Adultery Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III
(21-01-2023, 08:32 AM)bineeshm Wrote: Dear Friends

I have been reviewing the last chapter on my mind for the last few days. I want to share my thoughts with you. I do think the latest chapter wasn't one of the greatest, but it does clear some of the issues we had in our minds. Though the end was as wished by many readers, the means weren't as smooth as it was wished for. But looking at the larger picture, it was still a great ending to this awesome story.

First I'll start with Desai:

In my previous posts, I shared my views on how he became restless when Krish asked for time for himself and Desai started his end game. This chapter makes it clear why Desai behaved so.

He wants to have Meera all for himself. He acted all good infront of her and Krish by keeping himself dry for about 2 months. But he is unable to keep himself cold and managed to sleep with Nidhi by blackmailing her.

Then he realized that since Krish can walk and ask for time for himself and Meera, he has to start his end game soon or start competing with Krish for Meera. He has no choice but find other alternatives.

He started his game as below:

First, he started acting as if nothing has changed

Second, he started taking the moral high ground and supported Meera in all her accusations against Krish

Then, he said that he conducted a test on Krish and proved that he is still a cuckold and used Meera as a vehicle for his fantasies. By doing this, he completely alienated Krish from Meera, further proving that he knows that he's losing the game. This shows how desperate he is.

When he succeeded in splitting the couple, he immediately had sex with Meera, made her utter those words and consummated his relationship unprotected in presence of Krish so that Krish believed that Meera was impregnated by Desai.

Once Krish has left the house, he started concentrating on Meera to make her his wife. He started with his best foot - hot sex. Then he trapped her emotionally by making her go on tour with him and talking to his mom - making it a personal commitment for Meera. He told the girl to go out on her own and that their relationship is all about love and intimacy.

Those were the trump cards he used against Meera when the curtain started falling.

But why did Desai do all those mind games and rush, he had slept with Nidhi but pretended that he was chaste all this time while waiting for Krish to recover. That impression created a huge respect for him in their mind of Meera and she started believing that Desai is loving her truly and he is the man for her. At the back of his mind, he knew that his bluff can be called out anytime and he has to trap Meera into his fold and also move out of that place as soon as possible. That's what has caused all those emotional talks from Desai and generally his behavior in the last two chapters.

I am convinced there is a reason behind Desai's behavior in the last two chapters and Nidhi gave a convincing testimony for that.

Desai is a beast in bed - perhaps he uses supplements or other means, given his financial position. He is also good at manipulating people and getting what he wants. Therefore, it's no surprise that he was able to seduce a married woman and even made her believe that he loves her truly. He was able to manipulate the situation and get what he wanted. But he thought that's all is required for a long-term relationship which caused his failure.

She is the dream queen of many of the readers. The penultimate chapter caused so much damage to her psyche & character that I dont think many of us have recovered. I think the last chapter doesnt make any true amendment to her outburst in the previous one.
Let me copy a discussion on one part of the story arc to prove how she is unreliable and fake.

When Krish accused that she had sex with Desai and he heard sounds from her room, Meera called that he has became insane and asked him to go to a doctor. The plot went downhill from there - she then asked Desai to call Piyush and say she's ready to sleep with him, and then closed the door on Krish's face completely.

But in the last chapter when Desai confirmed that he did indeed had sex with someone, here is how she reacted,

They were discussing as if it was some regular happening. She didn't high five him, that's it. Shouldn't she have given a tight rap on his face for his lie and because of which she said so many disrespectful things to her husband? Or should have she thrown a slap on him for cheating on her? Not at all, but she was discussing how she woke up with his penis inside her that morning. It was really disgusting the way she said it with so much ease! She had a video call with Desai's mom only after this conversation. So much for punishing herself and making Krish forget her. Like most men think thru their dick, Meera was thinking about a good pleasurable dick.

Get out you both
What could have kept our good impression of Meera? When the issues started in the penultimate chapter she could have told 'Get out you both' to Krish and Desai. It would have proven she is hurt and is trying to figure out her future. Instead, she kicked Krish away, indulged in a marathon sex with Desai - in both beds, shower, had a video chat with his mom, and planned tour to Himachal.... She is not the woman we all liked.

She decided to dump Desai only because of his lie, blackmailing and screwing Nidhi and when she realized that Desai cannot be trusted. So she decided to stay back with Krish. I dont know how truthful she is going to be with Krish as she was pushed to this decision only because her boyfriend has had sex with another woman in her bedroom, yet chose not to reveal anything to her because he did not want to ruin his image in her eyes.

“You know Krish, sex is sometimes like food. It can be good, bad, or ordinary. We can hate it, love it or even become addicted to it. But there’s one thing that you remember. No matter how tasty it is, no matter how addicted are you, it can’t be the only thing that matter to you. It is just a small part of your world. You can forget it, and sacrifice it for the rest of your world. Sometimes it is not important at all.”
This is the biggest bakwaas gyan I have ever heard in my life! She is saying all this to assure Krish that she is over with Desai. I dont believe a bit on her honesty.

We have seen the story in Krish's POV, so I dont want to discuss much on him. Only good thing, he finally decided to stand up for himself and his marriage. If Nidhi hasnt interrupted, he would have ended as a loser once again.

My misgiving was that the poor girl Nidhi was used to fix the marriage. She is made a sex toy in the hands of Desai and has completely screwed her life with her boyfriend. Perhaps she may judge all her future partners against the performance of Desai.

Finally, we all had Krish and Meera together. Thats the end most of us wanted, including yours truly. But is it the Meera we all started liking or we forgot that she was an amoral slut who almost walked out with another man based on lies? I think this is a very dark shaded woman, who has picked many characters of her last paramour.

This story has intrigued and captivated our attention in such a way that I am so grateful to author Krish_999 for presenting us a wonderful story. Undoubtedly the author is a genius writer with such rich and deep imagination. So many of us visited the site and stayed online for long hours only for this story. As few readers mentioned, when the story ended it left us with a huge void. I hope the author will come up with another blockbuster story soon.

You hit the nail on the head with the most points. The last episode was written lazily leading to a lot of loopholes and contradictions.

Meera's character is totally ruined in this episode. It seems she only got back with Krish because Desai cheated on him and not because she loved Krish dearly.
After what happened in the penultimate episode it should have been the responsibility of Meera to apologize or explain her actions to Krish, but nothing of that sort happens. Their conversation after the reunion was reduced to just two paragraphs, and the conversation itself seems artificial and does not hit the right note.(the conversation after Desai leaves the house) The reunion happened too soon after the separation, Parvati's angle again was unnecessary. 

"I have taken the pill this morning. I'm not getting pregnant." Meera revealed out of the blue. "That was the heat of the moment." She added.- This revelation by Meera does have much value, as he allowed Desai to cum inside her the next morning.

She mentions that no sex between Desai and herself will happen for at least a day, but then happens to allow Desai to have sex twice.

Quote:"Tell me the truth, Susheel."
Meera said again.
"The truth is that, nowadays, there's only one person I can think of making love with. That's you, my baby."
"Stop this flattery. This doesn't suit you."
"Do you believe I will see Maithrei in future?"
Desai asked.
"I want you to see her," Meera said quickly. "Because I want one good reason to dump you."
"Are you looking for it?"
"I want a break. I don't want to wake up like this."
"It was a beautiful morning. Didn't I tell you the best thing about it? The best moment in a man's life is when he gets to wake up with the man he loves. "
"Really? But I have a slightly different experience. When I woke up, my pussy was stuffed with another man's penis."
"Ouch!" Desai said dramatically. "You called me another man. It hurts."
"It will hurt even more when I ask you to move out. Now Krish isn't here. So you must move out. I suggest you find a hotel right away. You are leaving immediately after breakfast."
Meera clarified. The way she was trying to stop me from embracing him all the way was making me feel better, even though I knew there was nothing so be happy about.
Perhaps it was going to be my destiny to witness her fall in love with him, properly. I thought.

Quote:"Oh really?" Desai's voice was soft. "Then what do you think am I?"

"You are alpha. The one who would get to fuck the woman he wants. The article said." Meera laughed.
"But I'm asking you not to show it off to me. Because it's too hot that it becomes a turn-off."
"It's something no article will tell you."
"What about the beta male? Anything that no article will tell me?"
"Tell me."
Meera took a moment to reply.
"There are some features in every beta male that the woman wishes to see in the alpha male - which would have made him perfect. But unfortunately, the alpha male can't digest it let alone possess that trait."
"What is it?"
"I'm not going to tell you."
"I will learn it from you."
Again, she is in a jovial and flirty mood after the separation. Does not seem she is much hurt because of the separation. She is ready for a vacation just after the separation. Also, Desai makes fun of Krish and she half-heartedly defends Krish and then proceeds to laugh at Desai's remark.(Above two statements clearly confirm she was ready to move on from Krish)

Quote:"You need to understand that when I am making love to you I am seeing myself being punished. You can use my body like the body of a whore. I have decided to take a break from my work. I want you to take me to places. I want you to keep using me for your pleasure whenever you want. Until you feel it's enough. You can try making me sleep with your friends. I will do that too. Call Piyush. I will sleep with him. Whatever you want, you can do whatever you want. But it will take time for me to become myself and say things that you love to hear. Until then I will keep saying I love you to you without really meaning it."

What kind of repentance is this? This seems more like fun. She wants Desai to use her like a whore (which she likes) and punish her and after all that, she will in the end start loving him. Why is she sure of loving him, and why does she expect Desai to take him as his wife after she fucks Piyush and many other guys. I don't understand the psychology behind this.

Quote:“I have my thirst for adventure to blame for all of it. Beginning from the incident on the train. When I encouraged you to be intimate with Jai, I only thought it would be just a little bit of adventure. I never knew it would turn into something that makes you hate me." I said.

"I didn't hate you for that, Krish," Meera said. "But I hated myself for that. And I thought Susheel would also hate me because it is justified. If he had heard about that side of me after I had given him such a tough race to get close to me, then he would hate me. I would sound like a hypocrite. An opportunistic slut who was ready to spread my legs for anyone at any place. When I felt he was serious about me, I thought I should tell him; tell him that I'm not worthy to be treated with queen-like devotion. I also told him why I was not able to confess to you about it. If you remembered, I had tried telling you about it. But you were rather thrilled to hear about it. You were so turned on to hear how Jai had enjoyed giving me oral sex. And you were excited to do those stuff by yourself. In those days, we were fighting a war against Susheel. And I felt if you knew that I had sex with another man and got excited about it, then it would be easy for Susheel. I did not want to have Susheel in our life, Krish. Everything that I feared would happen if we let him in our life has happened. When I asked you that I'm choosing him over you, you believed me, didn't you?"
“Yes, I did.”
"Our love is not unbreakable, Krish. We must acknowledge that."
Again hypocritical she says as if she had no feelings for Desai. She certainly had some feelings for him whether she agrees or not. Why did she need Desai's validation regarding Jai's incident? Why was he so important that she needed to share such intimate information with him and her husband? Clearly, Desai had evoked some feelings for himself in her heart. Clearly, Love and trust between the couple don't go hand in hand.


Krish again was meek and subservient towards Desai after whatever happened and easily took the blame upon his shoulder for the couple's separation. Meera wanted to hear that she was not a whore and that's what Krish told her to get her back.


Desai did not bring Nidhi to manipulate Krish nor did he include Piyush in the plan. He was dumbed down in the last episode.

Sex in the last episode was totally unnecessary, be it between Meera and Krish or Desai and Meera or Intimacy between Parvathi and Krish. We never got to know Meera's pov, a heart-to-heart conversation would have revealed her thinking and her actions. The author took the easy route of showing the sex between the couple as a patch-up. By reading the last episode I am not convinced that Krish is getting the same version of Meera back that was portrayed in the second part. 
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