Misc. Erotica The Pehelwan Syndrome - (Completed)
Episode 4


I wake up again normally and do my squats and situps, and then prepare my son for college as usual, but this time my eyes constantly at the door, in anticipation of the delivery of my dumbbells and while I stare like a maniac at the door, my son pats my shoulder, pouting...

"Mummy!!! My hair! Comb it fast on else I will miss my bus!!!"

My son's sweet tone distracts me and I sheepishly smile, making his hair and then as always I accept a kiss on my cheek before I escort him to his college bus. When the bus sound faded out, I knew a creepy silence would surround me again and I go back inside my house. 

I breathe deep...

I look at the watch and check my delivery span....

I bite my lip and sigh again....

Hmmmmm! Okay....I better see some series to kill time, maybe then 

Just when I was engrossed into the video.... I heared the most anticipated sound!

The Bell ring!

Oh my! there it goes!

I leave asde my device and rush to the door and the moment I open it! My heart sinks...... I tap my feet slightly on the tiles and I let a sigh out, but I couldn't react much, because it was Pammi Aunty! as always she shared a bowl of curd with me, as most of time she does and I accept it with a sheepish smile on my face.

"You look excited on something Amaya beti" She cooes sweetly and I just answer in a excited tone back..."Oh umm...just expecting something"

"Oh okay.... okay beti, I must go now" Pammi aunty leaves with a smile and this is one thing I liked about her to be frank! She never ever interfered much and therefore, she was this perfect neighbor! hmmmmmmmmm well, anyways, my smile fades out in moments because, as you all know, I am eagerly waiting for my product to arrive! 

I get back on the sofa and I see the web series, but I get bored! I yawn and decided to divert to something interesting. My mind automatically drifted towards the product I saw the other day as an Ad! I become excited again and check the title out, or to be specefic....some images!

I sit back and I notice the very basic images of models, both male and female in an athletic form and slowly slowly, from the athletic form, I realise the images were moreover becoming about cuts and muscles and abs and while the men looked normal, it were the females who looked awful and yet they had these very intense smiles on their faces. 

I realised with a surprise that I had actually entered the link of the product and realised it was found in Russia! I immediately clicked on some of the Female options like Lean, Stocky and Bulky and although I cringed at the last option, I just clicked on Lean...

Lean Section - 

The models looked like a normal athlete and most of them had medium sized breasts with sort of veiny arms and legs and not to mention, the sweet feminine smiles on their faces. I clicked on the demo vid down, to notice a girl cycling and stopping in middle to take a scoop from the product and the moment she had some of the green liquid into her mouth, she cycled fast and rapid and what appeared to be like a speedy pace, surprised me and after she stops, she cooes sweetly...

"P-WAM makes me feel so strong and speedy!" 

The smile from the blonde cyclist made me smile too and I then decided to go back and click on the next one....

Stocky Section -

The images made me shiver and I place my hand on my mouth in the typical awe manner. The women pictures were certainly feminine, but with an apparent masculine presence, in terms of their physical stature! 

One picture almost made me shiver when a woman with veiny big muscles had a Barbie doll smile and she was even flexing downwards and then there were images of women of several types and races, flexing their strong semi masculine bodies and the veiny stature on feminine faces made me cringe very badly! 

"Why on earth would women subscribe to these kind of protein shakes??" I wonder in my ignorant mind and then assure myself that these were perhaps edited and exaggerated pictures. However my attention then went to the clip below and my heart began to beat up a little faster. I hated to be proved wrong!


I still clicked on it!

Hmmmm...let's see...

And then...I just relax on the sofa, although my heart beating up very very rapid, as the clip finally starts...

The video showed a very bulky bicep pulling up what seemed to be a big fat dark dumbbell and the way the biceps pumped them and the sheer look of the entire arm made me...

Laugh out!

I was convinced the website fooled me in this one! As it was clear to me that it was surely a male arm which was pumping that awful looking dumbbell and then the close shot shifted to the other strong bulked up muscled arm doing the same thing. I would have shut it off anyway, but, truth be told, I was actually transfixed at the bulging strong body and kept gazing at the camera shift down to the legs being equally ripped and pumped and everything was going just fine!


The camera zoomed out and I almost let go off my device and somehow managed to grab it back! 

An awe of shock and amazement lay on my open mouth and I had never opened it so wider before! 

On the screen was actually a very gorgeous woman with brunette hair and a darker olive complexion who was pumping those irons and the bulging masculine body belonged to her! 

And this was certainly not a morphed picture, but an actual unedited video!

Anyways, I kept looking further and saw how the lady pumped and pumped, untill her already mocha tone appeared darker with sweat and then the moment, she dropped the dumbbells and flexed, my heart paced up fast and my pupils turned wide! 

I gasped and saw this unusual form of a feminine appearance and then I heared her saying...

"P-WAM makes me Stronger and Pumping!"

The smile she shared was that of a confident woman and I absolutely did loved her smile and yet I somehow didn't accept easily the fact that she was having this amazingly strong body! 

Hmmmpph! I press back and come out and then the very last option I saw infront of me was the Bulky option. I hesitated and felt absolute disdain to check it out, but!

Who has been able to stop an eager curious human heart? 

I clicked on it somehow and took a very very deep breath! 

Bulky section -

The images that popped out made me almost puke my intestines out! I was just shocked! In one word. There were primarily images of three ladies, one Russian, one American and one African. The women looked buff and yet powerful to the point that they were easily appearing intimidating.

Not only the women models were strong, but immensely bulky looking. 

My eyes were widened and mouth wide opened. My long fingernails on my mouth made quite the sight for painters to perhaps bring it on their canvases and just when I was lost in looking at the pictures, although in disdain, the silence was bursted with a bell ring!

I almost dropped my device, but then I somehow managed to keep it aside and assemble my pallu back on my shoulder, before I reached the door and the moment I opened it...

The earlier diadains and shocks were replaced by an expression of delight and enlightenment! 

A man showed up before her, who handed the package to her, with a smile...

"Here is your package ma'am! Have a nice day!"

I take hold of the big boxed package and give him a warm smile which normally complimented the bindi and the sindoor on my face.
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RE: The Pehelwan Diaries - Ft. Amaya Singh - by Ankur 2019 - 25-12-2022, 09:11 PM
RE: The Pehelwan Syndrome - by abcturbine - 29-12-2022, 01:26 AM
RE: The Pehelwan Syndrome - by Ankur 2019 - 02-01-2023, 08:00 PM
RE: The Pehelwan Syndrome - by Ankur 2019 - 02-01-2023, 08:00 PM
RE: The Pehelwan Syndrome - by abcturbine - 03-01-2023, 04:15 PM
RE: The Pehelwan Syndrome - by Ankur 2019 - 04-01-2023, 07:34 PM
RE: The Pehelwan Syndrome - by Ankur 2019 - 04-01-2023, 07:35 PM
RE: The Pehelwan Syndrome - by abcturbine - 05-01-2023, 05:45 PM
RE: The Pehelwan Syndrome - by Ankur 2019 - 11-01-2023, 07:21 PM
RE: The Pehelwan Syndrome - by Ankur 2019 - 11-01-2023, 07:22 PM
RE: The Pehelwan Syndrome - by Ankur 2019 - 20-01-2023, 09:31 PM
RE: The Pehelwan Syndrome - by Ankur 2019 - 20-01-2023, 09:33 PM
RE: The Pehelwan Syndrome - by Ankur 2019 - 26-01-2023, 10:12 AM
RE: The Pehelwan Syndrome - by Ankur 2019 - 26-01-2023, 10:15 AM

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