Incest adventures in incest---- BY COTRRAJA
I signalled kavya to get the mirror, when she got it, again i showed the reflection of her bum hole to aunty. Aunty's mouth opened wide, she had not realised that reddy was completely buried in her no more virgin bum hole. She hit me and said you cheated, you are a cheater. I said what did i cheat with you, whether one inch goes inside or full what difference it makes, you lost virginity at this age, if you had opened in younger days, then this hole would have desired more pricks than your pussy. She then asked me what are you waiting for, go ahead. I slowly moved reddy in and pushed back gently, her thin wall between her bum hole and her pussy was getting rubbed with every movememnt of reddy and loud moans started escaping her mouth. I think i rubbed her g spot. Her pussy started flowing, she wanted me to increase the speed, i told her, if i increase the speed then you will have to go to hospital, your skin inside is very soft, if anything rough happens then it will tear and you will have be admitted for surgery. She looked at me and said, you are really loving guy, nobody cares for women after they get the holes, her eyes were wet again. I patted her cheeks and moved reddy in and out for about 15 minutes. Pressure was building up in reddy, i asked her shall i put him back in your pussy darling.

She looked in questioning way, i said, i need release and your bum hole can't take his pressure, so asked. She just nodded her head, i removed reddy from her bum hole and kept him on her pussy lips and gave a gentle push, with her pussy walls already coated with multiple orgasms, reddy slid in sweetly till the end. I asked her how do you want it now dear, she said, however you wish dear. I slowly started moving reddy in and out of her hole, she lifted her legs and put it around my waist, she then pulled me closer to her lips and pulled my tongue from her lips and started getting her mouth fucked, i increased the pressure of reddy and after about 15 minutes or so, we both climaxed, she had bit my tongue and it hurt a little. with the bite i rolled next to her, i forgot that we were on sofa and i fell down. All the girls laughed at me. When i got up, i saw that sofa was fully coated with our juices, her pussy was overflowing with her pussy nector mixed with my cum. Aunty pulled me near and cleaned reddy with her mouth. I asked kavya where the bathroom was, she came along and cleaned reddy with soap and water. We came out and i wore jeans back and cut the call on cell and then sat on sofa. Kavya went to kitchen to prepare tea. It was nearly 8 now.

Kavya's younger sister came near and said thanks shyly. I asked her did you like it? her mother interrupted and said, not all guys will be able to do for such long time. She nodded her head and shyly said yes. I pushed my hand forward and said friends? She pushed it aside and came and sat on my lap. All of us surprised at her movement. I told her i promised your mom that i will not touch you. I don't want to break promises, so please sit next to me if you want, not here and added please. She understood and sat next to me. Her mother who was still nude completely with her pussy dripping juices still, got up and sat next to her and said, you still have a long way to go. If you want you will get your chance, but dear daughter, you are still not matured and your pussy is still not ready for such powerful dick and laughed a little and continued, once you attain the necessary age, you will have lot of guys to hangout with, but please choose wisely. The younger one then asked can i atleast kiss him, i want my first kiss from someone who knows how to love and care. Her mother asked how do you know he loves and cares? she replied, when you wanted more pressure at your backside, he did not hurt you, but still gave you lot of pleasure, that's why i want such a man in my life.

Kavya interrupted in between and said, he is already married. both aunty and her daughter were surprised with the words. Aunty asked me really? i just nodded my head, i jokingly said, otherwise i would have married kavya only, her sister interrupted and said, not her me. Even now i am ready, i am ready for you to make a chinna veedu(second home for second wife). I hit her head and said, you will find a better person than me, sex is not everything, love is, and always marry someone who loves you, for they will do anything to keep you happy all your life. Her mother and kavya nodded in agreement. Then the younger sister asked me so yours was a love marriage anna? i said yes, it was love and as soon as i felt it was love, the next day we were married. They teased me saying picture loveaa in local dialect. i nodded my head in agreement and narrated the whole story to them. It was already 8:30 and i received another ring on my phone, i looked up and it was divya, she was worried that i was not home by 8. I promised her that i will be back before 9, bid bye urgently to kavya and her family and went to the door. Her mother put on nighty and came to bid bye to me. I turned back and looked at her and said can i ask you something aunty? she nodded her head, i said what is your name dear? she laughed and hit me on chest and said sundari.

Her younger daughter joined and said my name is andal. I said no you are not andal, you are parama sundari. All of us laughed. Sundari now asked will you come tomorrow also? i said no aunty, i have to be with family on saturday's and sunday so will try on weekdays only. Aunty's face became dull and she said, so we have to wait till next week for you. I just nodded my head in agreement and started the bike. Then said, please take permission from uncle by then. She said what for, there is nothing left for permission, all i have to do is inform him now. You also took my virginity and then say take permission. I just smiled and left. As soon as i reached my place and parked bike, i remembered the phone call from shamili. I messaged her will call you tomorrow and added dear at the end. She instantly replied back, sure will wait after 3, hubby home till then. I replied ok love and then deleted all the message history and went inside home. Divya was very angry, i put my arms around her and kissed her neck and said sorry dear, got stuck with friends. She said, i tried to call your number and it was busy for more than half an hour. I said, yes dear, i was speaking to a friend of mine in chennai who is also doing the same work as i am doing, so was taking tips from him.

I had learnt the art of lying like all husbands in less than two weeks of marriage. She looked at my eyes and they were pretty much the same so she believed. We had dinner and then another session with divya and slept.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: adventures in incest---- BY COTRRAJA - by sarit11 - 28-05-2019, 07:24 PM

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