Misc. Erotica The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Sathya Krishnan
As soon as my dad left the place, Murthy entered inside, “why was your useless dad yelling at Raman?” Murthy asked my sister.  “He has no right to yell at Raman.  The poor guy had gone against his entire family to marry you, Shalu.  Shouldn’t your dad show him some respect?” Murthy said.  “Even I yelled at my dad for that, Uncle,” as my sister started saying, “Raman, I spoke to your parents and things are okay with them.  I lied to them that Shalu’s dad has anger issues and was angry at them because he did not take his medications, and nothing else and he would definitely give the dowry of 1 Kg gold jewels.  Now your parents are happy, but still they are waiting to see 1Kg gold jewels before you tie the knot around Shalu’s neck and make her your wife,” Murthy said.  “Until my son comes here with 1 Kg gold, you go to your parents and keep them engaged, okay?” Murthy said.  “Sure, Sir,” Raman said and left the place.
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RE: The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Sathya Krishnan - by novelistcasanova - 05-11-2022, 05:36 AM

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