Misc. Erotica College of Scandals --- N D
Their Journey to College
(a) Private Pleasures

The sweet rains was upon her roof,the dark skies lit up with bolts of lightning, winds roared between the trees as the rains smashed heavily against her bedroom windows, the rolling thunder that followed engulfed the whole block sending shock waves around. Lopa reached for her mobile, the screen glowed and time was only 3:40 am, another three more hours before the maid would knock her door. The train was at 10:20 pm and that meant she would have to leave home by 9:00 at least. She would have to check her bags one last time, pack for a new life, a new college, new city.Everything was going to change about her, a girl from small time village who had finally made it out of the confines, got a good education, got a good understanding of city life and when she got the chance for post graduation in a metro, she just jumped in on the opportunity. Yet there was a part of her that did not want to leave the town, a part of her that had got comfortable with her small town. It was going to be difficult to trust new people, there were going to be students from around the country and it would be difficult to know whom to trust and whom to avoid. She was going to miss the few who had dared toaccept her the way she was, accept her with all her goods and bads. Lopa had her list of secrets, few good, few bad and few dirty and the few who knew it had kept it that way. It was going to be difficult finding such people.

The lightning struck again, the whole sky lit up in a brilliant flash, far to the edge of where Lopa could see. The thunder followed, louder than before, pulling her out of her sweet reverie. Lopa pulled the warm blanket over her, her little frame sliding under the warm comfort. She fixed her gaze out of the window; the curtain had dislodged enough to provide a good view every time the lightning struck. She was not going to get any more sleep, an hour and a half more and she would be out of the bed getting ready for the day. As she fixed her gaze to the familiar mountains at the horizon, her thoughts drifted to the last three years of graduation, to the day she had decided to finally open her legs and give up her virginity rather than protect it for some stupid guy her parents would insist for her. Her thoughts dwelled upon the first time she had unzipped a pant and slipped her hands into the opening to grab manhood. She remembered how she had felt that day, her small hands comfortably holding a manhood which was fast expanding under her grip. Lopa cringed thinking about that. Shedrifted to the first time her boy friend had caressed her breasts, lifted her t-shirt and cupped her breasts through her bra. She still remembered how he had squeezed her firm breasts and how his hands slid down her skirt. The relation with her first boyfriend never went more than that, they had never seen each other naked, never slept and all they had done was a little bit of touching and fondling. That was it. Lopa pulled up a pillow and stuffed it behind her head,raising her head which gave her a better view through the window. She lay for a few minutes looking out, the ghostly trees swaying to the winds, the lightning played along and the thunder completing nature’s orchestra.

How were things going to unfold in the new city? It was a metro so she was sure there was going to nightlife; the trouble was getting into the right crowd and getting along with the right kind of people. It was easy for her in her city,it was small town and she knew whom to trust and believe. Lopa had no acquaintance in the new metro, big and huge; all she knew was stories about how women had gone from good girls to bad girls and how they had destroyed. Rumours about how a few of them had ended up being heroines of MMS scandals. That was the side she heard quite often. Lopa rested again, reached for her mobile phone again, it was about 4:30, it was almost an hour since she woke up. Lopa let exhaled deeply, it had been a tough last few days and it was all going to end today, all her anxiety, all her excitement everything.

She fixed her gaze on a swaying tree, focused at it as she cringed under the blanket. Her wandering mind dwelling upon the fears of the months ahead, Lopa knew it was not going to be easy.

“It never is.” She told herself.

It was very difficult to build a relation, let a few people onto her bed, share moments of mutual pleasure, it was very difficult to let men onto her secrets. Her first boy friend had spread the word that she was a ‘trash’, until one day when she confronted him and almost slapped him in front of the entire class. It had already done bad to her life, those miss calls and sleazy text messages, she had to change the number occasionally to get herself away from the crap. It was true men never grew up.Lopa had decided to move on, change the things around her after suppressing her desires for a few months, she finally decided to find a more mature and suitable outlet. The blessing came in the guise of her cousin’s husband. They had been married for a few years and with time she was putting on weight like a pig, she was pretty and now she was just a lump of mass, bulky. It was no wonder the husband was looking out for options, sad tale of an Indian family.

“Border line incest”, she had told herself after the first few times they had, had sex, it was the first of many things, her first hand job, her first blowjob, her first sex, a lot of other firsts. Yet something in behind her back told her that it was risky, inviting a lot of trouble. When she said it to her new paramour, he too expressed the same thing.

“Risky as it can be, worse it was in the family.” He had told her.

It was mutual when they decided to move apart, let bygones be bygones, the few times had been brilliant and there was a lot of love and lust. She would never forget it, it had been a lovely few times, her first.

Lopa closed her eyes; her fingers slipped down and unfastened the strings of her pajama. Her thoughts drifted on to the few precious times she had slept with her cousins husband. How he had held her gently and how he had probed her vagina like he cared for it. Lopa’s fingers caressed the soft mound of her pubic hair, caressing it gently as she drifted from one memory to another. Her breathing became hard and she exhaled loud and deep. Her fingernails gently dug into the soft flesh between her legs, the pleasure was immediate.

“I am horny.” She told herself.

Nestled in under the warm blanket she slipped from one thought to another, anxiety, apprehension and curiosity, but above all the thoughts of her raunchy past made her hornier than before. The feeling of pleasure began to creep through her warm body as she heaved a sigh of relief. Her breath was longer, deeper and louder.

She closed her eyes trying to relive the events of her sexual past.

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College of Scandals --- N D - by ddey333 - 01-11-2022, 04:59 PM
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