The night of her first party came quickly and it was a huge success. The party was held at a friend of a friend's house and the 25 or so mostly middle-aged women reacted well to Nisha's open fun style. As the wine flowed more freely, Nisha brought out some of the more interesting items which caused a lot of giggling and joking.

She got a lot of lingerie orders and also sold a few toys, creams and lubricants on the night. She also made several follow-up appointments with some ladies who maybe felt a little shy and didn't want to buy anything in front of anyone else.

Later that week, she knocked on the door of a suburban house, ready for her final appointment of the week. She had with her two good-sized trolley-bags full of lingerie, in her own size, and a varied selection of accessories.

Gangadhar had been reading the newspaper when he heard the knock. In his early fifties, Gangadhar had taken early retirement from his job as a lorry driver the previous month. He was a relatively fit man for his age although his beer belly was a bit larger than it should have been and he was going rapidly bald. Miriam, his wife of 30 years was working a shift in the local supermarket and she wasn't due back until that evening.

When he opened the door, he found himself looking at a goddess. She was in her early-twenties and was wearing a cream business suit made up of a fitted jacket and a mini-dress. Her legs were bare and her matching stiletto heels had tasteful strapping up over her ankles.

Her black hair shone in the sunlight and her dark eyes were wide and inviting if a little vacant. Her figure was astonishing. He didn't think he'd ever seen a woman with such long legs and also such large breasts in one perfect package.

"Oh, hello, I'm Nisha from Funky Lady. I've got an appointment with Padma Kapoor?" Nisha said, surprised that Padma's husband would be around. She'd thought that Padma had wanted to make her purchases in privacy. After all, a lot of them would be for his benefit.

Gangadhar had no idea who Padma was. Perhaps it was because retirement had already become boring; or perhaps it was simply because he'd never before been in the presence of such a gorgeous young woman, but rather than admit his ignorance, he decided that it would more fun to just play along even if it resulted in just a few more minutes with her.

"Padma? She's just popped out but she won't be long. Come in. Would you like a cup of tea?"

Gangadhar helped Nisha in with her bags and showed her into the living room.

"There you go. Make yourself comfortable. I'll go and make a cuppa. Do you take sugar?"

Nisha sat down and opened her first case while Gangadhar made the tea. As he came back he allowed himself to peak around the corner, before entering the room.

She was sitting on a low sofa so that her legs were exposed to high up her thighs. And, unless he was going mad, she was holding up a bra. He saw that her case was full of lingerie and she had put some brochures on the coffee table. Funky Lady? Obviously this young woman had come to sell underwear to Padma, whoever she was.

"Here we are, milk, no sugar," he said as he sat down opposite her doing his best not to stare up her skirt.

"Thanks, Mr. Kapoor," Nisha replied. "Do you know how long Padma will be? I'm sure we agreed two o'clock."

"Um, yes, that's right. She said she'd be back by now. Let's give it a minute and I'll give her a call to see where she is."

"OK." Nisha was a little surprised that Padma, whom she recalled as being a slender elegant woman in her early-thirties, was married to such an unprepossessing and old-fashioned man but she knew that love could blossom between virtually anyone, no matter how poorly matched they might seem. She looked around at the kitsch décor and collection of porcelain cats and thought that Padma had a lot better taste in clothes than in interior design.

Meanwhile, Gangadhar had picked up one of the catalogues and was flicking through pictures of lovely young women in their underwear. He adjusted himself uncomfortably to conceal his growing erection.

"Do you like what you see?" Nisha asked artlessly.

Too right I bloody do, thought Gangadhar. Out loud, however, he said, "Um, yes there are some lovely items in here."

After an awkward pause, Nisha looked pointedly at her watch.

"Right. I'll just give her a call to see how long she'll be," Gangadhar said, leaving the room ostensibly to find a phone.

In the kitchen, he thought about his options. He could make up an excuse for Padma's absence and allow Nisha to leave. Or he could somehow persuade her to stay for a bit longer. Maybe he was perverted, but he couldn't deny that talking to a hot young lady about underwear was more than a little arousing.

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RE: UNFAITHFUL MOTHERS AND HOUSEWIVES --- stranger_women - by ddey333 - 02-11-2022, 05:23 PM

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