Misc. Erotica The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Sathya Krishnan
As my mom sat on the chair, “Sathya, we are shooting our next movie in 6 months, we were looking for a heroine, preferably a beautiful village girl, as this movie is a Village subject.  Yesterday, I saw you daughter, and I immediately liked her, she has nice face, nice body, perfect for the Heroine character, but when I approached her, she refused to act in the movie,” as the director was saying, “No Sir, she is ready to act in your movie as the heroine,” my excited mom said.  “Very Good,” as the director said and began talking to my mom, the Hero was ogling at my sister Ammu, though Ammu saw it, she was blushing.  “Sathya, what is her name?” the Hero asked.  “Ammu Sir,” my mom said.  “Director Sir, I think I like Ammu very much, please go ahead and cast her in our movie,” the Hero said and looked at my sister, “Ammu, can you stand up for me, dear?” he said.  As my sister was feeling shy, “come on Ammu, stand,” my mom said and my sister stood up.  The Hero stood up as well, “wait here Ammu, I will go wear my wig and come,” he said softly and went inside the bedroom and came back wearing a wig, which made us recognize clearly.  “Come Ammu,” the Hero said and held my sister’s hand and pulled her towards him, and put his arm around my sister and looked at the director, “how is our pair, director sir?” he asked.  Clearly my sister looked like his daughter, but the director looked at my sister and the Hero together, “wow, wonderful pair Sir,” the director exclaimed.  “Producer Sir, Ammu is perfect for me, please give her advance and book her for me,” the Hero said, holding my sister’s face.  “Hero Sir, if you decide, then it is final to me,” the producer said and pulled out five thousand rupees, all 50 Rs bundles and placed them on the sofa and gave them to my mom as advance.  Five thousand rupees in the 1980s was a huge amount and my mom could not believe that she had received so much money in advance to let my sister Ammu act in the movie.  “Count them, Mrs. Sathya,” as the producer said, my mom began counting.

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RE: The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Sathya Krishnan - by novelistcasanova - 05-11-2022, 05:44 AM

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