Adultery Aroused by Cheating by xleglover-Completed
Aroused by Cheating Pt. 04

Chapter 11

A few days later ...

Michael rushed to finish his email. He regretted having to work on his honeymoon, but they were trying to close a big deal at work, and he needed to stay in touch.

He looked out the window. Jen, his new wife, was waiting for him at the beach. She looked great in her new string bikini. She was only a little over a month pregnant and she wasn't showing yet.

He saw she was talking to a dark haired man wearing Speedo swim briefs. He couldn't believe how guys wore such bathing suits. They were little more than the size of a woman's bikini bottom.

The man helped Jen pick a snorkel and mask. Michael realized the man must be the guide for their snorkeling trip. Michael watched as the man laughed and chatted with Jen as he helped her adjust the mask. It was clear the man was flirting with his new bride. Michael reached for the binoculars, which the resort provided for bird watching.

The man looked to be about their age, and was tall and deeply tanned, which made sense since he probably spent his days outside giving tours to vacationers. He looked Mexican, which also made sense since they were honeymooning in Cancun. The man was lean and muscular, with a well defined chest, rippled stomach, and arms and legs that looked like they were made out of steel. He had a rugged, outdoorsman look to him, with a smile that showed perfectly white teeth.

But what caught Michael's eye was the man's crotch, and the huge mound formed in his Speedos. The guy looked massively hung, and he clearly liked showing off what he had. As Jen sat on a bench trying on flippers, the man stood in front of her, his crotch just inches from her face. Michael increased the magnification. The Speedos were so tight it was possible to make out the outline of the guy's shaft. Michael focused on Jen's face. She looked a little flushed. Then he focused on her bikini top. Her nipples were erect, clearly protruding through the thin material of her top.

Michael unzipped his pants and pulled out his penis. He wrapped his hand around his shaft. He was able to easily hold his entire penis with his hand, from the base to the tip of this cockhead. Jen could do the same thing, even though her hand was smaller.

What he saw at the beach excited him. It didn't surprise him that Jen was getting hit on. She was too pretty and sexy for it not to happy all the time. What surprised him was how it turned him on so much, how the jealousy of seeing Jen respond to another man made him pant with almost dizzying lust.

As he stroked himself he thought of their wedding reception. During the garter ceremony, he had been surprised to see the runs in Jen's stockings. The runs were at her knees, the type of runs that might happen after kneeling in front of a guy and giving him a blowjob. Later, when he had asked, Jen said she must have torn the stockings while getting dressed. But Michael doubted that. He had noticed spots on Jen's bustier. He couldn't be sure, but they had the smell of cum. Had Jen given David a blowjob, the day of their wedding, maybe while she was getting dressed? Maybe some of his cum splashed onto her bustier? Michael grunted and came into his hand as he imagined Jen in her wedding dress, on her knees in front of David, with his big cock in her mouth.

Michael quickly wiped himself with a tissue. Then he pulled on his swim trunks and hurried to the beach.

The stranger introduced himself as Fernando. "You can get a mask, snorkel and flippers from that locker over there," he said to Michael somewhat dismissively. As Michael walked to the locker, Fernando continued to fuss over Jen's gear, laughing and flirting with her as he did so.

"Fernando, this locker is stuck," Michael said as he struggled to open the door.

"No, it's just a heavy duty door," Fernando said, walking over. He easily opened the door with one hand, the muscles in his arm tensing into hard steel. With a smile planted on his face, he playfully slapped Michael's chest. "You need to work out, amigo." He squeezed Michael's soft biceps as he winked at Jen. "Replace this flab with muscles. After all, you've got a sexy new wife to keep happy."

Fernando laughed like he was joking, but Michael fumed inside. His chest stung where Fernando had slapped him, but he resisted rubbing it. "He's an ass," Michael grumbled as he sat next to Jen to try on his flippers.

"Oh, he was just joking," Jen said as she affectionately squeezed Michael's arm. She squeezed Michael's biceps, just as Fernando had. "You know I think you're perfect just the way you are."

They entered the water to put on their gear. As he struggled to put on his flippers with the waves crashing around him, Michael found himself separated from Jen and Fernando. Michael glanced over to them. Fernando stood close to Jen as he helped her put on her gear. They were almost touching as Fernando adjusted the straps of Jen's mask. Although he couldn't see because they were waist deep in the water, Michael wondered if Fernando was pressing his large bulge against his wife. Michael felt his penis stir from the thought.

As they swam to the reefs, Fernando devoted all his attention to Jen, pointing out undersea vegetation and aquatic life. Fernando and Jen were both stronger swimmers than Michael. At first they all stayed together, Jen often hanging back so Michael could catch up. But as the tour continued and the scenery became more interesting, they began to separate, Jen and Fernando going off to get a better view of rare aquatic life, and Michael trying to catch up.

In the crystal clear water, Michael could see them under water. At times, Fernando would touch Jen's waist to get her attention, sometimes coming perilously close to her ass. Sometimes when they paused to look at something, their legs would touch, Fernando's muscular calves and thighs against Jen's long shapely legs. Once Fernando turned suddenly underwater, and his body pressed up against Jen's, his muscular chest against her breasts, his thick shaft against her thighs.

An hour later they finally emerged from the water. After putting their gear back in the locker, they sat on some beach chairs. Jen looked a little flustered.

Michael's eyes glanced down to her breasts. Her nipples were erect and poking through her bikini top. Had Fernando aroused her?

"So, what are your plans for the rest of the day?" Fernando asked.

"Oh, I don't know," Michael answered. "We don't have anything planned. Sit around the pool, I guess, then go to dinner."

"The best restaurant in Cancun is Baja Salsa," Fernando said confidently. "Off the main drag so you're away from all the tourists, and great food. They always have a live band and dancing."

"That sounds good. What do you think, honey?"

Jen shrugged, not looking at either Michael or Fernando. She seemed distracted. "I don't know. I was thinking of something quiet, maybe even just room service." Then Jen got up. "Come on, honey, let's go back to our hotel room."

"Well, okay," Michael said, a little surprised at his wife's abruptness. He was about to get up when he glanced at Jen's bikini bottoms, which were at eye-level. Michael almost gaped at the sight, because formed in the thin material was a camel toe. There was no doubt, Fernando had aroused his wife.

As Jen started towards the hotel, Michael glanced at Fernando, who smiled at him almost smugly. It was clear Fernando had seen Jen's camel toe as well. Fernando turned to watch Jen as she walked away, his eyes moving from her ass to her long legs, not bothering to hide from Michael his interest in the new bride.

Michael's heart pounded. As he got up to follow Jen, he adjusted his bathing suit so his erection wouldn't show through.

A few hours later, Michael went to the concierge as Jen finished dressing. "My wife and I were thinking of going to Baja Salsa tonight. I was wondering what you thought about the place."

The concierge, an older Mexican man, looked warily at Michael. "Senor, you and your wife are on your honeymoon, no?"

"That's right. Fernando, the dive instructor, recommended the place to us."

The concierge looked even more wary. He glanced around the room to make sure no one could hear. "Please don't let anyone know I said this," he whispered. "Fernando is good friends with the owner, and he could get me fired. But Baja Salsa is for singles, not married couples like you. It is a wild place ... how do you say? A meat market. And Fernando, well ... take my advice, senor, keep Fernando away from your wife. He likes ... well ... he likes married women, if you know what I mean."

Michael nodded slowly, and then gave the concierge a tip. He walked slowly back to their room, his heart pounding. When he opened the door he found Jen, just putting the last touches on her hair and makeup. "I talked to the concierge," he said, butterflies running through his stomach. "He likes Baja Salsa too, he highly recommends it."
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RE: Aroused by Cheating by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 26-12-2018, 10:25 PM

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