at all. The type that gets picked last in gym class.

I felt really embarrassed about him seeing me zip-tied to a bench. At first, he seemed to avoid looking at me until I spoke. "Hey!"

He looked nervous and nodded his head. He then turned to finally look at me. "Wait, I know you!"

"Yeah, we go to the same college."

A smile sprung across his face when he saw me tied up. "Hmmm."

"Listen, Dude. It'd be real cool if you could help me out here. You know me, remember we used to hang out?"

He straightened up and his smile grew larger. "Yeah, we used to hang out in freshman year, before you became too embarrassed of me."

"Listen, Dude. I'm sorry, alright? This 'Paul' guy is fucking up to something. He punched me and tied me up. You gotta help me."

Robbie cocked his head and rubbed his chin. "Remember that one time you locked me up in that smelly gym locker?"

"Like I said, I really am sorry. But this fuckin' guy is a psycho."

Robbie stood over me with his fists clenched. "I'm done with guys like you using me! I think you're lying. You stole something, and you're trying to trick me into helping you!"

"No. I swear. You gotta trust--"

"Stop!" Robbie shook his head. He paced back and forth for a bit.

I rolled my eyes. Robbie always seemed a bit slow, "Dude we don't have all day. I'm sorry, Okay? I didn't even want to shove you in that locker, but my friends forced me to."

"Shut up, just let me think first! Answer a couple things, and I'll see if you're lying or not."

"I'll tell you anything, just help me.."

Robbie looked at the screen. "Who is she? Her with the huge tits on the tv? And why's she in Paul's office? Fuck, she's hot!" Robbie rubbed his crotch as he looked at the screen.

"That's my Mom! I swear, that bastard snuck something into her cart and is falsely accusing her of stealing."

"What'd she steal?"

"She... she didn't steal anything! Paul put... some box in there."

"Why's there a tv here, though?"

"Paul put it there. I don't know why. I think he's going to do something horrible. I'm telling you, he's a crazy fuck! You have to help--"

"Nah, Dude, I don't wanna get in trouble with Paul," Robbie said, walking away. A moment later, he entered Paul's office.

"Here's your coffee," Robbie said, holding out the coffee cup.

"Why are you here?" Paul coldly asked, as soon as he saw Robbie.

"Tim told me to bring you coffee." Robbie handed over the coffee with his trembling hand. Some of it spilled on the floor.

"Agh!" Paul groaned, glaring at Robbie. "I told HIM to come here, not send some dumb-- nevermind." Paul took a sip, and put the cup down on his desk.

"I'm sorry, sir," Robbie flinched when Paul got off his chair and took a camera out of his drawer.

"Since you're here, tell me you're at least smart enough to work this thing." Paul shoved the camera into Robbie's chest.

"Uh, I think so," Robbie said, taking it. "What's going on?"

"You're gonna help me. Now close the door, Kid," Paul said, before sitting down and turning his attention back to Mom.

Mom was impatiently tapping her foot. "You said it wouldn't take long, but we've been here for several minutes already."
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RE: দুধেল Golpo(All are collected from net) - by Bondjamesbond707 - 11-02-2023, 10:40 PM

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