Fantasy How Sruthi became a nudist
Hi Guys,

I am Sruthi, I am writing this story first time on this blog. This story is about nudity, blackmail & cyber mistakes which leads to problems along with lot of adventures and humiliation.

*** Beginning ***
My name is Sruthi i am 24 years old, I was married at the age of 23 with Rakesh. My parents and my in-laws doesn't like our marriage due to caste differences. Due to which we moved to a small town where my husband works as an accountant. We bought a house on a moderately populated residential area due to budget constraints. Days pass by quickly and happily, But misfortune haunted our lives. Rakesh met with an accident and died on the spot. I was utterly shocked with this incident and tried to get some help from my parents or in-laws for my life support. My parents simply declined my return back to home and my in-laws are in utter anger that due to my misfortune my husband was died. So i was in depression for so many days and slowly habituated to live alone by myself. Sometimes i felt depressed due to lack of everyone, and said to myself once a happy princess now became an orphan. The name orphan registered in my mind and i thought why shouldn't i visit an orphanage and donate anything that may give me some relief. This one thought changed my future events. That i will explain going forward.

(--To be continued--)

*** Orphanage Visit ***
The next day i planned to go to Orphanage, I have collected some of my old clothes and rold gold ornaments to donate it to the orphanage. I chose college girls orphanage such that they can use my items. I spoke with the organizer and started donating my items to those girls, i saw spark in their eyes while receiving my goods i felt really happy too. While i am returning back one girl called me and said sister you have donated panties too thanks for that, i will wash and use them she told and disappeared. Suddenly a jerk in my heart, did i donated my used panties, did she see my juice stains oh my god so embarassing, i felt shameful and returned home. But that thought didn't left me.

*** Nudism thoughts seeded ***
I am alone as always and thinking about the fact i donated my used panties along with my dresses. Now the girl will wear my panties soon. And the joy of donating things and the joy on their faces i liked so much. Those panties i used long way ago and not in use, so one weird idea lingered my mind. What if i donate all my panties to the orphanage. Why not? i can live without panties for their joy. I went near mirror and speaking with myself. Why only panties why not all my clothes and jewellery. What is left in my life. Atleast they will enjoy my clothes and accessories. Then i came to reality and realized then i will be naked, oh my god how i will face the society and world, How i will go to school to teach, But the donating everything thought made me horny and i mastrubated then and there. Then i thought of doing something cinematic to experience the process how it feels. I want to record each and every memory of doing that so i thought of buying some cameras and record this act, so i surfed and ordered 5 real-time cameras and awaited for the orders to arrive.

*** Nude world waiting for me ***
I was going to school and teaching every day but i lost on the thoughts of donating everything i have. Even i'm not going to really donate them, I will create a scene and record myself to make it as a lifetime erotic memory. The cameras have arrived, I started fix them up in every corner of my house. Even each camera record a portion of the whole, I will use any online software to make it as a real-time continuous video, but i am waiting for the school holidays, as i will be more alone at that time and i can enjoy the every moment of this dream act. And time pass by slowly and the holiday season arrived. I am writing down the script what i need to speak and what to do, such that the act will be more realistic. Even though i don't share it with anyone i will put it as a souvenir to relieve me from my loneliness pain. In my plan i consider the milk and paper which comes daily, so they will distract my joy, so i thought of executing my plan first to avoid the distractions. I kept an alarm at 3 am and due to this curiosity i even didn't change my saree and slept like that. The alarm rang and i was drowsy but wake up quick and switch on light only in my bedroom where the light flows to the front yard. I slowly stepped out with a note and a lock, I slipped my hands between gate rails and locked the gate from outside and kept a note stating i will be out of station for next one week, please don't bring milk and paper and i walked back to my entry door. I have observed my surroundings and with my heart thumping i locked my front door from inside and closed all the curtains and went into bedroom and switched off the light to make Neighbors think this home is empty. I turn on all the cameras and tried to sleep again. due to the excitement i didn't get much sleep and waiting for the sunlight to come in for my dream self shoot. And sun started tearing the darkness sheets and i smiled to myself and went near a camera and started talking like myself speaking with my inner voice (Inner voice away from camera and myself in front of camera). 
Inner voice: - Sruthi see how your life turned upside down what is left now, why you need all these possessions which won't give you any joy, remember yesterday the spark on those orphan girls, how happy they are with your clothes and false ornaments, and how that in-turn make you a happy girl again.
Sruthi: - So what you exactly mean?
Inner voice:- So you understand that your happiness is not dependent on your possessions instead it's depend on charity
Sruthi: - So what you want me to do?
Inner voice:- Donate all you have, your clothes, ornaments, bedsheets, curtains everything you have except your happiness
Sruthi: - What? why cannot i wear clothes, how do i face this society and why bedsheets and curtains?
Inner Voice:- Sruthi what this society has given you tears and pain, If you are nude also how extra they can hurt you. Did they given any respect now? why you bothered about. and regarding all items you mentioned my answer is simple, choose either possessions or happiness.
Sruthi:- Why cannot i get both?
Inner voice:- Don't bother me more, do some action. See you are wearing clothes from childhood what joy it has given you, the lost joy you found it in charity, so donate everything including your pain and be free. Either live this mundane life or become a free bird with full satisfaction of your painful possessions are now become orphans happiness. Think fast and act smart don't delay you have no time left.
Sruthi:- Okay and i moved away from the camera and started thinking about my inner voice. Then i again stand in front of camera and said quietly that yes, I don't want any of these possessions, Now i am i switched the camera view to wide range and said, let me clear my wardrobe first and started i pulled some carton boxes and started filling them. In the first box all my silk sarees and ornaments, In the second one all my blouses and petticoats, In the third one my salwar and leggings, In the fourth box i have put all the blankets including the one i pulled from the bed. In the first box i put all my bras and panties and went to the hall and pulled all the curtains from the windows. Due to tinted glass i don't need to much worry about people see me only if i put some lights on then there is a chance people can see me from outside and put them in the box where blankets are present. I plastered all the carton boxes and moved all the boxes into the visitors hall, there is one more box present there which is waiting for the clothes and ornaments i am wearing.

*** Unwrapping myself ***
I slowly walked towards washroom and brushed my teeth and do pee & poo where the camera cannot focus, and stood near the long mirror in the bathroom and sighed why you required these ornaments Sruthi, Whom you have to impress them with just take them off and donate to the college goers at-least they get some attention. Involuntarily my hands reached one of my earlobes and started releasing my ear rings and other one follows and i kept them on wash basin, then the chain around my neck followed along with my bangles. and looked at my rings, you don't have Rakesh in your life why these artificial memories take them off is my inner voice, I take my 2 rings and put them beside other ornaments. I bend down and take off my anklets as well. and look myself in mirror, I look more natural even i didn't do much, Then i speak again, Sruthi do you know how much bad time you faced in the past, I said to myself yes what does it mean now. Then i speak again take that watch out from your wrist and donate it as well , momentarily i removed and put it beside ornaments. And removed the clip and slide pins from my hair and discarded them. Now the important part my hands shaking with anticipation and fear, but slowly i moved my hands towards my shoulders to unpin the safety pin which hold my saree pallu and blouse in place, and unsnapped it, my saree is desperate to fall down and my pallu slipped from my boobs, I smiled and proceeded to remove the safety pin near my navel that hold the saree pleats together and slowly pulling my pleats out of my petticoat and spoke with my naval stating that don't worry my dear cute naval these please will never bother you again and smiled , my saree completely unfolded i neatly folded my saree and kept it near the basin. Now i am in my sky blue blouse and petticoat. I checked my assets carefully i am a good figure with 32-38-34 sizes. All firm due to less interaction with Rakesh and not started any affairs. Now i switch back to the inner voice and myself conversation to make it more interactive, by looking into mirror and speaking out as my inner self and looking down and speaking out as myself.
Inner self:- See Sruthi how easy it is, it's a matter of work for your fingers & hands, and all this hard work required only one time. Once you donate your stuff you will instantly get the fruit of satisfaction. Later you may rub your vagina or even finger it in the nude, I will leave all that pleasures as a bonus for your future.
Sruthi:- But how to face the world in the nude, It will be really embarrassing to walk nude in the public. And this is India, no one accept my nudity. Ornaments are okay to discard, but clothes are tough to loose you know.
Inner self:- Sruthi did you born with putting your clothes on, No...! Did you take any clothes with you once you die. And you are doing it for a great purpose charity & your happiness.
Sruthi:- Why cannot i keep one set of clothes for my living, why everything need to be donated and make myself vulnerable.
Inner self:- Two reasons, First one --> Did you know when you were more happy 1). When you was born 2). When you are taking longer baths 3). When your pallu drops and air hits your cleavage. You might not remember but your sub conscious mind does, How many times you roam around naked in your house when alone you know, countless number of times. Which means you want freedom from clothes. Second one --> The possession is like poison. Once you have one single item with you, you will crave for more. And you have a kind heart to donate all your expensive jewelry and accessories, why you are bothering about your used clothes which cannot give you any happiness.
Sruthi:- So what i should keep with myself
Inner self:- Nothing, absolutely nothing except your beautiful body for yourselves and the happiness
Sruthi:- What not even towels? how can i take bath and wipe my body
Inner self:- Why you need them, Take a bath and roll over the bed and sit under a fan to dry yourself up
Sruthi:- This looks like a punishment, do i need to all these for the sake of charity
Inner self:- It's not a punishment, it's a philosophy of losing everything to gain the ultimate happiness. You will appreciate me once you go through the process. First discard your towels and napkins & sanitary pads and comeback.
Sruthi:- I slowly folded all the towels, napkins & sanitary pads and along with my saree i put it in the empty box and return back to bathroom and stood in-front of the mirror.
Sruthi:- Why should i discard my sanitary pads how can i manage my periods
Inner self:- Use tampons and make sure to tuck the string inside your vagina
[u]Sruthi[/u]:- What it's kind of my inner self is blackmailing me, Why should i do i shouted.
Inner self:- For your happiness and freedom, i'm not forcing you in any means, Enough discussion now get back to work and start unhook your blouse, there are 5 hooks, while removing each hook you need to confess and commit to nudity.
Sruthi:- I think again and said to myself this is just an act why fear do it properly such that it will become an erotic memory for your boring life. And with trembling hands i started unhooking my blouse.
Hook #1:- I am doing this not only for charity but i want to be nude and don't want to cover a single inch of my beautiful body. This is last time i will see myself in clothes. After this i will never ever wear a single piece of clothing or article to wear till i leave this planet earth.
Hook #2:- I am legally donating all my possessions to the charity and i put the stamp papers along with my items. Such that i will never get them back even if i try to. I even donating all my sandals, shoes and socks if they find it useful they will use it else they will throw it in a bin, which doesn't matter for me. By that time i will get all my satisfaction of donating.
Hook # 3:- I don't sit like a coward hiding inside my house. I will go out boldly even it's not acceptable by the society. I will ignore all the comments by the on-goers and even i will go to school in the nude to give valuable lessons and motivate students to be like me once they enter legal age
Hook # 4:- If i get cold i will stand near the gas stove, if i feel hot i will switch on my fan, If i am horny i will masturbate irrespective of the place i am present. I will never regret my decision and enjoy every moment of freedom.
Last hook:- I will only wipe my pussy or ass when i am in school or outside, When at home i will let the vaginal liquids dry on my vaginal walls. If it's too much flow i will paint my house walls with my feminine secretions. And fill the whole house with my female musky aroma.
And with all these confessions my blouse was left open. And i said get used to it sruthi you will love it in no time and slid the blouse from both my shoulders and take it off completely and then folded neatly and place it near the basin. I felt shy and rush by seeing myself in bra and petticoat and my panty. I laughed at myself from conservative widow to a daring nudist what a transformation.
Bra clip and the straps:- Involuntarily i put my hands backside and hesitated a bit. Then my inner voice spoke outside, Sruthi it's a simple 2 step process don't make it a rocket science just release your bra clip and slide the straps and take it off. I thought of convincing my inner voice, but it stand still and said see how your nipples will stand still and enjoy the freedom once you remove, i said i am shy, keep quiet and execute the 2 steps please is my inner voice replied. I understand it won't listen to me any more and decided to make my nipple stand in it's proud state. so i unclipped my bra slowly and slide my straps and revealed my heavenly boobs with protruded nipples to view for my own beautiful topless body. I even see some bra stretch marks and laughed that they will never come again. My inner voice said good. Now shift your focus to your basement it said. I surprised and asked, basement? my inner voice laughed and said you innocent girl it means the sheets that cover your body below your naval.
Pretty petticoat and it's key (Knot):- I again had a brief talk with my inner self to make my video more memorable.
Sruthi:- I cannot believe i came this far, now i am absolutely topless
Inner self:- Good going girl, I know you are not like others you are brave and bold, you have still 2 more tasks to do. Then the paper work is there, hope you remember.
Sruthi:- Hmm i remember does the paper work required to make it legal
Inner self:- Of course it will make you committed and you will have no options, Remember you need to donate all the money you have and put that wallet along with your mobile phone. You can use internet but you need to block all cloth store related sites and set a password eyes closed and in the confirm password paste the same. Now drop your pretty petticoat and keep the things moving.
Sruthi:- I was shocked with my own thoughts, how sexually frustrated i am and getting these kind of thoughts. But on the other hand i am enjoying these thoughts, How vulnerable i will become if i do and decided to do it for more fun. To tease it further I said i forget how to remove my petticoat (In skirt) can you please help me i chuckled.
Inner self:- I didn't imagine you are this naughty Shruthi. You forget how to remove your petticoat? no problem i will guide you, do as i say. and let me explain in more hot way that you will like when you remember. Any way this is the last time you have to remove, later there is no need as you won't own any such junk.
Now listen petticoat always felt sad, even it holds the saree in place and stood as a barrier between panties and saree to not leak any juices or smell to outer world, it will be still hidden from everyone how beautiful or expensive it is. And it was always treated as a puppet to move above and below the naval. To be frank it don't want to be on a female body as a low preference article and prayed god to please give it some freedom. And got heard it reminded that the key is with you only, but you need to convince your owner who wears you to give freedom by mentioning it's suffocating or i want some air to breathe or i want to see your anklets with my eyes. Once the owner gets convinced she will start to search the key for you. Once known you will be surprised it's a twin gold fish knot but due to tucking inside, you were not aware it's integrated with you. Once your owner feel sad about your problem and decided to free you from pain, she will start search for the tugged knot and pull it outside to show this is your freedom key, but you cannot free yourselves, but owner will say i am kind enough so let me do that for you. And the owner measure the 2 hanging threads and slowly pull the smaller end, you felt relief but it's not done yet. There will be a second knot which requires release with nails or fingers. Your owner is still keen to give freedom and carefully seperate the threads with her nails. And that's it you will fall down to the floor and never get back atleast in this house, because you know Sruthi will become a permanent nudist from now on. Now Sruthi over to you to release your petticoat.
Sruthi: - I smiled and slowly untie the knot and dropped the petticoat and stepped out of it. I even bend and fold it and place near my bra and blouse. Now i am only with my sky blue panties. Due to tight trimming of my vaginal hair i can see the shape of my pussy from it. I felt hot, but i laughed and think this won't last longer anyway. and listened back to my inner voice.
The last hope Panties also decided to leave my body
Inner Voice:- See how your vagina bulged and trying to come out and see the world, Just release your ass and vagina the time has arrived.
Sruthi:- I think it's enough i am feeling very shy, shall i stop now or go ahead. But i came so far and determined shall i step back.
Inner voice:- You are in very beginning you have to do formalities also, so be fast and take off the last piece of your shyness.
Sruthi:- But it's like a point of no return i will be naked forever like the day i was born
Inner voice:- That's good right, You will be as happier as a new born kid, no worries at all. just tug your fingers inside that panties close your eyes, take a deep breathe and one final push and step out of it, you will be all done.
Sruthi:- Are you sure i have to do this
Inner voice:- Yes do it, it's an order don't hesitate you will love your decision soon.
Sruthi:- with shaking hands i pushed my panties stepped out of it and quickly put it with the discarded clothes. I noticed something shining on my panties, it's nothing but my vaginal liquids due to all this process i got super wet. Then i tried to wipe my pussy with my discarded panties, but i remembered i has to leave it as is to dry itself on my vaginal walls and stopped my proceedings to wipe it off and leave as is.

*** Walk in my own home naked and further proceedings ***
I stood in front of my full length mirror and started admiring my naked body, How beautiful i am see those nipples are like sharp bullets and i am like marble statue without a single scratch on my body. I am not plump nor lean i am in very good shape, look at that naval and the curvy hip, and look at those smooth thick thighs and the black diamond vagina, i turned around and check my ass, it's so soft and shaped. I felt my cheeks red with shyness. This is my from now onwards without any hurdles, i am pure i shouted with excitement. Then i remembered i need to prepare the stamp papers for the donation, Even it is not real i want to feel it like real. I gathered all my left over clothes which are neatly folded and placed on top of the basin and hold them carefully and started walking towards my hall. There the camera is capturing my naked body coming out of bathroom. My clothes felt good on my body but i spoke out this is the last time i am touching my clothes, later i may forget how they feel. I placed them in the box and walk casually into my bed room and checked if any traces of clothes there, under the bed there is a old nighty i grabbed it and placed it in the box, and i checked every other room in kitchen i found some clothes to hold the utensils i grab them and put them on the box as well. finally i put all the door mats inside and plastered the box Now there is not even a single trace of cloth in my entire house. Not even a single thread. Now i proceed into bed room and taken out the stamp papers which are already notarized by my friend, so whatever i fill in there it will be legal. Then i started to write with my hand like this on the stamp papers.
"Myself Sruthi mehra writing this note with best of my knowledge, that i will be donating all the 4 boxes to Nidhi foundation located at the outskirts of Vidisha. I will never claim back my donated goods, If so requested please take appropriate action on me. And then i signed and put it on top of one of the box. Now i put the address of Nidhi foundation and stick it to all 4 boxes and wrote a short note as well to state how happy i am with this charity. I write 4 note with same content and stick it with fevi stick and wrote on top give it to one lucky girl during your donation and don't ask her about it and tell her to keep the content secret.

>>> Letter content <<<
Hello girl you are lucky enough to read about my charity, I want to tell you everything what i feeling now and why i am writing this letter. Make sure you are alone as instructed by your teacher who given this letter, and close the doors before reading further.
"Hello girl welcome again. I know how you born with an unlucky vagina, see others of your age who are rich how much they are enjoying. I want to take out that pain from you, here i am donating everything what i have for your happiness. I am sitting in my home with my bare ass on the floor with my dripping vagina drying under the fan. My boobs are freely moving up and down with my breathe of satisfaction. Today i have nothing but i became one of the happiest girl on this planet. You know the joy of charity cannot be measured. Why i am telling you all this is i am littering a new candle for the future. Now take off all your clothes and read further. See in-order for my clothes to reach you how many years it took for me. Because i am bound to society and not so used to my nude form. So what i want you to do is when ever you alone try to live in the nude, you can be normal in all other times. My intention is my charity should not end with me or you, it should keep on progressing. Once you get settled in life you can donate all your possessions to the needy way earlier than me and without any hesitation. We girls should help the student generation with all the luxuries by donating all our possessions and stay in nude, hope you understand god bless you. If you have still any doubts then take my address from your care taker and visit me. But one disclaimer is after you visit me you may get an urge to lose your clothes then and there and you may leave my place without any single stich of clothing. So think and act accordingly. I not only kept clothes but also hair bands, clips, sandals everything a young girl like you want so enjoy bye with lots of kisses and wishes - Sruthi".

I have kept one letter in each 4 boxes and decided to move these things out of my sight. As per my recording it's like putting my clothes and accessories for the orphanage collection. But i cannot go by front door as i locked my gate to make them feel this house is empty, I even cannot move my stuff by night as i won't lit any light other than a candle / gas stove in my kitchen. So i decided to put these stuff on my backyard and during night move them to the front yard near the well such that i can see them from the glasses near front door, but cannot retrieve them. So i slowly picked up the boxes and moved towards the backdoor. Backyard is not so safe from outsiders view, but i will try to manage till i place those boxes. I put all 4 boxes as a stack and on top of that i put the stamp papers along with my mobile phone and wallet. Now all my money, phone and all by clothes along with accessories are outside my house. I turned towards camera and spoke please send some girls to evacuate these boxes. I don't want them anymore. And after i spoke, i looked at those items one last time and entered my house and locked my backdoor.

*** First day in the nude ***
After i locked the door i just cannot believe what all are happened in the last 3 hours. It's now 10:00 am in the morning and i executed everything as i planned. I observed my room it has no single trace of cloth, one sofa, and tv, one table and 2 chairs and my laptop kept on the table itself, one tube light one bed light and a fan. And there is an attached bathroom with western toilet neat and clean but no doormats or towels present and i stood in-front of mirror and checked myself again i am looking like a new born with some pussy hair as i don't have anything on my body including ornaments. And i checked my bedroom it's literally empty all wardrobes are clear and bed is without bedsheets and a pillow without pillow cover. I checked my kitchen it has all groceries and a gas stove on kitchen top made with black granite but no clothes there also. I am literally aroused with all these continuous sequence of acts. My vagina is begging for some attention. I realized that i need to release. I put my hands on the kitchen platform and sit with my bare but on the cold granite. I felt chill and it reminded me that how naked i am. I spread my legs and checked the full length of my slit, it's literally dripping. without further delay i rub my pussy lips in circular motion with my palm and inserted my fingers into the wet hole and started fingering. Due to heavy wetness it made squish squish sound and with in a minute i squirted and smiled. Now i can touch my vagina without any hurdles, it will be always open for me i spoke, Now i will go for a bath and clean myself. I went into bathroom and see myself in the big mirror and felt like a baby and a naughty idea pops in. I bath nude in my childhood in the outdoors can i try it now in my backyards. But i want to make sure my neighbors are away such that i can sit in the middle of my backyard patio and take some relaxed bath, One side is enough to check as the other side will be blocked with my clothes boxes. and backside some plants and trees till the wall, If someone stops and see then i will be visible. But that road is almost busy so less chances of stop and see. Even i will sit facing my home they can view my back covered with my long hair, so they think it's a shadow or something. So i took a stool and stood near my window and checked my neighbors house, and hurray it's locked due to holidays. Sruthi today is your day to go back to your childhood days and i recollected how is get my bath. My mom used to apply oil and massage me and then she put some gram flour and rub my skin. Then she pour some hot water. So i collected all those items and opened my backyard door. And nature is always so inviting like earlier. I kept my camera settings to focus on me and my surrounding with slow movements. I sit on middle on my patio on lotus pose towards camera and my house with my bare ass touching the cold floor. I took the parachute oil can and started dropping the oil over my head. The oil slowly flowing and spreading across all my body, I felt like someone is tightly hugging me and my pussy started wet again. all the oil over my body shining with the bright sun light. Then i started massaging the oil all over my beautiful naked body. I wondered how smooth my body is without any single trace of hair except on my vagina and some hair on my armpits. I mesmerized with my own body and took the gram flour and started rubbing my oily body i am a baby forever, I wish the donation should be real, but walking naked on a public street in a place like Vidisha is really unimaginable. So i rub all the flour and then applied shampoo to my head. and then poured hot water all my body turned like pure gold after this bath, I felt a urge to pee. I thought of releasing it after dry myself up, but my naughty mind asked me. Are you a baby? i said yes. Then why going to toilet and pee, Do it here while sitting itself. I felt shy and naughty at the same time. Involuntarily i pissed then and there. I smiled and again poured water on myself and stood up to dry myself up. I walk with wet body inside my own house like a glow fish and went to my bed and dried myself by rolling on it. Then i came back to my hall and switch on fan and relaxed on my sofa. How beautiful my life is now. So is it charity or my nudity which is giving me the joy. If i knew it before i should have ditched and discarded all my clothes. But is the first time i have these nudity interests or due to my busy life i forgot my past events? My inner self mentioned i was nude countless number of times before. So let me recollect, In past did i tried something with my nudity especially in public areas. And will it be the seed for the donation and charity kind of extreme thoughts. I closed my eyes leaning my head on sofa and started recollecting my past from my recent past to backwards about nudity.

*** Yes i tried nudity in public places before (My past recollections) ***
I had a chat with my inner self which is recollecting my past as a clear picture in-front of me.
1). As a teacher :- 
Sruthi: - What really did i tried to get naked very recently.
Inner self:- Yes you are. Did you remember one day you were unwell and stopped the class in the middle of the class.
Sruthi: - Yes i stopped the class due to some dizziness and went to the staff room to relax.
Inner self:- So what exactly happened in the staff room, could you please tell me
Sruthi: - I sat in a chair at the corner of the room where all the other teachers went to their respective classes, and i am alone sip some water and switch on the fan. And there was a power cut happened within few minutes and felt very uncomfortable due to the summer heat.
Inner self:- So what have you done to relieve from the heat.
Sruthi: - As no one there i slowly released my safety pin which holds my blouse and saree pallu together. then my pallu slipped into my lap where my saree pleats are neatly tugged near my naval. And i felt good with once some air touched my blouse and bra cladded boobs.
Inner self:- That's interesting, But why you released the safety pin near your naval which holds the saree pleats together.
Sruthi: - When my pallu dropped to my lap, i observed some sweat near my naval and i thought that unpinning will release some stress from that space.
Inner self:- But you didn't stopped there why you pulled the saree folds out from your naval area, you don't know how much time it takes to fix the saree again. And you were in a staff room, you didn't find risk? did you have answers if your colleagues ask why your saree is open? what made you proceed with such a bold move?
Sruthi: - While releasing my safety pin that hold my saree folds together it was pinned to the fabric of my saree and some part of the folds loosen while trying to take the pin out. I felt that my saree need some relief from my hip's sweat and if my staff asked me, i thought of mentioning that i am fixing my saree before my next class.
Inner self:- That's called smart thinking, but you have removed your saree completely and didn't stop there. Did you wear any panty that day by the way?
Sruthi: - After removed all the folds i thought, there is no need to keep that cloth anymore anyway i have my answer to my staff. I didn't wear panties to avoid sweat rashes. And did i not stopped there can you recollect what i did other than my saree removal?
Inner self:- You have smart answer ready for your saree but why you took a dumb decision to untie your petticoat knot, did you have the same reason for fixing that before next class.
Sruthi: - Yes i want to say in-order to make sure knot is in place to avoid accidental malfunctions.
Inner self:- This is as smart as previous explanation but why you stood up after loosen your petticoat knot, and step out of it and sit bare ass on your workplace where anyone can come in anytime, Any explanation for this?
Sruthi: - I felt the air feel good on my skin, and anyway classes will end in another 5-10 minutes and i don't have any explanation for it but to expose my bare butt and my vagina to showcase to the lucky visitor if they come so near. But i was sitting in a corner, by the time they come near i can tie back at-least my petticoat and give the fixing reasons as mentioned above.
Inner self:- You are right tying petticoat knot can be in time to avoid exposure, But why you took a bold step to remove your blouse and bra, It will take at-least few minutes to wear the removed blouse.
Sruthi:- After freeing my bottom from clothes i felt really relaxed and thought of wearing my clothes back to avoid any indecent exposure to my colleagues. While picking my petticoat back and started pulling it over my bare thighs, i heard a voice, why the partiality, why freedom only to your pussy cat, what we did wrong such that you didn't release from the jail. It's the shout from my bra and blouse cladded boobs. I understood the jail they mentioned is my bra and blouse. I said in pleaded voice, my dear twins (boobs) don't be so naughty now. You know i am in school still holding my petticoat near my thighs exposing my pussy i am making this talk. Then my boobs cried with lot of sweat. Please Sruthi have some mercy on us. Then i said no we are at school, I will free you at home. They said what is the use, now we are suffering cann't you see how much we are drenched in sweat. I begged please understand. Then my boobs started blackmail me. You have lot of mercy on your vagina, see you didn't even wear a panty today and removed all the sheets that covered it. But you imprisoned us with a tight bra and blouse on a hot day. We will take revenge on you, When you wear a nighty in the morning without bra, we will make the nipples erect infront of the milk man. Then he will think you are horny. And if your neighbour shows up then we will create an itch and you have to scratch or squeeze us before them. In both cases you will be assumed as a horny bitch. No please do it to me i begged. Then release us before the time passes else you will be busted by your colleagues. Just start unhooking you blouse please is my boobs suggested. I understood they won't listen to me anymore and dropped my plan to tie my petticoat and drop it to the floor. I should be careful not to get caught, so i thought of standing near the door with my head poking out to watch and do my top freedom task. I started walking towards the door but i noticed my anklets chimes are making too much noise, so i decided to take them off and i did and walked towards the door absolutely bottomless with nothing below my boobs. I peeked my head started unhooking my blouse one by one and removed my blouse completely from my shoulders and in one swift i removed my bra and there i am absolutely naked in my school staffroom. Then i heard the class bell rang. So i hurried. and run back holding my bra and blouse in hand and due to that rush i spilled water on my petticoat it's fully drenched. Then i thought i cannot wear it anymore but i should hurry else i will be caught bare naked. I should first take care of my bottom to cover so i got an idea and pulled the thread out of the petticoat completely out and tied it to my waist, I cannot wear blouse and bra as it's too short time so i decided to wear saree only,  quickly make pleats and inserted into the petticoat thread and carefully covered my boobs with pallu and stuffed all the remaining clothes into my bag. And the staff started entering the room and i was partially in relief. My colleagues looked at me with wider eyes but the didn't asked anything peculiar. But my fellow teacher who is abit closer to me became suspicious and came close to me and asked Sruthi you looks hot today, your sleeveless blouse is more romantic and tried to check further, I felt shy she looks more investigating and she didn't find any trace of the blouse or bra and whispered near my ear, did you ditched your blouse and bra today, i cannot see any traces on your top. Are you following Free the nipple campaign and she laughed. I said no i wore one don't speak stupid. I warned, then she started checking my bottom half, whether all clothes are in place or not. Due to hurry my saree raised till the bottom of my knee, and it was bare. Then she has got full doubt that i am not wearing a petticoat, blouse or a bra and sitting there boldly with only my saree. Then she secretly placed her mobile with camera on and put it near my feet. She asked me to get the student report to compare with her report. Then i stood up and walked towards the cabinet, there her camera capture my inner secret, then she immediately replayed her video and she was shocked by seeing my trimmed hairy pussy and my smooth naked legs. Then she decided to play with me today and asked me to borrow my bag for some grocery shopping. I hesitated but she pulled the bag from me which is filled with my bra, blouse and wet petticoat and anklets. I asked let me grab my stuff, but she didn't listen and left. Now i have no option but to teach with only my saree. That day my vagina became volcano. All looks make me horny, even my students eat me with their eyes. Once all classes are over i came back to staff room to grab my items and bag. I was shocked to see the bag is empty and my colleague started talking what are you searching for Sruthi, for these only. I understood you took off everything except saree. Earlier i thought after Rakesh departure you became a-bit sexually frustrated and doing this. But in that case you will do it in private, and i saw you adjusting your pallu and saree folds lot of times and even pinning them. I think you need freedom from your clothes. You like to be in nude. I said not anything like that today it's so hot so did like that. But you are sitting boldly with your saree alone and even you removed your anklets not to make any sound. Which means if no one around you want to stay in the nude. I have no answer. Now no body there just please hand over your pallu and stay quite she ordered. I obeyed and hand over my pallu, she slowly started pulling my pallu and asked how your petticoat stood on your body with out knot and thread i really amazed about it. And there you go my pallu came out of my breast and my naked boobs in display and then the saree folds around my navel slowly loosen up and my full saree in her hands which made me fully naked with the petticoat thread on my naked waist. She smiled you naughty Sruthi your petticoat thread should be tied to your petticoat not to your waist. and she untied the knot from my waist and made me more naked. She started praising me, oh god! Sruthi, you looks like an angel without clothes. I am a woman but still i am getting some feelings for you. For men it will be uncontrollable, Before i become lesbian better wear your clothes. My suggestion is better marry earlier to avoid these kind of frustrations you have a sexy figure that any man will become mad. Unless you have nudist thoughts. Did you tried any new things before marriage? Try to recollect and she rubbed her pussy with her palm and left the room.
I wore my clothes back and started to think is it a frustration of being alone / i am a nudist before marriage too, My mind said yes you did it in college days also, let me recollect the memories for you.
2). As a college going girl :-
I amazed and spoke with my inner self
Sruthi: - Did i really did some nude adventures in my college days
Inner self: - Countless number of times. But all begin with one event if you want i will remind you those memories
Sruthi: - Yes please, i really didn't remember after the shock demise of Rakesh.
Inner self: - It all started during your examination days
Sruthi: - Are you kidding, how can be naked during that tense exam time.
Inner self: - You are right due to that tight schedule your inner demon has awaked, I will tell you what happened if you are interested.
Sruthi: - Please i am curious, why i am a kind of nudist from my college days i want to know.
Inner self: - It all started unexpectedly but your inner nudist made it much more. That particular Semister exams came up very tough and you were studying like hell for almost 2 weeks before the exam and you kept on wearing all your panties till you get an itch on your vagina. Then you got frustrated and washed all your panties and continued study pantiless with short skirt and a table fan near your vagina. Next day was going to be a very tough exam, so you studied till 2 am and slept unconsciously and unfortunately that night it rained very heavily due to tiredness you slept like hell. Not only you, your panties also slept without drying up. You suddenly remembered about your exam and woke up and saw the time and shocked. You have less time left, quickly brush your teeth and skip your bath and breakfast and ready to dress up and found all your panties are damp, to avoid any infections you decided to skip panties also and on a hurry you wear top bra and quickly put a knot of your salwar pants. You not even tuck your knot inside your pants and you put only one loose knot. Which means if you we pull the thread once it will fall down. You ran like crazy and reached the exam center and unexpectedly the exam was super tough. And you were super tensed and you have a habit to punch your fist on your thigh to get some relief. You turned to your left and one girl is writing very seriously. And on the other side one girl was copying. She has wrote answers on her salwar pant and lifting the top to see write and cover her pants with her top. Then you thought of checking your pants for any answer traces. Nothing found except your salwar nada (knot) tied in simple way as twin fishes. You got frustrated and what's there my nada you stupid vagina i scolded my self and unknowingly you hold the cord in the stressful mood and started hitting your thigh with your fist, And with that pressure your salwar nada got opened and your pants lose it's grip on your hip and collapsed inside your top.
Sruthi: - Ha now i remembered. I uttered a sound aah involuntarily. and tried to look back how it looks by lifting my top. My pant became fully loose but my thighs are together so not seen my vagina yet. I closed my top and i relieved from all my pains. I checked the question paper and i decided this is so complex to write and i will write this one in supplementary. and lean back and relaxed. I checked everyone all are writing. I am sitting in the back bench and decided to play something naughty with my clothes while everyone is present, even invigilator is moving here and there that make my play risky but it will add more thrill. So when she moves away from me i should do something naughty and when she comes towards me i should act natural. I cannot remove all my clothes but i can do myself some teasing. I have almost 40 minutes for my play. Few things which i can do even when invigilator comes towards me i started immediately. I bent down and removed the belts of my sandals one after another and removed them and pushed it with my feet to one side. and slowly removed my socks, Girl sitting beside me had a quick look and thought i am feeling hot and removed those and focus back on her exam. Then i opened my geometry box and taken out all items from it and make it empty. I kept both my hands on the table and casually played with my ring and removed it and kept it on the geometry box. Nothing so special then i hold my bangle and removed it to place it in the box. And my watch follows, all these happened like a charm, I bent down and removed the hooks near my ankles and removed my shiny silver anklets and joined them with others in the box. I hold my pony tail and removed my hair band and loosen my hair to fall on my shoulders. Pretending like adjusting my hair to pull over my shoulders i removed my golden chain from my neck and placed on geometry box along with my Bindi from forehead. Now my box is literally filling with my body ornaments and articles. There are 15-20 mins remaining and i checked what else are remained from head to toe on my young body. Ear rings, chunni, 2 safety pins keeping chunni linked with my zipped top, salwar top, bra, and opened salwar pants. i have to remove few more to have a thrill i decided. I act like something entered my ear and put my both hands there are removed my ear ring and other follows the same pattern of freedom. Now i took a bold move, i have small scissors in my geometry box so i get rid of my bra. I put my hand with scissors near my shoulder as if i has itch there and cut the strap and given 2 minutes gap and cut the strap on the other shoulder. Then i had two options either to remove my dupatta by unpinning the safety pins or do something more adventurous. I decided to do the second i looked around no one is looking i pushed the scissors edges into my top inside my dupatta and ensured a small hole happen there and slowly slide scissors above my boobs to have a smooth cut along my top neck and cut abit there and slide down until my dupatta ends, then turn right and to the top. The girl beside me was wondering what i am doing inside my chunni and i pulled my hands with scissors and cut cloth, she was shocked but thought it was a hanky and focus back on last few minutes of exam. I also have few minutes left so i put my hand on my back and slowly unzipped my top and there i found my bra clip and put my hand under my chunni and removed my bra and slipped it inside my desk. I was in more vulnerable state my naked boobs were hanging freely inside my dupatta and my vagina is breathing freely from my opened salwar gap. The exam time is almost over invigilator asked to submit the papers, end of the time she will come and collect if not submitted. Few students walked towards invigilator and submitting their papers, she is is checking if thread is tied properly and name details are filled correctly. Now invigilator is completely blocked from my view and only one or 2 girls writing all others surrounded invigilator. I took a deep breathe and briskly removed safety pins that holds my chunni to my top and now my boobs are in more danger zone as one simple jerk or a short breeze will introduce my sweet boobs for the world to see, and i like that thrill and tension building up. My mind said one last push to make this memorable, first once i hesitated but i proceeded i slightly raised and slid my top slit from my buttocks to the back such that my ass with opened salwar touch the bench. i again adjusted myself and slowly start sliding my pants from my body they slowly travelled my thighs under my top and it travelled out of my top and i see my opened knot threads and salwar top edge. I teasingly asked do you want to leave my body. It said yes then i dropped my pants and removed it from my feet and with legs crossed i covered the slit area where my legs were exposed to avoid suspicion. I am in super tense mode and started to write some junk on my answer paper such as my pussy has hair trimmed, i am not on my panties and my pussy is wet and deep. Then the invigilator came and took my papers she looks abit suspicious with my bottom, but thought it's skin color leggings due to lack of hair on my legs. Then i got sign of relief. Then my friend asked me exam is over won't you go home today is the last exam, come we go somewhere to eat. I said i am feeling abit tired, i will come after sometime. Then she left and all other left. I am sitting in my most vulnerable state, First thing i did is uncrossed my legs and pulled my pants and thrown far away from me. And lift my top and spread my legs to see how wet my vagina became with these events. It's literally vomiting my love juices. I peeked into m dupatta my twins are freely watching the world thru the cloth. I stood up and without holding my dupatta and walked towards the door to close and want to check how long my chunni stood on my body. I walked 2 steps and my pallu slipped away and with my boobs moving up and down i reached the door and locked it. And dropped my useless top and walk naked on my exam hall, I even masturbated and streaked in the halls for sometime and wore the damaged top with chunni and returned back home. This event leads to more such adventures during that time. I think i started all these naughty stuff from my college days am i right, i asked my inner self. The answer is no. You did it in your teenage years as well. Let me recollect you.
3). As a teenager: -
Inner self: - It happened during a hide and seek with your friends. Now you tell me what happened that day.
Sruthi: - Yes i recollected my friends from Indore visited me that day, we chit chatted and thought of playing hide and seek game. The game started and we all went to hide somewhere, I ran here and there and reached dhobi ghat where the laundry experts dry their washed clothes, I thought of hiding behind the clothes. There are no people around so i was safe from my friend discovery. But there was a gap between the clothes which set for drying, My friend keep on searching for all of us here and there, she may come here at anytime, I don't want to be a searcher as i felt abit tired with running. I was wearing long skirt and a neck t-shirt. I was wearing a slip and panties as my inner wear. I was wearing sandals and coming to my ornaments, simple gold chain, ear rings and anklets. I thought to cover the gap with my skirt which will hide me from her discovery. I unhook my skirt and slide the zipper and in broad day light i slipped my skirt and put it on the rope. My fair skin is shining under the sunlight. I thought of taking my shirt off too to join the skirt. And i was there in my slip and panties. This was the first time i believe i was in my underwear outside. Then i got little naughty and want to feel the sun on my entire nubile body. Then i slowly take off my slip and panties and put them on the rope. There i am in all my glory. Suddenly i heard some foot steps and i noticed my friend coming towards the dhobi ghat. And in a hurry i ran away from my clothes and towards an old fort to hide myself. When i am running the chimes of my anklets making sound so i taken them off and hide it near a bush. And i hide behind a pillar of the old fort. I looked at myself and shocked that i am in my birthday suit ran far away from my home and my clothes. That place is abit away from my town and so isolated, Then i thought not to worry, instead decided to enjoy my freedom for sometime by exploring that place. This fort is abit old and people won't come often here due to the fear of ghosts. I also visited once with my friends even my parents warned us not to go. And here i am without a single piece of cloth on my body i am back into the risky place. The fort is made of marble floor inside and i and in the middle there is a pond with a opening on the top of the fort, such a beautiful place why every one scared no idea. I reached the pond and i entered into it and played like a little girl. And after some bath i wanted to return back as it's turning dark. And i thought of collecting my clothes and go back home, but somebody stolen those. o i waited till 10 at night and slowly walked on my street naked where i used to walk everyday. That gave me a-lot of thrill and may be i tried it multiple times which i didn't remember.
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How Sruthi became a nudist - by mysticsruthi - 28-01-2023, 05:42 PM
RE: How Sruthi became a nudist - by abcturbine - 28-01-2023, 06:45 PM
RE: How Sruthi became a nudist - by mtj423 - 29-01-2023, 06:07 AM
RE: How Sruthi became a nudist - by marcusbroody - 30-01-2023, 12:51 AM
RE: How Sruthi became a nudist - by Rajjdeep - 31-01-2023, 12:15 AM
RE: How Sruthi became a nudist - by Straight in - 13-02-2023, 07:19 AM
RE: How Sruthi became a nudist - by dragonslair - 05-03-2023, 06:52 AM
RE: How Sruthi became a nudist - by mysticsruthi - 30-03-2023, 03:15 AM
RE: How Sruthi became a nudist - by Rainman - 30-03-2023, 10:43 AM
RE: How Sruthi became a nudist - by Straight in - 28-05-2023, 05:46 PM
RE: How Sruthi became a nudist - by sri7869 - 28-05-2023, 06:33 PM
RE: How Sruthi became a nudist - by Awesomeabhit - 20-09-2023, 10:34 AM
RE: How Sruthi became a nudist - by Dargon76 - 01-01-2024, 02:59 PM
RE: How Sruthi became a nudist - by mysticsruthi - 12-03-2024, 12:37 PM
RE: How Sruthi became a nudist - by Dargon76 - 12-03-2024, 09:53 PM

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