Adultery Aroused by Cheating by xleglover-Completed
She saw Jacques smile with approval. She felt his fingers probe along her hairless pussy lips. She tried to squeeze her legs together, but Jacques was insistent. She didn't want to make a scene with Michael on the phone, so she found herself being fingered by another man as she talked to her fiancée.

"I'm at the bar," she said, as she felt Jacques run his fingers between her pussy lips.

"I mean, uhhh" – Jen bit her lip to stifle a moan as Jacques stuck a finger into her – "I mean, the bar in the restaurant."

"No, I'm okay, I ahhh god" – Jen moaned involuntarily as Jacques found her clit – "Where are, uhhh, where are" – Jen gripped Jacques's arm, trying to get him to stop – "Where are you?"

Jacques smiled mischievously at Jen's situation and discomfort. He stuck another finger into her, and thumbed her clit while stroking her pussy. "Ahhh – I mean – uhhh – that's" – Jen could barely speak as Jacques continued to finger her – "That's too bad."

"What – ahhh --- what?" Jen asked, finding it hard to concentrate under Jacques's assault. She clenched her eyes shut, trying without success to ignore what Jacques was doing to her. "The – ahhh – what? The Ritz?" she said between gasps. "Room – uhhh -- 403?"

She pushed harder against Jacques's arm but he wouldn't stop. God, he's going to make me cum! She knew she had to get off the phone. "Ok, I will, bye," she blurted, and then slapped the phone closed. She couldn't let a stranger made her cum in the middle of a crowded bar. She squeeze her thighs together as tight as she could, and pushed against him again. "Please stop," she pleaded. "Please."

Jacques relented, and withdrew his hand. He wiped his wet fingers on a napkin. Jen's heart pounded. She took a few minutes to catch her breath.

"That was really mean," she finally said.

Jacques smiled, but didn't answer directly. Instead he asked, "I take it your fiancée won't be joining you this evening?"

Jen shook her head. "Something came up at work. He's running to catch a plane to New York."

Jacques's smile grew even larger. "So, he won't be home until at least tomorrow."

Jen didn't answer. Her heart pounded in her chest. Jacques had almost made her cum. She had been on the very brink when she forced him to stop. Her body burned with desire.

"What did your fiancée mean, about the Ritz?"

Jen found it hard to continue the conversation. "It's his birthday today," she managed to say.

Jacques's face lit up in understanding. "Ah. I see. And your fiancée reserved a room at the Ritz, so, after dinner, you could continue to help him celebrate his birthday? Room 403?"

Jen nodded, not meeting Jacques's gaze. She knew where this was headed, and was afraid of what she might do. "Run!" she thought to herself. "You can't do this! It's Michael's birthday, you can't do this!"

"And he told you this, why? To cancel the reservation?"

Jen hesitated, but finally shook her head. "It's too late to cancel. He asked me to pick up some things he left in the room."

Jacques grinned. He returned his hand to Jen's knee. "It would be a terrible thing to waste a reservation at the Ritz Carlton."

Jen covered Jacques's hand with hers, stopping his advance. "Please," she begged with her last remaining strength. She didn't have the willpower to stop this from happening, but maybe Jacques would do the right thing. "I'm engaged. We're getting married next month."

"Jennifer, I would never think of forcing myself on you, or doing anything you did not want," he said soothingly. He offered his arm. "I'm simply offering to escort you to your hotel room. I would hate for you to be accosted by any of the men here at the bar, all of whom are eyeing you hungrily."

Jen couldn't move. She didn't believe Jacques, of course, but she felt paralyzed. Her body was on fire. She needed it so bad. Long moments passed by. Finally, Jen felt herself sliding off the bar stool. But it was like an out of body experience. It wasn't her sliding off the stool, it was someone else, someone who looked just like her. Like a spirit hovering above the crowd, she saw herself tentatively take Jacques's arm. She watched herself being lead out of the bar by Jacques, nervously looking around and hoping she wouldn't see anyone she knew.

Despite her glances around the room, she never saw her fiancée Michael hiding in the crowd, watching her every move.
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RE: Aroused by Cheating by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 26-12-2018, 10:22 PM

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